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Explore the importance of Sufism to spread out Islam.Is the

amelioration of current deviation possible through Sufism?


Sufism in muslim literature is one the major themes to spread

out Islam and blend society in it. There have been many orders
of sufism across the history of literature. And there in across
the history this sufism has also assumed variety of intellectual
depths. As some sufism intended to spread Islam with great
proprtion of Islamic teachings, while some of this sufism
described only the "Adaab" of "Elmiyyath" through the history
of literature.


1) Sufism describes some basic Natural and Devine Phenomena

to spread Islam. Like Soul/Spirit, , Knowledge, Prestige,
Personality, Humanism, Social Values, Ethics, Morals, and.
Islamic Mores etc.

2) Sufism describes Super-Natural Concepts also. Like Destiny,

God, Time, and Heaven plus Hells. According to Destiny which is
the copy of what you think, say and/or act. God has "Noorani
Existence" & is spiritual being according to the Holy Qur'an as
well. Time Is the existence of something possible including God
Himself, and a human being like other organisms as well.
Whereas Heaven is a reward for th right things in our life, while
Hell is the place of punishment for evil deeds/vices/sins.

3) Sufism gives hope to the people who are against the hopeful
living of their life in today"s world because of their problematic
lifestyles and distance from Islam. People are less tolerant to
such problems, who mostly can not live anymore and commit
suicides to find final deadly solution to their problematic
lifestyles. While the gift of Sufism in today's world makes them
positive minded, realizes to them the importance of living their
life hopefully, and gives them inner peace(the state of harmony
of heart and brain). Which they can enjoy instead of
committing suicides. And start loving to live their life from its
supposed finishing terminal again. Where this is a prime
message of Islam to humanity to focus on the side of
possibilities and hopes in life to see good things happening in
their life.* And it is that sufism which helps them survive and
get fit in the race of today's life.

4) Sufism from different corners of the Islamic World clearly

signifies the different stages of life. Especially this World and
the Hereafter. And teaches Islamically the importance of
lifetime to the world - altering the beliefs of the global
humanity and prepares them for the accountability in Akhirath.


1) Sufism attempts to eradicate social evils, publicize social

values,* purifies the society, and enhances social conditions.
This way sufism ameliorates social deviations.

2) Sufism encourages the band of muslim writers to have an

improving approach towards the society. This helps filtrate the
culprits in society, criticises them, makes them correct,
encourages them to right doings, focuses on the importance of
knowledge - peace - fairness - and harmony, and helps stand
the society on firm basis of social blessings - ameliorating the
current deviations in society.

3) Sufism promotes awareness about the celestial blessings for

humanity. This sufism is one of the actual sources that
promotes Spirituality among humanity, makes the people
aware of Divinity, and strengthens the Spiritual ties of humanity
with the Divine Being (God).

4) Sufism in modern day life motivates the Islamic scholars,

Ulemas, and missionaries to work for the global betterment,
and advancing the mores of Islamic culture. Which inspires
them to resist the western cultural naked values on the other
hand also - ameliorating the current deviations in societies.

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