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ARGENIA ‘Amarican Railway Engine ring and Maintenanca-ot Way Assockato CHAPTER 8 CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS! Carrent unl revision of next edition FOREWORD Ps rovd Cnet Aches and Part 6, igi Frame deleted fom the malin 1975, Part Reintornd Conese Trestles was ltd rm iisaserved for TABLE OF CONTENTS Parisection Description age 1 Materials Tests and Construction Requirements ....scsesssssssusesseeeeere sua tt Gen 15 4 12 Gen a7 13 Aaseasia B18 14 Wane Siar 15. Reinforcement Bia 1S Concrete Admirer Stz0 17 Storage of Mater sia 13 ome Pee 19. Deals oflarcment ena | Lio Comeetedeintng e128 Lit Proportining en3t 1 Ming bas 19 Dosen Go sae NRTA Ametiean Rallay Engineering and Malntenanoa-ot Way Aesonaion Part 27 Concrete Slab Track — 1999 — ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: ‘SectiowAnicle Description Poge 27:1 Seope an ae : ee 8273, pe i Bars 2712 Notations Bars 21.2 Application and Definitions 7 3 5 B78 2121 Application Bars 2722 Delinitions Bars 27.8 General Conéiderations - coe 278 271 Introduction eI 3276 272 Vaading Conciions : Bar 274 Matorials 2741 Genera 2742 Subgrado IAB Stabilized Sablon 5 2044 Concrete Sab. 2745 Metal Reinforcement 27.5 Design + 215.1 Design Consideration 2752 Subgrade 2753 Subbune 2154 Cantina Here! Coneret BF88 Deninose 27.6 Constsuetion 5 ceed : 5 216.1 Subyrade fi 2762 Sublnine 216. Reinforvemont Ploeement 2764 Concrete Placement 2785 Curing 27.66 Construction ints 27.6.7 Ineallaion af Pasienor Inverts 2768 Insert Pull-Out Testing Concrete Structures and Foundations _———__——»”- SS x~ TABLE OF conTENTS ® ust oF Ficunes usr oF TABLES e272 i 'ARIEMA Manual for Railway Engineering Concrete Slab Track ‘SECTION 27.1 SCOPE AND NOTATIONS 27.1.1 SCOPE? ‘4 These spedtiations for design and ennstmetion of continuously reinforced eonerete slab trac system provide recormmencatinne Lo valltonds, rail transit systems, publi aenties, constants, contrac nnd ‘thar interested professionals ‘A‘ypiea continuously rvinforeedconerote lab treck sytem x shown in Figure 27-1 27.4.2 NOTATIONS WR = Continanus Welded Rat ERE ~ Continuously Reinforced Concrete k= Modulus of SubgradeReneton, pei (Mim K = Pastonor Vertical Spring Rate, thin (Nn) = ‘Pack Modulus, tyingin AP) ‘SECTION 27.2 APPLICATION AND DEFINITIONS 27.2.1 APPLICATION ‘8. Theconcrete gla track aalenn deserted hoinin is mutable or (1) Atvgrude guideway leet (2) iat or new exsbanaldite (@) Existing or new tans zi . , \ 5, ‘heespecetins state anima performance reguraments and re opie for both rae tig Sok spat op 1252 ko) op oer 15 yp kta ods ‘light rail transit, rail Lransil system), medium axle loads (commuter rail-eleetric or diesol system) and iety ene lose © Other types of eonerate sls which have been used ut are not addressed in these specications inch: (1) Cast in-Place Unrvintoreed or Conventionally Reiforced Jp co iy 2) Cost-ln-Place Post-Tonsioned fF ye (9) Precast Reintoreed fatal ARIEMA Manual for Railway Engineering, 273 Concrete Structures and Foundations -weisks yoe1, Geis 1210009 pacs0}u/ou AJsnonuueD “tLe eunBig crvoraan WALSAS NIVEL GV TS _FLFYINOI G3IAOANIFY ATISNONNTINOD cos aaa revis ANFABIYOINITS 12I™ mia \ BU ay “SSUSASHVEL \ \ [aw cos" oars os avis “aN00 Hote / Ta 190008 Assn iGo GS-00 © 0OFE i 'AREMA Manual for alway Engineering ears Concrete Slab Track 4) Precast Pretensioned 27.2.2 DEFINITIONS. "us fllowing terms ave dened fr gonetal ws in Pao 27 BROKEN RAL the hackureof a continu, welded sil which has boon divoctly fastened a Ube camerete ala. eh CROSS TIE - A transverse component of a track system whose functions are the eontrol of track gage snd tho transmitting ori lo allt CONVENTIONAL TRACK - wo rails seatod on te plates or pads fastened to tos embeded in a ballast layer CONCRETE SLAB TRACK SYSTEM - A continuously reinforced conerote (CRC) slab supported on a stabilized swe nnd cept subgrade, CONTINUOUS WELDED RAIL -Ronning ails that ac ase ontinaous structural elementos a vesult ‘of fll penetration welding and connection of individ aoetions of ral i leigh of 40 foot (122) oF longer DIRECT FIXATION FASTENING SYSTEM “A group of componente of tack structure whieh iret attaches the tail to the emerete a, FLEXURAL STRENGI ‘Phe maximiam resistance ta bending fs given eras socton, INSERT -A component ofthe fastening systom which is embeded inthe concrete slab. The ngert may bie installed by preset ing i in the formwork prior to placement of concrete, or inserting it in a hale flther died, sone ar fred in the slab, ar conerste has hardened LATERAL LOAD. (lol or component of load atthe gage side f te ral parallel othe transverse sais f the slab and porpendiutar tothe rele latees Toad ahall he asstmed to be opplied atthe eae otal LONGITUDINAL LOAD -& ld seting along the longitudinal axis ofa rail The longitudinal oa hall be assumed to be pied ul the base of rail MODULUS OF SUBGRADE REACTION (h,) The modulus of subgrade retin (also ssp ‘constant or eoofiinn a subgrade setion) is expres me = gly with units foreleg, pei (Nim) ‘whore = intensity contact presaure, pa Pa) 9 = sil deirmation, i tna "The modulus of subj reuetion canbe obtained by performing a plate load test (ASTM 1196) and ploting a curve af q versus PRESTRESSED CONCREE THE -A Go uttizing procompressed eonerite pnd prestroasing tendons, RAIL SEAT. The aos af the sah susface on which the ral ast AREMA Manual for Railway Enginesting, ears Gonerete Structures and Foundations ‘TRACK MODULUS (u)- is dtowd a ve Yo Tinie where, Py = Dynatnie whet lod, th oN) B= Modulus of latisity of rai tec, psi (MP) 1 = Moment uf nora of Roi Soetin, i! (nna) Yq = Maxinuin rail dafletion under single wheel od, in (ma)? VERTICAL LOAD «A load ora component of a ond at right angles to Hine joining the to opposite ral sets,and normal to tho longa sxe of the ri. ‘SECTION 27.3 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. [27.3.1 INTRODUCTION? 1 Insupporting and guiding railray slling stock, the track strutare shall badequate to sustain repeated Jongitudinal,vortical and lateral Fores. Hence, inthe design of couerete slab track system, the ‘cmerete sla shall be considera interconnected with ater components of the track strqezare, 1. tems to consider in the design ofthe conevete slab brack system are 1) The concrete slab, rll fatlenors subhase and subgrade, 2) Tho quality ofeach compan, method of manufacture, installation and maintenance, () The direction, mogpite nd frequency of ani induced loa the effet ot environmental factors such as temperate and sealer (4) The need to adequately support and safely guide railway flting stack while sustaining repented lonitinal, vrtial and Iter noes (8) Overall economies of installation and maintonsnen, 27.8.2 LOADING CONDITIONS Load Distibution 14, Aproperty designed concrete sll trek systom shall distribute the oad uniformly through a iyered system of theo distinet materia: compacted subgrade low aif ners), stabilized subiaes (ined stead eeinfored conervte slab (high sine, [foe e276 [ARENA Manus f6r Railway Engineering Concrete Stab Track 278.2.2 Ral, Lateral and Longitudinal Loads Ral ater nnn loads sale mult in ARMA Mal Caper 9, Pat 1, {nce iy and lid sede appa engineer I 27.2.8 Slab Dimensions 4 The width o the sla is a funtion of the number of tracks, che distance between tracks, and Uh gage of the tracks. Other components such as third rail for eloetification may affect the width of theslab. For a Single trakelayout with slandara gage, a minimum width dimension of 10.5 feot 21m) isrecommended. The thickest of he sia shale base on requtemente stated i Artile 275.4 Subbase Pressure ‘The subbase pressure on stabilized agphalti subbase shall not exceed 30 pa (02MPa). Subgrado Prossuro! ‘4. The suhyrade posure on well compacted subgrade shall not exseed 20 pai (.14NPa) 27.3.2. impact Factor® 4. An opel felon of 200 pore shall he used fordesign of continuously reinfireed comere slab Linck, SECTION 27.4 MATERIALS 274.1 GENERAL ‘4. Tho properties and charaetorsties of the existing foundation conditions shal be investigatad ns specified in Part 22, Geotechnical Substefoce Investigation 27.4.2 SUBGRADE 4 The subgrade maori! shall proirably be cohesion les, sandyfgravel material ‘The top 24 inches (610 rn) shal be fee from ore aera an be suitable to provide and distribute the lds to stats Ilow. Tn ease of eonstretion on either existing or new embankaent, tie recommended to lit the sandy material to 1/4 inch 6 mm) maxinnum size. However, the No” 200 fines shall be limited to 8 ‘maximum of 15 poreent hy weight to reduce possibility of pumping action and to mitigate frost heave in cold regions, 27.4.3 STABILIZED SUBBASE 44. Stabilized subbass hal lave boon weed sacesaly include stabilized bitaminows asphalt), Some ofthe lather types af subhase materials which have been used and may be appropriate, are the fllowing (2) Crushed Stone, (2) Granite Stone ARENA Manual for Rava Engineering e2rt (2) Lean Concrete 4 Coment-treated Grove (61 Comont vated Crs! Shine (6) Expanded Polystyrene Conerote 27.4.4 CONCRETE SLAB 5 shal ne 4000 psf (RIM) a datorrined hy [8 The minima 28-day compas ASTM C39. b, Coment shall be portland cement wsdl shall met the requirements of ASTM Specification C1650. Agrogates and mix water shall meet Ube requirements of Part 1, of Chapter 8. Airentraning ‘aimistures shal he used in Feexe-thaw envionment. Admixtates, conning corde ons sll not be sed Based on requirements of Part 1, consieration shall be given to selection of concrete ingredients and properties that effet th durability af the concrete slab, ‘These include alkal-ageregate reaction, Froezing and thawing, arent eaising agents and other admixtutes, and sulfate ad averse chemical seactions, 27.4.5 METAL REINFORCEMENT ‘& Roinforeement shall moet the royisements a atipalted in Park 1, Materials, Toss and Construction Requirements, bb. Whon the eonerot ie subjeco tu ngyreesive environment, the fp mat of reinforcing tel ehall be provided with a corrosion protection system, SECTION 27.5 DESIGN 27.5.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS' 1. The design procedares shal he as por Part 2, Reinforsed Conerete Design. Moreover, the dasign of the «continuously rwinfored concrete (CIC) slab shall be based on the existing construction technology availabe in North Ameriea for CRC highsfay and airield pavements, 1. The dosign ean he formulated hy using the mosulus of subg reaction tk, and elastic theory nalylieal techniques. ‘The slab track system generally involves thre dstinet materials, ‘The conpasted ‘subgrade with alow stifess is overlaid with a stabilized subse felowed bythe CRC ala, which lea ff tractors, ‘Thi will anmure th Ube strsoas indeed by the rong stock ave minieized sn the various layers, enabling he entire Unik aystm to perform satistaetorily However, case of subgrade ‘material boing sound rock, dhe sobbase ean be eliminated, ions sol Salish for any conerete nih track aystom © Tho following design consi BE Se Comeotary e278 [ARENA Manual for allway Engineering Concrete Siab Track «an be mounted on adjustable sere ral, scourataly st by n surveyor for both hovizantal and vertical alignments. Conerote shold bo consolidated by internal vibrators In order to minimize shinning anor grinding of eoneret, i is racommendd that tht vertical folerance of +0 in (11m? and-tH4 in CB mm) be required ofthe Finished eonerets. However, careful atcention should be pad to obtain the roqwired finish talerances when using slipform paving equipment. ‘Tho concrete ean he phi itor Ina single pour method or a two separaln pour sequence. ‘The two pours (cetons} shal he adequately attached to each other by dowels and an adhesive bonding material 27.6.6 CURING ‘The curing ofeonerete shall be as speed under Pat 1, Matorials, Tests and Construction, Requirements 27.6.6 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. ‘The following provisions shall be specified, when construction joints are requited a the end ofa day's concrete placement (2) Coustewetion joints shall note closer than 5 feet (1.8 m) from spliea in longitudinal reinforcement | (2) ‘Tranmvetse reinforcement shall be dovbled for 8 10 fst (8 distance each side of @ construction Joint (2) Lonyitinal reinforcement shall be increased by one tied fora 10 fot (3m) dintance each side of caatruction joint (4) Formed keys or dovtel bors eu algo be used to prevent diferential attlemeént, 27.6.7 INSTALLATION OF FASTENER INSERTS ARENA Manual for alway Engineering Ingorts may be installed by presetting them inthe formwork, by mest ofa template, peor to Ube placement of concrete. Accurately lente fee inserts, into which fastener hold down bots ean be thresded, prior to cating the ln Alter easing, the tops ofthe ineerén mst be fish withthe las ssurfaoe. ‘The surfore srovd the insert shall be smooth aid Mat, providing a satisfactory bearing area for the rll fsteners,A variation ofthis method would be, to eas-in-place rai holding deviens (shoulder sither by Tocating and ‘An alternative method isthe installation of ierts after placement and curing of const Ariing or ening bots. Pereussion dilling is not permitted. Precision must be exeresed Arillingloring of holes nin whch inert for anchor bots) ar istaled IIs recommenced cat slah drilling or coring for fastener insert be performed after the initial shrinkage of the eonereto has ooeurod end the 28 day apeifed eomprossive arength has boen obtained. , Slight adjustment in sparing of inert may be permed to avoid existing shrinkage cracks, ‘The inserts shill be hel plunnh in the hole, either by tempat or other mess, and the hole ile with nahesive matevia Faster inserts nny be epoxy eunted bo peowide additional electrical inalation, Figure 27.2 depicts fastener inert attachment tothe ala track. Conerote Slab Track e (4) Track must be trneturally adequate and capable nf maintaining alignment and profile (2) The avalon mus he elo of heing constructed elfcintly nna exononicaly, (8) A fastening assembly with Use eapability of allowing lateral and vertical adjustménta shall be ulin 4) Concrote sla must Fexhirod or expect re provision for attaching contact (third) rail assombly for electrification, it the Fate 27.5.2 SUBGRADE ‘A minima of 250 pe 0.09 N/a is suggested othe medulus of subgrade teaston (&) forsubgrade, ‘om whch the slab ck sf he onstrated 27.5.3 SUBBASE' i 18. Asubhiase of ome of Une tps Tinted in article 27.4 hal he provide! between the conerele slab and the Tinishod subgrade 27.5.4 CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB? in 1. The thickness of the eonerote sah shall be establahed hy eonidering both the fatigue eect and the “tate wheel load of 85-year eyle of Cooper E-80 loading of lading 28 deemed appropriate by the Bragincee E @ i iscsi tui ten its of th vee ee eel xt he {en an etna tess {6° Slab thickness hall be womputed soa te be adequate and igi enous Lo wittand: (1) Warping stresses Gomperatre differontial betweon the top an bottom of the sab) (2) Bening stresses praducat hy whet Toads (live lod plus impact (8) Longitudinal seeswea induced asa result of anchoring continuous welded rail (CW) to the concrete slab 4. Allequate reinforcement sal he provided to engure that the eraeks in convete donot exceed 0012 inch (0.30 mun), eo thatthe parsage of water or mature to reinforcement ie minimized. In addition, longitudinal einvoreement stil he sufficient to mainénnraggregate interleck for transfer of the fad at the erick locations, , 27.8.5 DRAINAGE 1 The slab track sal be designed to provide for transverse drainage to tho edges the slab, ‘To reteco infitation of wator unser ho sah paved dill shall be provide! bolweon vids Lr, @ come I ARENA manual for Railway Engineering e2r9 Cconcrote Structures and Foundations © Foreonzrete lah on embankaent, drop inlets sl he proved inthe embankment discharging to postive drainage eyatem. ‘Tu reduce embankment efvsion, paved dfs shall be intalied rdincent to the sla 4. Tninnnelennstmnetion, a teayg shall be provided in the center ofthe sla with «longitudinal slope to drain through sub-invertpipets, which dischorge ta pelle deaage system SECTION 27.6 CONSTRUCTION 27.8.1 SUBGRADE «shall be removed tn a leat 24 (4100) eh, and replaced A All terial expe Le he ‘ont to sehieve a mininaasn ‘with fron foe olesionlose marin ‘he subgrade should be compacted value of 350 pei (0.19 Nita ms eta rae eg oad gaa pent toon seat eh Nid Saige sacle? pone see man neuntvemsa adapts Hout ees Ocirananad an eiietealgatleietste suitcases Q 1 SAESISGSRSEATS MAS pana al otenat ee eset inane 27.6.2 SUBBASE 4 Aninimum 4in (100 mn tik ave mata edetrnined by geen! tion, shall be [tiered agra To stn shal projet oat in) hud eh so te Comets Sah 27.6.3 REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT ‘4 Stoo reinforcement sul placed un chia in twa layers, with te man longitudinal reinforesment Aividad heen the bottom ancl tp layers. Longitudinal see! ehall ho spliced in tension only ae “specified under Part 2, Reinforved Canceete Design, of Chapter 8, Tranverse bars abl be spaced a6 ‘eenary in the top ana belt Layers, Stoel veinforeing bare shal be placed wo as tobe clear ofthe Lilingjcoring area using special templates for marking hoe leat, both before nd ar conereta Placement. This technique wil inimize damage of euting a einforing steel which ray be ‘encountered during the concrete dling or eoting operation. a 27.6.4 CONCRETE PLACEMENT ia recommend that in des Lo achieve the propor tolerances, conventional high paving forms be lulled Por linge procs, Une use of lipform paving equipment may he warranted, fr obtsining higher prediction rates for concrete placement. Paving equipnaent shall inelde vibrating serecd and ‘associat componnta necessary co obtain the requied alab cross action. "he paving equlpiment train 2740 ‘AREMA Manual for Rallway Engineering Concrete Structures and Foundations FASTENER 28 Pa (4,000 PSI) GROUT PAD— \ slaa— 1 H ee | GROUT (FOR 2 3 TWo POUR 5 CONSTRUC- TION ONLY) q 3 |—INSERT gl a FASTENER _INSERT ATTACHMENT TO THE SLAB TRACK (PICA ‘Figure 27-2. Fastener insert Attachment to the Slab Track e272 'ANEMA banust for Ralway Engineering Concrete Stab Track 27.6.8 INSERT PULL-OUT TESTING ‘4. The inserts which attach the val fastener to the slab trac are subject to pull-out foroes generated by boll tongue, vertical opi fore prodod hy a patsng Crain, and foros pads by thermal conditions: by Inonder to determine the loud capaeity of an anchoring system, test sal! be performed in sesordance with ASTN BIG12 A mock-up test shall bo required to simulate the inst conelions, with satisfactory Fosse © A miniman of 1 potcont of the insert shall be randomly tested fora pull-out force of not les then 14.000 (62,300. Ir ce of inserts fang pull-out tasting, the percentage of ieerts being tested allio inerensed, spor jegrrent of the Fngineer. "Te tnt lod shal be applied in three aqual increments. Th fal ld shall beheld constant for one ewinute and be epoxy comerete and unre Inspected for distress no drop in gage prossure occurs after one minut, the inert aol! be accepted. Ihe inset fails to rset the pullt strength, den i al he eared at and replaced witha new insort "The pull-out tsts hall bo performed using Ube Restrained Test as shown in Figure 273, HRORAULIC RAM 267 40 cALsaRATED ™\ i case ah ‘STEEL PLATES: STEEL SUPPORT ie SLEEVE poo WITH EVE 100K: STEEL PLATE (TP) PIs SURFACE OF exis. ‘NERETE- TioRerioat CONE OF FAILURE oF concrere—~” RESTRAINED TEST ior 0 Stace Figure 273, Restrained Test o2ra9 [ARENA Manual for alway Engineering, Concrete Structures and Foundations 27.6.9 PLACEMENT OF RAIL FASTENERS ‘4 After installation of insert, the finshed aurface of concrete shall he eurveyed, and ifnectsenr grinding the high spots of conerete may bo raquiod, IF the concrete Gini sufaoe it lower than that requlreds then shim pads up to maxirnam height of 208 in (9 mun) een be placed under the fastener ab the net The ise (anchor hols) shall he choked for vertical plumbmees and correct location prior tn the placement of ral fasteners. Rall fastencrs shall then be stalled 27.6.10 INSTALLATION OF RUNNING RAIL, ris welded eal (CWWR), the wight ned kp ae datnetinnd hy tha sida age, say he ‘on work trains with lactry welded rections and shall be exseally placed on the Tastenors, As ‘an alternative, ce ei can he entirely fe yelded atthe pros ite to ort continuous welded ais Changes in tampernture of WR will develop stresses in the rail and the conerete sla Rai is typically installed at a bigh neutral temperate, to reduce the risk of rail buckling at high temperatures and rail pllapact alow temporntares ‘& ‘The sapested proces, daring lw tmprentures is thot each section ofthe WR he heated at installation toa predetientined temmperatare, in oder 1 ensare that he rail wil remain in onion a large pevecntage of Une Lime, "The heae of tho rilaball be sncuted tothe divest Fixation festoner, with last clipe 4,‘ suggested that the Engineor should reir to the dotilgnideines of Chapter, Trae, for the hanaling, rnsporting, lying are constriction of CWR, SECTION 27.7 DIRECT FIXATION FASTENING SYSTEM 27.7.1 RAIL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS sous wold rail shal satisfy the Following a Roil Fo ination un Ue co (1 Allow for vertical and tlera adjustient if required (2) Provide resilionce that wil reduce the effect of dymamie impact on the trac structure, minimize vibrations, absorb enemy and reduce noise, (8) Maintain a consistent clumping free on the rail to provide resistance to rll creep, ard maintain ail signer 4) Provide the required electseal insulation for electrified andr sign (6) Exhibit resistanea to rack environment (wether, oil, ete) e2rs4 'AREMA Manual for Ralvay Engineering Concrete Slab Track e@ 27.7.2 TYPES OF RAIL FASTENERS! a Thoroarea variety of al fasteners of dlfeent design an capabilities avaiable. Ibis recommended that for slab track canst he drs ixation fasteners with satisfactory in-service performance history be installed, As an alternative, new ditetfsation Tastanera which have satisfaclory pagced extensive nay be ured b, The type of aret fixation fastoner Lobe speci shale «function of the sab track operating nviramment (mai line, yard et}, asle lon, train peads and matatenance considerations, Pigure 27-4 ‘howe atypia diret Fixation fastener envelope AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering e216 Concrete Structures and Foundations a - —_— LENGTH J ; _ | Farevanny T0P PLATE Be LI. Se a la ® 0 i \— ELASTOMER GROUT PAD (FOR TWO POUR CONSTRUCTION ONLY) INSERT- SLAB igure 27-44 Typlee! Direct Fixation Fastener Envelope 27.7.3 DESIGN FEATURES 7 - Fastener Vertical Spring Rate’ he wore ping rato, K, ois fxation festoners normally ranges from 10,000 pounddineh (158,000 Nim which is ao pal 9 300,000 pourvdsnets (525000 Nim) which is considered x hard pad, 1! 0c 92716 'AFEMA Manual for allway Engineering Conerote Slab Track “The slope of the loa defectinn carve (he fastener spring rate) shall be within 20 pereent af a constant le ealeulated at eel 10 pounds (450 N} increment (Gecant modulus between to given Toad point. b, The selection ofa spring rate fr a fastener shall be determined by the individual railood based on its ‘operating nee, roquiremontsind pete 21:73.2 Elastic Clips! 1 tic lip shall be used in cambination with direst fixation fasteners, in onder to aitach the base of the alto the Tteners bs The recomend nd orl tp tal nth range 20 pounds 000 No 00 pounds trata, : l 27.7.4 LABORATORY TESTING OF FASTENERS FOR ACCEPTANCE ‘8. Tho laboratory testing reairemsents are compeehonsively covered in AREMA Manual, Chaptne 30, Prt 12, Conereta ies . tis recommended that the Bngincer adhere Wo Part 12 specifications, with modifiations ns deemed appropriate SECTION 27.8 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. 27.8.1 TRANSITION AREAS? 1 ‘4. Transition reas ses hind sbulments at bridge approaches or at change of tack structure from flat track to wood ts track rive spocial considerstions 1b. Paclors to be considered in the csign of transition area are: suseeptility of backfill soil materia to setlementhehind brig abulmonts,diferonce in track modulus between sti (eomeree al) rack, and oft (wo ti) track, rorpectively Inthe eae of idge abutments, « sub-surface approach slab adequately reinforced and varyingin thickness from 18 in 450 nun) a ridge abutment to 12 in (300 mm) atthe opposita end, fora length of 5 feet (15 my}, may be installed as detsiled in Figure 27. 4. Where change of truck sructre fran concrete slab to wood ti track occurs aubrface sinerle slab of smilar design fetus sn (above, may be installed starting fou the end of the-concrete elab Track and eared below che wool rack steueturé a length of at least 20 (8 meters. 1 27.8.2 TREATMENT AT SLAB ENDS. ‘4. Expansion joinis are commended at al ends Lo handle slab movements a bridge ites and at ends of the slab track costruction AREMA Manual for Raliway Engineering e277 Slab end A galvaniead alrscirol steel invettod Tasction shal le insted in 10 fet 1h lng, teinfureed conerele slab that supports ene ond ofthe ala track. The struebaal steel inverted Tarction stall have expansion ints tha pert Go 83 in C75 a) expasion snd 2 in (0 nm) contraction, Expaaision material shall bs intale in he expansion joints. Heer to Figure 275 as ane example for design detail e746 ‘AEWA Manual for Raivay Engineering Concrete Slab Track ‘obs @ 0: uovosddy 48 yoess avis 10 uopeuIULL 10) IEG “SZ2 eb 31¥98 OL Lo 9107 (0-52) 0082 eet VIS HOWOddY O3¥3d¥L Maat wamuney BLBUNOD O30N0INISY iS avis ur azaqzanz B90rua. ‘ST3MOO ais OO 331 19315 OSZINY \! eee SS PH O07 “ive 6s wi cor avo7 5 so sveens sont axZI evs ww ose (SaaS i ESS SS aS TWIUZLWA NOISNVEd3 || 331 TIBIS TVIULWN NOISNYEXT HLM TTVISHY “Lior | ATWO ww ost |) 40-00 HLA G3TWLSNP LAO? WOTSHBAKS (ol) UW CZ TwieaLvn NOISNYGX? HLM CO-S © OOS, TivsMt/ ANIOP NOISNYSH (0) WH S2- w 000F 7 avis sartae WOISH¥EX3 (6) lw SZ { YOWEL AVIS 2740 AREMA Manual for Rallway Engineering, CConerete Structures and Foundations 27.8.3 CONTINUITY OF SLAB TRACK OVER BRIDGE DECK" |. "This section is applicable to straight, simply supported enneree deck bridges of spans up to 75 feo 2 su). Ite required to continue tse canerte sla tegck over a bridge dock, the following provisions shal he nde 0) In order to minimize sla eracing end to poem sliding oFbridge deck undor the concrete slab track, itis imporative to reduce Friction atthe intarooe between the bottom of Une slab frac snd top ofthe bridge dk concrete (2 Provide tn layers of bilnminus material separated by two sheet of polyethylene between al and Inidge decking adie cost considerations (8) Asan alternative, tllon maybe use asa freon reducing mate are ooptable 27.8.4 MODIFICATION OF EXISTING TUNNEL CONCRETE INVERT TO SLAB TRACK 4 Inexitng tuanel the flowing two types of rack structures are generally encountered (0) type (A> Cones tare! invert with ballast and ies €2) Type (8) Hall wi Ges ele in onerle Lonel invert 3. ‘The toning construction mthodology canbe used to madly Ue nel invert: (1 Type AY Tone ven (9) Remove ballast and cross. (0) IFaakitionl verte leaner a the tp ection of eoneret invert const of unsuitable or deteriorated ennereto, it shall Be remeved until sound matrix of concrete ‘oighed. Irveinforeing sel isenenuntered, remove the tee av replace i with new bars. (0) Apply owing mater (@) Irequired bythe Bnginee, dill and grout vertical dowels into existing conerete for miehanical snchoraye (e) Place conerete grainy material to achieve the required elevation (2) Install asteners, lay rl and secure clips as stipilated in the previons sections @ ‘Type (2) Tunnel Invert (a) Remove the embod tos and eonereta seston tt leas one ies (25mm below the es. (©) Fallow the same prncedare a detailed above in Type (A) Coeroto Tunnel Invert 8.27.20 'AREMA Manual for Ralvay Engineering Concrete Slab Track Qe RUNNING RAIL—— RESILIENT PAD. ELASTIC CLIP ADHESIVE 190 mm (7'5") (MINIMUM) 50 mm ¢ (2") MINIMUM \—INSERT ‘CORED OR DRILLED HOLE Figure 27-6. Typical Diect Fixation Fastener System for Existing Tunnel Invert AREMA Manuat for Rallway Engineering ezr2 C- COMMENTARY e 6-27.41 Scope In order o find solution tothe promot vost teak resinLanance, inersing ale loads av Faster ‘operating speed, «concrete sh track can provide finprovements overs conventional track systera Aconerete slab track system consisting o's continuously rinforeedeonerete sia, supporto on subbase and fompacted subgrade, isone example of an improved tack structure, ‘A chi track syatom proves the following advantages nination of thos componente with inherent wealeness tha require periodic maintenance such as te plates ep, we Tatas, (2) Rail fastoners with eltor Laer onl lngitudioal restraint choraelevstcs are wed (9 oad is distributed more uniformly on the subgrade, thus setlement is reduced. (4) Proper line and surface sre maintained thus reducing need for surfacing and ting (5) When combined with eontinnous welded rail, rie quality fs improved, and faster opeealing speeds are possible, (6) Resiuced maintonance results leas trate disraption, proved track svuture, selling tock encounters ess wear and toa, and thus, require leas nntonnce (¢- 27.22 Definitions "Track Modulus (a) ‘The vale of morlahas nf oltiity of wil spon) fr dv fixed track is dependent upon the moment of inertia ofthe rll section and the amunt of defection obtained by the compression of the fastener pal ‘The allowable defection of a rubber pad ie limited tn 15 poroent ofits uncompressed thickness ‘Diget fixation stoners presently inservice use 121m (12 ma) pad, ‘These pads allow a wax deflection-of O07 in (2 27.2.1 Introduction ‘The concrete slab as part of te track structure ster, i subjested to loads From the rails hrougle-the direct. Fexation fastening, sd i te sll esr nd Uo he subse hind sutgrade, 0-27.25 Subgrade Pressure fl Due to the reduction of number a load pulses on subgrade, well constructed slab track structure minimizes tho subgrade pressure 27.22 ‘ARENA Manual for Rallway Engineering Concrete Stab Ti ©-27.3.26 impact Factor 1 "he requirements ave hav on ealeulaions including an assumed impact factor, This facto percentage increase over staie verte eds intended to estimate Ube dyoamie effort of whoo! and ri rrmgulariton, The Impact Facto is comparable a used in Chapter 30, Part 12 Concrete Ties 1 C- 27.5.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘The ftlowing vier provide ueline fr sll nck atom design (2) Rall bonding sess sce 11000 pa C77 MPD. €8) Sabha prsnsr not to encod 20 pi 2 MP (4) Sayre post nt xed 0p (0.14 MP. C- 27.53 SUBBASE ‘subi sal be proved reve the allowing Knctons (1) Proventmu pumping (2) Inerense the mul sur ent (8) Serve as waking pao for erosion of emnerte lab formwork, (4) Distribute preset abysmal. 27.5.4 CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB TRACK is Computer An “The static analysis of the eanerete ll race easel in» longitudinal structure which ie represented a6 ‘ontinants bean (il) nn eninnous uniform support (rent fasteners in tara resting on mother fzntinuous beam fenaerete slob) reating on anothoe eontinunus oniform support (stabilized eubhsiee and ‘compacted subgrade, Reference numbers 5 and in the hibiography refer to the compater program which was wetion to facilitate the anys. Phe outs fom che program inelnde rl deflection andl herding moment, fastener deflection ‘anal lod, slab deletion and hendine mament, and sulgrade deflection and hearing presse, Forlustration purpose, based on the computer program, in cage of 00015 (155750 NN) whe! load, 196 Ib (61.2 Ag) eal and 6 fot (1.8 m) asle spacing, the outpat in Table C-1 on the following page was obtained: AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering e723 Concrete Structures and Foundations eA Table C1. Example of Computer Stale Anayas of Concrete Slab Tack @ ‘ive: 8 foot (24m sin, ky = S00pet (0495 Ni?) ! Fastener spclng = 30 (762mm) Stab | giittees | Rail |Peak Rail] slab | siab |stab Bearing opin | $M0°** loetecion| Sess’ |oetecton|Stess| Pressure inches | ySl2 [inches | pst | inahes | pst] pa tommy | | eum) | ay | “my [ba] by 5 | eres? | oor | ooo | ooze | 1026} r098 casa | gesratar) | 0) | orm | oan foun] aor | 8 | isawxot | aow | ono | oo | soo) eas sn [garages] 1 | ei | oan [oo | cose Design Procedure ‘The following sa guideline fr a simpli desig progedure for the major design elements Background: A continuously reinforend concrete pavement (CRCP) isa portland cement eonercte pavement ‘ith continuous longitudinal reinforeemont and no intermediate expansion or contraction joints, Transverse ‘winforeement i also required at intervals eorrosponding Lo the rail fastener spacing to absorb the loads @ {ansmitted ino the slab al the rail fntencr allaehment points. Tals ads in eonsbruetion by supporting and maintaining longigudinal venforeoment spacing. Slab thickness and longitudinal reinforcement design must be considered simultaneously in a continuously reinforced concrete pavement. If ton small an amovint of atel i ised, transverse cracks wil open an excesses amount and agrvegate interlock wil hell evlting in apprecibe slal deflections and ultimate sla deterioration nl Eire A properiy designed CRC slab typically develops regularly spaced, haislie tanaverse cracks a 9 fot (0.9 m) to 9 Toot 3m intorvals. The resultant pavement iscompece ofa mores of ahort slays hel fightly together by longitudinal reinforcement. With sufficient amount of reinforeement, a high degre of shear trtnafer across the eracs i assired because the cracks ar hel tightly elas Slab Bending Stiftuess (ED) [Compute bending sifiness, assuning la wid, depth, fy and weight of concrete, Reference number 9 has addtional information on bending stifineas trade-offs (oper conerete tection veisus Jos percentage of reinforeement, sl track atretare eta fanetion f bonding aiff yy Stresses in Stab ‘Assuine:00,000 Cooper B80 (or equivalent loading for 50 years. ‘ f @ Use (3 = 4000 psi (28 MPa), My = 476 pa (3.9 MPa) SR EN TN 2724 [AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering Concrete Slab Track ‘Assume iy = 450 pe (124515 ymsfom®), includes 4 in (102 ra stabil bilsminons bho Using "Influence chart for eanerete pavements’, ASCE, VLG, and “Thickness design for concrete pavenents, PCA, compute + pavement thickness + sree in lab Longitudinal Reinforcement Seleton of percentage of sels be based os th fallow considerations + Ther srorment show help thes resis ean loads + Crack width not to exevod 0.012nch (0:30 mm), in order to limit eonrosion hy minimizing passage of ‘water or mestura lo ninforoment + Given contraction of esi, the tensile stresses in the reinforcement shout be within elastic range, ‘4, Longitudinal reinforcoment to vsist train loads. Use Mia, eb N-mt 1 ‘Add 200% impact “Therefore, M MiB), Rts (Neos) Says £4000 poi 28.MPa),n 75, total sla thickness = Say 12 in (205 mm) 121 (30 3m) $i 76 ym) = in (209 mn), 20,000 psi (140 MPa 5% Using eal and orto Say fe= 03 z Nc Compute yp = fp Ay ind Moment, em) 1 When MomwL wailabte = Momont tnyposed Uno tha area ofrinoreement(% alel} at the bottom of ela. Use 2 of lower reinforcement: to resist negative moment a tp, “Total poreosL wl = poveent ato at bottom + percent steel at top ARERIA Manual for Railway Engineering 3.27.25 Concrete Structires and Founds Use P2 S100 where P= percentage of reinforcement f= comerete onsite strong f, {y= reinforcement yold strength, ‘Crack Width Hd Spacing Design guidelines and womgraphs are available in reference number 20 ofthe bibliography. C- 27.7.2 TYPES OF RAIL FASTENERS. ‘asia general ritria for slow spoeds nnd light axle loads, alight duty single plate Fastenoe with ot without ‘bonded olastamer ean be used. However, lr higher axle onda and faster operating poodle, a recommended ‘hat heewy duty fasteners with adoutie plate nnd bonded elastomer be utlied, Elastic clips are reeammendesd toholé the base of running rail a the fasteners - FASTENER VERTICAL SPRING RATE net a ping amas nd nin ais nd rans alog he ih a sway is required, Luo use of alter pals my he more desi, However, if he track strture ia ajected to higher exo loads, and the objective is tn miataze Tastener replacement eyeles and associated costs then the selection of harder pada may be more apprpra ©- Elastic Clips Jn tho sletion of the elastic ely i nal be reenggized thal the lip oe oud requirement must he adequate {o longitudinally restrain the ral under braking or tractive foes ofralling slack wheels dal jn cas of ra bbrkaye be expablo of resisting the pll- spar frees in continuous welded rail end thus prevent patent ‘ailmont eanton C- 27.8.1 TRANSITION AREAS ‘These installations wil help in minimizing maintenance costs genorallyassoeated with thos transition areas, and also provide continuity of ride comfort to Un passengers C+ 27.8.3 CONTINUITY OF SLAB TRACK OVER BRIDGE DECK Incase of long bridges, horizontally enved bridges ee an independent analysis should be undertaken and appropriate design fentnes incorporate 2726 [ABEHA Manual for Railway Engineering, Elvi ASN Glossary! — 1996 — “The following terms ate uocd in Chupler 8 Conerele Structure and Foundations and are placed herein slphahetieal oder for yout conveniene AASHTO ‘American Assod Washingion, DC: ion ol State High ane Transportation Offical, 444 North Capital Street, Suite 225, m0 ACI American Conerete Institue, HO. Thx 19150, Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219, a nonprofit ‘organization which i dedicated to gathering, correlating and diseoinating information fr the ituproveront of the desig, coustrution, manafacuite, se and maintenance of emoreve proxies and srt, Admixture : Material other than wate, augeogato, or hydraulic coment, sed as an ingredient of concrete a add to ‘eanerle efor oF during ita mixing Co modify its properties, Aggregate Inert moral that is mixed with hydenute coment and water ta produc conerete, Air Entrainment ‘To incorporation of al cither eonerele nr mortar ve orm oF inate bubbles (generally smaller thin min) dig the mixing of Anchorage Blister aild-ouLin the eb, fang, we wel-hange janelion to provide area fur ane oF more tendon anchorages. Anchorage Seating ‘Deformation of anchorago or sealing of {rom jac to anchorage devier ons in anchorage device whon prostresing ores is transferred Approved or Approval ‘Approved or approval shale wnderstand tn mean written approval * efienor, Vl 79 64 Tauanononca soy pone 3a. asT™M American Scioy for Testing and Matvvals, 1016 Race Stet, Philadephia, PA 19103, founded in 1989, fsa tciontifie and technical organization fried for “the development of slandards'on characteristics and performance of material, praduet, xylem, nd servis and the promotion of related Ieowleige," Bell or Underream An enlargement atthe bottom ofthe deillod shaft made by hand excavation or mechsnieal underreaming ‘wth dling equipment forthe purpese of apreading the losd avers larger sea Bonded Tendon rosters Gt Hs nde hy nner ther det a Uhrogh grotng. Cementitious Having menting propertie. Chemical Resistance ‘he ability of the material to resist attack by chemicals uch as caustics, cloves oF acide (eg fue, Closure ‘Cast-in-place eonerate segment or segments used to complotea spa, Coating Matesa wed wo protect prestressing erdons ngs! corosan, ore ction between tendon and de fr to dabond prestressng tendons Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ‘Change in linoar dimension per unit length or ehange in volume per unit volume per degree of temperature cng ‘Company (Company shall he underetond to a the rilrand or rateay company Lompressive Strength ‘The compressive tress which nis capable of sustnning as measured in psi Compressive Strength of Concrete (F'c) ‘Specified compressive strength of concrete in pounds per square inch (pa. Wherever Chi quantity is under a "aia! ng, tne equare rao of (he ramerienl vale only intended, and the resign is Ps Concrete Concrete isa mixture of portland coment or any othor hydraulic cement, fine agerogat, inaran agrees, nd wer, with or without mixtures, ofthe qualities herein specified. It all be proportioned, mixed, transported, placed and cured by the methods herein specitid G2 'AREMA Manus for Railway Engineering Glossary Concrete Curing Compound ‘Achemieal compound which is applied toa coneret surface fo prevent the lee of moisture during exe Stages uf eament hydration Concrete, Structural Lightweight ‘Aconerete containing lights aggtrgate meeting the requirements of Part 1 Material, Tests and Construction Requirements, Confinement Anchorage Anchorage devioe fora pst-tensoning tendon that fanetions on the boss of confinement of the eonerets in the immediate anchorage zone by confinenent reinforcing (tirups, spirals or olher devices lo provide ‘confinement to the concrete Contractor : "The individual, partnership, corporation, ov joint vonturer undertaking performance of the work envered hy the specifications und in accordance with he term ofthe contract, ‘Couplers (Couplings) ‘Means by which prestressing once i transmitted from one partil-length prostrossng tendon to another Creep of Concrete ime dependent deformation af eonerete andar sustained loa. Curvature Friction Friction resulting from bends or curves the spectied peestressing tendon profle Cyclopean Concrete “Mase conerte in whic lange individual agarose each of 100 pounds or more nre placed ancl embedded as concrete Is deposited Debonding (bianketing) Wrapping, sheathing contin prostsestng tendon to prevent bond between strand and surrounding: Deformed Reinforcement Deformed reinforrng bars, deformed wite, welded smooth wire Fabre, and welded deformed wir fabri Design Load {ll applicae loads and forces or related internal nomen and Corces used to proportion meinbers. For design by SERVICE LOAD DSIGN, design lond refers wo loads without load fetor-LOAD PACTOR DESIGN, design load rotors to lads msltiplied ky appropriate lod factors : Design Strength, ‘Nominal stoagth asuliptiod by a strength reduction factor > — See Part 2 Reinforced Concrete Design, Paragraph 230.2 "AREMA Manval fr Railway Engineering eas Concrete Structures and Foundations Development Length ‘Length of embedded reinforcement resin to develop the design strength of the rinforeement at aritcal Deviation Saddle Buile-out inthe web, Nang, o wel Many junetion bo provide for change of direction ofan external tendon, AREMADrilled Shaft ‘A machine andor hand excavate sul, ennercto fled, with oF without steel reinforcing, for tho purpose of transforing strata leas ta boas strata how the structure Duet Hole ar void formed in prestrosied member to aecommedate tendon for post-Lensioning, Erfective Prestress Stross remaining in conerate dus to prestrsting after al alelated losses have hoon deduct, excluding tects of superimposed loads an weight of momber ress remninng in prestresing endons afr all losses hhave curred sxcluding effec dea ld and superimposed lod. Elastic Shortening of Concrete Shoetoning a member eats by sp ian of frees indigo by prestresaing Elastomeric Bearing ‘A dovio constructed partially or wholly fin elastomer forthe purpose of transmitting lads and ‘accommodating movement hetween bridge span and is supporting structure, Elastomere bearings may have externa sel load platos inde to the upper andlor Inver surfaces, Stee lou ates shal bo tapered, ‘necessary, io ensare fl bouring contact belveen nonparalel oad surfaces, Tapered layers of elastomer are nat permitted, Embedment Length Leng of einlded erinforceent proved Inyo ct eatin, Embedment Length, Equivalent (i) [Length of embedded feinfarcenent da can develop the sans stres that which ean be developed by & hook or mechanical anchorage. End Anchorage + Length of reinforcement, oF a mechanical anchor, or hook, oF ombinsatin thereo, bevend the point: of zero stress in the reinfnernent, + Mechanical dovie to transmit prostressing fires to conerete in a post-tensioned member: End Block Unlargod end section of member d sd ty redo anchorage etreaen. ‘ABEMA Manual for Railway Engineering Glossary nd agineer shall be undersea Lo sen thorized representative © Chief Engineer ofthe company or the Chief Engines uly Expansion Joint joint or dimensions yp betveon ojcont parts of bildng, structure or concrete work which permits telative movement due Lo temperature changes (or other conditions) without eupture or damage. External Tendon ‘Tendon lated outside the Mans or webs ofthe structural member genoally Factored Load ‘ol, multiplied by appevpriate loud factors, vse bo proportion member hy the LOAD FACTOR DESIGN meth Fineness Modulus ‘Tho aut ofthe total poreentayes coarser in the seve analysis (using aquare mesh siovea in the Tyler or US: series; not including al sizes divided hy 100 Friction (post-tensioning) ‘Surface resstanee elien tadan aol dl in conta during stressing General Bursting Forces ‘ursting Fores cue Wo all ofthe tendons anchored ata ers section. Dependent on the overall eonerebe Alimensions and the mageitudle, direction and lation ofthe total prostresing free anchored General Zone ‘The region in front ofthe anchue whieh extends along the tendon axis for a distac equel tothe overall ‘depth ofthe member. The hot of the goneral zone Laken asthe averall depth of the member. ln the eae intermediate anchorages whiel are nota te end ofa mtnber, the general vone shall be epider to lo extend alo Ue pojetin ofthe nn ar but the same datanes fone the acho, Grout Opening or Vent Inlet, outlet, vent, oF drain in post-tensiusing det fr grou, water ora Honeycomb Concrete Concrete with voids dct failure of mortar ty Bil effectively the spaces aroun coarse agavexate particles Internal Tendon "Tendon locate within the flanges or webs (or both) ofthe structoral matmber. All intornal tendons shall be dasigned and constructed ss bved tendons, Jacking Force . "Temporary rer exerted y evi an inti tension into prostressingteidons NTT [ARENA Manual for Railway Enainearing ses Concrete Structures and Foundations Lattance ‘thinker awk minds mst contain cement an Rae wich bought tothe earce at Thy neler Mest wer Launching Bearing saporary hearings with low friesion characteristics used for Inanching of bridges sonstructd by the Inerementallaunehing eet Launching Nose - ‘Temporary steal assombly attache tothe front of an incrementally Inanched bridge to reduce sperstruetare momenta during inning Local Zone ‘The rogion immediately surrounding each anchorage deviee I: may be taken a. elindor or prism with tranaveree dimensions approximately ecial to Ue sum of the projected sizeof the bearing plato plus the ‘onufacturer'ssprifed minim side or edgy cover The ong of te local zone may al extend the Jongh of the anehorage device plus an addiinal distance infront ofthe chor equal toa least the aaximunn Intaral dimension of Uw anchor Loss of Prestress Resuction in prestressng force resulting frm combined effets of strains in concrete and ate, including cfects of elastic shortening, ereep und shrinkage of concrete relaxation of steel tres, fetinn, and anchorage seating, Low Rearation Stet @ Trento tot sol tin canbe aly recline Nominal Strength, Strength ofa nember or crag setinn sslenlated in setordanee with provisions snd sssumptions of the LOAD FACTOR DESIGN method befeapplication ofany strength teduetion factors ee Pare 2 Relnforced Gonerote Desig, Paragraph 2.90: ret BPounds per cubic neh Permanent Casing steel ender that is Plain Elastomeric Bearings Consist of elastomer only. . Plain Reinforcement Reinforeoment thot dios not conform tthe dentin of deformed reinforcement Plans e@ ‘The drawings ond speciiations prepared and approved by the Baines eos [AREMA Manual for Rainay Engineering Glossary nail Post-Tenstoning Method of prostroscng in which tendons ave tensioned alter concrete has hardened Precompressed Zone Portion of flexural member evar avetion compressed hy prestreasing forse Prestressed Concrete Reinforoed eonceete in wish temerets resulting Hom lal, Lora sesso have oen introduced Lo reduce potential tvs stresses i Pretensioning ‘Method of prestossing in which lane are Lensioned befoceconerce ie placed Protective Casing Protective soc unit, usally ein inspectors from enllapse or exvr-in of he ide wal in shape towered into tho excavation tn protat workmen and psi Pounds per square inch Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings Consist of layers of elastomer restisind al their iterfaeas by integrally bonded sto reinforcement Reinforced elastomeric honing: shill nol be constructed using 70 durometer elastomer, Reinforcement Material that conforms to Part | Materials, Teste and Construction Requirements, Paragraph 1.5. ‘excluding prestrecing london unkws spoificlly includ. + Deformed Reinforcement. Deformed reinorsing bars, deformed wire, welded pin wite frie, and eldest defined wins fabri cnntoraing to Part t Mater Tw and Construction Requirements Paragraph 15.21 + Plain Reinforcemont. Keinforcenent that doe na conform tothe definition of deformed reinforcement Relaxation of Tendon Stress ‘Time-dependent retin sist in prestnesing tendon al constant elvan, Required Strength Sirength ofa mombor wr aves awiton roquited to rn factorod fond or related internal moments ad forces in such combinations 25 ave stipulated in Part 2 Relafureed Concrete Design, Paragraph 2.24 ond Penge 2.0.1 . Secondary Moment entrant noni cel he Give ob swan hx pos:Lensoned alrwcturon de faves ido’ hy th Lending at Service Load ‘oul an Frees with Id tir, AAREWA Manual for sway Engineering ear Concrete Structures and Foundations Shrinkage of Concrete ‘Time-dependont deformation of concrete caused by drying and chemical changes (hydration procs) Sieve [A screening devie with unin openings used to saparate aggregate particles according Lo sie Sieve Analysis, {A dolermination of the proportions prtieos Lying within cotta size ranges ta gramlar material by separation on siewes of Meret sie openings ‘Sieve Number ‘A number used to designate the size om sieve, urually the approximate number of sieve openings por tinear inc slump ‘A measure of freshly mised conezte of mortar qual to Ue decreaso in eight, measured tothe nearest Ye ‘nc of the molded mse inseinlely aller Ue removal of the slump cine, Slump Cone ‘Aol in the form of the frstun af ght eeeular tone with a base diameter of 8 inches, «top didmeter of 4 inches, top diametor of inches and a height of 12 inches used to fabricate a specimmon of freshly mixed fenncree. A similar mold thai inches high is used to fabrieato a specimen of fechly mixed morta. Socket ‘shaft of ql or aualler diameter oxtondod into the bearing materia. Soundness "Th oodom of a old from eracks, awe, Hssures, or variations from an accepted standard; inthe ese of 2 emit, treadon from excessive volume chango afier setting: in the.caso of eggregate, the ability to ‘vthstand the aggresive nein Lo el comerete contaiging i might e exposed, pertielarly that due to reales >piral Continvowsly woud reiforeement inthe form ofa eylindveal helix Stirrups or Ties Lateral reinforcement formed of individual units, open or close, o of continuously wound reinforoument. "The Lerm *atirups" is usually applied to latoral reinforermont in horizontal members and th torm “tos” to ‘oo In vereea! members, Strut-and-Tie Mode! ; ‘Aatructural model used for analysis of shear, torsion and other furees based on a truss analy Compression strat in the conerote and lesion Ges i reinforcement ishy assuming ‘Temperature Gradient Variation of temporature ofthe omerele wer the eros section oe "ARENA Manual for Railway Engineering Glossary ‘Temperature Sticks Calibeotederayans that inet predeter vl tmperature Temporary Casing ‘Asteoleylinder that is install for Une purpose of excluding soit and water from Uhe excavations Ie may alo bbe used as form forthe shaft exnerete ti withdrawn afer the aa is placed Tendon Wie, strand, or bar, or bundle of such olements, used to impart prestress to concrete Toe Vertenl selina bolton of ll Transfer ‘Ack of tranaferringstros in post esing tendons fom jacks or protensioning bes to eonerete member Transfer Length Length over which prestring free i transfer to conerete by bond in preensioned members. Type A Joints (Castinplace concrete joints and wet comerete Type B Joints Bpoxied joints a dy joints hotween precast unite Water Absorption ‘The amount of water absorbed by a material alter immersion fora preserved poried of time, expressed asa poroentage ofthe original weight of the materia Water-Comentitious Material Ratio "Dh rato by weight of wate, elusive only of thot absorbed by the aggregate, to Lhe weight material having cementing propeetios in u eanerete oF mortar mixture Wobble friction Friction easced hy unintended deviation of prestresing sheath or duet from ie speci peti Workmanship Workmanship shal he undoratond te men the ost clas ohtainable with modern arpmant snd skilled Tabor and shal conform i every aspect Co che requirement of these specifications Wrapping or Sheathing Enelosurestoand a prostring london ta avoid inporary oF permanent bond hetwoon prestressing tandon and surrounding concrete Yield Strength or Yield Point (1) Specified ninimum yield steength o ield point of reiagrcement in pounds pr square och (ps. AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering eos Conerete Structures and Foundations THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK, ear "AEMA Mons for away Engineering JARCEIMA, ‘American Rabay Engineering ant ~ Malntenanco-ot Way Association Part 12 Concrete Ties! — 1996 — FOREWORD ‘This speciation ja intended to provide necesiary guidance the design, manutachyre and use of eonerete tos and their components for main line standard gaye railway tick systems The specificaion cntaine minimus performance requirements of components for concrete ti railway track based am variety of penile ue “spacings and ballast depths. Track constructed of fe and fastener eompanenta meting the checiteationg applicable to the anticipated usage should be expected tn give satisfactory pertixmanor ley carton RAR "proved maximum aso loads. “hes specfcaions are apliable for conditions urn, 1987 AAR storchenge ‘requirements with respect to ale ld.” ‘The specification covers materials, physiesldiminsions, and alructural strong of presresod monablock and ‘conventionally reinfared (wo-blac eomerote tes. Im addition, lngitna ad literal lad rested "sulrements as wells the eletrieal performance requirements of ral faslener and tie combine aro given Eaboratory tests forthe determination of tho suitability of new designs ae specified, ax ane eceneny qualieg contro procedures during manufacture, Tho speeleation dace nol enor technics ny salptont fo tne ‘manufacture of concrete tio fastenings ‘Whore current specifications or recommended practices of wther technical seioie, such asthe American Society for Testing and Materials or Une Ameorian Concrete Institte, are approprine, they axe male port of his speateation by neferonee, or definitions applicable to this specitiatan refer to Uve Glossary laced atthe ond ofthis chaptr, "fron Ya 26.1: VT, 1877 p18; Vl 83,16 19; 8, 90, Hp 85, 9 tp. 8; 10824, V. D1, 104 pT 28). Wl 4108p. Th Wl BA Hears ae ‘sore ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT) Seetlow/Article Description 1241Recommendd Preto For Shipping, Hand 12.111 Shipping 1989) 12.112 Handling 1980) 12.11. Placoment and Initial Readbed Support (1888) 12.114 Planet ofall and teins in Now Contin (1065) 12.115 Taming (1985) _ YE 1.0 Teach Geounetey (£989). 12.12Rallost.. 1212.1 Scope (1906), 1213T ies for Turnouts « 2-181 General 1993). 1219.2 Layout (1999), 12.12. The Dimensions 1985) 121134 Design Considerations (1989) 12.135 Flexural Strength (1903) 12:13. Support Conditions (1885) 12.187 Yolerances (1385) Commentary (1993) . LIST OF FIGURES. Figure Deseription 11 Bstimated Distribution of Lands, 12 Duggan Core Treatment : 13. Unfactored Bending Moment at Centerline of fail Seat 1-4 Tonnage and Speed Factors 15 Bending Moment = Reinfored Two-ilck Ties 146 Bending Moment - Prestressed Two- Blick Tine 157 Rall ent Negative Moment Tet 18 Rail Seat Positive Moment Test 19 TieCenter Negative Momont Test 110 Tia Center Positive Moment Test TAL Insert Paloat Pst 112 Fastener UpliTot 118 Fastenine Repeated Laad Tet 114 Fastening Longitudinal Restrain Test, 145 Fostening Lateral Restraint Tost 116 Two Bloc Tie Cantor Negative Bonding Test 117 ‘Two Block Tie Center Positive Bening Fest. 118 Te Orientation 119 Proferred Kotation Matha for Shoulders in Turnout Ties: 120° Tein Groover csecrceseeers AAREMA Manual or Railway Engineering 0-12-44 so.tes noes S012 pre 1012-46 0246 04246 pavers u246 doesn bo2.60 ao2.60 0.12.50 aoazst 042-54 Page 0126 uct 2.29 onze ‘0-12.90 ‘iL sane S028 B02 Dosa naz 0. Bota Doazas o.t2a8 so-129 12.1.2 VERTICAL LOADS (1991) 12.2.1 Te Spacing 4, The spocing affects al oxuro stress, compressive stress on bllast and roadbed snd the flexure stress ‘genera in the tos Unemases. Fora given et of ie dimensions and wheel loads, the consequences of {increasing tie spacing are highor rail banding moments and stresses within the individ Lies. For the ‘xe of constant i, halls an subgrade charoetrities, wider tie spacings bring boul larger track ‘depression por unit of whee lod i lowered track modalas, Convery, reduction of te spacing lowers ‘unitstross and increases tracle malas. 1, These speifcations cover concrete Les intend for track desis «ross is of between 20 inch and 30 inches, (610 and 760 mn), 1 using center-Loconter spacings of 2 Gross Tle Dimensions "Uso of lange; wider or aif ties which inrease the e-to-hallast bearing ares has many ofthe same effects as reducing ie spacing, There are, haweves, limits beyond! which an increase in te sie fa Infectual i reducing track stress and increasing track morula, The coeenteation of i o last Jad decreases wit lara distance from the ral The ale of decrease of lad with dstanee is higher for exible Ge materials and designs. There is, Uherefor,« point beyond which lengibening tie design will fait siguiienotly reduce unit bearing lad. There are in addition, tigh-o-way clearance sd ‘machinery linitaions which restrit te length. Widening tie design has similar benefits to increases in Ue length, Widening ie design, however, beyond {he point where iis pratiea! to compact ballast neath the lie is nefecive These specifications cover te desis hotween 7-9” and 0" (26 and 274 em) in ent ane hetero finches and 12 inches (20 wnd 38 em) in wid ot thoir boom surface. couse of bond tema pretensioned eancrete tes shall be a lout 8.0" (244 en) lon ules adiional provisions af ensure adequate bond transfer, 121.2.3 Load Dietibution "The foregoing discussion and the requiremeonta following are hased on the knowledge that wheel loads applied {o the rail wil be distebuted by tho rail several ens distribution of loads has been eontioned eld ‘investigations. Th distribution of load is dependent upon th an ane spacing ballast and state reason, ‘and rail rgd. Tho pereentage of whee! oral load enrried by an inv ida ie wares from loention to location, A conservative estimate of the dstibution i given in Figure I-1, Wile ral silfness dacs influence ‘these percentages, ts lft is small compared to other fators, Far the sae of simplification, the distsbution {actors are shown only asa function of ie spacing, The values chosen ar intended to oflae variations rvuling. Thom other influenoes 12.14.24 impact Factors ‘The requirements ofthese specifeatios are based on eaeulations inci an assumed impact factor: This factor i a percentage increase over stati vertical loads iataided Ws etimate the dynamic eff af wheal and ‘il iregularities, An impaet factor of 200% hasbeen assumed a ne OT ARIEMA Manual for Railway Engineering so128 12.4.2. Ballast and Subgrade In ation toto sizo and spacing, ballast depth and subgrade movil ae aleosgifcant in the manner a particular (rack desig reteains vertical loading. Increasing ballast depth tends to spr india tetas ‘ver a wider area of subgrade, thereby reducing the unit aura land and consequent track deptesson, us the effect of inereasd ballast dopth ean be sila, within Kini, vo tht of redtced Ge epscing. Siler subgrados do not require as ws ballast prenure as more exible sulyrades Consequenly they ar better able to tolerate wider to spacings, smaller Ges, more shallow hale dept, oa tes without failure oF ‘rceative tral depression, 12125.1 Ballast ana last Pressure ‘Th engineer must neuro thatthe design of track doesnot result in over stress of bala or subgrade, To dos, «unsideration must be given to whee las, distribution fata, impact Tae, uni bearing capites ofthe hulls and subgrade, ad to cross te dimensions andl spacing, Ballast Prose While e-totallas pressure ie not uniformly distributed across or along the bottom af rs te, approximate calculation ean he mae of “average” prestice athe bodtow of te i, Tho masini ballast pressure has been Found to ose averal inches below this interface. Cougequently, the eleloed value ofaverage ballast pressure al the boLiom ofthe understacs the msximn ballast presse, The Average pressure atthe Lie bottom in equal to axle load, modified by distribution and pal factors, ad divided by the bear aren othe tie x ‘Average last Pressure, pa (MPa) = here: P= Whoa load in pounds GN) I Inpactfnctor in poroont DF = Distribution factor in percent (fom Figure 1:1) ‘A= Tearing area of ros ie in equate incor (nillimeters) ', The recommended balla pressure should not excoed 85 pal (0.586 MPa) for high-quality, abrasion resiatant ballast flower quality ballat materials are weed Une ballast presae auld be reload secordingly. Example + (Given 8-6" longby 12 inches wide 250 em long by 30cm wide) concrete tes, wht isthe eleulated ve ot bearing pressure fora loeumotivo with $0,000: (134 KN) wheel lad ithe tos ave to hespaced at 28 fnchos (710 mm) arf AP (DE Saar * 0003.00.50) 02312 = #2 psi (0.586 mPa) Avera Ballast Pressure pal (KPa) = AREHA Manual fr Rallway Engineering oar (Gee Example 2) = Maximum fiber sees in ri si Pa) «© = Distance from noutral axa to ater edge of ase or head, ines, (nan) Moment of inertial of rail seetons, inches (mm! E = Modulus of elasticity of ste, si (MPa ‘Track meduls, poundafnelineh, (MPs) P = Whoo fore, pounds, (N) Example 2: Given track movil of 9,000 InelWineh aed 90 Tb RA-A and with t= $82 nchos! (1616 eo!) and C= 2.54 inches, (65 mm what tensile str js developed under 10,000 ls ( 19,608 hh whet lad? iH 80.00012.54) «fa 10)°c387 387 543, 00), = 1968.9({/60068)~ 17,262 pet ' Bending moment, inch pounds, (min-N}! Hi Rall Joints "To achieve the maxinium benofits and economy from the use of eoneete raid tests recommended that, in main-ine track, they be used in conjunction with continuous welded rail. Ireonetet Lies are ‘used in conventional bolted track o tthe ends of continuous welded ral care shoul te exerci bo see that the junetare of two rails doesnot oceuy over a concrete Le, The magnitude of paloma is pleced ‘under the juncture of two rails eould bo destructive tothe val seat wn funtenings . Its recommended that conerote ties not be installed within the lini insulated joints or within tho limits of special timber dimensions of turnouts and erssovers SECTION 12.2 MATERIAL 12.21 GENERAL (1993) {Utmost consideration shall be given to concrete properties alfetng durability. Those include slkalkaggreyate feattion, sir entrainmené and other admixtures sulfate and wther chemical reactions, ad concrete manafaeturing metho "eProp Report th cl Comat on See rch V1 AREMA prs, p87 el 'AREMA Manual for Raltway Engineering so-129 Concrete Hes 122.23 Mixing Water ‘Mixing water shell met the requtomente ofthe AREMA Speeifeaions for Mixing Water, Chapter 8, Concrete Struetires and Foundations, Part 1, Matera, Testa and Constrvction Requirement, Section 1.4, Water la aeiton, the mixing water, including that portion of tha mixing water eantrbute in the form of ree moist fn the augregates, shall not contain deeterons ametnts of elon on! 122.24 ndmbaures ‘Chemical admixtures for conerete shall conform with ASTM C 484. Additives contsining chlorides shall no be "used, Whore ties wil bo exposed to [rcze-thaw conditions, an air entraning agont cording to ASTM C 260 ‘shall be usod. Ara guide, freeze-thaw darailty can generally bo obtained with 43% minima ale i Ue wet ‘onerete .5% miniinum ae-void-content in the hardened conerete, and an ale-void spacing factor nok ‘execding 0.008 inch (0.20 mm 12225 curing Wis recommended that tho conerote be cured by a methou or procedure sich a st forth in Chaps 8, Concrete ‘Sructures and Foundations, Part , Materials, Tests and Construction Reguirements, Section 1.17, Curing During the preset period, the concrete tamperature shall nl exceed 0 degree 12 dogrons C) ding the fist ‘Shour and 106 degrees F (40 degrees C) ding the frat hours. With aeslerated lal eating the heating rate shall nol excoed 25 degrees F (1.6 degrees ©) per hours and the euing temperature within Ube conerele ‘hall not exened 140 degrees F (0 degrees C), unless he Supper ean prove thatthe materials sed would be satisfactory, n which ease Vermporatures up to 100 degrees F (71 degrees C) may he wed. The commended ‘maximum tomperatures have been alien from European literati and ite not kaown abs tne If ay are Aireetly applicable to North American concrete. 122.26 Cured Concrete It is yecommoncded that the complet joy mix eanerole sand ad ig propor proportions of aggregate, cement, waler ares and having been cued inthe manner inended fortes, be sect tthe Flowing 8. Standard Test Method for Resistance of Conerolo lo Rapid Freesing and Thawing, ASTM C 606, Procedure A (where freeze-thaw environment exis). +The concrete shall have a durability factor of wot leas than 90%, b. The Duggan Test Method for Detection of Potentially Deletesious Expansion of Concrete (sce Article 122.3) for description af the Duggan tnt proces) + A vgid expansion limit of 0.05% athe 20 day measurement period (relative to the initaly saturated ‘anereta} has boenrecommonded. However, this expansion limit hos heen developed with tet ones {taken from existing conerete brig abutments and itis not Keown a this ie i is diretly ppliableto eonerte ties. Ualil more definitive rata is developed, he maxiniun aesptableexpension ‘may be taken a 0.155, ‘Theabove two Lets shall be repented at 6 month intervals, ‘nated iret " wetioumes AREMA Manual for Raitway Engineering gorzat Concrete Tes mere tis 12.2.4 METAL REINFORCEMENT (1993) Strand for pretonsioning tendons shall conform to ASTMEA 416, "Specieation for Unconted Seven Wire ‘Strwss-Heleved Strand for Prestressed Concrete," or ASTM A 886, Specification for indented Seven Wire Stross Relived tran for Presirssed Conereta”. Wites for protensioningtendnas shall eonfort 0 ASTM A421, "Specitcaon for Uncoated Stress Relioved Wire for Presiresead Concrete” ot ASTAL A ‘804, Sperification for Stel Wiee, Deformed, for Prestressed Concrete Raven! Ties Strands other than those listed in ASTM A.416 oF A BS and recs other thaw thse Hite is ASAE A 421 oF Ad may be used provided Lhey conform Lo the rogutements uf these apelin end have 0 broperti which make ham love elistucany then th Hated tn these pecan ‘© Stet are for posttensoning tendons shall conform to ASTM A 722, “Specification for Uncoated High Strength Ste! for Prestressed Conerote™. Bars af older designations may hr wed provided they confer tothe requirements for yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation, sipula it ASTRE AT 44 Reinforing bars shall conform to one of the following specications excep that yield lrength shall torrespand to tha determined hy tests on fulsine bars and fr veinforeing bar witha specie yield “rongth ofthe reinforcing te! exceeding 60,000 pai (44 MPa, shh the stteat eorespontng toastrain of 367: a sifeations for Deformed Billet Stel Bars for Conerete Reinforcement” (ASTM A 610). (2) “Specifications for Rates Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforeoment® (ASTM A G16). I Bara ‘meeting these speifcations are to bo bont, they shall lao meet the bending requirement of ASTM GIB for Grade 60. (8) “Specifications for Axde-Stol Doformed Bars fur Concrote Reinforenment” (ASTM A 617). 6 Plain bars for spiral reinforeomeat shal ensfrm nly ta the sre seu ongaton of the appropriate peciticlion preseribed in paragraphe, Reinforeoment to be weldod shall be indicated on the drawings and Use welding proctdare to he used shall bo aes, The ASTM specification shall be mupplemented by requiremerue assuring satnfetery ‘oldability by Uhiaprosedure in conformity with "eewimmendad Practis for Welding Refutarcing toch, ‘Metal Inserts, and Connections in Rein(oreed Coneenta Constetion" (AWS D 121) fhe supplementany "specification requirements shall be designated in Uhe order and eonfucmener with requiremente chal ke confirmed hy the supplier atthe tie of delivery. Bar and rod mats for concrete reinforcement shall he the clipped type conforning ta *Spacfeaions for Fobricaled Stel Bar ot Rod Mats Conevete Reinforcement” (ASTHG A 18), ‘Plain wine fr spiral reinforcemont shall enform to “Specifications far Cokd-Drawn Stoel Wire for Gonerete Reinfnewment” (ASTM A 82), exoopt thal Fy ahall be the stsen srresding vow caren oF (0355 i the ied strength speiied inthe design execs 60.000 pat C14 MPa) |. Weldod pin wire fabric for meroleenneament sul gone ho Siti or Wel tet Wire Fabri for Conerote Reinforcement” (ASTM A 185), and tothe stipulation of porngcaphh eediog ‘esnuromentor except that welded intersections shal be spaced wot farther pare thas 12 ness ‘im in the diretfon a the principal relnforcement. ‘AREMA Manual for Ralway Engineering 20.12.43

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