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De La Salle University - Manila

Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business

Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation

COURSE CODE: ENTPLA2 (Business Implementation 1 and 2 (Business Plan 2))

Instructor: Mr. Patrick R. Hariramani Contact +639985516232

Details: /
Consultation Hours: Monday to Thursday, 05:00 PM Class MW 12:45 PM
to 06:00 PM Schedule: to 02:15 PM
Term, AY: Term 2 AY 2021 to 2022
Room/ Recurring Zoom Link: Zoom, check canvas for link


___ Service learning ___ Hybrid ✓ Fully online

___ ___ In-person


ENTREPRENEURSHIP PLAN WRITING 2 focuses on the development and completion of a
business plan, family business growth plan and a Technopreneurship plan for the business concept
previously identified in the Feasibility Study (COBFSDS) course and Entrepreneurial Market
Research and Consumer Behavior (ENTMARK) through the application of basic research theories
and methods, and techniques learned in Business Plan Writing 1 (ENTPLA1) course.


This course is designed to help Entrepreneurship students in writing their final requirement for the
different tracks that are being offered in the program, may it be Regular Business Venture, Family
Business Internship or Technopreneurship. This class would be utilizing synchronous, asynchronous
and consultations in order for students to finish the requirements. Pre-recorded videos would be
uploaded in Canvas, explaining the contents and how each part of the final requirement should be
done. Students are expected to watch these videos so that during class time, consultation for each
paper can be conducted. There would be quizzes, film showing and case study in order to hone the
skills of the entrepreneurship students.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

ELGA Program Learning Objective Course Learning Objective

PLO Mobilize the necessary human, CLO1 Learn how to think,
2 financial, logistical, and communicate, and defend the
technical resources ethically in Business Plan creatively
starting and managing business
Effective PLO Communicate effectively with
Communicators 3 stakeholders both orally and in
PLO Conduct assessment of
4 entrepreneurial competencies
to work effectively with
diverse groups.
PLO Analyze/Scan the environment CLO2 Create entrepreneurial
1 to determine business awareness, alertness, and
opportunities and develop their mindset by learning how
profitability profiles from to think creatively.
which entrepreneurial ventures
can be selected from.
PLO Conduct assessment of CLO3 Define and analyze the
4 entrepreneurial competencies macro-environment and
Critical and Creative to work effectively with industry of the proposed
Thinkers diverse groups. business.

CLO4 Identify and understand the

various factors that determine
the viability of a business
CLO5 Develop suitable strategic and
functional plans in realizing
the business concept.
Technically Proficient PLO Analyze/Scan the environment CLO6 Understand the basic concepts
and Competent 1 to determine business in research and the research
Professionals and opportunities and develop their process with special focus on
Leaders profitability profiles from writing/preparing a business
which entrepreneurial ventures plan.
can be selected from.
PLO Mobilize the necessary human, CLO7 Formulate the vision, mission,
2 financial, logistical, and objectives, strategies, key
technical resources ethically in result areas, activities, and
starting and managing business resource requirements of
venture. launching a business venture.
PLO Conduct assessment of CLO8 Appreciate the value of
4 entrepreneurial competencies research in decision- making
to work effectively with and planning in starting a
diverse groups. business
PLO Operate and manage the CLO9 To instill upon the students
5 enterprise observing good the values of
governance and social intellectual honesty,
responsibility. perseverance, commitment to
work, and teamwork which
are integral to the

development of a successful
business plan
PLO Prepare and comply with CLO10 To integrate the values of
6 requirements for business honesty, integrity, patience,
operation to start a business and perseverance in research
that makes use of indigenous undertakings
materials for sustainability.
CLO11 Prepare the organizational,
financial and risk and controls
aspect of the business.
CLO12 Continue the gathering,
analyzing, and
interpreting of data collected
of the Business Plan from
Business Plan Writing
(ENTPLA1) course.
Finalize the Business Plan or
Growth Plan of the approved
product or service proposal;
Present and defend the finalize
business plan for the proposed
business venture or plan to a
PLO Mobilize the necessary human, CLO13 Appreciate the
2 financial, logistical, and entrepreneurship process as a
technical resources ethically in response to the country’s need
starting and managing business for enterprise
venture. development.

Service-driven PLO Operate and manage the CLO14 Prepare as part of the business
ethical, and Socially 5 enterprise observing good plan activities related to social
Responsible Citizens governance and social responsibility for venture
responsibility. launching.
PLO Prepare and comply with
6 requirements for business
operation to start a business
that makes use of indigenous
materials for sustainability.


As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student is required to do and submit the
following during the indicated dates of the term.

Learning Outcome Required Output Due Date

CLO5,6,7, 10 Quizzes Week 3 and 8
CLO,2,3,5 Case Analysis 3rd. to 5th week
CLO,4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 Market Test Report or PESTEL 5th week

Business Plan; Family Business 8th to 11th week

Growth Plan or
Technopreneurship Plan
CLO,1,5,8,10, 14 Business Plan or Growth Plan 12th week of the term
and Oral Defense




Content Students have all of the Students do not have all Students are missing more
Students must have all of information as required of the information as than one element from
the information as above and has presented it required above and has above. Presentation is
required above. in an exceptional manner. presented it in a good poor. and flyer is not
Flyer is very colorful and manner. Flyer is done accordingly.
entertaining. Product somewhat colorful and Product has not been
feasibility is researched entertaining. Product researched for all the
thoroughly. feasibility has not been elements above and for
researched thoroughly. feasibility.

Knowledge Presentation was very Presentation was Presentation was not

Student can answer professional, and student professional but student professional, and
questions about his/her answered all questions. did not answer most of subject was not
presentation and subject the questions. covered entirely.

TOTAL SCORE = ( /50) * 100


Yes Partly No Checklist
Is the length of summary appropriate (does not exceed three pages and wholly
describes the new venture)?
Does the summary describe proposed business and business model accurately?
Does it describe clearly the market opportunity to capture or market problem
the business solves?
Does it specify the reasons why this is an attractive business opportunity?
Does it identify the business' key distinction or advantage over its competitors?
Does it define how the business will use its marketing tools (distribution,
promotion, pricing, and selling incentives?)
Does it adequately describe the product development activities, processes
(equipment, materials, labor/subcon requirements), and capacities of the
proposed business?
1 Does it adequately provide the business execution plan with timelines?
Does it adequately provide results of breakeven and profitability analyses?
Does it specify how much money the company needs and how funds will be
Does it clearly address major risks or problems the business might face with
innovative approaches and strategies?
Does it provide brief information on management talents and skills of the
members of the team and its external consultants?
Does the summary convince you that this venture will be successful?


Yes Partly No Checklist
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it specify the company name, address and logo?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the basis for choosing the company name, address and logo clearly explained?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it specify the vision, mission of the company?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the vision and mission statements clearly explained?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the board of directors clearly identified?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the qualifications, duties and responsibilities for board of directors clearly

•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the job descriptions and job specifications for each position clearly specified?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does the organizational chart follow the prescribed format?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the basis for the form of ownership clearly explained?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the compensation package for each position?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it specify the capital contribution of each member?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it explain the role of the infrastructure to the business?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the contract of agreements the group will enter into?
Yes Partly No Checklist
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the product / service of the company adequately described?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the basis of choosing the product clearly explained?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does the product or service identities unique features and special benefits?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it wholly explain liability limitations?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it express future product development plan?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly show the production / operations process of the company?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it show adequate basis for its capacity projections?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it state the necessary tools, machineries, and equipment needed to make the
product and where it will be sourced?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it adequately describe the materials and supplies needed in making the
product and where it will be sourced?
1 0.5 0 Are quality control measures included?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it consider provide a basis for future sub-contracting decisions?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly discuss the adequate disposal of waste?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the production cost per unit computed clearly?


Industry Profile Checklist
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does the industry study address current market size, growth potential of the market
and prevailing profit characteristics of existing firms in the industry?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it address geographic locations and existing distribution networks of existing
firms in the industry?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it address seasonal factors and prevailing industry trends?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it concisely summarize the nature and basis of competition?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly describe its competitive advantage over competitors?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it contain prevailing pricing procedures for the industry?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it contain volume and special pricing information for its product/s?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it specifically illustrate gross margin potential of the proposed venture?
Other Marketing Issues
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it contain customer profile, target markets and size of each market?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly address market penetration strategies in terms of advertising and
promotion, distribution, and participation in trade shows or bazaars?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it adequately address customer reactions on the proposed product with
warranties and guarantees?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly discuss who and where will be the future markets of the proposed
venture (in 10 months’ time frame)?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are you convinced that the sales projections can be met?
Yes Partly No Checklist
Administrative Policies, Procedures and Controls

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain how orders are to be processed?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the communication process to report incidents to
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain provisions for employee training and development programs?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly describe the inventory control system?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the process for handling warranties and returns?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the system to update and review the budget information?

•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly describe how the company trade secrets will be protected?
Documents and Paper Flow
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly describe the flow of information throughout the system?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the documents needed for a transaction clearly identified?
Planning Chart
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain the activities that will be done for each stage of the project?
(Pre-operating, Operating and Post-operating)
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the proposed Gantt chart included and correctly filled up?
Risk Analysis
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are the potential problems, risks and other possible negative factors that the venture
might face clearly identified?
Salvaging Assets
•1 • 0.5 •0 Does it clearly explain how the risk mentioned be avoided?
Yes Partly No Checklist
•2 •1 •0 Is the statement of project cost adequate to start the proposed business?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Is the source of financing clearly identified?
•2 •1 •0 Are the sales and profit projections reasonable/realistic?
•2 •1 •0 Does the financial plan wholly support assumptions, and
production/marketing/human resource strategies?
1 0.5 0 Are all operating expense budgets realistic?
•1 • 0.5 •0 Are all hidden costs properly identified through assumptions in each financial
•1 •1 •0 Are all figures on various documents (Cash flow, income statement, balance sheet)
•2 •1 •0 Are all required financial ratios correctly computed and interpreted?
•1 •1 •0 Does the business make sense from the financial standpoint?

Yes No Checklists (Does the paper have the following appendices?)
• • Chapter 1- Management and Organization
• • Vicinity Map
• • Legal Documents
- Articles of Incorporation
- By-laws
• • Samples of Contracts
- Plant Site
- Equipments
- Subcontracting Agreements
Chapter 2 – Product /Services
• • Photo of product / service
• • Pictures of Production Process
• • Time and Motion Study Results
• • Computation of Plant Capacity
• • Illustration of Plant Lay-out
• • Sample Swatches of Raw Materials or Photo Table

Chapter 3 – Marketing Plan
• • Industry Study
• • Competitor’s Profile Matrix
• • Market Research Results
If Probability Sampling
- Objective of the Survey
- Sample of Research Instrument
- Population and Sample Size Determination
- Data Gathering Procedure
- Method of Data Analysis
- Hypothesis Testing
- Presentation and Discussion of Survey Results

If Focus Group Discussion

- Research Instrument (Guide Questions)
- Interview Transcription

If Product Testing
- Research Instrument (Questionnaire)
- Testimonies
• • List of Potential Customers
• • Sample of Promotional Tools (Brochures or Business Cards or Posters or Flyers)
• • Sample or Photo of Packaging Materials
/1.25 SUB –TOTAL
Chapter 5 – Financial Plan
• • List of Financial Assumptions
• • Monthly Budget Schedules
- Sales Budget
- Production Budget (Direct Materials, Direct Labor, Indirect Materials, Indirect
Labor, Factory Overhead)
• • Monthly Financial Statements
- Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow Statement
/1.25 SUB –TOTAL


Yes No Checklist
•1 •0 Language is concise (does not read like novel or term paper)
•1 •0 Section stands on its own and clearly defines and satisfies its objective
•1 •0 Facts are supported with sufficient documentation, charts and graphs
•1 •0 Conclusions drawn from facts are reasonable.
•1 •0 Spelling is correct and grammar is clean
•1 •0 Math is correct
•1 •0 Font choice is Times New Roman, single-spaced and font size is 12
•1 •0 Contains page numbers
1 0 Title Page format is correct
•1 •0 Page numbers in table of contents correspond correctly
/10 Total

Family Business Growth Plan Requirements:

1. Choose a company as a subject of your strategic plan. Screening criteria include:
a. Minimum number of years operating ≥ 3 years
b. Asset size excluding land valuation (as of 2014) ≤ P100 M 
c. Proponent should be the daughter, son, niece, nephew, grandson, granddaughter of the
owner, part-owner and/or principal decisionmaker willing to disclose information
relevant to assessment paper. 

2. Research on industry information through websites, government agencies, trade associations,
and the like.
3. Interview sessions with owner and/or principal decision makers of the company (with
4. Submission of drafts of each chapter to the Adviser 

Guidelines for Family Business Internship

1. There will be an interview process for the Family Business to ensure
the quality of the internship.
2. There should be a designated supervisor in the Family Business to
supervise the progress of the Internship.
3. The Internship in the Family Business should last for 3 Terms, wherein
the implementation of Internship Plan should start on the 8th week of
their Term 1 in the Practicum.
4. A group can have multiple projects in one company as their internship
last for 3 practicums.
5. During the Pandemic, the project of the groups under the Family
Business Internship should be purely online and should follow the
rules of the University regarding Quarantine Protocols
6. The following are suggested Internship Project for the Family
Business Tract:
a. Main Projects
i. Business Continuity Planning
ii. E-commerce planning and implementation
iii. Creating a Family Business Corporation
iv. Family Constitution Planning
v. Operation Planning and Optimization
vi. Strategic Management Planning
b. Other Projects

Area Possible Activities

Strategic Management  Preparation of strategic plan
 Environmental scanning for start-up companies
 Competitor analysis
 Formulation of corporate/organizational vision-mission-
objectives-KRAs-PIs for SMEs
 Evaluation of corporate strategy implementation
 Business development plan
 Business needs analysis
 Industry study
Operations/Service  Inventory management
Management  Capacity planning and analysis
 Product design
 Project planning and implementation
 Events management
HR Management  Training needs analysis; design and implementation of
training program
 Preparation of HR manual
 Job analysis
 Quality of work life studies
 Employee attitudes surveys
 Formalizing recruitment and selection system
 Organizing teambuilding activities
 Assessment/evaluation of current HR practices

Management Information  Creation of customer database
Systems  Creation of comprehensive MIS
 Creation of an inventory management system
 Computerization of filing system
 Knowledge management – documentation and systems
Marketing, PR, Corporate  Design and production of collaterals
Communication  Market research
 Participation in product launch/promotions
 Production of organizational newsletter, annual report
 Preparation of marketing plan
 Participation in advocacy campaign
 Documentation of key organizational activities

7. MOAs should be accomplished before the end of ENTPLA2.

8. MOAs would be provided by the ENTPLA2 adviser at the beginning
of the Term.

Rubric for Assessment of Family Business Growth Plan:


1. Introduction and Significance of the Study (10%)
a. An area of improvement or existing business problems are clearly identified
b. Explains the reason for the research
c. Details the goals which are expected to be achieved
d. Emphasizes the value of the study
2. Situational Analysis (10%)
a. The macro environment of the business, as well as key social, political,
technological, and economic trends which may affect the competitiveness of
the business are clearly identified.
b. The business trends within the industry is recognized and capture changes,
expectations, and prospects on areas such as, but not limited to, economic,
regulatory, social, and political conditions.
3. Opportunities and Threats Analysis (20%)
a. Opportunities and threats from the macro environment and at the immediate
industry environment (economic, social, political-legal and technological) are
properly identified and described.
b. The company’s position in the sector, field or market is appropriate in the
strategic group mapping.
c. The sources of strategic uncertainties are identified within the business’ macro
and industry environment.
4. Internal Environment Scan (20%)
a. Company Background
i. The company’s vision and mission statements define underlying goals and
objectives in broad strategic terms including what markets are served and
what benefits are offered.
ii. The company’s profile and proposed product/service described and
iii. The objectives measurable and concrete and are specific (such as achieving
a given level of sales, a percentage of gross margin, a growth rate or a
market share).
iv. The objectives are formulated for general and functional areas of the
b. Value Chain Analysis
i. The activities which create value for an organization’s customers are

ii. It is made useful as to secure competitive advantage for the firm in several
iii. Strengths and weaknesses of the company and its implications to strategy
can be drawn out
c. Financial Ratio Analysis
i. The firm’s performance is evaluated properly and adequately.
ii. Stakeholders will find the analysis useful.
iii. Strengths and weaknesses of the company and its implications to strategy
can be drawn out
5. Review of Related Literature (10%)
a. All the key studies in the research area under study are enumerated, cited and
b. Proper citation style is evident in the paper.
6. Methodology (25%)
a. The approach to be undertaken in the collection, measurement and analysis of
data is appropriate to the problem to be solved
b. The purpose of the study, timeframe, sources of data, types of data to be
collected are adequately discussed.
7. Overall Growth Plan Presentation (5%)
a. The growth plan is well written and free from grammatical mistakes.
b. The paper is organized and clearly communicates the strategies.
c.   Charts, graphs, and tables are clearly labelled.

Family Business Growth Plan Outline

a. Conforme Letter (from company owner)

b. Acknowledgment
c. Executive Summary

1) Background of the Study

a. Introduction
b. Significance of the Study
2) Situational Analysis
a. External Environment Scan
i. Macroenvironment Changes
ii. Industry Environment
b. Opportunities and Threats Analysis
i. Macroenvironment
ii. Porter Five Forces
iii. Strategic Group Mapping
iv. Strategic Uncertainties (O & T likely to change in near future)
c. Internal Environment Scan
i. Company Background
1. Business Definition
2. Current vision-mission
3. Current objectives, strategies and policies
ii. Value Chain Analysis/Functional Analysis
1. Current Tasks and Activities Performed
iii. Financial Ratio Analysis
d. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis
i. Value Chain Model/Functional Analysis
ii. Financial Analysis
e. TOWS Matrix
3) Strategies to be implemented on short and long term.
i. Identified Strategy for the Family Business
1. Explanation of the Strategy

2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
ii. Financial forecast for one year (income statement, balance sheet and cash
flow) reflecting the strategy implementation activities
4) Identified Activities for Practicum
a. Practicum 1
i. Activity 1
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
ii. Activity 2
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
b. Practicum 2
i. Activity 1
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
ii. Activity 2
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
c. Practicum 3
i. Activity 1
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
ii. Activity 2
1. Explanation of the Activity
2. GANTT Chart
3. Budget
4. Financial Implication to the Business
5) Scope and Limitations
6) Appendices
7) References


Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the
1. Participate in class and in group activities and projects.
2. Present the business model and prepare business plan or family business growth plan
3. Register and launch the business venture or implement the growth plan.
4. Present business models, and business plan to panelists (ENTPLA 2 adviser and incoming
PRCIMP faculty adviser)
5. In order to pass the course successfully the student must basically contribute to his/her
group’s efforts in researching, writing, and presenting the business plan. The student must
ensure that quality reports are submitted on time while maintaining a cohesive and
professional relations within the group.
6. The student is also expected to develop a product prototype (for manufacturing businesses)
or demonstrate special skills (for service businesses) to be presented during the oral defense.

The student will be graded according to the following:
Criteria Total Percentage
Quizzes (at least 2) 10%
Final Integrating Paper(2 Panelists) (synchronous)
 Final Business Plan, Family Business Growth Plan or 20%
Technopreneurship Plan**
 Oral Presentation 20%
** Chapter reports / submissions (group online submission) 30%
Peer Evaluation (Online Submission) 10%
Class Participation (Online and offline depending on the task given) 10%
 Homework, Discussion Insights and Seatwork (asynchronous)
 Market Test (Online Sales Report and FGD Report)
Total 100%

* Passing grade – 70%

**Final Business Plan Grade may differ between group members because the Peer Evaluation Score
will be multiplied to the Business Plan and Mock defense Grade Per Group.
Example: Business Plan Grade – 95%, Peer evaluation – 85%, Final Business Plan Grade .85 * .95
= .0875 or 87.5%

Grades will be recorded in Canvas using percentage scores and translated to the final grade


This course is three units, which translates into, at least, 105 hours of workload for the entire term. This
means that you are expected to spend roughly 7.5 hours, on average, per week on this course. This
includes 1.5 to three hours of lectures or seminars per week and 4.5 to six hours of “out of class”
(asynchronous) time spent on preparatory readings, studying time for exams as well as time spent on
preparing your assignments.

LEARNING TOPIC Inclusiv Required Readings / LEARNING

CLO10 Course Orientation 1  Syllabus  Scheduling of group
Session 1 consultation, mock
defense, quizzes,
 Discussion of
Estimated workload Submission of Final Paper
(hours) submitted in ENTPLA1

Synchronous: 1.5
Asynchronous: .5
CLO,4, 7, 9, Discussion of Business Plan 1–2  Business Plan  Lecture, discussion,
11, 12, 13 Chapters and Growth Plan Session 2  Entrepreneurship and critiquing of
&3 Successfully common pitfalls of
MANAGEMENT AND Launching New business plan chapters
ORGANIZATION PLAN Venture 4th Edition
 CHAPTER TWO – THE  The Business Plan  Vision-Mission-
PRODUCT / SERVICE Workbook, 6th Objectives-Strategies
 CHAPTER THREE – THE Edition (VMOS) worksheet to
MARKETING PLAN be completed per

Discussion of Format for Family
Business Track  Business Model
Estimated workload

Synchronous: 3
Asynchronous: 1.5
CLO, 4, 7, 9, CHAPTER 4 – OPERATIONS 2–3  Business Plan  Brainstorm and write
11, 12, 13 PLAN Session 4,  Entrepreneurship policies, rules,
 Administrative Policies, 5&6 Successfully procedures, and
 Procedures and Controls Launching New strategies
 appropriate for the
Documents and Paper Flow Venture 4th Edition
 Planning Chart  The Business
 Risk Analysis Plan Workbook,
 Analyze the different
 Salvaging Assets 6th Edition
Macro and Micro
Discussion of PESTEL and Factors that affects a
Strategy tools for Family business.
Business Track
 Learn how to use the
Estimated workload different strategy
(hours) tools to improve the
plan for a business
Synchronous: 4.5
Asynchronous: 1.5
CLO5,6,7, 10 Quiz 1 4 Asynchronous Class
Asynchronous: 1.5 Session 7 (Online Quiz using Canvas)

2 try per student.

CLO,2,3,5,4, 7, Chapter 5: Financial Plan 4–5  Business Plan Discussion on the
9, 11, 12, 13  Cash Requirements Session  Entrepreneurship following concepts:
8,9 & 10 Successfully  Entrepreneurial
 Sources of Financing Financial Planning.
 Sales Projections Launching New
Venture 4th Edition  Evaluate Cash
 Income Projections Requirement of an
 Financial Ratio Analysis  The Business Plan
Discussion of GANNT Chart Workbook, 6th
and Activities to be Edition
 Creating Sales
Implemented t for Family Projection
Business Track  What are the
different Financial
Estimated workload Statements?
(hours)  Financial Ratios
Synchronous: 3 Chapter 10 -
Asynchronous: 3 Entrepreneurship
Successfully Launching
New Venture 4th Edition

Part 10 – Entrepreneurship
10th Edition
Field Work
Estimated workload 6 Writing of Business Plan or
(hours) Session Family Business Growth
11 & 12 Plan
Asynchronous: 7.5

CLO,2,3,5,4, 7, Entrepreneurial strategies for 7  Entrepreneurship Discussion of
9, 11, 12, 13 launching new ventures: Session Successfully entrepreneurial strategies
 Marketing 13 & 14 Launching New suitable for startup
 Production/Operations Venture 4 Edition
 Human Resources  The Business Plan
 Information Technology Workbook, 6th Presentation of Vision-
Edition Mission- Objectives-
MODULE 5  Article Reading Strategies (VMOS)
Estimated workload

Synchronous: 2.5
Asynchronous: 2

School Break
May 09, 2022 to May 13, 2022

CLO5,6,7, 10 Consultation 8 Synchronous Class

Synchronous: 1.5 Session

Value Proposition and 8 Lecture, discussion and

Executive Summary Session 16 consultation.

Synchronous: 1.5

CLO,1,5,8,10,  Final Business Model 9 Lecture, discussion, and

14  Integration and Oral Session experiential exercise on
Presentation guide 17 how to write the executive
Estimated workload
(hours) Presentation and
Synchronous: 1.5 critiquing of business
Asynchronous: 1.5 model in class
Quiz 1 9 Asynchronous Class
Asynchronous: 1.5 Session (Online Quiz using Canvas)
2 try per student.
ALTERNATIVE CLASS 10 Finalize Business Plan or
Field Work Session Family Growth Plan
19 & 20
Independent Learning Week Consultation for the
Estimated workload PLAN OR FAMILY
(hours) GROWTH PLAN to the
ENTPLA 2 adviser
Asynchronous: 7.5 (All chapters with
executive summary) for
CLO,4, 7, 9,  Business Model Canvas and 11  Entrepreneurship Lecture, discussion, and
11, 12, 13 Presenting your Business Session Successfully experiential exercise on
Plan 21& 22 Launching New how to write the Business
Venture 4 Edition Model Canvas

Synchronous: 3  The Business Plan

Asynchronous: 1.5 Workbook, 6th
 Hisrich, Richard D.

and Peters, Michael
P. (1999)
Entrepreneurship 5th
Edition. New York,
CLO,4, 7, 9,  Family Business Growth 12 Mock Defense
11, 12, 13 Plan and Business Plan Session
Writing 23 & 24 Submission of Final Paper
for Defense
Synchronous: 3
Asynchronous: 1.5
CLO,1,5,8,10, Business Plan Oral Presentation 13 Groups must revise their
14 Session Business Plan or Family
Estimated workload 25 & 26 Business Growth Plan
(hours) according to the comments
of the Panel.
Synchronous: 6
Groups must get approval
of their panelist.
School Break
June 27, 2022 to July 01, 2022

CLO,1,5,8,10, Revision of Business Plan or 14 Groups must revise their

14 Family Business Growth Plan Session Business Plan or Family
27 & 28 Business Growth Plan
(Finals Week) according to the comments
Estimated workload of the Panel.
Groups must get approval
Asynchronous: 6 of their panelist.
Submission of Final Business Plan or Family Business Growth Plan (hard bound and
1 DVD copy) to ENTPLA 2 adviser with panelist approval to DSI Office depending
on Government Pronouncement regarding Level 1 and Face to Face Scenario
4th Hour Film Showing that is related to Entrepreneurship

The teaching of the course shall be anchored on active learning with the following techniques
 Socratic discussion
 Working in groups

Advanced Small Business Info., Inc. (1999). Writing the blueprint for a successful business I and II. Today. 1
(906), 15
Barringer, B. and Ireland, D.R. (2006), Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Venture 4th
Edition. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education., Inc.
Barrow, C., Barrow P., Brown C. (2008). The Business Plan Workbook, 6th . London: Kogan Page Limited
J. C. and Porras, J. (1996). Building Your Company's Vision. Harvard Business Review, September -
October, (65 - 77)
Cooper, Donald R. and C. Willian Emory. (1995). Business Research Methods. Chicago: Richard D.
Irwin, Inc.
Coulter, M. (2001). Entrepreneurship in action. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
David, F. (1998) Strategic Management, 6th Edition. Singapore : Simon and Schuster
Dessler, G. (2001) Management : Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century International edition,
2nd ed. USA : Prentice-Hall
The Entrepreneurial Venture, 2nd ed. (1999). Edited by Sahlman, W.A. et all. USA: Harvard Business School

Hisrich, Richard D. and Peters, Michael P. (1999) Entrepreneurship 5th Edition. New York,
USA:McGraw- Hill/Irwin,
Kaplan, J. (2003). Patterns of Entrepreneurship. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Kotler, P. and Armstrong G. (1999) Principles of Marketing, 8th Edition, Singapore : Simon and Schuster.
Porter, M. (1980). Competitive Strategy. USA: Prentice-Hall.
Sekaran, U. (2003) Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach. 4th Edition.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Timmons, J. A. and Spinelli, S. (2007). New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship for
the 21st Century. (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Zacharakis, A., & Bygrave, R. (Eds)(2004). Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. John Wiley and Sons,

Business Mentor software by the Kauffman Foundation



It is the mission of the Ramon V. del Rosario, Sr. College of Business (RVR-COB) to train its
students in the highest levels of professionalism and integrity. In support of this goal, academic
integrity is highly valued at

RVR-COB and violations are considered serious offenses. Examples of violations of academic
integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Plagiarism – using ideas, data or language of another without specific or proper

acknowledgment. Example: Copying text from the Web site without quoting or properly citing the
page URL, using crib sheet during examination.

For a clear description of what constitutes plagiarism as well as strategies for avoiding it, students
may refer to For citation
styles, students may refer to

2. Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, materials, or study aids during
examination or other academic work (e.g. using a cheat sheet in a quiz or exam, altering a grade exam
and resubmitting it for a better grade.

3. Fabrication – submitting contrived or improperly altered information in any academic

requirements (e.g., making up data for a research project, changing data to bias its interpretation,
citing nonexistent articles, contriving sources.


 If there are conflicts in the final examination schedule, follow the University policies on order of
 Please observe the virtual consultation hours/schedule of the faculty member.
 For student concerns regarding the BS-ENT program or the course, please set an online
appointment with the Department Vice Chair through email.
 For all other inquiries, please email the Vice Chair: Patrick R. Hariramani at


When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms, it is important to understand how to interact

with one another online through netiquette. Your AnimoSpace Manual enumerates the netiquettes
 Treating other users with respect. Remember that you are talking with human beings behind the
 Always using your professors’ proper title. Unless specifically invited, do not refer to them by first
 Reading all messages in a discussion thread before replying so as not to repeat someone else’s post
without adding something of your own to it
 Using clear and concise language with correct spelling and grammar
 Keeping discussion posts brief but thorough, on topic and within the scope of the course material
 Reviewing your posts before sending to ensure you are avoiding slang terms, texting abbreviations
and caps lock
 Being open minded of other’s opinions even when they differ from your own
 Muting your microphone in a conference if it is not your time to talk in order to minimize
background sound
 Sending private messages to individuals instead of flooding the public chat


 Use of standard font type, size and file type submissions.

 Font type: Times New Roman
 Font Size: 12
 File Type Submissions: MS Office file types. (.docx, .xlxs, .pptx)
 Academic honesty should always prevail. Acts like, cheating, plagiarism and submitting
“recycled” learning output would be punished and reported.
 Log in to CANVAS on the agreed time of the class.
 Follow instructions given by the instructor.


As a business leader I recognize my role in society.
 My purpose is to lead people and manage resources to promote human development and the
common good and to create value that no single individual can create alone.
 My decisions affect the well-being of individuals inside and outside my enterprise, today and
Therefore, I promise that:
 I will manage with loyalty and care, and will not advance my personal interests at the expense of
my enterprise or society.
 I will promote socially useful products and services which serve human development, keeping in
mind reasonable access for the poor and underprivileged.
 I will understand and uphold, in letter and spirit, the laws and contracts governing my conduct and
that of my enterprise.
 I will refrain from corruption, unfair competition, or business practices harmful to society.
 I will respect the human rights and dignity of all people affected by my enterprise, and I will
oppose discrimination and exploitation.
 I will promote a humane and enabling work community within my organization.
 I will promote the just allocation of resources for all stakeholders of the company.
 I will respect the right of future generations to advance their standard of living and enjoy a healthy
 I will report the performance and risks of my enterprise accurately and honestly.
 I will invest in developing myself and others, helping the management profession continue to
advance and create sustainable and inclusive prosperity.
 In exercising my professional duties according to these principles, I recognize that my behavior
must set an example of integrity, eliciting trust and esteem from those I serve. I will remain
accountable to my peers and to society for my actions and for upholding these standards.
Adapted from:
The Global Business Oath ( )
Vocation of the Business Leader (

We therefore pledge and commit to:
 Recruit, train and develop our employees and managers to be the best that they can be irrespective
of gender, alma mater, age, ethnicity and religion; provide just compensation and benefits;
promote meritocracy and encourage work-life harmony;
 Provide only quality products and services that are of continuing value to our customers;
 Treat our goods, service and funds providers fairly, ethically and with respect as we expect them
to treat their own workers in their supply chain the same way;
 Be actively involved in the communities where we operate in with particular attention to the needs
of the disadvantaged in those communities;
 Protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of current and future generations by
employing environment friendly technologies in all aspects of business operations; and
 Deliver reasonable and just returns to and fair treatment of our controlling and non-controlling
*Adapted from:Philippine Business Group's Covenant of Shared Prosperity (November 5, 2020)

Prepared by:

Patrick R. Hariramani, MBA

Noted by:
Patrick R. Hariramani, MBA


_____________________ __________________________
Dr. Manuel R. Tanpoco Dr. Emilina R. Sarreal
Chair, Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation Dean, RVR-College of Business

Student and Guardian:

My parents or guardians and I have read through the course syllabus and agree to all its
requirements and policies.


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