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Object A person or thing (or

people or things)
It refers to the person, think affected by affected by the action
the action. of the verb.

Very often the

 It´s a noun phrase or pronoun. predicate contains an
 A noun Clause object (see 1). The
 A prepositional phrase object of a sentence is
the part of a sentence
that is acted upon or is
affected by the verb. It
usually follows the
In the sentence Take the dog for a walk, the verb to which it
dog is the direct object. The indirect object relates. There are two
usually refers to a person (or people) who possible forms of
receive(s) the direct object. In the sentence object in a sentence or
Anna gave me a watch, the indirect object is clause—a direct object
me, and the direct object is a watch. See also or an indirect object.
Object: in the sentence He was wearing a
sweater, the noun phrase a sweater is the
object. The object usually comes after the verb.
See also indirect object, prepositional object.
Everyone likes her. She
knows everyone.
They didn’t take their mountain
An object is one of the five major elements of clause
structure. The other four are subject, verb, adjunct and bikes with them.
complement. A:
Objects are typically noun phrases (a noun or pronoun Have you seen the car keys?
and any dependent words before or after it). Objects
normally follow the verb in a clause: B:
Yes I had them earlier.

There are direct objects and indirect objects. 

Direct object 

the thing or person that is affected by the action of the verb.

Indirect object

 usually a person (or animal) who receives (beficiates from the action or the direct
object)a direct object:

They gave her a present when she left.

Can you get me some butter?
Direct objects
A direct object shows who or what the action of the verb affects:
That computer hasn’t got a mouse.
Nobody writes letters these days.
Does she play tennis?

An object is one of the five major elements of clause

structure. The other four are subject, verb, adjunct and
Objects are typically noun phrases (a noun or pronoun
and any dependent words before or after it). Objects
normally follow the verb in a clause:

In English grammar, an object is a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun that is

affected by the action of a verb. Objects give our language detail and texture
by allowing the creation of complex sentences. Prepositions also have

Types of Objects
Objects can function three ways within a sentence. The first two are easy to
spot because they follow the verb:

1. Direct objects are the results of action. A subject does something,

and the product is the object itself. For example, consider this
sentence: "Marie wrote a poem." In this case, the noun "poem" follows
the transitive verb "wrote" and completes the meaning of the sentence.
2. Indirect objects receive or respond to the outcome of an action.
Consider this example: "Marie sent me an email." The pronoun
"me" comes after the verb "sent" and before the noun "email," which is
the direct object in this sentence. The indirect object always goes
before the direct object.
3. Objects of a preposition are nouns and pronouns in a phrase that
modifies the meaning of a verb. For instance: "Marie lives in a
dorm." In this sentence, the noun "dorm" follows the preposition "in."
Together, they form a prepositional phrase.
What is a English object?

 the one who receives the action.

 The object of a sentence is the part of a sentence that is acted upon or is affected by the
verb. It usually follows the verb to which it relates.
 The object usally refers to the person, think affected by the action of the verb.

What can the object of a sentence be?

The object of a sentence can be;
1. A noun phrase
2. A noun
3. A pronoun
4. Nominal clause/ noun clause

What is a direct object?

 The person or think that is directly affected by the action of the verb
 refers to the person or thing that is directly affected by the action described by the verb.
 The think being acted on by the verb.
 Direct objects are the results of action.
 identify what or who receives the action of a transitive verb in a clause or sentence.

What is a indirect object?

 receive or respond to the outcome of an action.

 The indirect object always goes before the direct object.
 Nouns and pronouns also function as indirect objects. These objects are the beneficiaries
or recipients of the action in a sentence.
 Indirect objects answer the questions "to/for whom" and "to/for what."
 The indirect object usually refers to a person (or people) who receive(s) the direct object.

What is a object of a preposition?

 A noun or pronoun following a preposition.

What does it do?

 it answers the questions what? or whom?

How do we use it?

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