Annabel Lee Romanticist Analysis

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Annabel Lee Romanticist Analysis

Romanticism is focusing more on how individual emotionally views the existing object
or subject in the world. And also, nature is one of the contributed sources of inspiration in the
visual arts of the Romantic Movement. In the poem of Edgar Allan Poe, the persona of Annabel
Lee, express his irresistible emotion through a poem. The nature was also being used as
descriptions and figurative of the poem

“Annabel Lee” was all about the persona’s feeling of being in love with a maiden named
Annabel Lee. The interpreters thought that the poem was a dedication for Virginia Eliza Clemm
Poe, Edgar Allan Poe’s wife who was already dead, same as the character of Annabel Lee. The
persona of the poem is narrated by a man who is constantly fall in love with a maiden no matter
how cruel the world of their love of each other. In the third and fourth stanza, the persona
narrates how the angels of heaven weren’t happy of their love of their unconditional love for
each other and how they killed his beloved Annabel Lee. It is stated in the poem that “the angels,
not half so happy in heaven, went envying her and me—that wind came out the cloud by night,
chilling and killing my Annabel Lee”. As an appreciator of an art, in reality, I can say that
Annabel Lee was died because of a disease.

Love is the main theme of the poem. The persona describes how he loves Annabel Lee; it
is not just a love but an everlasting love. Though they were still young, their love was even
tougher than the love of the older and even the wiser. The angels of heaven can’t sojourn the
persona’s love for Annabel Lee. Though Annabel Lee was dead, it is painful yet heart-warming
that the persona continues to love Annabel Lee.

The persona really depicts his love for Annabel Lee to us, readers. Nobody, even the
heaven of heavens, can stop their love for each other. The love of them is inevitable, even death
cannot disperse their souls in which it is connected no matter how far they are from each other,
even the heaven to land.

The poem teaches us that there is no hindrance to unloved someone you love. True love
exist and always existing to those people who believe in it. No matter how demons and angels
are against in your existing true love, they are not enough to halt it. True love for a person does
not just exist when you tangibly feel that person; true love is when a person you love exists in
your heart.

Edgar Allan Poe is successfully conveyed the message of the poem to the readers. As an
appreciator of this art, I possessed the emotion of the persona in the poem. Though I can’t relate
the love existed in the poem, yet the writer has the power to influence the reader’s emotion in
reading the poem. “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most influencing poems I

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