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‘This is water’ David Foster’s speech.

One of the most

extraordinary speeches that show us what real live is. “The
capital-T Truth is about life before death”. That is mean is
about the real education which has nothing to do with grades
for degrees and everything to do with simple awareness. David
starts his speech with story about two young fish. The point of
the fish story is merely that the most obvious, important
realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk
about. In other meaning, we are all living in the water we can’t
see or don’t know, unaware of its existence. The real education
is to learn how to think. As he said “Learning how to think”
really means learning how to exercise some control over what
you think. We should be aware enough to choose what we
want to pay attention to because if we can’t do that, we will be
totally hosed.
Following, David talks about how some people are bigoted,
blinded by certainty and closed-mindedness, which lead to an
imprisonment so the prisoner doesn't even realize that he is
imprisoned, so we should be just a little less arrogant to have
just a little critical awareness about ourselves and our
certainties. we must also focus on what is happening around us,
regardless of what is happening inside us, and must-see things
from the perspective of the other. Instead of complaining and
hating people, we must try to think about their circumstances
and what they are going through, because this awareness is the
real life. According to David, there is no such thing as not
worshipping. We all worship things and the only decision we
have is what we worship, but we must know that anything we
worship will eventually destroy us at the end. For example, if
person worship beauty, he/she will always see themselves as
ugly, and he/she will die a thousand deaths as he/she get older.
At the end, David talks about the most important kind of
freedom involves caring about others and sacrifice for them.
This is the real freedom, and this is real education.

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