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Which type of documents, available in iQMS Wiki, define the various lifecycle models covering

the phases, associated activities, their relationships and relevant work products?

 Quality Policy
 Project Plan
 Process Handbooks
 Procedures Manual

You have written a Java code and you would like to review it yourself once for correctness.

Which of the following will help you in carrying out this review?

 Java Coding Standards

You want to use Kanban for effectively managing the flow of work in your project. Which of the

following will help you in implementing Kanban?

 Project Planning Guidelines

 Project Procedures Manual
 Impediment Register
 Agile and DevOps Practices Guide

How will a Project Start-Up (PSU) meeting benefit you as a Project Manager?

1. PSU meeting will help in the early identification of risks and risk mitigation plans.

2. The PSU meeting will ensure stakeholders commitment by understanding the project scope,

objective and their respective roles and responsibilities.

3. The meeting will enable to seek help from the Unit Knowledge Champion (KC) and the

Delivery Assurance Facilitator (DAF) to identify similar projects that could share knowledge

and best practices for adoption.

4. PSU meeting will help me identify my project activities.

 1, 2 and 3
In a large project, associates are joining the project on a regular basis. The Project Manager

spends a lot of time in explaining the project processes to the new joinees. This effort can be

saved by:

 Preparing an Induction Manual

What does the project plan cover?

(Select all that apply.)

 a. Objectives and Scope

 b. Product Vision
 c. Stakeholder Management Plan
 d. Operational Process
 e. Risk Management Plan

What are considered when deriving operational process of the project?

 Project Type
 Methodology of Execution

During the course of the project, there is a change in the scope. How will it impact your project


 Any change in scope should be reviewed for impact on the project plan.

Monitoring and reporting of a project is done during

 Project Initiation
 Project Execution
 Project Closure
 All the above

What should Ms. A do to identify possible risks?

a. Seek inputs from technology SMEs and management reviewers
b. Do nothing, as risks are a part of any project activity that is to be
managed by a manager
c. Look for risks in the Risk Repository and contract document
a and c
Who do you think should be involved in identifying the risks in Ms. A’s project?

 Project Manager
 Delivery Head
 Customer
 Team Members
 Stakeholders and SMEs
 All of the above

Using the RE table provided, how will you prioritize the handling of the risks:

 Risk 1 before Risk 2

If your response to a risk is “Reduce”, ______________ plan is mandatory for that risk.

 Both Mitigation and Contingency

If your response to a risk is “Accept”, _______________ plan is mandatory for that risk.

 Contingency

What mechanism can you use to reduce the risk of “spending more effort on reviews”?

(Select all that apply.)

 Automated code review

 Prepare a review checklist
 Pair programming

What mechanisms can you use for reducing risks in your project?

 Tools and automation

 Spikes or rapid prototypes
 Risk burn down chart for assessing risks and taking early actions

One of the assumptions not stated in the scenario above is:

 Availability of skilled staff at TCS’ offshore location
One of the key risks that can be identified is:

 Shortage of skilled staff at TCS’s offshore location

Can you identify the probability of occurrence for the events given below.

(1) Awareness on Transition methodology among customer’s team members

(2) Timely availability of skilled staff at TCS’s offshore location

(3) Timelines for setting up the communication link

 (
 (1) Medium (2) High (3) Low

A defect can be described as:

(Select all that apply)

 Requirement not met

 Error in code
 Performance issue
 Design issue

Sam and Lara are part of a Project team. Lara has reviewed Sam's code

and discovered 10 defects. What is this review called and what should

be Lara's course of action?

 IQA. Log the defects in a tool specified by customer/TCS

Peter and John are members in a development team and they develop

a code by working together. No other peer review is required for this

code. What type of review is this?

 IQA, Pair Programming

System Testing covers both the functional and non-functional testing. Is this statement

In an application operations project, the team received 120 incidents to be closed in the month.

They closed 100 incidents during the month, out of which 8 incidents were not closed within the

SLA. What would be the value of ‘SLA Compliance’ metric for the month?

 92%

A project made 10 deliveries to the customer and 2 of these deliveries had severity 1 and 2

defects. What would be the value of ‘Defect Free Delivery’ metric for this project?

 80%

In an Agile Project, a customer has asked to report the amount of work

remaining to be done in the project on a daily basis. Which of the below
measures or charts can be used for this?
Burn Down Chart

A Project has ‘Defect Free Delivery’ metric in Green, ‘Schedule Slippage’

metric and ‘On Time Delivery’ metric in Red and ‘Effort Slippage’ metric
in Amber. Causal Analysis is mandatory for which of the below metrics?
Schedule Slippage, On Time Delivery, Effort Slippage

You are the Project Manager of a development project. You are looking for a suitable Prediction

model that will help you predict the delivery quality and enable you to monitor and manage

phase-wise defect containment. Which model will you choose?

 Defect Prediction Model

You have drawn up a schedule for your project and want to assess the risks. Which model will

you chose?

 Schedule Analyzer Model

The customer has raised a high severity incident and assigned it to the support team. An

immediate work around was provided to restore the services. What is this type of action called?

 Remedial

Corrective action is to eliminate the root cause(s) of a problem, so that the problem does not


 True

Preventive action is proactive action taken to prevent occurrence of a potential problem.

 True

Causal Analysis and Resolution helps to:

 Identify what the problem is

 Identify why the problem occurred
 Fix the problem
 All of the above

Identify the root cause analysis (RCA) technique which:

1. Helps to peel away the layers of symptoms and surface level causes
that lead to the root cause of the problem
2. Follows an iterative question asking method and
3. Is one of the simplest RCA techniques used

5 Why

Brainstorming is a process for generating several ideas in a short period of time.

 Yes
Fish Bone diagram is also called:
a. Ishikawa Diagram
b. Cause and effect diagram

Configuration Management is optional for a project if the team size is

small and they can coordinate with each other for their work. Is this


Which among the following could be the configurable items in your project?

a. Design Specification

b. Source code

c. Minutes of meeting with customer

d. Test plans

 a, b and d

Why should you baseline a software?

a. For standardizing operations
b. For measuring team output
c. For keeping backup of files currently under development
d. For maintaining software integrity as it evolves through changes
e. For retrieving reviewed and tested files to compare or recreate an


Why is a Traceability Matrix needed in a software project?

a. To analyze the impact of change requests
b. To track the status of the project
c. To record the dependencies across modules

You are developing version 1.6 of a Software Product and version 1.5 was
released to Production six months ago. In your project, all versions which
are released to production are baselined with source code, executables,
configuration information of hardware and software, build and
deployment scripts. A bug is reported on version 1.5. You develop the
patch and now need to test that in a test environment for version 1.5.
Is it possible to reproduce the test environment of version 1.5?


Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) should be obtained only once in six

months in the project life cycle. Is this statement True or False?

Your Customer Manager has changed since the last CSS survey. Which of
the following actions would you take?
a. Send the survey directly to the customer manager
b. Educate your new customer manager on the CSS process before you
send the survey
c. Share the actions taken on the previous feedback with your customer


CSI for your project is 100%. The customer has mentioned few
improvement areas for your project. Is a causal analysis required?
What is the frequency of collecting Customer appreciation and
As and when received

PI Project is same as Delivery Project

Performance Improvement may result in one or more of these:
 Faster delivery
 Better quality
 Revenue growth
 All of the above

A PI Project can be of the following type:

 TCS Internal
 Customer-centric
 Both of the above

1. Your project is nearing closure. What will you do with the project data that you have?

a. Erase all project data available with you

b. Retain project data as per the contractual requirements

c. Return customer provided data


How do you contribute to organization’s knowledge on project closure?

 Share lessons learnt and best practices

Causal analysis technique which does not include any data segmentation or usage of any statistical
concept is:
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Scatter Diagram

Pareto Analysis

5 Why Analysis

Your project has received a low Customer rating for the attribute 'Proactive Improvement' in the
Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS). Subsequently,
A) You execute an improvement project for the Testing process in your project.
B) You execute an improvement project in which the Customer saving was $5000.
Which PI project should you share with your Customer proactively?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A and B

Which of the following is the main reason for establishing a baseline in your project?

For later comparison

Which among the following feedback is considered best for TCS?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

CSI = 95%, TCS Rank = Second, Recommendation Rating = Probably Yes

CSI = 95%, TCS Rank = First, Recommendation Rating = Probably Yes

CSI = 95%, TCS Rank = Second, Recommendation Rating = Definitely Yes

CSI = 95%, TCS Rank = First, Recommendation Rating = Definitely Yes

Application should be able to handle 1000 concurrent users." This type of non-functional
specification is typically written in which of the following?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


Requirement Specification

Change Request

The project you are managing is on a tight schedule. The Customer has an urgent business
requirement to compress the schedule and complete the project in advance by a week and has
asked you to check on the possibility and revert. How will you evaluate the request and respond?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Use the Cost Optimizer model to (i) Check if the required compression is feasible (ii) Check the
optimum path of compression that may result in the least increase in cost. Commit to the Customer
based on the model outcome.

Unit testing is a __________testing, while System testing is a __________testing.

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

White-box, Black-box

You want to measure the effectiveness of TCS Review and Testing process prior to delivery. Which
of the following metrics will you use for this purpose?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

% Total Defect Containment Effectiveness

A Customer has asked for data on the percentage of deliveries made without any Severity 1 and 2
defects for projects executed during the last year. Which of the following metrics you will use to get
this information?
% Defect Free Deliveries

Use of document / coding standards is a part of 'Defect Prevention'.

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Which tool enables the deployment of Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS)?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.





All of the above

In a large development team, the developers can choose to work on their own specific version of the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Is this statement True or False?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


% Defect Free Deliveries

During Project Startup (PSU) meeting the team has identified 15 risks for the project and entered
them in the risk register. As a next step, how would you prioritise these risks?

Based on Exposure and then by Loss of individual risk

What is the right time to deploy the Defect Prediction model for a Development project?
At the start of the project

Your project will be due for Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) feedback in two weeks from now.
However, there are three months left for half year closure. You will:

Plan for a discussion with your Customer to share the project's achievements and then initiate CSS
to ensure it is received by due date

Procedures Manual covers:

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

How to do?

There are several steps in Risk Management and one of them is risk response planning for the
threats or risks that could negatively impact your project should they occur. You would like to mitigate
a risk that you have already identified in your project. Therefore during risk response planning you
need to have ------------
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Both Mitigation and Contingency plans

Which of the following is true?

Regression testing should be performed:
a) Every week
b) After the software has changed
c) As often as possible
d) When the environment has changed
e) When the project manager asks

b and d are true,a, c and e are false

In the ETVX model, 'X' is often equivalent to:

EXIT criteria

Monitoring helps in ensuring that the tasks are :

A. in scope
B. on time
C. with in budget
Means, it ensures the project meets its objective.


Tool used to track Improvement initiatives in TCS is:


What are the different ways to induct a new team member in a project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Distributing the Induction Manual for study

Organising project meetings and team briefings to discuss project issues and clarify doubts.

Identifying the training needs and organising the training

Effort spent on root cause analysis and defect prevention activities in a project is linked to:
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Prevention Cost

What is the frequency of collecting Customer appreciation and complaints?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

As and when received

A defect can be described as:

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Requirement not met

Error in code

Performance issue

All the above
You are managing a Development project. High number of defects identified during System Testing
is your concern.
What is the most logical sequence of steps to be followed to systematically analyse the situation?
1. Identify possible causes for each factor, through brainstorming
2. Drill down to root causes for causes to be controlled using 5 Whys
3. Clearly define the situation/problem to be analysed
4. Identify / Prioritise the causes to be controlled
5. Work out action plan to address controllable root causes
6. Identify the factors contributing to the problem situation
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 5

After delivering the software to your Customer, the Customer has reported few defects. You have
been asked by your supervisor to analyse the defects, find out the top three causes for the defects
and take necessary actions. Which technique will you use?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Pareto Analysis

Monitoring means being aware of the status. Monitoring involves comparing actual performance with
planned performance and taking corrective action (controlling) to yield the desired outcome. Is this
statement True or False?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


The program is working as per the stated requirements. However the developer has not followed the
coding standards applicable for that Technology. What will be the next step that you will take?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Clean up the code by following the coding standards

Identify the metric:

Total number of defects found per deliverable.

Defect Density

At the beginning of your project you have identified a risk that could negatively impact the project,
should it occur. However during risk response planning you discover that the risk cannot be
mitigated by the project team because it is in the control of a third party. Such risk in the project
should be ------ .


Guidelines, forms, checklists, standards are:

Enablers / Aids / Help

Which of the following is / are reason(s) to perform the size count at the completion of a project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

To use the measured data for productivity baselining

To compare the size of what was delivered to the user versus what was expected

To identify scope creep across phases

All of the above

You are the Project Manager of a large Production Support project. Initially, the team had to struggle
with fixing a large number of incidents. The situation got better over a period of time, with the
application stabilizing and the number of incidents steadily coming down. In a recent review with the
Customer, the Customer appreciated your team for doing a good job and has asked if you could
project the expected incident volume for the next two quarters so that a possible resizing of the
support team can be looked at. What options will you consider?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Use a statistical model like MUSA Incident Arrival Rate Prediction model to predict the future
incident arrival rate and decide on resizing the team based on the predicted volume.

While executing the project you have identified a new risk that was not available in the risk register
maintained for your project. Among the following, what is the first action you should take?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Capture the risk in the risk register

You have prepared the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document. Which of the following
needs to be carried out before the SRS can be delivered to the client?
A. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)
B. External Quality Assurance (EQA)
C. User Acceptance testing (UAT)
D. Final Inspection (FI)
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A, B and D

What all needs to be estimated for a project during the start-up?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.




iQMS includes:
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


Process Handbooks

Procedures Manuals




. Which of the following contributes to Code Quality?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Proper naming of Classes, Methods and Variables

Right indentation of Code

Small Classes and Methods

All of the above

Bad Fix refers to:

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

An old fix which causes a new defect later on

In which of the following scenarios should you place a work product created in your project under
configuration management?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

When the work product is ready for testing

In any stage of project life-cycle

Depending on the degree of control desired for the work product

Stakeholder requirements

All of the above

Which of the following parameters cannot be estimated?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Actual Effort

Match the following:

A. PDCA 1. Waste Reduction
B. Six Sigma 2. Reduce variation
C. Lean 3. Plan-Do-Check-Act
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A-3, B-2, C-1

TCS standardised processes are defined in:

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS)

Match the following

A. Unit Testing is performed 1. To test if various programs making up the system are compatible
B. Integration Testing is performed 2. To test whether the system meets the User Requirements
C. System Testing is performed 3. To ensure that the system meets its stated objectives
D. Acceptance Testing is performed 4. To test a unit of code
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A–4, B–1, C–3, D–2

Which tool helps in identifying the top 20% of the causes creating 80% of the problems?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Pareto Analysis

Which of the following contributes to Code Quality?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Proper naming of Classes, Methods and Variables

Right indentation of Code

Small Classes and Methods

All of the above
A good quality code:
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Complies with coding standards

Meets design specifications

All of the above

The Configuration Management is an optional approach for a project to help out with the
documentation. Is this statement True or False?


At the beginning of the project, you have identified the risks in your project and entered them in the
risk register. You also need to identify the area of impact, should the risk materialise. What are the
four typical areas of impact that you will capture in the risk register for the risks already identified for
your project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Cost, Schedule, Quality and Information Security

Process Handbook covers:


What to do?
You have recently joined a project as a team member. Which document will help you to get an
overview of the account / project, domain, business and project activities that need to be performed?

Induction Manual

Your Customer Manager has changed since last Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) and this time
you are going to initiate CSS with the new manager. You should:

B and c

Your project has got complaints from the Customer for a few severity 1 defects in the recent delivery.
What will be the sequence of steps for addressing the complaint?
1. Immediately acknowledge the complaint
2. Analyse the root cause of the complaint
3. Inform your supervisor
4. Resolve the complaint
5. Record Customer complaint in IPMS
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit

1, 3, 5, 4, 2\

You are the Project Manager (PM) of a large Development project. The project is about to be started.
You want to predict and closely track the Cost of Quality (CoQ) and Cost of Rework (CoR) to
optimise CoQ and minimise CoR. What model will you leverage for this?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

CoQ model
Identify the metric:
Difference between Actual Size and the Estimated Size of the project in the beginning of the project.
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Size Variation

Which is the primary document to be referred by a Team Member (TM) to know the scope, activities
and environment procedures to be followed in the project?

Induction Manual

In your project, you have come up with a list of identified risks, potential responses and root causes
of risks. Which of the following must you use to document this information?

Risk Register

Why do you think you should log defects that will be fixed anyway?

For identifying the root cause and fixing the same to prevent the recurrence of identified

For your own learning to use it as a best practice and for post-facto analysis for the right

For budgeting the effort required for rework and arriving at the Cost of Quality for your

For sharing the learnings from these defects with other team members and other projects.

For predicting the number of defects that may be residual in the Application / Solution.

You are building a new product and Dave, your manager asks you to build a prototype first, show it
to some users, get feedback and then proceed further. What risk response strategy is Dave
recommending to you?

There are several processes in risk management and one of them is risk response planning. This
involves _____.

Developing options and assigning individual responsibility

You have received a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 95% from your Customer Manager. The
same manager had given a CSI of 100% last time. Since the current CSI is very good, there is no
need to analyse and take any action now.


You have received the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for your project from the Customer.
Which among the following conditions would you perform the Causal analysis of Customer feedback:
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

If the Customer has rated at least one attribute as ‘Neither Agree nor Disagree' or ‘Disagree’
or ‘Strongly Disagree’

Static Code Analysis can help us in gauging the functional code quality. Is this statement True or


Which of the following items in your project may not be placed under Configuration Control?

Weekly Status report

Feedback from the Customer through Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) form is usually taken
once in a half year. Is this statement True or False?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


Your Customer has given a requirement to make an enhancement to the production system being
supported by your team. Before going ahead with the deployment of this change, the Customer asks
you to predict the risk of application failure on introducing this change. The characteristics of the
change such as technology, complexity, functional area, competency of developers working on the
change, and so on, are known. You also have good amount of past data of such changes
introduced. Which prediction model would you employ to predict the risk of introducing this change?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Bayesian Classifier Model

PDCA stands for

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


In a large development team, how often should the developer synchronise the local code with that in
the version control system?

When they are finished with their testing and are ready to integrate their code with others

A process ...?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Is the work you do

Can be broken down into steps.

Consists of connected steps that lead to predictable results.

All of the above

Size, Effort and Defect are the fundamental metrics from which all the other metrics evolve. Is this
statement True or False?


Which of the following is / are non-functional requirement types of testing?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Performance Testing

Security Testing

Which of the following describes why Traceability Matrix is needed in a software project?
A. Analyse impact of change requests
B. Track the status of the project
C. Record the dependencies across module

A and C

End timelines for the Development projects is measured for:

End Date Variance

The Project XYZ has been receiving CSI above 90%, consistently for past three half years. Project
Manager (PM) needs to perform analysis of this performance.


Performance Improvement techniques define “Value” from the perspective of?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


An associate has joined as a Developer in a project being executed using the Agile methodology.
Where can this associate find the different phases of the Agile Project?

Agile Process Handbook in iQMS Wiki

Agile Process Handbook in iQMS Wiki

You are managing a large Testing project where in one of the release cycles, a high number of
defects were rejected by one of the project teams as "Invalid Defects".
You called for a meeting with the selected team members to seek their inputs on high percentage of
"Invalid Defects" and perform further analysis. Which causal analysis technique is being used here?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


The recommended size and productivity units for Development projects are respectively:

FP and FP / PH

Match the following:

A. Guidelines 1. TM Handover checklist
B. Standards 2. Planning guidelines
C. Checklist 3. Java, .Net standards
D. Template 4. Defect Log template

A- 2, B-3, C-1 and D-4

A- 2, B-3, C-1 and D-4

Which of the following statements may be generally accepted to be true about Agile Software
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Changes in requirements are welcome even late in the Development cycle.

Working software takes precedence over documentation, which is maintained at a minimal

Individuals and interactions are given more importance besides following Processes and

All of the above

Deliverables by TCS are:

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.



What model could be used by an Agile Development project to predict the completion possibility of
the stories planned for a sprint?

Agile Sprint Planner model

Agile Sprint Planner model

You are about to start testing of a new module. Which of the following documents can help you to
easily trace and get a visibility, so that no requirement or dependent module is missed while testing?

Traceablity matrix

Coding activity in Software Development may be treated as a ______________ activity.

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Value Added

Which of the following are the possible items for reuse?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Standards, Guidelines, Checklists


Tools and Techniques

All of the above

Coding Standards and Guidelines, Code Review Checklist, Design Templates should be used in all
projects. Is this statement True or False?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


Which among the following could be the configurable item in your project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Design Specification

Source code

MoM of a meeting with Customer

Test plans

Requirements Document

User Manual

“To make TCS reliable, resilient and immune to the existing and evolving volatile environment of
constant changes, accidents, attacks and failures, so as to enable all our stakeholders Experience
Certainty”, this statement is:
Security Policy

A Customer requested the ABC Company to determine the size of work. The size of work should be
represented in which of the following units?

Function point

Accept, Transfer, Avoid are valid responses to negative risks or threats in your project during risk
response planning. Such responses do not need any mitigation plans.
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


You will consider defects found in the products and deliverables as Customer complaints.
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.


The first step in Risk Management is to identify the risks in your project. The contract of your project
has been signed off by the Customer and has been sent to you. Which section of the contract would
be the most relevant to identify the potential risk in your project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints

You are trying to compute the productivity of your project. If the delivery rate is 10 PH / FP, what is
the productivity for your project?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

0.1 FP / PH

1.1 FP / PH

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