Solar Panel Cleaning System Documentation

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Sunlight is a very powerful energy source. If the entire solar energy could be
used, the world's energy demand could be met. However, because of atmospheric
conditions, only a small amount of solar energy can be used. This is not possible. The
solar panel is capable of extracting solar energy and converting it into more useful forms
of energy. Renewable energy, particularly solar energy, which does not emit any
greenhouse gases, has become increasingly popular. Solar power can be converted into
electricity by using the photovoltaic method. It promises to meet the ever-increasing
demand for energy.
As a result of weather conditions, the efficiency of the solar panel is limited,
which makes parameters such as dust, moisture, and temperature extremely important. An
efficiency study of the solar panel was performed with and without dust accumulation. As
part of the project, a dust cleaning system will be designed and implemented. The project
is intended to provide an automated dust cleaning mechanism for solar panels. In addition
to snow, high temperatures, pollen, dust, and dirt, many factors can negatively impact
photovoltaic (PV) power.
PV panels are mostly affected by dust, which can reduce their efficiency by up to
50 percent depending on the environment. Traditionally, cleaning has been done
manually. The disadvantages of manual cleaning include accidents and panel damage,
poor maintenance, and movement problems.
By using the automatic dust cleaning system, solar panels can be cleaned
effectively and without compromising their efficiency because dust is deposited and
deposited on them. Researchers tested solar panels with dust collected on them for 1 day,
1 week, and 1 month to assess their efficiency. We also calculated the efficiency of the
solar panel one day, one week and one month after cleaning the surface.
. And finally, comparing both efficiencies, it has been demonstrated that solar
panel efficiency increases significantly. Solar panels can be improved with the model


Solar panels deposited with dust can reduce their performance and the
productivity of their solar cells, resulting in roughly 50 percent less efficiency over 6
months if the panels are not cleaned. As a result, monetary losses are significant every
year. In this paper, we propose a method for cleaning the solar panel's dust accumulation.
It requires no human intervention and is entirely automated, though it can be triggered /
initiated from an android device if the automatic system does not respond. Solar panels of
any size can be attached to the system. Using stepper motors and wheels, the system is
controlled by a microcontroller attached to the frame. Batteries or solar panels provide
power to the entire system. Whenever a dust sensor detects dust, the water spray
mechanism is triggered to initiate the cleaning wiper. After the dust sensor senses, no dust
notification is sent to the user about the cleaning operation.

The methodology involves the following steps

1. An analysis of the effect of dust accumulation on the efficiency of solar panels.

2. Designing a system to clean automatically.

3. The microcontroller, sensors, water nozzles, and other components should be selected
to keep costs low and produce an efficient system.

4. Developing an effective system of communication between microcontrollers and users.


This project is mainly intended to provide an automated system to remove dust

from solar panels. In addition to snow, high temperatures, pollen, dust, and dirt, many
factors can negatively impact photovoltaic (PV) power. PV panels are mostly affected by

dust, which can reduce their efficiency by up to 50 percent depending on the

Traditionally, cleaning has been done manually. The disadvantages of manual

cleaning include accidents and panel damage, poor maintenance, and movement
problems. By using the automatic dust cleaning system, solar panels can be cleaned
effectively and without compromising their efficiency because dust is deposited and
deposited on them.

Researchers assessed the efficiency of the solar panel after it had been exposed to
dust on it for one day, one week, and one month. In addition to measuring the efficiency
one day, one week, and one month after cleaning, we also measured the efficiency one
year after cleaning. And finally, by comparing both efficiencies, the solar panel's
efficiency increases significantly. A new model improves the efficiency of solar panels.


 Cleaning of solar panel will automatically be done using smart app and activates
the motor pump and wipers.

 People don’t have to reach solar panels to clean them. Instead, it can be operated
easy with help of mobile app.


1.5.1 Feasibility Study

An initial feasibility study examines the likelihood that the system will be of use
to the organization. Studying the feasibility of adding new module to an existing system,
as well as debugging an old system, is the main objective of the feasibility study. When
given unlimited resources and time, all systems are feasible. Preliminary investigation
includes feasibility study components:

 Technical Feasibility

 Operation Feasibility

 Economic Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation
includes the following:

 Does the technology exist to make what is suggested possible?

 The proposed equipment is capable of storing the data required by the new
system, but does it have the technical capacity?

 How will the proposed system handle inquiries regardless of how many users or
where they are located?

 If developed, can the system be upgraded?

 Is there a technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability, accessibility and security of


Operation Feasibility

The operational feasibility includes User friendly, reliability, security, portability,

availability and maintainability of the software used in the project.

Economic Feasibility

Analysis of a project costs and revenue in an effort to determine whether or not it

is logical and possible to complete.



It allows many systems to connect to the internet through embedded devices. A

device/object that represents itself digitally can be controlled anywhere. This allows us to
collect and analyze more information from more places, creating a way to increase
efficiency, improve safety, and improve IoT security.

With IoT analytics and IoT Security, companies can improve performance and
improve results through IoT. By utilizing IoT, businesses in the utilities sector, oil & gas
sector, insurance sector, manufacturing, transportation sector, infrastructure sector, and
retail sector can gain valuable insight with the help of vast amounts of data available to


Figure 2.1.1: Architecture of IoT

An IoT device (Internet of Things) is a physical device, such as a vehicle, a

building, or other object embedded with circuitry, software, sensors, actuators, and
network connectivity that collects and exchanges data. As defined by the Global Standard
Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI), IoT is essentially "the infrastructure of the
information society." By connecting objects remotely across existing networks, the
Internet of Things creates greater opportunities to integrate the physical world into
computer-based systems, which in turn improve efficiency, accuracy, and economic
benefit, while reducing human intervention.

Sensors and actuators are typically used to augment IoT, so the technology is
classified as part of the larger class of cyber-physical systems, which includes
technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation, and smart cities.
The embedded computing systems enable each item to be uniquely identifiable, but they
can also work together within the Internet infrastructure. By 2020, almost 50 billion
objects will be connected to the Internet of Things.


This solar panel cleaning system is operated by using mobile application. The
power supply is giving to the solar panel cleaning system through the rechargeable
battery (12 volt) and it occur by triggering switch from mobile application.

The cleaning tool (wiper mechanism) is move horizontally by pushing button in

mobile application, this gives output signal given through Wi-Fi to the gear motors. Gear
motor is connected with rack and pinion mechanism; and it give the movement to rubber
wiper. This cleaning tool move horizontally forward; after that by pushing backward
button in application wiper moves backward direction.

This entire wiper movement mechanism is carried by the pinion. Pinion is guided
by rack and rack is guided by gear motor. During this cleaning tool horizontal movement,
simultaneously water pump (12 volt) is pump and spray water on the top of the solar
panel edge; this is done by pushing button in application.

Water is forcedly spray from up to down and simultaneously wiper wipe solar
panel and the dirty water flows it away at the bottom edge of the solar panel. Then give
the off signal from mobile application and the process is stop.


 It will display LED light.

 Hard to notify because of using image processing.
 Too costly to afford.
 Maintenance is hard.


In the Proposed System we have implemented the system efficiently to control

wipers and motors using blink application. Because of using IOT technique easy to fix
sensors and trans receive the information.
We designed our project especially for people living in rural and urban settings.
Once we take them through the process of the working of the system, they can easily
equip and maintain it themselves. IOT-based projects should not only be developed in
urban areas, but should also be set up in rural areas so that the people living in small
places will learn about the IOT-based projects and change their lifestyles to maintain the
surroundings in a green and safe manner. It is designed in such a way that once explained
to them, it can be easily understood and maintained well.


 Easy Handling
 Smart Usage
 No Waiting
 Fully automatic system.
 Using blynk servers to control wipers and motors.



The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has obtained greater heights in last few
years. IoT refers to the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing-like
devices within the existing infrastructure. The Node MCU, sensors, actuators, and mobile
phones are often seen as prerequisites for the IoT. IoT is capable of connecting variety of
physical objects, through unique addressing schemes, to an internet-like structure, which
enables the object to interact and cooperate with each other to reach common goals.
Ultrasonic technologies allow the transmission of a unique serial number wirelessly,
using ultrasonic waves.

A NodeMCU system consists of a reader and Wi-Fi module. In a typical working

of an NodeMCU system, the reader sends out an identification request to the Wi-Fi
module, and the network reply with the input information. If multiple signals reply
simultaneously, signal collision occurs and this leads to the unsuccessful identification of
all the levels. Therefore, anti-collision protocols are employed to improve the
identification rate of NodeMCU signals.

The two key parts of the system that are needed to do this are the NodeMCU 'Wi-
Fi module' and the ‘reader’ connecting Wi-Fi module to a physical object allows the
object to be 'seen' and monitored by existing computer networks and back-office
administration systems. USB reader will be connected to the Arduino board. The IR
Sensors are also connected with the Arduino board. Wi-Fi module is connected with the
Arduino board. The faculty entry is monitored by NodeMCU signals is taken from which
the NodeMCU Receiver collects the data and host the data in the cloud. Analysis can be
done in the cloud.


Computing in the cloud provides computers and other devices with on-demand
access to computer processing resources and data on the Internet. It is a way to provide a
pool of configurable computing resources (such as computer networks, servers, storage,
applications and services) to anyone on demand, and it allows them to be provisioned

Solutions for cloud computing and storage provide a variety of options for storing
and processing data, whether that data is stored on privately owned, or in third-parties'
data centers all across the world, ranging from a few blocks to thousands of miles away.
As with an electricity network, cloud computing relies on sharing resources to achieve
coherence and economics of scale. As a result of cloud computing, capital expenditures
of buying hardware and software and setting up and running on-premise datacenters are
eliminated, including racks of servers, round-the-clock power and cooling systems, and
IT experts for managing the infrastructure. It adds up fast. In most cases, cloud
computing is self-service and on demand, which allows businesses to quickly and
efficiently provision large quantities of computing resources - typically with just a few
mouse clicks - without worrying about capacity restrictions.

In addition to scalability, cloud computing services offer elastic scaling. The right
amount of IT resources is what cloud computing is all about. For example, We can add or
reduce computing power, storage, bandwidth, and do so at the right time and from the
right place.

In-house datacenter setup typically requires much "racking and stacking" of

hardware, software updates and other laborious IT tasks. As a result of cloud computing,
many of these tasks can be automated, enabling IT teams to focus on more important
business objectives.

Global cloud computing services are delivered through a network of secure

datacenters, which are periodically upgraded to the latest technology running fast and
efficiently. As a result, applications will run faster and cost less than if they were on a
single corporate datacenter.

Due to the ability of data to be mirrored at multiple redundant sites across the
cloud provider's network, cloud computing makes data backup, disaster recovery, and
business continuity easier and less expensive.

Cloud computing services all work a little differently, depending on the provider.
Many of them, however, provide a friendly, browser-based dashboard that makes
ordering resources and managing accounts easier for IT professionals and developers.
Developers have a variety of options when using cloud computing services, including
REST APIs and command-line interfaces (CLI).


Node MCU:

The Arduino Micro Controller is an extremely easy to utilize and installed on an

unmarried chip. It is an In-System-Programmable Device this implies the customer
haven't any need to utilize the dispose of the IC, we can without a moment's delay join
the Node MCU to the PC and picking the best possible COMM port. The Node MCU has
many sorts like UNO, MEGA and numerous others; here we utilize Node MCU UNO
board. The UNO board will appear this way.

Figure 3.2.1: Architecture of Node MCU

The Programming of the Node MCU is either in C/C++. In case you're familiar
with C, programming g of the Node MCU is direct to perceive. In the event that you are
not acquainted with C no bother picking up information of is to be had in the example
codes. The Node MCU Board is referred to as ISP transforms into when the code dumped
inside the Board can be use at each time, anyplace.

Node MCU Board:

Hence the Node MCU Board does not have capacity to execute code by itself,
without any external Power Supply. To communicate with the outside world the Node
MCU board has I/O pins. It contains total 14 pins from 0 to 13 that can be used as input
from Switches. Each pin has a 40mA of current passes through it.

The Node MCU has inbuilt program to check whether it is working or not. The
Node MCU board has very easy compatible interface design, for communicating with the
Sensors it need only 5v supply

To know the state of the Sensor the Node MCU has to read its voltage connected to the
I/O pins, if the O/p has to be 0 or 5v flag by using the instruction HIGH or LOW. The
grouping of occasions to peruse a stick is appeared in this figure.


Figure 3.2.2: Pin arrangements 

Using Multiple Sensors & Avoiding Disruption

Multi-sensor applications must be interconnected in a way that avoids

interference such as crosstalk.

You need to keep the face of the transducer free of any obstructions in order to
prevent the disruption coming from the sensor.

Common obstructions include:

 Dirt
 Snow
 Ice
 Other Condensation

Their self-cleaning features are designed for continuous operation in order

for the self-cleaning feature to function effectively. These products are designed for
applications requiring condensation resistance in high moisture environments.


NodeMCU is an open-source firmware developed for the ESP8266 WI-FI chip. ESP8266
development boards/kit, also known as the NodeMCU development board, provide
functionality with the ESP8266 chip.

Figure 3.2.3: NodeMCU Development Board/kit v0.9 (Version1)

In NodeMCU, the hardware design can be edited, modified, and built since the platform
is open-source. NodeMCU Dev Kit/board consist of ESP8266 Wi-Fi enabled chip.
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP
protocol. Please see the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module for more details about ESP8266.

There is Version2 (V2) available for NodeMCU Dev Kit i.e. NodeMCU Development
Board v1.0 (Version2), which usually comes in black colored PCB.

Figure 3.2.4: NodeMCU Development Board/kit v1.0 (Version2)

NodeMCU Dev Kit has Node MCU like Analog (i.e., A0) and Digital (D0-D8) pins on
its board.

It supports serial communication protocols i.e. UART, SPI, I2C, etc. 

It can be used to connect to serial devices such as an I2C enabled LCD display,
magnetometers HMC5883 and MPU-6050, along with RTC chips, GPS modules, and
touch screens.

How to start with NodeMCU?

In addition to Wi-Fi and analog/digital pins, NodeMCU Development board offers serial
communication protocols and analog/digital pins.

In order to get started with using NodeMCU for IoT applications we must first know how
to write/download NodeMCU firmware into NodeMCU Development Boards, and before
that, where we can get the NodeMCU firmware.

We can easily get our custom NodeMCU firmware based on our requirements using
online NodeMCU custom builds.

How to write codes for NodeMCU?

Here we'll look at how to set up the ESP8266 with the Node-MCU firmware and
the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) needed to develop NodeMCU.

NodeMCU with ESPlorer IDE

Lua scripts are generally used to code the NodeMCU. The Lua programming
language is a lightweight, open-source coding language developed on top of the C

Refer to our article, Getting started with NodeMCU using the ESPlorer IDE for
details about how to write Lua script.

NodeMCU with Arduino IDE

Here is another way of developing NodeMCU with a well-known IDE i.e. Arduino
IDE. The Arduino development environment can also be used to develop
applications for NodeMCU. The Arduino developers don't have to learn a new
language or IDE for NodeMCU.

You can learn more about the Arduino sketch writing process using Getting started
with NodeMCU using the Arduino IDE.

The difference in using ESPlorer and Arduino IDE

Well, When developing an application for NodeMCU using ESPlorer IDE and Arduino
IDE, we can observe a difference in the programming languages.

In order to develop NodeMCU applications using Arduino's IDE, we should use the C/C+
+ programming language, whereas ESPlorer's IDE requires Lua code.

NodeMCU is a Lua interpreter, so it understands Lua scripts quite easily, so when we

write Lua scripts for NodeMCU and send/upload them to NodeMCU, they will be
executed sequentially. Binary firmware files will not be built for NodeMCU to read.
NodeMCU will be sent the Lua script as it is for execution.

ESP8266 toolchain generates binary firmware files when code is written and compiled in
Arduino IDE. As it is uploaded to NodeMCU, it will generate new binary firmware code
for all NodeMCUs. In fact, It actually writes the entire firmware.

After getting flashed with Arduino IDE, NodeMCU won't accept any further Lua
scripts/code. Once the Arduino sketch/code has been flashed, there will no longer be a
Lua interpreter, and we will get an error if we attempt to upload Lua scripts. We need to
flash the NodeMCU firmware again before we can run Lua scripts.


Figure 3.2.5: Solar panel

A solar panel is a device which converts the sun's rays into electricity or heat. The
design of a solar panel is actually a collection of solar cells (or photovoltaics) that
generate electricity in a similar way to wind power. Solar panels are composed of these
cells spread out like a grid.


Figure 3.2.6: DC Submersible motor pump

The DC submersible pump refers to the submersible pumps that use the direct
current electricity as the power source.

The DC submersible pumps as well as other types of submersible pumps look like
a metal tube and their goal is to push the water to the surface. This type of pipe-look
water pumps conceals the motor within the tube so that the liquid outside the pump does
not get access to the electrical parts inside the pump.

The DC submersible pumps are versatile and can better accommodate with
different working environments because they can be powered from a variety of
independent DC power sources. The most common power sources for the DC
submersible pumps are the solar modules, batteries, or generators. The DC submersible
pumps with solar power supplies sometimes have a controller in order to enhance the
current when the sunlight is low.

More Information on the Power Supply

Typically, the DC submersible pumps can operate on multiple volts of DC power

such as 6V, 12V, 24V or 32V. There are some advantages of applying the direct current

instead of the alternating current (AC). The first advantage is that the DC power system
allows the submersible pumps to adapt to more power supply options such as batteries. It
makes the machines portable and is more convenient to apply.

Also, the AC power system needs a controller to control the speed while the AC
power system does not need such device. In most cases, the controller of the power
system is only needed when the solar power modules are applied.

The DC submersible pumps are more energy efficient too; it takes less power to
run a DC submersible pump than an AC model. However, there are limits to the DC
machines as well. The DC submersible pumps have a shorter lifespan than the AC
counterparts. Besides, though the DC machines are more energy efficient and easier to
operate without a current controller, they tend to work in a rather lower speed and they
are less powerful in pumping.


Figure 3.2.7: Servo motor

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is the method for controlling servos by sending

an electrical pulse with variable width through the control wire. In addition to the
minimum pulse, there is also a maximum pulse and a repetition rate. There are generally
only 90° of movement for a servo motor in either direction.

Neutral position refers to the point at which the servo has the same rotational
potential clockwise as well as counterclockwise. A pulse-width modulation is sent to the
motor to control the position of the shaft, and the motor will only turn to a particular
position according to the duration of the pulse.
Each time the servo motor receives a pulse, it will turn the motor for around 20
milliseconds (ms). For example, a 1.5ms pulse will make the motor turn to the 90°
position. Shorter than 1.5ms moves it in the counter clockwise direction toward the 0°
position, and any longer than 1.5ms will turn the servo in a clockwise direction toward
the 180° position.

 Accuracy can be adjustable.

 Operating voltage of this sensor is 3.3V to 5V.


The Arduino Board can be energized with a USB connector or with an external
power unit. The Energy supplied to the Board is about 12v AC but the Arduino Board
contains the inbuilt Voltage Regulator, which regulates the Voltage from 12v to 5v and
Rectifier converts the AC current to DC Current to this 5V supply another regulator is
used to reduce the voltage to 3.3v,3v

 V-IN: The I/P to the Board is given through external power supply
 5V: A 5V volts supply exists in the board due to the regulator in it
 Gnd: Ground pins.


The ATmega328 has 32 KB (with 0.5 KB used for the boot loader). It also has 2
KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM

Input and Output

The pins in the Board either can be used as I/p or O/p, its usage depends upon the
client as pinMode(), digitalWrite() and digitalRead() functions. These can be handled at
5V. Each pin contains internal Pull-up resistor of 20-50ohms,

 To transmit the data serially a Receiver and a Transmitter is

required, here in this Arduino Board has pins (0,1) as RX and TX these internally
connected to the TTL serial Chip.
 PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the
analogWrite () function.
 SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins
support SPI communication using the SPI library.


At digital pin 13, there is an LED built-in. The LED turns on when the pin is
HIGH, and turns off when the pin is LOW.

Six analog inputs provide resolution between 10 bits (i.e., 1024 possible values)
on the Uno's 6 analog inputs, A0 to A5. Normally, they measure between ground and 5
volts, though using the AREF and the analog Reference () functions, the upper end of
their range can be adjusted:

There are a couple of other pins on the board:

 AREF: Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analog Reference ().

 Reset. By using this System again restarts its execution


Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a free program that

enables you to program in the language the Arduino understands, allowing you to
program in the language the Arduino understands. In the case of the Arduino the
language is C. An Arduino IDE enables you to create a computer program that you then
upload to the Arduino. The program is a set of instructions that describe step-by-step how
to do something. Then your Arduino will carry out those

Instructions and interact with the world outside. In the Arduino world, programs
are known as sketches.

Open Source refers to both the hardware and software of the Arduino platform,
which means the code, schematics, design, and so on can be taken free of charge by
anyone. . In other words, there is nothing prohibiting anyone from making their own
Arduino by taking the schematics and PCB designs.

Fredonia is the perfect example of where someone has taken the Arduino PCB
design, adopted it to make their own and are selling it as their own, and this is perfectly
legal, as this is the whole point of Open Source. You could even make your own
Arduino, with just a few cheap components, on a breadboard.

There are many different variants of the Arduino available. Diecimila or

Duemilanove are the most common. You can also get Mini, Nano and Bluetooth
Arduino’s. New to the product line is the new Arduino Mega with increased memory and
number of I/O pins.


Firstly, get your Arduino board and lay it on the table in front of you. Take the
USB cable and plug the B plug into the USB socket on the Arduino.

At this stage do NOT connect the Arduino to your PC or Mac yet.

Download the Arduino IDE from the Arduino download page. As of the time of
writing this book, the latest IDE version is 0015. The file is a ZIP file so you will need to
uncompressing it. Once the download has finished, unzip the file, making sure that you
preserve the folder structure as it is and do not make any changes.

Drivers directory of the Arduino distribution. In the next stage you will point
Window ʼ s Add New Hardware wizard to these drivers.

Now, connect the other end of the USB cable into the USB socket on your PC or
Mac. You will now see the small power LED light up to show you have power to the

If you have a Mac, this stage of the process is complete and you can move on to
the next Chapter. If you are using Windows, there are a few more steps to complete.

On Windows they Found New Hardware Wizard will now open up as Windows
will have detected that you have connected a new piece of hardware (your Arduino
board) to your PC. Tell it NOT to connect to Windows update (Select No, not at this
time) and then click Next.

On the next page select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and
click Next.

Make sure that “Search for the best driver in these locations” is checked.
Uncheck “Search removable media”. Check “Include this location in the search” and
then click the Browse button. Browse to the location of the USB drivers and then click

Now that your Arduino has been connected and the drivers for the USB chip have
been installed, we are now ready to try out the Arduino for the first time and upload your
first Sketch. The Arduino will now reset itself and immediately start to run the Sketch
that you have just uploaded.

We will now explain a bit more about the Arduino IDE and how to use it before
moving onto the projects that you can carry out using the hardware supplied with the kit.
For our first project we will carry out this Blink LED sketch again, but this time using an
LED that we will physically connect to one of the digital output pins on the Arduino. We
will also explain the hardware and software involved in this simple project. But first, lets
take a closer look at the Arduino IDE.

When you open up the Arduino IDE it will look very similar to the image above.
If you are using Windows or Linux there will be some slight differences but the IDE is
pretty much the same no matter what OS you are using.

Along the top is the file menu with drop down menus headed under File, Edit,
Sketch, Tools and Help. The buttons in the Toolbar provide convenient access to the most
commonly used functions within this file menu.


Stop New Open save Upload


Serial Monitor

The Toolbar buttons are listed above. The functions of each button are as follows:

Verify/ Checks the code for errors

Stop Stops the serial monitor, or un-highlights other buttons

New Creates a new blank Sketch

Open Shows a list of Sketches in your sketchbook

Save Saves the current Sketch

Upload Uploads the current Sketch to the Arduino

Serial Displays serial data being sent from the Arduino


The Verify/Compile button is used to check that your code is correct, before you
upload it to your Arduino.

The New button will create a completely new and blank Sketch read for you to
enter code into. The IDE will ask you to enter a name and a location for your Sketch (try
to use the default location if possible) and will then give you a blank Sketch ready to be
coded. The tab at the top of the Sketch will now contain the name you have given to your
new sketch.

The Upload to I/O Board button will upload the code within the current sketch
window to your Arduino. You need to make sure that you have the correct board and port
selected (in the Tools menu) before uploading. It is essential that you Save your sketch
before you upload it to your board in case a strange error causes your system to hang or
the IDE to crash. It is also advisable to Verify/Compile the code before you upload to
ensure there are no errors that need to be debugged first.

The Serial Monitor window is also were you will see error messages that the IDE
will display to you when trying to connect to your board, upload code or verify code.

The menu bar across the top of the IDE looks like the image is different in

Next is the Edit menu. In here you get options to enable you to Cut, Copy and
Paste sections of code. Select All of your code as well as Find certain words or phrases
within the code. Also included are the useful Undo and Redo options which come in
handy when you make a mistake

The next menu in the IDE is the Tools menu. Within this are the options to
select the Board and Serial Port we are using, as we did when setting up the Arduino
for the first time. Also, we have the Auto Format function formats your code to make it
look nicer.


The design and implementation of the wireless fire detection system is

customizable and flexible. This wireless detection mechanism lowers in cost-effective
than the available fire detection systems in the traditional market. Our remote flame
recognition framework a has high precision rate, and rushes to distinguish changes in
temperature and stickiness degrees which empower consistent incorporation with the
clients and gives more a tightly security. In our nation, private and government
associations are especially worried about protection from flame flare-ups.

Numerous organizations are keen on utilizing this kind of remote location

component since the framework which is accessible have low establishment cost.
Because of the minimal effort of the framework, numerous little firms can manage the
cost of such frameworks. Remembering the establishment cost we wanted to build up the
framework that ought to stay moderate to both huge and little firms.

This structure can be improved by progressively serious advancement and extra

highlights, for example, more sensors can be added to the framework. Therefore, we don't
have to keep the framework with only one sensor if this can be utilized to screen a few
areas. One of the fundamental points of interest of this framework is its adaptability. A
few different frameworks can be executed with this framework. The framework is secure.
Remote location frameworks are exceptional and the sensor can screen and distinguish an
accurate degree of temperature and moistness during testing.



Solar panels lose voltage and power when dust accumulates on their surfaces,
reducing their ability to receive solar radiation. A dusty solar cell reduces radiation and
changes the angle of incidence of solar radiation, as well as reducing the efficiency of the
cell. During a year, dust deposited on the surface of the PV module results in a daily
energy loss of 4.4%. Daily energy losses can be higher than 20% during longer period of
time without rain. Moreover, the loss of At daytime, there are period of both attenuation
and direct radiation, with the ratio greatly affecting the level of radiation. The loss of
solar output is symmetrical at noon when studied according to position of the sun, where
the minimum value is reached. PV modules were tested for their performance against
different pollutants. If dust particles are deposited inside the Solar module, a decrease in
voltage and output power may be observed, depending on the amount and type of
contaminant accumulated. In addition, there is a greater reduction in the temperature of
the PV module. PV modules are clean and cool, and system performance is excellent.
With and without dust in a solar panel with different levels of load resistance, the
electrical generation is calculated scientifically.


A model is nothing but simplified representation of thing/product.


UML is a language for Visualizing, Specifying, Constructing, and Documenting

artifacts of a software projects.

Diagram: “The group of things and relationship is known as diagrams”. To better

understand to a model (or) a system there are different in UML each diagram provides
different information about system. Every software contains structural aspects as well as
behavioural aspects to represent this the diagrams.

Diagrams are categorized into two parts.

 Static/structural diagram
 Dynamic/behavioural diagram

1) Class diagram
2) Object diagram
3) Component diagram
4) Deployment diagram

5) Collaboration diagram
6) Use Case diagram
7) Sequence diagram
8) Activity diagram
9) State Chart diagram

→Things are divided into four types

 Structural things
 Behavioural thing
 Grouping thing
 Annotation thing

→Relationships are divided into

 Association relationship
 Generalization relationship

 Realization relationship
 Dependency relationship


It is used to represent the static behavior of a system or it is used to model the
structure of a software.

User goes through the application and know about the level of garbage and
switch on the motor after knowing the level from cloud about the level of garbage the
buzzer will sounds alarm and sends an alert message then the user can easily know about
the garbage level. Here we are using relationship, constraints and annotation things.

Figure 4.2.1: Class Diagram

It is a special kind of diagram in UML. It does not describe the functionality
of system, but it describes the components used to make those functionalities.

A component is just a special kind of diagram and shows some common properties as
other diagrams like name and graphical contents it differs in their contents.

Component diagram is used to represent the static view of system. It can be
used to model the physical aspects of system. A component is just a special kind of
diagram and shows some common properties as other diagrams like name and graphical
contents it differs in their contents.

Component, interfaces, relationships, like all other diagrams it also contains Annotation
and graphical things

Figure 4.2.3: Component diagram

A deployment diagram is a structure diagram which shows the architecture of
the system as deployment of software artifacts to deployment targets.

Deployment diagram is kind of structural diagram used in modeling the
physical aspects of an object-oriented system. There are often be used to model the static
deployment. It shows the system deployment of software artifacts to deployment forgets.
Deployment target is usually represented by a node with hardware device. Artifacts
represents concrete elements in the physical world that are the result of development

Figure 4.2.4: Deployment diagram


Sequence diagram is one of the two interaction diagrams. It emphasizes on time
ordering of messages.
→ In sequence diagram the objects that are participated in interaction are arranged top
long the x-axis.
→The first object always initializes the interaction.

The user can know about the level of water by seeing in the application and if the tank is
empty the user switch on the motor and he will receive the levels of water as an alert
message and buzzer will sounds after tank has filled and user can switch of the motor .
And update the levels of water in the cloud by sensor.

Figure 4.2.5: Sequence diagram

A use case diagram describes a set of interactions between an actor and the
system in order to achieve a particular goal. Prompted by some kind of problem for an
actor. A use case diagram contains a set of use cases and can developed from by telling
others of how a system will be from differing goals.

The user can know about the level of water by seeing in the application and if the tank is
empty the user switch on the motor and he will receive the levels of water as an alert
message and buzzer will sounds after tank has filled and user can switch of the motor .
And update the levels of water in the cloud by sensor.
Figure 4.2.6: Usecase diagram

Activity diagram is used to represent the flow of execution from one activity
to another activity. Activity diagram is a type of diagram which illustrate the business and
operational step by step workflow of component within a system and shows the overflow
of control.

The user can know about the level of water by seeing in the application and if the tank is
empty the user switch on the motor and he will receive the levels of water as an alert
message and buzzer will sounds after tank has filled and user can switch of the motor .
And update the levels of water in the cloud by sensor.
Figure 4.2.7: Activity diagram

State chart diagram is a state machine focusing on the flow of control from state
to state depends on the events.

The user can know about the level of water by seeing in the application and if the tank is
empty the user switch on the motor and he will receive the levels of water as an alert
message and buzzer will sounds after tank has filled and user can switch of the motor.
And update the levels of water in the cloud by sensor.

Figure 4.2.8: State Chart diagram


4.3.1 NodeMCU

Figure 4.3.1: NodeMCU diagram

The NodeMCU is an open-source software and hardware development

environment built around an inexpensive System-on-a-Chip (SoC) called the ESP8266.
The ESP8266, designed and manufactured by Espressif Systems, contains the crucial
elements of a computer: CPU, RAM, networking (WiFi), and even a modern operating
system and SDK. That makes it an excellent choice for the Internet of Things (IoT)
projects of all kinds.

However, as a chip, the ESP8266 is also hard to access and use. You must solder
wires, with the appropriate analog voltage, to its pins for the simplest tasks such as
powering it on or sending a keystroke to the “computer” on the chip. You also have to
program it in low-level machine instructions that can be interpreted by the chip hardware.
This level of integration is not a problem using the ESP8266 as an embedded controller
chip in mass-produced electronics. It is a huge burden for hobbyists, hackers, or students
who want to experiment with it in their own IoT projects.

But, what about Arduino? The Arduino project created an open-source hardware
design and software SDK for their versatile IoT controller. Similar to NodeMCU, the
Arduino hardware is a microcontroller board with a USB connector, LED lights, and
standard data pins. It also defines standard interfaces to interact with sensors or other
boards. But unlike NodeMCU, the Arduino board can have different types of CPU chips
(typically an ARM or Intel x86 chip) with memory chips, and a variety of programming
environments. There is an Arduino reference design for the ESP8266 chip as well.
However, the flexibility of Arduino also means significant variations across different
vendors. For example, most Arduino boards do not have WiFi capabilities, and some
even have a serial data port instead of a USB port.


Based on all the diagrams we are able to design the required functionalities
and the flow of data that is to be maintained between each of them. By doing all this we
are able to maintain the application without any bugs and errors. All the diagrams that are
developed show us the functionalities of the application.




This project is developed for the betterment of the solar panel users. We providing
transparency in cleaning system by using the most newly invented technology, which
provide a better performance, integrity, consistency, cost-effective and scalable solution
for the removal of dust and speck. The presented cleaning system provides about 32%
more energy output compared to the dust accumulated solar panel. This system is control
by application from whole world. Also, this system reduces manpower for cleaning of
solar panel.


This project consists of 4 modules:

1. Sensor module

2. Motor module

3. Cleaning module

4. User Interface

1. Sensor Module:

Dust is detected by the dust sensor on the solar panel. A positive value is given
when there is dust, and a negative value when there is none. Initiating cleaning is handled
by the microcontroller, which receives data from other modules.

2. Motor Module:

Cleaning device movement is controlled by the motor module. A dust sensor
sends positive data to the microcontroller when dust accumulates on the panel. This
triggers the motor driver in order to initiate the cleaning process.

3. Cleaning Module:

The cleaning module deals with the cleaning of the panel. As soon as the motor
driver starts, the microcontroller then commands the wiper to begin cleaning, triggering a
spray mechanism. The cleaning operation is performed till the dust sensor gives a
negative value.

4. User Interface:

The user interface enables the communication between the user and the device.
The device sends text messages to the user through Blynk to tell him about every
operation that is being performed. Also, in this module the user can initiate to clean his
solar panel own through the mobile application.


#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";

char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName";

char pass[] = "YourPassword";

int cleaner=D3,pump=D5,dum=D7,p=0;

void setup() {








Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

void loop() {;

int x= digitalRead(dum);









Figure 5.4.1: working model of Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning System


In conclusion we see the system working properly we can get the proper solar
panel cleaning is done. Also, this system is operating form anywhere. In future by
replacing the rack and pinion mechanism system can be designed for different type of
solar panel installation like residential rooftop, commercial rooftop, solar farm, carport
using advanced technology applying in it. And it is also based on need of cleaning
dependent on continent`s weather and type of land. This model can be implemented is
small scale like solar pump, single panel cleaning etc.





Testing is a process, which reveals errors in the program. It is the major quality
measure employed during software development. During testing, the program is
executed with a set of test cases and the output of the program for the test cases is
evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to perform.

In order to make sure that the system does not have errors, the different levels of
testing strategies that are applied at differing phases of software development


The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software performs as designed. A
unit is the smallest testable part of software. Unit Testing is a level of software testing
where individual units/components of a software are tested. Typically, the unit test will
establish some sort of artificial environment and then invoke methods in the unit being
tested. It then checks the results returned against some known value. When the units are
assembled, we can use the same tests to test the system as a hole. It usually has one or a
few inputs and usually a single output. The figure 5.1 shows the unit testing carried for


Functional Testing is a testing technique that is used to test the features
/functionality of the system or Software, should cover all the scenarios including failure
paths and boundary cases. For example: Testing of NodeMCU reader and Testing of IR
sensor. The terminal software is used to test the NodeMCU Reader and the Wi-Fi module
by connecting them with the computer separately using USB to SERIAL port converter.


Upon completion of unit testing, the units or modules are to be integrated which
gives raise to integration testing. The purpose of integration testing is to verify the
functional, performance, and reliability between the modules that are integrated. In the
system, the servo motor which are individually tested and then integration of DC
submersible pump and NodeMCU is done and their working is tested. Similarly, every
unit is integrated after the testing of every single unit is done individually.


System testing of software or hardware is the testing conducted on a complete,

integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements.
The hardware and the software units are tested separately and then tested together to
check if the desired results are obtained.


Performance testing, a non-functional testing technique performed to determine

the system parameters in terms of responsiveness and stability under various workload.
Performance testing measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability,
reliability and resource usage.

The following test case scenarios were used in the integrated system testing to
prove the working of the developed system.

a) Shopping cart and server communication using the wireless Ultrasonic module.

b) Identifying items based on NodeMCU and synchronizing with central database.

c) Automatic usage.

d) Display the status details.


Existing automated cleaning systems focus primarily on large solar power plants
and are not generally useful for installation on smaller solar panels on dwelling roofs.
This means that only a smaller solar panel must be installed for those with space
constraints, which is why this project offers these smaller solar panels a huge advantage.
The system can be installed on the top of the roof for solar panel.



Hence from the above proposed method we have described the Automatic solar
panel cleaning system and it’s working. With this type of technology, we can easily get
the clarity about the working of system which we are doing and it looks Smart during the

The proposed model is easy to use, low-priced and does not require any special
training. This model keeps an account and uses of the existing developments and various
types of identification and detection technologies which are used for dust cleaning. As the
whole system is becoming smart, the requirement of manpower will decrease, thus
benefiting the future dust and dirt problems. The time efficiency will increase
phenomenally since this system will eliminate the waiting queues.



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Publication Details

Paper Title:



Registration ID : IJCRT_208927
Paper ID : IJCRT2106502
Impact Factor : 7.97 (Calculate by Google Scholar) | License by Creative Common
Publication Date : 2021-06-18 21:40:31


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