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Life's Little Luxuries

Life is beautiful but not always easy. It has problems too, and the challenge lies in facing them
with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a painkiller, making the pain bearable during trying
times by providing hope.
Happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat, day and night are just two sides of the coin. Similarly,
life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success, and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat,
failures, and problems. There is no human being on Earth that is strong, powerful, wise, or rich
who has not experienced struggle, suffering, or failure. I sometimes catch myself thinking that
being an optimist is a harder way, but at the same time has much more benefits than the one of
pessimism. It is indeed much easier to always complain about everything and grumble that
there is nothing good left around us and everything is filled with disappointment and sorrow. In
order to find something positive in each and every aspect of life, it is necessary to apply certain
effort, analyze the situation and think of the ways you can benefit from it. Often, it requires much
effort, but it is totally worth it.
In fact, if you try to perceive our life as a bed of roses, you will be fascinated by the number of
opportunities that will open for you. Moreover, life will become so interesting and engaging that
you can even forget how to complain – there will be no need for it. Maybe it can seem too
idealistic a picture, but I believe that a hard and consistent work on your character and world
view in order to achieve such a mode of life helps very much. My friends who choose this way of
thinking say that the main thing here is to remember it is totally worth all the effort.
To sum up, life is beauteous just as roses, but it has challenges which are like thorns and have
to be faced and overcome by all. Those who accept these challenges and succeed are the ones
who know how to live life in its true sense. Thus, enjoy life but also be prepared to bear the
pricks of pain.
You are stronger than you think. You’ve survived all your challenges to this point… And you will
survive whatever is coming. But next time a struggle comes I don’t want you to curse the skies.
Know that it was sent for a reason and a lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be to
teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your spirit, there is a reason.
So don’t you give up, you have a purpose in this world. And you will only find it if you keep going
and keep growing. If you didn’t have failure, if you didn’t have struggles… if you didn’t have
disappointment, you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion. How could you?
Those qualities are made from your pain and struggle.

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