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Assessment Cover Sheet (Student)

Student name: Student ID:

Student email: Phone:
Course Name: Course Code:
Unit of competency code: SITHCCC018 Unit of competency Name: Prepare food to meet
special dietary requirements

Task Number: Trainer name:

 I declare that the work contained in this Assessment Task is my own, except where
acknowledgement of sources is made. I keep copy of these assignment submitted for my record.
 I have read the BIT’s Plagiarism Policy and Procedures.
 I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism and collusion.

Student signature: Date:

Please note: You are advised to keep a copy of all your work submitted to the institute.
For office use only:

Date received from student: Name and signature of Trainer/Assessor:

✂ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Student Receipt (to be completed by BIT staff only)

Unit(s) of competency (code and name):

SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Student name: Student ID:

Staff member signature: Date:

Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

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SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

Assessment Resource Summary

SITHCCC018 Prepare food to meet special

Unit Details
dietary requirements
This is a summative assessment, which requires
each student to have adequate practice prior to
Assessment Type undertaking this assessment
This assessment Must also be undertaken in a
Commercial Kitchen
Assessment 1
Project (Research, explain and provide recipes for a
variety of dietary requirements.)

Assessment Methods Observations Assessment 2

(6 observations – Dietary dishes)

Written Assessment / Assessment 3

Project (Written Assessment / Project)

Unit Summary
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare dishes for
people who have special dietary needs for health, lifestyle or cultural reasons. It requires the ability to
confirm the dietary requirements of customers, use special recipes, select special ingredients and
produce food to satisfy special requirements.
This unit does not include menu planning for special diets which is covered in the unit SITHKOP004
Develop menus for special dietary requirements.
The unit applies to cooks and patissiers working in hospitality and catering organisations. This could
include restaurants, educational institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks,
cafes, residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, and event and function caterers.
It applies to individuals who work under the guidance of more senior chefs. They demonstrate
autonomy and judgement to complete routine activities and take limited responsibility in known and
stable contexts within established parameters.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time
of publication.

Prerequisite Units
SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018
TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

SITXFSA001 | Use hygienic practices for food safety

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SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before
placing on the students file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this form.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Final Completion Date:

Unit Code: SITHCCC018

Unit Title: Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Result Reassessment
Please attach the following documentation to this form S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
NA = Not Assessed NA = Not Assessed

 Report Attached
 Evidence of 3 consultations attached
Assessment 1 S | NS | NA S | NS | NA
 13 recipes attached
 Project Checklist attached

Assessment 2  Observation Checklist attached (6 dietary dishes) S | NS | NA S | NS | NA

Assessment 3  Written assessment (closed book test) S | NS | NA S | NS | NA

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC

Assessor Notes: (inclusive of reassessment, reasonable adjustment, further opportunities for gap training etc.):




Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights. appropriate feedback. I further declare that this assessment has been
checked and is free from plagiarism
Name: ____________________________
Name: ____________________________
Signature: ____________________________
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Date: ____/_____/_____
Administrative use only

Entered onto Student Management Database  ________________

Date Initials

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

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SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

Summative Assessment - Assessor Instructions

It is important that in conducting assessment, the assessor undertakes the following:

Prior to conducting the assessment

 Read the assessment tasks as detailed throughout this document
 Contextualise the task (and checklist) to ensure it reflects the students working environment.
(Be sure to check with the mapping document to ensure any contextualisation still covers the
unit requirements)
 Read the assessor instructions and checklist prior to commencing the assessment
 Ensure the assessment environment is suitable for the parameters of the task, to ensure the
students will have an appropriate opportunity to demonstrates their skills
 Make suitable modifications to the assessment environment (if required), to allow all tasks to
be observed
 Ensure the student is allocated the appropriate time and resources for the task
 If undertaken on the job - discuss the assessment with the workplace supervisor, to so they
are aware of what will happen throughout the process
 If undertaken on the job - Determine and agree with the supervisor an acceptable time
frame for each assessment.
 Advise the student prior to conducting the assessment of:
o what will occur throughout the assessment process
o when the assessment will occur
o the level of competency expected (review the checklist or the criteria for the task to
ensure the student understands the assessment process and the expectations)
o the RTO reasonable adjustment process and offer adjustment for any students
needing assistance
o the RTO re-assessment and appeals process
 You should not tell the student how to undertake the task, as it would lead the student and
render the assessment process invalid. The student should have been taught "How" to
perform each task during the training stage, and is expected to know this prior to commencing
the assessment.
 Do not give the student a copy of the Assessor Checklist or Sample Answers prior to the
assessment. The student instructions provide appropriate detail for the student on the
expected level of competency for each task.

Conducting the assessment

 Establish and oversee the evidence gathering process to ensure it remains valid, reliable, fair
and flexible
 Advise the student when to commence the assessment
 Observe the student undertake the tasks as outlined
 Record your observations in the assessor checklist
 Where a checklist point is not observed due to an inappropriate environment, or for a reason
outside the students control, modify the scenario to allow the student an opportunity to
perform the associated task
 Where a checklist point is not appropriate, write "N/A" in the space provided
 Incorporate allowable adjustments to the assessment procedure without compromising the
integrity of the assessment. Be sure to make appropriate notations on the assessment
checklist to explain any variances to the assessment process (such as probing questions,
alterations to assessment environment, etc) to ensure the assessment process is transparent
(and the assessment remains Valid)
 Gather supporting documentation where available and appropriate (as evidence)

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Do not interfere with the assessment unless the student’s actions impose a risk to themselves
or anyone else. In the event that the actions of the student impact on the safety of any
person - you are to immediately cease the assessment and take actions to reduce the
identified risk.
 If a student performs an action incorrectly, mark it as such. Record what you see, not what
you want to see.
 Once the assessment is complete, advise the student that the assessment has ceased, and
record your comments in the sections provided.
Making and recording the decision
 The student needs to be deemed satisfactory in all assessments to gain competency.
 You are to provide feedback* to the student on their performance and/or the outcome from
their assessment (whether satisfactory or not yet satisfactory)
 If a student has been assessed as "Not Yet Satisfactory" on their performance in an
assessment they should be offered information about the appeal process and/or a
reassessment opportunity.
 Re-assessments:
o Re-assessments are to be undertaken on a different date. This is to allow an
opportunity for the student to undergo further training as required, and to ensure the
student is assessed on their ability to demonstrate their actual skills and knowledge -
not just their ability to answer questions / perform actions based on immediate advice
of the assessor.
o When undertaking observation based re-assessments, students must perform the full
task that relates to the observation. This means if a student undertakes an
observation and is marked not satisfactory on one or more points within the
observation, they must perform the task again in full.
o If a student has been marked as satisfactory on any full observation task, they are not
required to be re-assessed on that task again.
o Written assessments. Students are only required to be re-assessed on the questions
relating to the topic they answered incorrectly in the initial assessment. For example,
if the student answered Q1, 2, 3 correctly, but answered Q4+5 incorrectly; then they
must be re-assessed on Q4+5 on a later date
 Using the evidence gathered and the rules of evidence (validity, reliability, sufficiency,
currency and authenticity) determine the final outcome for the student. If you are in doubt,
gather further evidence to help guide your decision.
 Assess the students on what you observe during the assessment period, not on their actions
before or after the assessment.
 If you are marking the student NYC, ensure you outline why you have made this decision,
and provide advice on how the student can improve their skills / knowledge prior to
reassessment; or if the re-assessment opportunities have lapsed, provide advice on appeals
and or re-enrolment.
 Record the assessment results onto the Assessment Summary / Cover Sheet, ensuring each
section is complete
 Attach all evidence (projects / checklists / tests, etc) to this form.
 Submit the completed Assessment Summary/ Cover sheet and associated evidence for
processing as per your RTO procedures

Providing feedback
 Provide constructive feedback to the student on their performance during the assessment
period. Do not make any comments on actions undertaken prior or after the assessment
 Provide the student with:
o Their assessment result
o Clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision
o The reasons underpinning your assessment decision
o Information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by
the assessment the opportunity to discuss the assessment process and outcome
information on reassessment and the appeals processes.
SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018
TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

o An opportunity for reassessment if appropriate or requested by the candidate

o Information on appeal process as applicable to your organisation

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements

Australia is a diverse, multi-cultural place. People have different dietary requirement /

preferences for a range of reasons including cultural, health or even just their own

For this task you are to research and outline the culinary characteristics for each group
outlined below. For each group be sure to:
 provide a basic overview
 outline their culinary characteristics
 identify any specific ingredients (for inclusion or exclusion)
 provide an appropriate recipe

This assessment will require you to talk with other appropriate people. For at least 3
categories you must provide evidence of discussions undertaken with appropriate people.
These must include at least three or more of the following
 allied health professional
 diet technician
 dietician
 family member
 health and medical personnel
 nutritionist
 religious personnel
 supervisor or manager
 Kosher
 Hindu
 Halal
 Vegetarian
 Vegan
 Diabetic
 Low Fat Diet
 Low Cholesterol Diet
 Low Carb / High Protein Diet
 High Fibre Diet
 Low Calorie / Kilojoules Diet
 Macrobiotic Diet
 Elimination Diet
You are to present your report in writing to your assessor by the due date

Note, you will be required to cook 5 of these dishes in Assessment 2

In addition you are to present a presentation based on a topic that will be given to
you by your trainer.

This Project is due on: __________________________________

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


These instructions must be followed when assessing the student in this unit. The checklist on the following page is to be
completed for each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this
task to the unit requirements.

Each student has been given the following brief:

"Australia is a diverse, multi-cultural place. People have different dietary requirement / preferences for a range
of reasons including cultural, health or even just their own preference.

For this task you are to research and outline the culinary characteristics for each group outlined below. For
each group be sure to:
 provide a basic overview
 outline their culinary characteristics
 identify any specific ingredients (for inclusion or exclusion)
 provide an appropriate recipe

This assessment will require you to talk with other appropriate people. For at least 3 categories you must
provide evidence of discussions undertaken with appropriate people. These must include at least three or
more of the following
 allied health professional
 diet technician
 dietician
 family member
 health and medical personnel
 nutritionist
 religious personnel
 supervisor or manager

 Kosher
 Hindu
 Halal
 Vegetarian
 Vegan
 Diabetic
 Low Fat Diet
 Low Cholesterol Diet
 Low Carb / High Protein Diet
 High Fibre Diet
 Low Calorie / Kilojoules Diet
 Macrobiotic Diet
 Elimination Diet

You are to present your report in writing to your assessor by the due date

Note, you will be required to cook 5 of these dishes in Assessment 2

Assessor Notes:
 This assessment is a research based report
 Students are to provide the report in their own words
 Recipes may be sourced and / or modified by the student. They are not required
to develop the recipe themself from scratch
 At least 3 recipes must be confirmed as appropriate by personnel listed above
 It is recommended that you probe each student when they submit their work to
demonstrate authenticity.

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

In setting up this assessment, please:

1. Set a date for this assessment and advise students of the topic.
2. Hand out and explain the Student Information Form and allow opportunities for the student ask
3. Assess the candidates’ submissions / observations using the following checklist

This assessment may be undertaken in the following formats:

Classroom / Simulated environment.
Simulation is a form of evidence gathering that involves the candidate in completing or dealing with a task,
activity or problem in an off-the-job situation that replicates the workplace context. Documented definitions state
"Simulations vary from recreating realistic workplace situations such as in the use of flight simulators, through the
creation of role plays based on workplace scenarios to the reconstruction of a business situation on a
spreadsheet. In developing simulations, the emphasis is not so much on reproducing the external circumstance
but on creating situations in which candidates are able to demonstrate:
 technical skills
 underpinning knowledge
 generic skills such as decision making and problem solving
 workplace practices such as effective communication "
o In conducting training and assessment in a simulated workplace environment, trainers and
assessors must make sure that the simulated environment gives the learner the opportunity to
meet the following critical criteria:
 Quality – The work is of the standard required for entry into the industry.
 Productivity – The work is performed within a timeframe appropriate for entry to the
 Safety – The work is performed in a manner that meets industry safety standards.
o Each assessment has taken the following aspects into consideration, to ensure any simulations
provide for integrated assessment of competence. This includes:
 performing the task (task skills)
 managing a number of tasks (task management skills)
 dealing with workplace irregularities such as unexpected problems, breakdowns and
changes in routine (contingency management skills)
 fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the job and workplace, including
working with others (job/role environment skills)
 transferring competencies to new contexts
o Assessment activities must be realistic and reasonable in terms of scale. Assessment
conducted under simulated conditions should reflect those typically found in the workplace.
Where appropriate to the UOC, simulated environment should allow the learner to:
 deal with typical customers, including difficult customers and diverse types of
 use facilities, equipment and materials that meet current industry standards
 plan and prioritise multiple tasks to meet deadlines
 experience the typical workflow for the industry
 require adherence to service standards, workplace procedures, health and safety
 work with others as part of a team
 consider constraints and pressures met in the workplace, e.g. budget, time, availability
of resources
o If a simulated workplace is used, it must allow for distractions such as background noises,
ringing telephones, interruptions, etc. As this is a Hospitality unit, a simulated environment
must include a fully operational kitchen for food preparation, with real food, and equipment.
Each student must dress appropriately and professionally in line with workplace standards.
o For each assessment, you are not to interfere. In the event that the assessment is activities
will impact on the safety of a student or bystander, the assessment must be stopped

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each
student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit
Please complete below
Student Name:

Student ID No:

Assessor Instructions:
Please refer to the detailed assessment requirements as outlined on the Student Instruction Page
(previous), and complete the checklist below for each culture

Does the students recipes and report meet the

Satisfactory Comments
following cultural parameters for KOSHER


 Food, preparation techniques, and often the food

premises that must satisfy the requirements of Jewish  Yes  No

 Prohibit animals that has cloven hooves and chews its

 Yes  No

 Prohibit fish without fins and scales  Yes  No

 Prohibit birds of prey and scavengers  Yes  No

 Prohibit rodents, reptiles, amphibians and insects  Yes  No

 Ensure animals that are allowed are slaughtered

according to Jewish Law (quick slaughter, painless,  Yes  No
allows for complete draining of blood)
 Prohibit the consumption of blood from birds and
 Yes  No

 Allow all fruits and vegetables (ensuring no bugs or

 Yes  No
worms are attached)

 Ensure utensils are Kosher (meat used for meat only,

 Yes  No
dairy used for dairy only)

 Ensure utensils are kept Kosher when washed (not

 Yes  No
washing in same sink)

 Only use wines and other grape products made by

 Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


 A religious dietary requirement for followers of

 Yes  No

 Prohibit beef  Yes  No

 Prohibit any food obtained from any animal  Yes  No

 Promote vegetarianism  Yes  No

 Promote restriction of violence or pain  Yes  No

 Prohibit food stuffs such as alcohol, onions and garlic

that may inhibit the Hindu’s quest to spiritual
 Yes  No
enlightenment by exiting the body and leading to acts
that may have a karmic impact

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No


 Food preparation techniques prescribed by Muslim

 Yes  No

 Prohibit pork or pork products  Yes  No

 Prohibit animals that were dead prior to slaughtering  Yes  No

 Prohibit animals that were not slaughtered properly  Yes  No

 Prohibit animals that were not slaughtered in the

 Yes  No
name of Allah

 Prohibit blood and blood by-products  Yes  No

 Prohibit alcohol  Yes  No

 Prohibit carnivorous animals  Yes  No

 Prohibit birds of prey  Yes  No

 Prohibit land animals without external ears  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 A person who does not eat meat or fish, and
sometimes other animal products, especially for  Yes  No
moral, religious, or health reasons.

 Prohibits meat  Yes  No

 Prohibits meat derivatives / products  Yes  No

 Allows Dairy foods  Yes  No

 Encourages vegetable products  Yes  No

 Substitutes meat for other items such as Tofu  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No


 Normally a personal choice not to use or eat meat,

 Yes  No
fish or poultry (or by-products)
 Can be chosen for health, environmental and/or
 Yes  No
ethical reasons

 Prohibits all meat  Yes  No

 Prohibits fish, shellfish, shrimp or lobster  Yes  No

 Prohibits all poultry  Yes  No

 Prohibits butter and cream  Yes  No

 Prohibits eggs  Yes  No

 Prohibits milk / cheese from cows or goats  Yes  No

 Prohibits Worchester Sauce and dressings (as they

 Yes  No
contain anchovies)

 Prohibits honey  Yes  No

 Encourages all plant derived foods  Yes  No

 Encourages vegetable products  Yes  No

 Substitutes meat for other items such as Tofu  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Diabetic (Type 1 and Type 2)

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 A medical condition that affects the body's ability to

 Yes  No
use glucose as fuel naturally.

 Must eat regular meals, spread throughout the day  Yes  No

 Requires a low fat diet, specifically saturated fat  Yes  No

 May require in-between meal snacks if on insulin or

 Yes  No
 Encourages plenty of vegetables of different types,
 Yes  No
colours including legumes / beans

 Encourages fruit consumption  Yes  No

 Grains to be either whole-grain or high fibre  Yes  No

 Encourages lean meats, poultry, and fish (maximum

 Yes  No
of 455g per week of lean red meat

 Encourages reduced fat dairy products  Yes  No

 Encourages increased water intake  Yes  No

 Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added

 Yes  No
salt, added sugars and alcohol.

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Low Fat Diet

 Normally for persons looking to reduce weight. Often

 Yes  No
paired with low kilojoule diet

 Trim visible fat and remove skin from poultry  Yes  No

 Refrigerate soups, gravies and stews, then remove

 Yes  No
the hardened fat on top before serving
 Bake, broil or grill meats on a rack that allows fat to
 Yes  No
drip from the meat (don't fry)
 Use herbs and spices instead of cheese, butter and
 Yes  No
cream based sauces
 Be aware of typical increased kilojoules (sugars) in
 Yes  No
low-fat foods / ingredients

 Recommend vegetables  Yes  No

 Recommend lean meats  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Low Cholesterol Diet

 Often followed for medical reasons, including heart

 Yes  No
related conditions

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Limit saturated-fats and trans-fats  Yes  No

 Replace foods containing saturated-fats and trans-fats

 Yes  No
with foods containing poly / mono unsaturated fats

 Include vegetables  Yes  No

 Include whole-grains  Yes  No

 Include legumes  Yes  No

 Include lean meats (limit meat fats and skin)  Yes  No

 Include oily fish  Yes  No

 Include fruit  Yes  No

 Include low fat / reduced fat or no fat dairy. Limit all

 Yes  No
cheese / full fat dairy products

 Include vegetable and seed oils  Yes  No

 Swap butter for margarine  Yes  No

 Limit processed foods  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

High Fibre Diet

 Medical based to add bulk to faeces and to prevent

 Yes  No
constipation and problems such as haemorrhoids

 Use cereals that contain barley, wheat or oats  Yes  No

 Switch to wholemeal or multigrain breads and brown

 Yes  No

 Add an extra vegetable to every evening meal  Yes  No

 Increase fruit, dried fruit, nuts or wholemeal crackers.  Yes  No

 Increase water intake  Yes  No

 Aim for 25-30g fibre intake per day  Yes  No

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Low Carb, High Protein Diet

 Often used as a weight loss diet, or by body builders

 Yes  No
and the like as muscle building diets

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Base meals around high protein foods such as

o meat  Yes  No

o chicken  Yes  No

o fish  Yes  No

o eggs  Yes  No

o legumes  Yes  No

 Supplement meals with non starchy vegetables as

 Yes  No

 Reduce carbohydrates where possible including

o Excluding sugar (soft drinks, fruit juices,

 Yes  No
agave, candy, ice cream, etc)

o Gluten grains (wheat, spelt, barley and rye -

 Yes  No
including breads and pasta)

o Trans Fats (Hydrogenated or partially

 Yes  No
hydrogenated oils)
o High Omega-6 Seed and Vegetable Oils:
Cottonseed, soybean, sunflower, grapeseed,  Yes  No
corn, safflower and canola oils.
o Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame, Saccharin,
Sucralose, Cyclamates and Acesulfame  Yes  No
Potassium. Use Stevia instead.
o “Diet” and “Low-Fat” Products: Many dairy
 Yes  No
products, cereals, crackers, etc.

o Highly Processed Foods: If it looks like it was

 Yes  No
made in a factory, don’t eat it

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Low calorie / kilojoules Diet

 Predominately used for weight loss  Yes  No

 Words under the Energy In = Energy Out presumption  Yes  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Nutrition Australia recommends the following

kilojoules are recommended each day.
Age Male Female

12-15 years 10 900 kj 9 550 kj

16-18 years 12 900 kj 10 200 kj  Yes  No

19-50 years 11 550 kj 9 300 kj

51-70 years 10 450 kj 8 800 kj

Adults over 70 years 9 450 kj 8 300 kj

 Foods should be prepared using low kj calculations as

o Carbohydrates - 16kj per gram
 Yes  No
o Protein - 17kj per gram
o Fat - 37kj per gram
o Alcohol - 29kj per gram

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Macrobiotic Diet

 Yin and Yang are at the base of the macrobiotic diet  Yes  No

 In the macrobiotic diet, it is believed that if we eat

foods that are whole, local and in season, our bodies  Yes  No
will get the ideal yin and yang needed.
 The macrobiotic diet involves eating wholegrain foods,
 Yes  No
vegetables, fruit, legumes, fish and nuts.
 Grains to make up 50%-60% of a meal. Brown and
 Yes  No
wild rice, barley, millet, whole meat are recommended
 Cooked and raw vegetables should make up at least
30%. Leafy greens (except spinach) are strongly  Yes  No
 Beans should be about 10% of a meal, especially
fermented been products like tempeh, lentils,  Yes  No
chickpeas, and tofu
 Fruits should be rarely eaten, maximum of 3 times a
 Yes  No
week. Avoid tropical fruits
 Sea Vegetables such as dulse, kelp, kombu and
 Yes  No
arame are good choices

 Oils, use sesame or corn oil  Yes  No

 Fish - white meat allowed 1 - 3 times per week  Yes  No

 Whole foods - the less processed foods are, the

better. This is a fundamental principle of the  Yes  No
Macrobiotic Diet

 Avoid refined sugars and artificial sweeteners  Yes  No

 Avoid fruit juice  Yes  No

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 Avoid milk, cheese, cream, butter, ghee, yogurt, and

 Yes  No
ice cream

 Avoid refined oils  Yes  No

 Avoid caffeine  Yes  No

 Avoid alcohol  Yes  No

 Avoid heavy use of spices  Yes  No

 Avoid white rice and white flour  Yes  No

 Avoid foods containing chemicals, preservatives,

 Yes  No
dyes, and insecticides

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Elimination Diet

 Normally a diagnostic diet, followed to help identify

 Yes  No
food intolerances or sensitivities
 Follow a 3 week elimination diet before introducing
 Yes  No
eliminated foods back one at a time.
 Fruit: Include almost all fresh fruit. Exclude citrus
 Yes  No
 Vegetables: Include almost all fresh raw, steamed,
sautéed, or roasted vegetables. Exclude tomatoes,  Yes  No
eggplants and potatoes
 Starch: Include rice and buckwheat. Exclude wheat,
corn, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, oats, all gluten-  Yes  No
containing products
 Legumes: exclude Soybeans, tofu, tempeh, soy milk,
 Yes  No
all beans, peas, lentils

 Nuts and seeds: exclude all nuts and seeds  Yes  No

 Meats and fish: Include fish, turkey, lamb, wild game.

Exclude beef, chicken, pork, eggs, cold cuts, bacon,
 Yes  No
hotdogs, canned meat, sausage, shellfish, meat
substitutes made from soy
 Dairy products and milk substitutes Include
unsweetened rice milk, coconut milk. Exclude milk,
 Yes  No
cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice
cream, non-dairy creamers
o Fats Include cold-expeller pressed olive oil,
flaxseed oil, coconut oil. Exclude margarine,
 Yes  No
butter, processed and hydrogenated oils,
mayonnaise, spreads
o Beverages Drink plenty of fresh water, herbal
teas. Exclude alcohol, caffeine (coffee, black  Yes  No
tea, green tea, soda)

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o Spices and condiments: Use sea salt, fresh

pepper, fresh herbs and spices (i.e. garlic,
cumin, dill, ginger, oregano, parsley,
 Yes  No
rosemary, thyme, turmeric). Exclude
chocolate, ketchup, mustard, relish, chutney,
soy sauce, barbecue sauce, vinegar
o Sweeteners: Use Stevia (if needed). Exclude
white or brown sugar, honey, maple syrup,  Yes  No
corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, desserts

Recipe attached that meets above requirements  Yes  No

Select the personnel the student consulted with for this task

List the personnel the student consulted with for this task  Yes  No

 allied health professional  Yes  No

 diet technician  Yes  No

 dietician  Yes  No

 family member  Yes  No

 health and medical personnel  Yes  No

 nutritionist  Yes  No

 religious personnel  Yes  No

 supervisor or manager  Yes  No

Evidence of consultation attached  Yes  No

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Result: Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory | Not Assessed

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Name: ________________________

assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my Signature: ________________________
result. I also am aware of my appeal rights.
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Name: ________________________

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback Signature: ________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

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This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements

Practical Assessment
You are required to prepare and present dishes in a commercial kitchen, to ready for service
to customers (other students). This assessment will occur under workplace conditions.
Each dish is to yield 6 serves.

Dish 1. Your assessor will provide you with a recipe for a chicken salad. You are to prepare
and plate 6 serves of this dish. However, before service your assessor (who will role-play
the client), will make requests for modification. You are to modify, prepare and serve the
recipe accordingly

Dishes 2 - 6. You are to prepare and serve 5 dishes identified in Assessment 1. Each dish
must yield 6 serves. Your dishes must include:
 Dish 2 - 1 x Kosher dish
 Dish 3 - 1 x Halal dish
 Dish 4 - 1 x low GI dish
 Dish 5 - 1 x High Protein / Low Carbohydrate dish
 Dish 6 - 1 x Vegan dish

You are to confirm (and gain approval) for each dish from your assessor prior to starting this

You must clarify the requirements of each dish with your assessor before commencing this

Each dish must

 Be prepared within commercial time-lines as instructed by your assessor
 Minimise waste and demonstrate appropriate portion control
 Cater for any special requests that your customers made
 Be presented creatively, ready for service (refer to student self assessment
checklist for expectation)
 Mis en place requires all ingredients to be prepared and stored in readiness for
 All final dishes must be plated ready for service to 6 patrons

You are also required to clean your workstation and store your dishes at completion of mise
en place in readiness of service.

This task will be assessed on: __________________________________

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This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment criteria

This checklist is similar to the one being used by your assessor during this assessment. This
checklist should be reviewed by you to evaluate your readiness for assessment, and to confirm
your understanding of the criteria by which this assessment task will be judged.

Once you feel you have the required skills and knowledge to demonstrate each of the following
assessment criteria, you are ready to be assessed. Please speak with your assessor if you feel
you are not ready to be assessed before the assessment has commenced.

You may refer to this checklist at any stage PRIOR to the commencement of your assessment.
You may not refer to this checklist whilst you are being assessed.
I feel I can
Student Assessment Criteria
demonstrate this

Communication | Are you able to:

o Communicate clearly with others

o Clarity the task requirements
o Ask for help when needed
o Follow instructions  Yes  No
o Give and receive feedback as appropriate
o Answer questions and clarify concerns that arise
o Explain rational on decisions effectively

Safety | Are you able to:

o Work safely at all times  Yes  No

o Ensure your actions do not put the safety of yourself or others at risk  Yes  No

Task requirements | Are you able to monitor:

o Mise en Place
o All food contact surfaces washed, rinsed, sanitised and air dried
o Work area clean / free from clutter before starting
o Recipe accessed, portions identified
 Yes  No
o Sequence noted and organised
o Adjustments noted for any special requests (Must include 2 - note
o Equipment accessed
o Ingredients
o Appropriate amount
o Selected in accordance with stock rotation procedures
o Quality appropriate to recipe (not spoiled or contaminated)  Yes  No
o Prepared with limited wastage
o Cut and portioned according to recipe requirements
o Weighed and measured accurately
o Equipment
o Correct size
 Yes  No
o Checked for cleanliness
o Assembled correctly

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o Workflow
o logical
o sequential  Yes  No
o smooth
o timing
o Safety
o bench
o Sharps / knife work (correct knives for task, safe use)
o assembly and use of tools and equipment
o haste
 Yes  No
o Handle hot liquid safely and avoid drips, plashes or spills
o Speed, timing and productivity appropriate to industry requirements,
without compromise on safety
o Use appropriate equipment to reduce risk of burns
o Bending / Lifting
o Hygiene
o personal
 Yes  No
o uniform
o food (HACCP)
o Bench-work
o clutter
 Yes  No
o cross contamination
o Sequencing
o Communication
o Clear and concise
 Yes  No
o Co-operative
o Helpful
o Problem solve issues as they arise  Yes  No

o Prepare dishes in accordance with dietary requirements  Yes  No

o Maintain nutrition during cooking:
o Vegetables not soaked
o Do not remove fruit and vegetable skins if possible
o Fruit and vegetables cut into large pieces, or cooked whole
o Cooking times and temperatures kept to a minimum
 Yes  No
o Baking, roasting or sautéing utilised where possible
o Blanching kept to minimum
o Vegetables not overcooked (still crisp)
o Pots covered to retain steam
o Cook with minimal water where possible
o Finished product
o saleable product
o quality & taste
o texture
 Yes  No
o Palatability
o Visual appearance
o Harmony of Ingredients between dish, sauces and garnish
o acceptable Industry Standard

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o Presentation
o timing (produced in time)
o temperature (as per dish requirements)
o portion size / quantity
o appropriate serving dishes used
o serving dishes (free from drips and spills)
 Yes  No
o Garnish applied (applicable and suitable to dish
o Visual appeal appropriate to service style in terms of:
 balance
 colour
 contrast
 creativity
o Storage
o Consideration of temperature
o Consideration of light
 Yes  No
o Consideration of humidity
o Consideration of ventilation
o Use of airtight containers
o Clean-up
o Place all waste in trash
o Store all unused / reusable ingredients
o Clear work area
o Place all dirty tools in wash section
o Pre-clean - scrape, wipe or sweep away food scraps / debris , rinse
with water
o Wash - use hot water and detergent to remove any grease and dirt,
 Yes  No
soak if needed
o Rinse - rinse off any loose dirt or detergent foam
o Sanitise - Use sanitiser to kill remaining germs - follow sanitiser
o Final Rinse - wash off sanitiser (if required - refer to sanitiser
o Dry - Allow to air or drip dry
o Safety - use all chemicals and agents as per manufacture instructions

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These instructions must be followed when assessing the student in this unit. The checklist on the following page is to be
completed for each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this
task to the unit requirements.

Each student has been given the following brief:

Practical Assessment
You are required to prepare and present dishes in a commercial kitchen, to ready for service to customers. This
assessment will occur under workplace conditions. Each dish is to yield 6 serves.

Dish 1. Your assessor will provide you with a recipe for a chicken salad. You are to prepare and plate 6 serves
of this dish. However, before service your assessor (who will role-play the client), will make requests for
modification. You are to modify, prepare and serve the recipe accordingly

Dishes 2 - 6. You are to prepare and serve 5 dishes identified in Assessment 1. Each dish must yield 6 serves.
Your dishes must include:
 Dish 2 - 1 x Kosher dish
 Dish 3 - 1 x Halal dish
 Dish 4 - 1 x low GI dish
 Dish 5 - 1 x High Protein / Low Carbohydrate dish
 Dish 6 - 1 x Vegan dish

You are to confirm (and gain approval) for each dish from your assessor prior to starting this assessment. You
must clarify the requirements of each dish with your assessor before commencing this task

Each dish must

 Be prepared within commercial time-lines as instructed by your assessor
 Minimise waste and demonstrate appropriate portion control
 Cater for any special requests that your customers made
 Be presented creatively, ready for service (refer to student self assessment checklist for
 Mis en place requires all ingredients to be prepared and stored in readiness for service
 All final dishes must be plated ready for service to 6 patrons
You are also required to clean your workstation and store your dishes at completion of mise en place in
readiness of service."

Assessor Notes
• Students are to be advised of
o Portions / serves (Recommend 6 per dish)
o Timing - how long they have to complete task (will depend on environment)
o Customer requests (to be included in at least 2 observations. Requests may
be dietary or just preferences. Sample request include - No onion, sauce on
the side, etc
• Dish 1 - When preparing this dish, the student is to be advised of the following
customer requests. These requests must be adapted on the spot into the dish:
o 3 serves are to be vegetarian (student should consider replacing chicken with
Tempeh or Tofu)
o 2 serve are to have no onion (intolerant, not allergic)
o 1 serve is to be as per the menu / recipe
• Each dish requires the student to prepare, cook, serve and clean
• It is important that the assessment ensures demonstration of skills within normal
operating conditions of a fully equipped commercial cookery kitchen including industry-
current equipment; and industry-realistic ratios of kitchen staff to customers.
• All ingredients must be prepared and stored in readiness for service (Mis en place)
• All dishes must be plated for service
• It is also recommended that the assessor takes a digital photo of each of the finished
demonstration, and attaches it to the assessment checklist

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• Recipe for Dish 1, along with other sample recipes may be found at the end of this
• NB: Where appropriate, products made during other units may be used in these
assessments. However it is important that the ingredients and cooking methods outlined in
the unit mapping document are observed during the recipe swaps. Refer to the attached
mapping document for unit requirements and mapping to recipes provided

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TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

In setting up this assessment, please:

1. Set a date for this assessment and advise students of the topic.
2. Hand out and explain the Student Information Form and allow opportunities for the student ask
3. Assess the candidates’ submissions / observations using the following checklist

This assessment may be undertaken in the following formats:

Classroom / Simulated environment. These assessments must
o Simulation is a form of evidence gathering that involves the candidate in completing or
dealing with a task, activity or problem in an off-the-job situation that replicates the
workplace context. Simulations vary from recreating realistic workplace situations such as
in the use of flight simulators, through the creation of role plays based on workplace
scenarios to the reconstruction of a business situation on a spreadsheet. In developing
simulations, the emphasis is not so much on reproducing the external circumstance but on
creating situations in which candidates are able to demonstrate:
 technical skills
 underpinning knowledge
 generic skills such as decision making and problem solving
 workplace practices such as effective communication
o If role plays are required, the assessor must ensure all ‘actors’ or ‘participants’ perform in
a professional manner - reflecting an actual workplace. Participants are to be informed of
their expected involvement.
o Wherever assessment is conducted, however, it is vital that the assessment environment
is as industry realistic as possible. It is therefore essential that assessment is conducted
using suitable resources and equipment and under industry-relevant workplace
conditions. This involves:
 appropriate environments as specified in the ‘Context of and specific resources
for assessment’ section within each unit (specific requirements for each location
are detailed on the following pages)
 adequate, up-to-date equipment and technology that reflect current industry
 speed and timing for tasks typical for a commercial operation
 productivity to reflect industry expectations
 integration of multiple tasks and application of multiple competencies
 dealing with multiple and varied customers* and team members
 interruptions to work typical of the workplace
 dealing with multiple and varied problems in given timeframes
 integration into work of health and safety issues, employability skills and
compliance demands
 sufficient customer traffic that accurately reflects the complexity of the role and
allows candidates to deal with multiple tasks simultaneously
 Equipment as outlined below
o Each student must dress appropriately and professionally in line with workplace standards
o Relate the task to a hospitality based establishment with products and services relevant to
the students vocational direction
o For each assessment, you are not to interfere. In the event that the assessment is
activities will impact on the safety of a student or bystander, the assessment must be
stopped immediately

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Operational Equipment required for Commercial Cookery

Fixtures and large equipment:

 commercial ovens with timer and trays (1 per 2 persons)
 commercial grade work benches (1.5 m/person)
 Commercial grade blenders, food mills, food processors and planetary mixers
 commercial refrigeration facilities: (cool room, freezer, fridge)
 designated storage areas for dry goods and perishables
 gas, electric or induction stove tops (2 burners per 1 person)
 salamander or other form of griller (one per 4 persons)
 storage facilities: containers for hot and cold food, shelving and trays
 commercial dishwasher  commercial dishwasher
 slicer  deep-fryer
 microwave  hot plate, grill or griddle
 double sink  microwave
 steamers

Small equipment
 knife sharpening equipment including sharpening steels and stones
 knives and cleavers: (butcher and boning knives, bread knives, carving knives, large
serrated cake knives, filleting knives, palette knives, and utility knives)
 range of pans and pots for small and large production including: tilting fry pans, bratt pan,
stainless steel, cast iron, iron and non-stick fry pans, and stock pots
 measurers: (metric calibrated measuring jugs, measuring spoons, portion control scoops
and markers)
 range of small utensils, including flour and drum sieves; pastry brush; peelers, corers and
slicers; strainers and chinois; scrapers; spatulas; tongs and serving utensils
 spoons: (large plain and slotted metal spoons, ladles in a variety of sizes, serving spoons,
wooden spoons)
 cake tins with: fixed base in a range of shapes and loose bottom
 containers for hot and cold food
 service-ware: (platters, dishes, and bowls; cutlery and serving utensils)
 whisks, including fine and coarse stainless steel wire
 baking sheets and trays  beaters
 piping bags and attachments  tilting fry pans
 cutting boards  stock pots
 juicers  oven mitts
 mortar and pestle  moulds and forms
 mouli  graters
 poachers  scoops, skimmers and spiders
 salad spinner  temperature probes
 sets of stainless steel bowls  thermometers
 steamers  scales
 food handling gloves

 diverse and comprehensive range of perishable food supplies for commercial cookery or
catering operations

 copy of Dietary Guidelines for Australians

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Cleaning material and equipment

 cleaning cloths
 commercial cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals for cleaning commercial kitchens,
equipment and food storage areas
 dustpans and brooms
 garbage bins and bags
 hand towel dispenser and hand towels
 mops and buckets
 separate hand basin and antiseptic liquid soap dispenser for hand washing
 sponges, brushes and scourers
 tea towels

Organisational Specifications
 equipment manufacturer instructions
 current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for ordering, monitoring and
maintaining stock
 mise en place lists, menus, standard recipes, and recipes for special dietary requirements
 ordering and docketing paperwork
 food safety plan
 guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements
 safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals

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This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each
student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit

Please complete below

Student Name:

Student ID No:
Dish 1 (Food
Restrictions + Chicken Salad - Norma, Vegetarian and Onion Intolerance versions
Dish 2
(Cultural / Religious)
Dish 3
(Cultural / Religious)
Dish 4
(Food Restrictions)
Dish 5
(Food Preferences)
Dish 6
(Food Preferences

Assessor Instructions:
Please refer to the detailed instructions outlined on the Assessment Instruction Page
(previous) that provides more detail as to products and processes:





Dish 1

Dish 2

Dish 3

Dish 4

Dish 5

Dish 6
Areas to be assessed

All food contact surfaces washed,  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
rinsed, sanitised and air dried  No  No  No  No  No  No
Work area clean / free from  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Mise en Place

clutter before starting  No  No  No  No  No  No

Recipe accessed, portions  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
identified  No  No  No  No  No  No
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Sequence noted and organised
 No  No  No  No  No  No
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Equipment accessed
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Appropriate amount  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

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Selected in accordance with stock  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
rotation procedures  No  No  No  No  No  No
Quality appropriate to recipe (not  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
spoiled or contaminated)  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Prepared with limited wastage
 No  No  No  No  No  No
Cut and portioned according to  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
recipe requirements  No  No  No  No  No  No
Weighed and measured  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
accurately  No  No  No  No  No  No
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Appropriate amount
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Correct size
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Checked for cleanliness
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Assembled correctly
 No  No  No  No  No  No


 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 No  No  No  No  No  No

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 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No


 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Sharps / knife work
 No  No  No  No  No  No

assembly and use of tools and  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
equipment  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

Handle hot liquids / items safely  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
and avoid drips, plashes or spills  No  No  No  No  No  No

Speed, timing and productivity

appropriate to industry  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
requirements, without compromise  No  No  No  No  No  No
on safety
Use appropriate equipment to  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
reduce risk of burns  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 No  No  No  No  No  No

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TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

food (HACCP)
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Clear and concise

 No  No  No  No  No  No
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Co-operative / Helpful
 No  No  No  No  No  No
Actively listen to any enquiries /  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
problems  No  No  No  No  No  No

Student problem solved issues as they

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
arose, ensuring appropriate rectification
 No  No  No  No  No  No
action undertaken where required

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Vegetables not soaked
 No  No  No  No  No  No
Maintain nutritional value

Do not remove fruit and vegetable  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Preparation / Cooking

skins if possible  No  No  No  No  No  No
Fruit and vegetables cut into large  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
pieces, or cooked whole  No  No  No  No  No  No
Cooking times and temperatures  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
kept to a minimum  No  No  No  No  No  No
Baking, roasting or sautéing  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
utilised where possible  No  No  No  No  No  No
Blanching kept to minimum  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
 No  No  No  No  No  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

Vegetables not overcooked (still  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
crisp)  No  No  No  No  No  No
 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
Pots covered to retain steam
 No  No  No  No  No  No
Cook with minimal water where  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
possible  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes
3 dishes modified to vegetarian
 No
Dish 1 - Adjustments inc

Chicken substituted with suitable non-meat based protein  Yes

Preparation / Cooking

(Tempeh, Tofu, Mushrooms, etc)  No


 Yes
No meat in dish at all
 No
Onions cut on separate board, with own knife - no cross  Yes
contamination to other ingredients or utensils  No
 Yes
1 serve made with no onion
 No
 Yes
Dishes are kept separate, labelled correctly
 No
 Yes
No pork or pork products
 No
 Yes
Meat is Halal certified
 No
Preparation / Cooking

 Yes
Meats cooked thoroughly (free from blood)
Dish 2 - Halal

 No
 Yes
No alcohol
 No
 Yes
No birds of prey
 No
 Yes
No land animals without external ears
 No
Meats cooked separately, not with utensils or equipment  Yes
used for non Halal meat products  No

Dish does not contain meat that comes from animals that  Yes
has cloven hooves and chews its cud  No
Preparation / Cooking
Dish 3 - Kosher

 Yes
Dish does not contain fish without fins and scales
 No

 Yes
Dish does not contain birds of prey and scavengers
 No

Dish does not contain rodents, reptiles, amphibians and  Yes

insects  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

Kosher Certified Meat used - Verification that any animals  Yes

that are allowed are slaughtered according to Jewish Law  No

All meats cooked thoroughly - no blood from birds and  Yes

mammals  No

All fruits and vegetables washed clean ensuring no bugs  Yes

or worms are attached  No

Ensure utensils are Kosher (meat used for meat only,  Yes
dairy used for dairy only)  No

Ensure utensils are kept Kosher when washed (not  Yes

washing in same sink)  No

Gluten free ingredients used where possible (Fresh fruit

 Yes
Preparation / Cooking

and vegetables, Fresh meat, Eggs, Nuts, Legumes, Milk,

Dish 4 - Gluten Free

 No
Oils, etc)

Flour eliminated , reduced or replaced with gluten free  Yes

version  No

Low GI substitutes used (Sweet potatoes, Low fat dairy

products (including yoghurt), Pasta (excluding quick cook  Yes
varieties), Wholegrain breads, Wholegrain cereals  No
(containing oats), etc)
Dish 5 - High Protein / Low Carbohydrate

Dish based around high protein food such as meat,  Yes

chicken, fish, eggs or legumes  No

Meals supplemented with non starchy vegetables as a  Yes

Preparation / Cooking

side  No

Plant based proteins included such as nuts, soy products,  Yes

legumes, pulses, etc  No

 Yes
Meat cuts are lean
 No

High carbohydrate ingredients limited (Quinoa, Oats,

 Yes
Buckwheat, Bananas, Potatoes, Sugar (of any kind),
 No
Bread, Pasta, Flour, Rice (white), Milk, etc)

 Yes
 No meat  No
Preparation / Cooking

 Yes
 No fish, shellfish, shrimp or lobster
Dish 6 - Vegan

 No

 Yes
 No poultry  No

 Yes
 No butter and cream  No

 Yes
 No eggs  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Yes
 No milk / cheese from cows or goats  No

 No Worchester Sauce and dressings (as  Yes

they contain anchovies)  No

 Yes
 No honey  No

 Yes
 Incorporates plant derived foods  No

 Yes
 Incorporates vegetable products  No

 Substitutes meat for other items such as  Yes

Tofu  No

Cross contamination is avoided with non-vegan  Yes

utensils and equipment  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

saleable product
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

quality & taste
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No
Finished Product

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Visual appearance
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Harmony of Ingredients between  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

dish, sauces and garnish  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

acceptable Industry Standard
 No  No  No  No  No  No


timing (produced in time)  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

number of portions
 No  No  No  No  No  No

serving dishes (clean, free from  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
spills)  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

timing (produced in time)
 No  No  No  No  No  No


 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Consideration of temperature
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Consideration of light
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Consideration of humidity
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Consideration of ventilation
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Use of airtight containers
 No  No  No  No  No  No


SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Place all waste in trash
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Store all unused / reusable  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
ingredients  No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Clear work area
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Place all dirty tools in wash  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
section  No  No  No  No  No  No

Pre-clean - scrape, wipe or sweep

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
away food scraps / debris , rinse
 No  No  No  No  No  No
with water

Wash - use hot water and

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
detergent to remove any grease
 No  No  No  No  No  No
and dirt, soak if needed
Clean-up (cont.)

Rinse - rinse off any loose dirt or  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
detergent foam  No  No  No  No  No  No

Sanitise - Use sanitiser to kill

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
remaining germs - follow sanitiser
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Final Rinse - wash off sanitiser (if

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
required - refer to sanitiser
 No  No  No  No  No  No

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes

Dry - Allow to air or drip dry
 No  No  No  No  No  No

Safety - use all chemicals and

 Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes
agents as per manufacture
 No  No  No  No  No  No

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Result: Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory | Not Assessed

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Name: ________________________

assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of Signature: ________________________
my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights.
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, Name: ________________________

valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback Signature: ________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018

Sample recipes only, students should be encouraged to develop

their own for use in the assessment.


Chicken Salad
Chef: AET | Source: Accredited Education & Training Pty Ltd

 2 chicken breasts
 1 egg
 1 cup breadcrumbs
 3/4 cup mayonnaise
 3 tbsp soy sauce
 2 small celery stalks, finely chopped
 1/2 cup red onion or 2-3 green onions, minced
 3 tbsp parsley, minced
 3/4 cup pecans and/or walnuts, chopped

Preparation method

Remove skin from chicken breasts, slice for shallow frying.

Place egg in bowl and beat. Dip chicken into egg, then breadcrumbs, and set aside

Meanwhile, combine the remaining ingredients.

Shallow fry chicken until golden brown and cooked

Slice cooked chicken and serve on top of the salad

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Jewish Best Beef Brisket (Kosher)

Author: Friendlyfood | Source:

 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
 2kg beef brisket
 ground black pepper to taste
 2 onions, thickly sliced
 2 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in half
 salt and pepper to taste

Preparation method
Heat the oil in a large deep fry pan or pot over medium-high heat. Season the brisket generously
with black pepper. Place in the pan and cook until the surface is a rich brown color, not burnt, but
dark. Lift the roast up and scatter the onions in the pan. Place the uncooked side of the roast down
onto the onions. Repeat the browning process.

Add the garlic to the pan, and fill with enough water to almost cover the roast. Bring to a simmer.
Reduce heat to low and cover with a lid or tight-fitting foil. Simmer for 4 hours, turning the roast over
once halfway through. T he roast should be fork tender.

Remove the brisket to a serving platter. Bring the broth in the pan to a simmer, scraping the bottom to
loosen any browned bits. Cook until reduced to a thin gravy. Taste and season with salt and pepper
if needed.

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Chicken Tikka Masala (Halal)


 1 kg chicken
 Chicken Tikka Powder (I used SHAN brand)
 6 tablespoon Yoghurt
 1 teaspoon Ginger
 1 teaspoon Garlic
 Juice of half lemon
 1 Onion (sliced)
 Potatoes (optional)
 1 cup water

Preparation method
Marinate the chicken with ginger, garlic, yoghurt and lemon overnight.

Heat oil and fry chicken till half cook. Leave aside.

Using only 1 tablespoon of oil from the fried chicken, add in the onions and fry until brown and

Add the chicken, 1 cup of water and potatoes; and cook until potatoes are well done which is roughly
about 15 minutes.

You may add more water if you want more sauce or add more yoghurt if you like it mild.


SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Bacon-wrapped lamb cutlets with beans & fennel

Chef: Steve Manfredi | Source: The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday December 4, 2004

 8 frenched lamb cutlets
 2 tsp English mustard
 4 rashers of streaky bacon, halved width ways
 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
 800g canned cannellini beans, rinsed, drained
 2 small fennel bulbs, thinly sliced
 2 tbs white wine vinegar
 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves

Preparation method
Spread cutlets with mustard and wrap meat in bacon. Secure with a toothpick.

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large frypan over high heat. Cook cutlets (in batches) for about 3 minutes
each side until bacon is crisp and lamb is medium rare.

Meanwhile, place beans and fennel in a pan with 2 tablespoons of water. Warm for 5 minutes over
medium heat, then stir in vinegar, parsley and remaining oil.

Season and serve with lamb cutlets.

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Moroccan lamb with carrot salad (low-carb)

Chef: Valli Little| Source: delicious. - November 2004, Page 78

 2 garlic cloves, crushed
 2 tsp sweet paprika
 2 tbs sumac*
 2 tsp dried oregano
 3 tbs (1/4 cup) olive oil
 12 French-trimmed lamb cutlets
 4 carrots, peeled, thinly sliced
 2 tsp cumin
 1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
 2 tsp harissa* (optional)
 1 tbs red wine vinegar
 95g kalamata olives
 6 radishes, thinly sliced

Preparation method
Combine garlic, paprika, sumac, oregano, 1 tablespoon oil and 2 tablespoons water. Rub mixture
over cutlets and set aside.

Boil carrots for 2 minutes. Combine cumin, parsley, harissa, remaining oil, vinegar and 2 tablespoons
water. Drain carrots and toss with dressing, olives and radishes. Grill or barbecue lamb over high
heat for 2 minutes each side until just cooked through.

Serve with salad and a dollop of yoghurt

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips
Assessment Resource | SITHCCC018


Seared tuna with fried tofu, & soy & chilli dressing
(high protein)
Chef: Steve Manfredi| Source: The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday November 25, 2006

Ingredients (serves 4) Soy & chilli dressing
 2 tbs peanut oil  2 tbs peanut oil
 100g butternut pumpkin, peeled,  2 tbs soy sauce
cut into 2cm cubes  2 tsp sesame oil
 200g high-protein firm tofu (Soyco  1 long fresh red chilli,
brand), drained, cut into 2cm cubes  thinly sliced diagonally
 1 (about 180g each, 2cm thick)  1 fresh red chili, finely chopped
tuna steaks Pinch of salt  2 green shallots, ends trimmed,
 60g baby Asian greens  finely chopped
 20g bean sprouts  1 garlic clove, crushed
 Lemon wedges, to serve  2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
 Pinch of salt
(This makes sauce for 6)

Preparation method
To make the soy & chili dressing: combine the peanut oil, soy sauce, sesame oil, chilies, green
shallot, garlic and ginger in a screw-top jar. Shake until well combined. Taste and season with salt.
Set aside until required.

Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the pumpkin and cook, stirring, for
6-7 minutes or until golden brown and tender. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a large bowl.
Heat the same pan over medium-high heat. Add the tofu and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes
or until golden brown. Use a slotted spoon to transfer tofu to the bowl with the pumpkin. Cover with
foil to keep warm.

Clean pan and heat over medium-high heat. Season tuna with salt. Add tuna to the pan and cook for
1 1/2 minutes each side for medium-rare or until cooked to your liking. Remove from heat.
Add the Asian greens, bean sprouts and 2 tbs of the dressing to the pumpkin mixture and gently toss
until combined. Spoon salad among serving plates. Top with tuna and drizzle with the remaining
dressing. Serve with lemon wedges.

Add also 500g of large king prawns, shelled and deveined, a sliced celery heart, a minced clove of
garlic and half a cup of chopped parsley.

Dress with the juice of a lemon, 8 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, the reserved cooking liquor, salt and

Toss and serve with crusty bread.

SITHCCC018 assessment V1 June 2018

TOID 21438 CRICOS code 02552G Authorised by M. Phillips

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