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Review Article

Hydrogen production for energy: An overview

Furat Dawood*, Martin Anda, G.M. Shafiullah

College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia

highlights graphical abstract

 Innovative hydrogen cycle model

proposed of a square-shaped
Hydrogen Square (HydS).
 Innovative HPP categorising model
proposed to describe the H2 pro-
duction pathways. .
 The cost of the hydrogen purifica-
tion must be added to the
hydrogen cycle feasibility.
 The guarantee of hydrogen origin
is essential to ensure its energy
 An innovative hydrogen cleanness
index model has been introduced.

article info abstract

Article history: Power to hydrogen is a promising solution for storing variable Renewable Energy (RE) to
Received 15 September 2019 achieve a 100% renewable and sustainable hydrogen economy. The hydrogen-based energy
Received in revised form system (energy to hydrogen to energy) comprises four main stages; production, storage,
26 November 2019 safety and utilisation. The hydrogen-based energy system is presented as four corners
Accepted 10 December 2019 (stages) of a square shaped integrated whole to demonstrate the interconnection and
Available online xxx interdependency of these main stages. The hydrogen production pathway and specific
technology selection are dependent on the type of energy and feedstock available as well as
Keywords: the end-use purity required. Hence, purification technologies are included in the produc-
Hydrogen square tion pathways for system integration, energy storage, utilisation or RE export. Hydrogen
Hydrogen production production pathways and associated technologies are reviewed in this paper for their
Hydrogen economy interconnection and interdependence on the other corners of the hydrogen square.
Hydrogen cleanness index Despite hydrogen being zero-carbon-emission energy at the end-use point, it depends
on the cleanness of the production pathway and the energy used to produce it. Thus, the
guarantee of hydrogen origin is essential to consider hydrogen as clean energy. An

Abbreviations: RE, Renewable Energy; HydESS, Hydrogen-based Energy Storage Systems; HydS, Hydrogen Square model; LCA, Life
Cycle Assessment; H2X, Hydrogen to X; CCS, Carbon Capture and Storage; HPP, Hydrogen Production Pathway; Capex and Opex, Capital
cost and Operating cost; HCI, Hydrogen Cleanness Index.
* Corresponding author.,
E-mail address: Furat.Dawood@murdoch.edu.au (F. Dawood).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Dawood F et al., Hydrogen production for energy: An overview, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
2 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

innovative model is introduced as a hydrogen cleanness index coding for further investi-
gation and development.
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen history and historical accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
How safe is hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen production (HydS 1st corner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen production pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Emerging hydrogen production technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Hydrogen purity grading model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Innovative hydrogen cleanness index model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

Hydrogen-based Energy Storage Systems (HydESS) is gaining

Introduction potential as a cost-effective solution for large-scale RE storage,
transport and export [10,29,31e33]. The literature reveals that
The continuous growth of the world population and economy, HydESS are leading the way towards a 100% renewable energy
coupled with rapid urbanisation has resulted in a monu- economy which is called the hydrogen economy [10,29,33].
mental increase in energy demand [1e5]. The classic trend of Therefore, there is a growing body of literature that recognises
energy supply depends on hydrocarbon (fossil fuel) energy the importance of HydESS and of utilising hydrogen as an
resources which, are depleted and limited by geographical energy carrier to enable the shift to carbon-free energy gen-
distribution and ease of extraction [6e8]. The ways by which eration and utilisation [10,34,35]. However, the majority of the
we have utilised fossil fuels as our principal source of energy literature showed that a full hydrogen dependent economy is
since the industrial revolution have caused a massive increase still highly debatable and not yet realisable [34,36e43],
in the levels of CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in our although it has recently started to gain potential [35,44e51].
atmosphere which is the main cause of global warming Hydrogen can be produced from a wide range of resources
[8e11]. Thus, decarbonisation of the energy supply by utilising using different feedstock, pathways and technologies,
alternative clean, sustainable and renewable energy is including fossil fuels and RE resources [7,8,10,15,49,52,53]. The
essential for future energy sustainability and global security classic method is by cracking or reforming fossil fuel as a cost-
[5,10,12e15]. effective hydrogen production pathway for industrial use
Renewable Energy (RE) resources will play a key role in the which is estimated (globally) at 85 million tonnes in 2016 (over
transition towards a clean and sustainable energy system 600 Billion Nm3/yr) [10,54]. Thus, hydrogen energy value and
[16,17]. The main challenge in transitioning towards 100% RE clean energy index (cleanness) were not the main factors to
is the variable and intermittent nature of these resources account for, rather than hydrogen as a feedstock material i.e.
[14,18e20]. This requires technical adaptation, in particular industrial raw commodity which is called industrial hydrogen
relating to balancing variable supply and varying demand for [11,55,56]. The industrial hydrogen was used for fertiliser
energy [6,21,22]. The increase in renewable energy penetra- production [57e60], petrochemical refining [60e63], metal
tion into the current energy systems raises the need for large- work [56,61,64], food processing [50,58,65e68], power gener-
scale energy storage systems to deal with the RE sources’ ator cooling in power plants [11] and semiconductor
variability and intermittency [6,23e25]. The storage systems manufacturing [11]. Meanwhile, with growing attention being
will need to decouple supply and demand by shifting the paid to reducing GHG emissions, RE resources start rapidly
generated energy on different time scales (hourly, daily and gaining potential as a clean source to produce hydrogen
seasonally) [20,26e28]. (renewable hydrogen) as a carbon-emissions-free energy
The elegant idea of storing RE in an energy carrier such as carrier [56,58,69e71]. The renewable hydrogen creates the link
hydrogen [10,11,17,29], which is storable, transportable and between RE resources and the modernisation of energy sup-
utilisable can be the solution [10,30]. Hence, the concept of a ply, transport, industry and RE energy export [7,10,62,72]. A

Please cite this article as: Dawood F et al., Hydrogen production for energy: An overview, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
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hydrogen-based energy system is not less resilient than the production pathways. Instead, most of the reviewed refer-
conventional fossil fuel based system as hydrogen can be used ences focussed on one corner and sometimes touching briefly
as direct fuel (pure H2 or fuel admixture) or converted to other on the other corners. Furthermore, many comprehensive
liquid/gas fuels [58,61,73e76]. studies were conducted in the hydrogen production corner
Based on the extensive literature review this study identi- (HydS first corner) with a focus on one pathway
fied that the hydrogen-based energy system comprises mainly [30,44,58,64,67,68,72,81e91,93e106]. The review of the edited
four main stages (corners), which are interconnected and books [7,8,56,78] offered a more detailed overview of one or
interdependent [7,8,10,11,15,56,77e80]. These four stages are more corners of the HydS or covering the four corners but,
hydrogen production, storage, safety and utilisation with within the boundaries of a specific perspective
which this study proposed a four corners model, named [20,32,141e153]. A large number of papers in the literature
Hydrogen Square (HydS) as shown in Fig. 1. The proposed were giving inclusive background information in one or more
innovative HydS model illustrates the interdependence of of the HydS corners, however, with focus on modifying or
each stage on the other stages which must be considered in improving a specific area or technology as shown in Table 1,
any pathway selection. The term HydS will be used onward in [14,20,22,27,32,45,46,82
this paper to refer to the complete cycle of hydrogen uti- [14,20,22,27,32,45,46,82,110e140,141e153,155e178]. Hence, it
lisation in the energy systems and interconnections between is noticeable that most of the literature are not yet connecting
the four corners (stages). The two sub-stage (sub-systems) the storage technologies and the end-use of hydrogen to the
processes namely hydrogen purification and compression, production pathways as well as the case-specific safety
can be in any of the HydS corners as shown in the centre of the guidelines.
HydS in Fig. 1. The purification and compression sub-systems This review paper provides an overview of hydrogen’s role
costs (energy consumption and recovery rate) must be taken in the energy sector and the transition towards 100% renew-
into account in selecting the production pathway (decision able, sustainable, green energy. The present paper seeks to
making) as well as the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) process, integrate the research findings in hydrogen production path-
which are discussed in detail in the following sections of this ways and associated technologies in connection with the
paper. wider picture of the HydS. The discussion section in this paper
A comprehensive literature review has been conducted in is limited to hydrogen production for the energy sector only.
this paper to identify state-of-the-art research and projects in One of the main contributions of this review paper, therefore,
the HydS pathways and technologies. The most recent and is to provide insights regarding into the planning of hydrogen
relevant publications in the hydrogen energy field are sum- production systems through awareness of the four corners of
marised in Table 1. HydS pathways. Various hydrogen production pathways and
An exploration of the published Research and Develop- technologies are discussed from the perspective of each of the
ment (R&D) literature in Table 1, reveals that there is no one other HydS corners rather than focusing on cost-effectiveness
article, research study or book that covers the four corners of the production pathways only.
interdependence of the HydS. Likewise, there is no clear
connection between hydrogen purification cost and the

Hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant element in the universe,

which is found on our planet earth mainly in water and
organic compounds [16,18]. It is the lightest and simplest
element which consists of one electron and one proton [16],
colourless, odourless, flammable gas [197]. Hydrogen’s atomic
weight is 1.00794 atomic mass units rounded at 1.008. This
atomic weight number (1.008) was considered in the USA as
the 8th of October (10/08) as the National Hydrogen and Fuel
Cell Day [207]. This event was first recognised by the Fuel Cell
and Hydrogen Energy Association in 2015 to raise awareness
of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies as well as the vast po-
tential the technologies have today and in the future as shown
in Fig. 2. This day is expected to be the International day of
hydrogen energy.

Hydrogen history and historical accidents

Hydrogen is a material that has been known for more than 200
years. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Paracelsus
from Switzerland discovered that gas was formed during the
reaction between sulfuric acid and iron [56]. Myelin, also from
Fig. 1 e The proposed Hydrogen Square (HydS): four Switzerland, reported in the seventeenth century that this gas
corners model. burned [56]. In 1761, Robert Boyle produced hydrogen from

Please cite this article as: Dawood F et al., Hydrogen production for energy: An overview, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
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Table 1 e The recent literature on R&D in the HydS for energy; cited in this paper.
References Corners Covered Scope (focus)
1 2 3 4 *P
Reviews [81,82] 7 7 Ammonia as a hydrogen storage and transport medium
[83,84] 7 7 7 Energy management strategies with hydrogen backup
[85e87] 7 7 7 One type of water electrolysis in focus
[88e92] 7 7 7 7 Hydrogen production via chemical/Bio technologies
[72,93] 7 7 7 Power-to-Methane
[67,94,95] 7 7 7 Water electrolysis technologies for power to hydrogen
[30,44,96e98] 7 7 7 Energy storage with a focus on Power to Gas
[58,68,99e106] 7 7 Hydrogen production and storage technologies
[64] 7 H2 handling and safety (codes and regulations)
[107,108] 7 Purification techniques
Books [8,78] 7 7 7 Fuel Cell technologies, FC fuels and safety (eBook)
[56] 7 7 7 7 H2 energy engineering; A Japanese Perspective (eBook)
[7] 7 Hydrogen storage technologies (eBook)
[109] 7 Purification techniques
Articles [110,111] 7 Specific type of electrolyser
[112e125] 7 Specific type of storage
[126e134] 7 Hydrogen Safety (general/specific)
[82,135e140] 7 Hydrogen Utilisation (pathways/specific)
[20,32,141e154] 7 7 7 Case study
[45,155e160] 7 Production by electrolysis (technologies/improvement)
[46,161e163] 7 Chemical hydrogen Production (technologies/improvement)
[14,164e174] 7 Biological/Photosynthesis hydrogen production
[22,27,175e178] 7 Hydrogen-based energy storage systems modelling
[179e186] 7 Purification techniques
Reports [13,60,76,187e189] 7 7 7 National Hydrogen Roadmaps e specific country/region
[190,191] 7 Utilisation/Pathways
[192,193] 7 7 Power-to-Gas
[194e198] 7 Safety, Codes and Regulations
[59,199] 7 7 7 Techno-economic assessment
[200] 7 Purification standards
Innovations [95,201,202] 7 7 Unitized reversible/regenerative hydrogen
[203,204] 7 7 Battolyser
[205] 7 7 Residential fuel cells for hydrogen supply for FCEVs
[74,206] 7 Membraneless Electrolysers
[7,54,105] 7 Electrochemical compression

*P ¼ Covering hydrogen purity techniques.

reacting iron filings and dilute acids [197]. In 1776, Henry the first balloon in 1900 that used hydrogen to maintain the
Cavendish identified hydrogen as a unique substance and he buoyancy of an airframe [56]. Airships to cross the Atlantic
was named as the discoverer of hydrogen because he reported were put into service during the 1920s and 1930s [56]. In the
key findings in an article to the Royal Society of London U.S., NASA was founded in 1958 to pursue space exploration
[10,56,78,197]. In 1783, Antoine Lavoisier produced hydrogen and made great historical contributions to hydrogen use. It
[197], and in 1788 he named the material hydrogen (Hydro- employed hydrogen as a fuel and was the world’s largest
genium) from the Greek roots “hydro” (water) [10]. In 1800, the liquid hydrogen user by 1961 [56]. The first space shuttle was
English Nicholson and Carlisle used for the first time the launched in 1981, and the Soviet Union completed a flight with
electrolysis of water to produce it [10,56]. It was liquefied by TU-155, the world’s first jet engine aircraft that used liquid
James Dewar in 1898 [10]. In 1839 a British scientist, Sir Wil- hydrogen fuel, in 1988 [56].
liam Robert Grove, developed the first hydrogen-powered fuel Hydrogen has often been synonymous with danger due to
cell [197]. Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin of Germany invented its extremely flammable nature [137,197] especially since the

Fig. 2 e Hydrogen chemical element and USA National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, picture modified from: http://www.

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Fig. 3 e Hydrogen historic accidents; Source: https://www.airships.net/hydrogen-airship-accidents/, a. Hindenburg, while

on fire, b. Wreck of LZ-10 Schwaben at Düsseldorf, c. Airship Roma after ignition.

Hindenburg disaster on May 6, 1937 which killed 35 of the 97 of most fuels (e.g., gasoline 44 MJ/kg at 298 K) [85,137,213,214].
passengers on the airship [208] and the following accidents as However, liquid hydrogen has less energy density by volume
shown in Fig. 3. than hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline by approximately a
Although, analysis of the origin of some hydrogen acci- factor of four (i.e. density of 8 MJ/l whereas gasoline has a
dents show that “organizational and human factors” density of 32 MJ/l) [123,215]. While, hydrogen gas has good
contributed to the causes most of these accidents (in over 70%) energy density by weight, but poor energy density by volume
[194], these accidents have been the causes of people strug- versus hydrocarbons, therefore it requires a larger tank to
gling to effectively manage hydrogen [194,208]. store [123,127]. Hydrogen is a flammable gas with relatively
low ignition temperature which creates a large portion of the
How safe is hydrogen risk associated with its usage [197]. Also, it has the ability to
escape through materials due to its small molecule size and its
Hydrogen is non-toxic and much lighter than air, it dissipates destructive capability (hydrogen embrittlement) which can
rapidly when it is released, allowing for relatively rapid lead to mechanical degradation and failure to the point of
dispersal of the fuel in case of a leak which makes it relatively leakage in certain materials [8,56,64,76,132,193,196e198,212].
safer than other spilt fuels [209]. The primary safety concern is A hovering overview of hydrogen properties and specifica-
that if a leak goes undetected and the gas collects in a confined tions is given in Table 2 below to demonstrate the opportu-
space, it can eventually ignite and cause an explosion [210]. nities and technical challenges in the proposed HydS.
Hydrogen as a fuel, like all fuels, has some degree of danger
thus, the safe use of any fuel focuses on preventing situations Hydrogen economy
where the three combustion factors; ignition, oxidant and fuel
are present [209]. However, some of hydrogen’s properties It seems like every day there is a new announcement about
require additional engineering controls to ensure its safe use; hydrogen for energy utilisation and automobility. The promises
like a wide range of flammable concentrations in air (4%e75%) are tantalizing, since Hydrogen to X (H2X) has the potential to
and lower ignition energy (only one 10th as much energy to very quickly integrate into the existing energy and transport
ignite as gasoline) [8,211]. In addition, metal hydrogen systems while significantly reducing air pollution (zero-carbon-
embrittlement and ability to damage materials in point of leak emission at point of use) [10,11,17,29,47]. At the same time,
require attention in materials selection for the HydS system everything from oil spills to ozone alerts to global warming gets
[8,56,64,76,132,137,193,196e198,209,212]. A thorough under- blamed on our dependence on fossil fuels [5,10,12e15,48]. The
standing of hydrogen properties and designing safety features security of energy supply and price stability are also high on the
into hydrogen systems, training in safe hydrogen storing and political agenda [6e8]. These forces are leading the world’s shift
handling practices are key elements for ensuring the safe use away from the fossil fuel economy toward a much cleaner
of hydrogen [8,56,64,76,137,193,196e198]. hydrogen future what is broadly known as the hydrogen
The USA Department of Energy stated in its website [209] economy since firstly proposed at the beginning of 1970’s “at
“As more and more hydrogen demonstrations get underway, General Motors (GM) Technical Centre by “John Bockris” and
hydrogen’s safety record can grow and build confidence that Miami meeting on hydrogen” [33,63,218,219]. The literature
hydrogen can be as safe as the fuels in widespread use today”. shows that the hydrogen economy has been actively investi-
gated; many reviews and case studies have been prepared as
Hydrogen properties well as many roadmap reports were published highlighting key
progress made and the role of the prospect of hydrogen within
Hydrogen energy content at the higher heating value is the energy sector [8,17,29,32,35,58,63,76,77,220]. Peer-reviewed
141.8 MJ/kg at 298 K and the lower heating value of the research in the literature shows growing interest in discus-
hydrogen is 120 MJ/kg at 298 K, which is much higher than that sing the techno-economic, environmental impact, policy

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Table 2 e Hydrogen properties and specifications.

Properties SI Units References
Discovery date/by/Chemical formula 1766/Henry Cavendish/H2 [216]
Isotopes H (99.98%), 2H, 3H, [216]
(4He7H Unstable)
Equivalences; Hydrogen solid, liquid and Gas 1 kg ¼ 14,104 l ¼ 12,126 m3 [194]
at Pressure ¼ 981 mbar and Temperature ¼ 20  C
Molecular weight 1.00794 [8,197]
Vapor pressure at (252.8  C) 101.283 kPa [8,197]
Density of the gas at boiling point and 1 atm 1.331 kg/m3 [8,197]
Specific gravity of the gas at 0  C and 1 atm (air ¼ 1) 0.0696 [8,197,217]
Specific volume of the gas at 21.1  C and 1 atm 11.99 m3/kg [8,197]
Specific gravity of the liquid at boiling point and 1 atm 0.0710 [197]
Density of the liquid at boiling point and 1 atm 67.76 kg/m3 [197]
Boiling point at (101.283 kPa) 252.8  C [197]
Freezing/Melting point at (101.283 kPa) 259.2  C [8,197]
Critical temperature 239.9  C [197]
Critical pressure 1296.212 kPa, abs [197]
Critical density 30.12 kg/m3 [197]
Triple point 259.3  C at 7.042 kPa, abs [8,197]
Latent heat of fusion at the triple point 58.09 kJ/kg [197]
Latent heat of vaporization at boiling point 445.6 kJ/kg [197]
Solubility in water vol/vol at 15.6  C 0.019 [197]
Dilute gas viscosity at 26  C (299 K) 9  106 Pa s [211]
Molecular diffusivity in air 6.1  105 m2/s [211]
Cp 14.34 kJ/(kg) ( C) [137,197]
Cv 10.12 kJ/(kg) ( C) [197]
Ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) 1.42 [197,211]
Lower heating value, weight basis 120 MJ/kg [211]
Higher heating value, weight basis 141.8 MJ/kg [211]
Lower heating value, volume basis at 1 atm 11 MJ/m3 [211]
Higher heating value, volume basis at 1 atm 13 MJ/m3 [211]
Stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio at 27  C and 1 atm 34.2 kg/kg [137]
Flammable limits in air 4%e75% [137,197]
Explosive (detonability) limits 18.2 to 58.9 vol% in air [211]
Maximum combustion rate in air 2.7/3.46 (m s1) [8]/[194]
Maximum flame temperature 1526.85  C [211]
Autoignition temperature/in air 400  C/571  C [197]/[8,211]

aspects and social implications of hydrogen economy for the advance readiness for hydrogen economy era. Some examples
sake of completeness [2,17,29,65]. Therefore, many national are tabulated in Table 3 below.
and international bodies have been formed to educate the In the literature at a global scale, the hydrogen economy is
public, industries and policy makers to build a framework and not proposed as an alternative to traditional energy vectors

Table 3 e National and International hydrogen frameworks, organizations and councilsa.

Body Location website
IEA Hydrogen Global http://ieahydrogen.org/
Hydrogen Council Global http://hydrogencouncil.com/
The International Centre for Hydrogen Energy UNIDO https://www.unido.org/
Technologies (ICHET)
International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) Global http://www.iahe.org/
Hydrogen Foundation Spain http://hidrogenoaragon.org/en/
Hydrogen Europe Europe https://hydrogeneurope.eu/
National Hydrogen Association (NHA) USA http://www.hydrogenassociation.org/
The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) USA/Global http://www.fchea.org/
The Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Africa https://www.hysa-padep.co.za/
Renewable Hydrogen Council WA-Australia http://www.drd.wa.gov.au/projects/
The Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy (AAHE) Australia http://www.hydrogenaustralia.org/
The U.S. DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program USA https://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/
Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell industry Canada http://www.chfca.ca/
This table includes some examples; while there are many other national level entities and think tanks working in the same direction.

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but rather as a compliment in the context of a smart and low hydrogen defines the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in-
carbon strategy for specific applications and locations clusive in the grey hydrogen [48,57,222,235,237]. The green
[17,35,221]. Therefore, the transition towards global ‘hydrogen hydrogen refers to a 100% renewable energy source for
economy’ is not expected to take place within a few years hydrogen production [48,60,235]. Hence, green hydrogen is
[35,44e51]. However, recent publicly supported R&D efforts, considered to be a clean (low-carbon-emissions) hydrogen
cost-effectiveness, policies and deployment of a hydrogen energy [10,48,60,62,78,154]. This raises the question if all
infrastructure will certainly contribute to make this vision a renewable energy resources have lower emissions than blue
reality [2,7,35,65,101,219,222e226]. method for hydrogen production?
Renewable hydrogen (i.e. Green Hydrogen) The current colour coding model fails to determine pre-
[55,94,187,227,228], production from renewable energy re- cisely how clean (low-carbon-emission) is that hydrogen
sources as well as the development of all corners of HydS because it fails to determine how much GHG emitted during
seems a promising way to comply with a 100% renewable the production process, sub-systems or from the lifecycle of
electric grid and expanding to a 100% renewable energy sup- equipment used. Furthermore, this colour coding is identi-
ply hence, hydrogen economy [148,218,219,229,230]. The fying RE or CCS utilisation (energy type/origin) rather than
literature shows consensus on green hydrogen has the po- how clean is the produced hydrogen. Authors of this paper
tential to decarbonise a large range of industrial applications have identified this uncertainty and inaccurate colour coding
or serve as a clean energy carrier for storing renewable energy in describing precisely the cleanness of any produced
and utilised in a variety of applications [47,148,219,229,230]. hydrogen. Moreover, the current superficial colour coding
However, parallel development in the four corners of the HydS model fails to describe how deep is that cleanness assess-
is essential for the green pathways to become techno- ment. Therefore, an innovative colour spectrum concept in a
economically feasible. colour coding model has been introduced to resolve this
imprecise issue in the current colour coding model. The pro-
posed innovative model for assessing hydrogen cleanness has
Hydrogen production (HydS 1st corner) been discussed in section (5).

In this section, a summary of hydrogen production pathways Hydrogen production pathways

and technologies has been discussed and compared to
demonstrate the state-of-the-art hydrogen production tech- The diverse methods of hydrogen production drew a lot of
niques. Hydrogen production pathways in the literature have attention in recent years to play a key role in integrating future
been categorised into four main categories which are elec- energy systems and bridging the transition from fossil-based
trolysis, photolysis, biolysis and thermolysis energy to a renewable energy economy as shown in Table 1.
[15,49,50,58,65e67], and further sub-categorised according to The methods of producing hydrogen can determine the
any combined energy types utilised in the process cleanness, cost-effective, efficacy and therefore, feasibility of
[11,15,49,50,65,101,231]. Most of the researchers in the any Hydrogen Production Pathway (HPP). The HPP depends on
hydrogen production field have considered some of the energy three elements to be in presence which are; the material that
additives to the process as a catalytic energy to increase the contains hydrogen (hydrocarbons or non-hydrocarbons), en-
process efficiency [2,49,63,232]. Moreover, the literature has ergy source and catalyst material [11,15,49,50,65,101,231].
considered some secondary energy types like radiation, Hence, the selection of the HPP is dependent on material type
plasma and biological energy amongst the main energy cate- as feedstock to extract the hydrogen, the scale of production
gories for hydrogen production [49,164,233,234]. An extensive and available energy resources [10,11,78].
analysis of the literature revealed a strident mix of hydrogen The literature review (Table 1) reveals that the hydrogen
production pathways according to the energy utilised in the can be produced (1st Corner of HydS) from one or more types
process and the technology used. Furthermore, the literature of energy using a relevant technology with suitable catalyst as
presents ideas for new classifying models for hydrogen sys- illustrated in Fig. 4. The energy required to extract hydrogen
tems (techno-economic assessment) but, not for categorising from the materials that contain hydrogen can be electric,
the production pathways e.g. 3S and 18S Models [65]. Also, photonic, bioenergy, chemical and heat or any combination of
there is a necessity to recognise the input energy from the these energy sources [29,49,50,65,81,155,233,238,239]. The
catalyst materials which increases the efficiency of the pro- proposed innovative model in Fig. 4 illustrates the energy
cess. Hence, the authors of this literature review have intro- sources and their combination possibilities to apply on
duced an innovative model to define the category of hydrogen hydrogen-containing material in the presence or absence of a
production pathways which is discussed in the following process catalyst to produce hydrogen that determines HPP
section. choice [10,15,65,79,80]. The catalyst plays an essential role to
Taking another perspective, the literature reveals that facilitate the process and increases production efficiency
hydrogen cleanness was described and labelled by three main [11,49,50,80]. Therefore, developing an efficient and cost-
colours code; grey, blue and green [48,222,235,236]. The colour effective catalytic material is the most rapidly developing
of hydrogen is determined only by the type of energy or field of research in the literature
additional technology utilised to produce that hydrogen [2,29,49,50,52,65,81,155,233,238e240].
regardless of deep cleanness assessment The energy utilised to produce (or extract) hydrogen from
[48,62,78,222,235,236]. Therefore, grey hydrogen is considered hydrocarbons or non-hydrocarbons stored is the direct energy
to be polluting type of hydrogen [48,235]. Whilst, blue or catalytic energy [10,11,15,17]. The efficiency of any HPP is

Please cite this article as: Dawood F et al., Hydrogen production for energy: An overview, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
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Fig. 4 e The proposed hydrogen production pathways.

determined by the produced hydrogen energy value divided The developing awareness and concerns about the GHG
by the energy used to produce it [11,78]. Whilst, the cost- emissions and global warming drew attention towards the
effectiveness is determined by the feedstock, catalyst mate- cleanness, energy content of hydrogen and HPP technologies
rials and energy costs plus the net present cost of the tech- [7,50,77,99,251]. Furthermore, the trend is to avoid fossil fuels
nology equipment Capex and Opex [7,11,68]. The literature and other hydrocarbons as feedstock regardless of the clean-
shows a wide range of hydrogen production pathways utilis- ness of the produced hydrogen [16,20,35,154,240,252]. Hence,
ing types of energy directly or converted to apply on water electrolysis supplied by RE (which is currently 4e5% of
hydrogen-containing materials in the presence of catalyst global hydrogen production) [167] is gaining momentum as a
materials as summarised in Table 4. This Table was developed zero-emission energy [17,20,49,50,63,65,252].
to compare the state-of-the-art technologies of HPPs from a Also, the reducing cost trend [276], the high purity and
new perspective focussed on energy and materials rather than absence of unwanted impurity like carbon oxides, sulphate
technology. The hypothesis is that the choice of HPP and oxides, etc., favour water electrolysis technologies over all
associated technology depends on the energy resources and other technologies [81,85,101,253,288,289]. However, there are
the hydrogen-containing materials (feedstock) as well as the some emerging technologies which have the potential to
endpoint application [48,49]. For example, to extract hydrogen accelerate the transition towards the hydrogen economy by
from organic waste or a hydrocarbon fuel, then electrolysis is reducing the capital cost and increase production efficiency.
not the right choice while if the endpoint application is a fuel Some of these technologies are summarised in the following
cell then bio-hydrogen is not suitable before purification section.
(extra cost) [7e9,81,88,241].
The literature reveals that membrane reactor technology Emerging hydrogen production technologies
is progressively recognised as a promising approach to
diversify clean HPPs from hydrocarbons and hydrogen puri- The literature review (Tables 1 and 4) reveals some novel ap-
fication [81,101,242e248]. The R&D efforts in the field of proaches to produce hydrogen in more cost-effective path-
membrane reactors are gaining potential as an efficient ways via some promising rapidly developing technologies.
alternative technology of the traditional energy-intensive The possibility of unitising two of the HydS corners, i.e. pro-
technologies for producing the ultra-pure H2 required for duction and utilisation, to work reversibly (regenerative) add
fuel cells [184,242,248]. The rapid advancement in the momentum to HydS and can be a game changer in the near
permeable membranes for separation and purification of future [8,232,290e294]. Moreover, the potential to reduce the
hydrogen from gaseous mixtures has added another dimen- noble material catalysts or the structural design can reduce
sion for membrane reactors applications [246]. This technol- the hydrogen cost which results in making hydrogen energy
ogy with carbon capture technology constitutes new HPP for economically competitive as shown in Table 5. This Table (5)
clean H2 production from conventional fuels [246,249]. summarises the state-of-the-art development of some
Furthermore, the process intensification by uniting a promising novel technologies which have the potential and
membrane-based separation and a catalytic chemical reac- need further R&D to reduce cost and increase hydrogen pro-
tion can reduce the cost and increase the purity of the blue duction efficiency.
hydrogen production [249].
The literature in many ways consider ammonia (NH3) as a
source material for hydrogen production by decomposition Hydrogen purity grading model
(Haber-Bosch process) therefore, it has been included in the
hydrogen production technologies [7,11,15,49,225]. However, The literature generally defines hydrogen purity as a low
industrial ammonia is produced in the first place from content of other impurities, or their absence if they are un-
hydrogen, which makes it a storage medium for hydrogen wanted constituents [7,8,88,302,303]. However, it is rare in the
rather than a HPP [7,11,15,50,59,68,88,250]. Therefore, literature to find direct connection or inclusion of the
ammonia decomposition was not included in Table 4. hydrogen purification process and its cost in the hydrogen

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Table 4 e Summary of hydrogen production process category, feedstock and technology possibility.
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Process Category Energy I/P Feedstock Technology Eff. (%) *Clean (C/N/CCS) **TML (110) References
Hydrocarbons (H)
Non-Hydrocarbons (N)
Electrolysis Electric Water (N) AE 62e82 C 9e10 [11,17,49,50,74,253,254]
Brine (N) PEM 67e84 C 7e9 [106,190,212,255]
SOC 75e90 C 3e5
chlor-alkali NA C 2e42e4
Electro-photolysis Electric-Photonic Water (N) Photoelectrochemical 0.5e12 C 1e2 [8,9,11,43,49,50,233,256,257]
Photolysis Photonic Water (N)/Algae (H) Photosynthesis 1.6e5 C/N 1e3 [2,10,11,49,171]
Biophotolysis Bioenergy Microalgae Photo-fermentation <1 N 1e3 [9,11,43,49,68,99,258e260]

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Photonic Cyanobacteria Algal Hydrogen 1e3 N 1e3 [260]
Photosynthetic-Bacteria 2e7 N 1e3 [2,50,259e261]
Fat (H) 12e14 N 1e3
Nutrients (H) C/N 1e3
Waste (H)/Biomass (H)
Bioelectrolysis Bioenergy Biomass (H) Microbial electrolysis 70e80 N 1e3 [49,101]
Electric Hydrogenases Nitrogen fixation 10 [262]
Biolysis Bioenergy Microorganism Dark fermentation 60e80 N 3e5 [35,101]
Fermentative bacterias Hydrolysis NA N 2e4 [155,239,258]
Biomass (H)þWater (N) Aqueous phase reforming 35e55 N 5e7 [49,263]
CO (N) þ Water (N) Biological Shift Reaction NA N 2e4 [264]
Bio-thermolysis Bioenergy-Heat Biomass (H) (microwave) acid pretreated Co-fermentation hydrothermal NA N 2e4 [265,266]
35e45 N 1e3 [266e269]
Thermolysis Heat Water (N) Waterthermolysis 20e55 C 1e3 [11,49,99,101,165,270]
Biomass (H) (absence of O2) Pyrolysis 35e50 N 8e10 [88,101]
Biomass (H) Gasification 35e50 N 10 [49,50,68]
Coal (H) Coal gasification 74e85 N/CCS 10 [35]
Fuels (H) Steam Reforming (SR) 60e85 N/CCS 10 [242,244,245,271e274]
Fuels (H) Membrane Reactors 64e90 N/CCS 7e9 [10,88,101,238]
Biomass (H) Partial oxidation 60e75 N 7e9 [11,49,68,101]
Methane (H)þCO2 Autothermal 60e75 N 6e8 [8,49,68,88,101]
CO2 Dry Reforming NA C/N [11,238,275]
Thermo-electrolysis Heat-Electric Fuels (H) Plasma Reforming 9e85 N 1e3 [7,10,49,232,276,277]
Chemical Chemical reaction Water (N) Redox 3-5 wt C 4e6 [2,125,278e280]
Metals (N) NA C 4e6 [2,278,281]
Metal Hydrides (N) NA C/N
Gas-based hydrides (N) NA C
Metal Hydroxides (N)
Radiolysis Radiation Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Radiolysis NA C 1e3 [50,282e285]

*Cleanness ¼ Clean with no emissions (C). Non-clean with emissions (N). Quasi-clean by using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
**Technology maturity level (TML) has been used in the literature as a modified and consolidated rating scale (110) of both the globally accepted benchmarking tool of Technology Readiness Level
(TRL) and the ARENA developed Commercial Readiness Index (CRI) (a), to help communicate the level of maturity of the particular technology. Levels (110) are adopted similarly to “Beca Pty Ltd”
report prepared for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) in November 2015 [286]. Level 1 refers to basic technology research and level 10 refers to the bankable asset class.
(a) Technology readiness level (TRL) (b) methodology was developed by NASA in the 1970s and since then it has been used in a wide range of sectors, including the energy sector. The index is used for
tracking the progress of technologies (1e9), from applied research (TRL1) to successful system operation in its operating environment (TRL9) [187].
(b) ARENA has developed the Commercial Readiness Index (CRI) as a tool that project proponents may want to use when considering their projects and ARENA will use to measure the “commercial

readiness” (1e6) of renewable energy solutions [287].
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Table 5 e Emerging hydrogen production technologies.

Technology Brief Description Current Eff. (%) R&D Area References
Anion Exchange Membrane Semipermeable membrane designed to 67e74 Catalyst [56,85,86,295,296]
(AEM) conduct anions while being impermeable Membrane
to gases such as oxygen or hydrogen Efficiency
Membraneless electrolyser Two independent laminar flow streams 40e80 Increase pressure [11,74,106,254,255,297]
can be separated up to a certain length, Scale
which ensures the formation of a virtual Unitized regenerative
layer separating anode and cathode Efficiency
Membrane Reactor A membrane is a mass selectivity 64e90 Membrane [184,246,248,272,298]
structure. Membrane reactor allows CCS
hydrogen transfer under a variety of Catalyst
driving forces like pressure, temperature, Process Intensification
electric potential, etc.
Photosynthesis Artificial photosynthesis towards solar 1.6e5/10 CO2 Utilisation to Fuel [2,8,50,262,299]/[43]
fuels generation via CO2 reduction Carbohydrate (food)
Photocatalytic generation Semiconductor-based photocatalytic 3e11 Efficiency [8,43,300]
hydrogen generation by high-energy Catalyst
photons to drive the reaction Integration with PV
Dark fermentation followed Fermentation process followed by second 57 Waste to bio-hydrogen [100,193]
by photo-fermentation stage activated by exposure to light Catalyst
Plasma arc decomposition Natural gas is passed through plasma arc 9e85 Graphite production [49,231,270]
to generate H2 and carbon soot (high- Catalyst
temperature pyrolysis)
Unitized Regenerative Reversible electrolyser and FC in one unit 43e51 Efficiency [8,202,232,290]
i.e. can generate hydrogen and power Round trip Scale
(small scale is available) Switching time
Battolyser Batteries which can produce hydrogen 76-90 overall Efficiency [203,204,301]
after fully charged H2 production control

production’s techno-economic assessment (referring to Table norm classifies combustible hydrogen in three types, I, II, and
1). Therefore, the additional cost of purification must be taken III for gaseous, liquid and ‘‘slush’’ hydrogen, respectively
into account to comply with the end point application speci- [308,311,313,314]. The ISO 14,687 has subdivided each type to
fications. In this section the importance of hydrogen purity in purity grades, and further to categories in some grades ac-
connection with endpoint applications is discussed to fill this cording to the hydrogen end use (utilisation) [311,313]. A
gap in the literature. general overview of the ISO 14,687 model summarised in
In the literature, the term “number of nines” is used to Table 6.
indicate the purity e.g. three nines means 99.9% purity or 3.0 Furthermore, the ISO developed fuel quality specifications
in abbreviated decimal fraction, while six nines indicate the for hydrogen in response to the widespread deployment of
purity of 99.9999% or 6.0 [302,303]. Therefore, the expression hydrogen-fuelled fuel cell vehicles. For this purpose, the
4.6 indicates a four nines purity followed by a 6 i.e. 99.996% technical specification was developed and published; in three
pure [302,303]. This means that the process of expressing the parts as follows [311,315];
purity is obtained indirectly through subtraction from one
hundred percent, represent all impurities or contaminants  Part 1 (ISO 14,687e1): All applications except proton ex-
remaining within the hydrogen gas [302]. Defining hydrogen change membrane (PEM) fuel cells for road vehicles. This
purity requirements is dependent on the endpoint applica- standard is no longer used [311].
tion as in some specific applications there are technical  Part 2 (ISO 14,687e2) in 2012: Hydrogen Fuel - Product
constraints on the presence of a specific type of impurity not Specification: Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell
just its quantity [304]. For example, in order to use bio- applications for road vehicles.
hydrogen, which always contains CO2 [303] that is not  Part 3 (ISO 14,687e3) in 2014: Hydrogen Fuel - Product
acceptable in a Fuel Cell and must be removed Specification: Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell
(<2 mmol mol1) [179,303]. applications for stationary appliances.
Hence, a specifications like that of the International Orga-
nization for Standardisation ISO 14,687e2 provides a list of 13 A list of the allowable limits for critical contaminants in
different impurities [305e308] with associated maximum hydrogen fuel (>99.97 purity) for Fuel Cells tabulated in Table
limits that must not be exceeded when providing hydrogen to 7; according to standards SAE J2719 (Society of Automotive
a fuel cell vehicle [303,304,309,310]. Thus, ISO 14,687 was Engineers) and ISO 14,687e2 [305e308].
developed for hydrogen purity specifications depending on Additionally, there is a wide range of rapidly growing
the endpoint applications [304,311,312]. This norm for the hydrogen applications which raised the need for commer-
quality of combustible hydrogen IRAM-ISO 14,687:2003 was cially graded hydrogen with specific purity and impurity
originally published in 1999 and corrected in 2001 [313]. The content as listed in Table 8.

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Table 6 e Fuel hydrogen types, grades and categories of ISO 14,687e2:2012 [302].
H2 type Grade Category Purity Utilisation (Applications)
Gaseous (I) A NA 98.00 Internal combustion engines for transport
Residential or commercial applications (All applications except Fuel Cells)
B NA 99.90 Industrial fuel (power generation or heat energy source)
C NA 99.995 Aircraft and space-vehicle ground support systems
D NA 99.97 Fuel Cells for vehicles
E 1 50.0 Fuel Cells for stationary applications (higher Formaldehyde and Formic
acid [314])
2 50.0 (lower Formaldehyde and Formic acid [314])
3 99.9 (lower Formaldehyde and Formic acid [314])
Liquid (II) A NA 99.995 Aircraft and space-vehicle on board propulsion systems and electrical
energy requirements
Land vehicles except Fuel Cells.
D NA 99.97 Fuel Cells for transportation
Slush (III) NA NA 99.995 Aircraft and space-vehicle on board propulsion

*Purity is expressed as a minimum mole fraction.

Recently, the ISO has established a special International HPP depending on the endpoint application purity re-
technical committee ISO/TC 197; which has 14 technical quirements. However, the literature review reveals a gap in
working groups [61]. These groups are developing 15 interna- the knowledge about the cost of the purification process in
tional standards [61] for hydrogen technologies, systems and relation to HPP which, needs to be addressed for an accurate
devices for the production, storage, transport, hydrogen cost-effective assessment for different pathways. Further-
refuelling stations, measurement and use of hydrogen more, including the purification cost can incentivise new
[61,315]. A new roadmap was developed for international and research into enhancing the endpoint application tolerance
individual countries national standardisation guidelines for hydrogen purity grade. The state-of-the-art hydrogen pu-
[13,315,321]. Therefore, a new set of norms emerged like ISO rification techniques are summarised in Table 9.
16,110 (all parts), for hydrogen generators using fuel process-
ing technologies and ISO 22,734 (all parts), for hydrogen gen-
erators using the water electrolysis process [13,315,321,322]. Innovative hydrogen cleanness index model
Hence, the choice of HPP must take into account the
hydrogen fuel purity grade required by the endpoint pathway The meaning of energy cleanness meaning in the literature is
and purification technology viability. The literature reveals an the least amount of GHG emissions associated with the LCA
enormous number of research studies on purification tech-
nologies and continues to grow [107,304,323e325]. Despite,
purification being done during the production stage or at the
Table 8 e Hydrogen grades for specific applications.
endpoint application, but the cost of purification must be
included in the HPP. This can change the cost-effectiveness of Purity (Grade) Category references
>99.9999% (>6.0) Hydrogen for Research Grade [316,317]
(R&D) Oxygen < 0.1 ppm
Water < 0.5 ppm
Table 7 e List of allowable limits for critical contaminants
Total Hydrocarbon (as
in hydrogen fuel for Fuel Cells.
CH4) < 0.5 ppm
Contaminant Allowable Limit Nitrogen < 0.5 ppm
Carbon Dioxide < 0.2 ppm
Helium (He) 300 ppm
>99.999% (>5.0) Ultra-High Purity Grade [316e320]
Nitrogen (N2) & Argon (Ar) 100 ppm
(semiconductor applications)
Water (H2O) 5 ppm
Oxygen < 2 ppm
Oxygen (O2) 5 ppm
Water < 3 ppm
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 2 ppm
Total Hydrocarbon (as
Total Hydrocarbons 2ppm
CH4) < 0.5 ppm
Formic Acid (CH2O2) 0.2 ppm
Nitrogen < 8 ppm
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0.2 ppm
>99.99% (>4.0) Zero Grade (Fuel Cells) [316]
Ammonia (NH3) 0.1 ppm
Total Hydrocarbon (as
Total halogenated compoundsa 0.05 ppm
CH4) < 0.5 ppm
(Halogenate ion basis)
99.99% (4.0) High Purity Grade (Fuel Cells) [319,320]
Formaldehyde (CH2O) 0.01 ppm
>99.95% (>3.5) Industrial Grade [319]
Total Sulphur (incl. H2S) 0.004 ppm
Oxygen < 10 ppm
Particles 1 mg/kg H2
Water < 34 ppm
Includes, for example, hydrogen bromide (HBr), hydrogen chlo- Total Hydrocarbon (as
ride (HCl), chlorine (Cl2), and organic halides (R-X). CH4) < 10 ppm

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12 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 9 e Hydrogen purification techniques.

Pathway Technology Purity (%) Recovery R&D Area Ref
Rate (%)
Membrane (Diffusion) Palladium membrane 99.99,999 99 Reduce cost [49,51,107,109,180,183,
& (Membrane Reactors) Noble metal membrane 99.8 95 Reduce working Heat 184,323,324]
Solid polymer electrolyte 92e98 >85 Purity/Recovery rate balance [108,109]
Polymer Membrane 99.5 >95 Mitigate Technical challenges [107,186]
Carbon membranes
Metaleorganic frameworks
Chemical-Catalytic Recombination/ 99.999 99 Reduce catalyst cost [326,327]
Deoxygenation Mitigate Technical challenges [109]
Noble/Non-Noble-based [323]
Water gas shift reaction
Physical Metal hydride 99e99.99 75e95 Expensive/Simple to use [181,182]
Pressure swing adsorption 98e99.999 46e85 Enhance recovery rate [185,328e330]
Cryogenic separation 95e99.8 95 Purity/Recovery rate balance [109]
Electro-chemical Nanoporous Phosphorene NA NA Purity/Recovery rate balance [180]
membrane þ electric field [325]
conducting membrane

including direct and indirect emissions of that energy (well to hydrogen [331,332] or can be used with some bio-renewables
end-use) [154,331,332]. Therefore, the cleanness of the HPP to reduce GHG emissions [8,72,88]. However, the CCS energy
determines the cleanness of energy carried (stored) in that consumption and effectiveness in removing carbon must be
hydrogen [50,65,99,192,276]. Hence, the cleanness of the HPP is included in the total emissions.
determined by the life cycle cleanness of input energy, ma- Despite, some attempts in the literature to specify the
terials and equipment [17,154,252]. Thus, the hydrogen- threshold emissions for green HPP as 4.4 kg CO2-e/kgH2
containing materials used to extract the hydrogen and the [288,331], the credit for cleaner hydrogen regardless of its
catalytic energy or materials which can add GHG emissions origin is not described. Furthermore, a wide range of GHG
must be considered in any hydrogen energy cleanness could be emitted from the HPP but not reflected in the current
description which is called the “guarantee of origin” [331,333]. three colour coding model. Moreover, the current three colour
Literature reveals three colours used to distinguish be- code does not include the depth of assessment conducted to
tween pollutant, quasi-clean and clean HPP determine the colour coding. Hence, the authors of this paper
[48,62,78,222,235,236]. Thus, the hydrogen cleanness is proposed an innovative approach using the concept of the
labelled by three main colours; grey, blue and green colour spectrum with cleanness percentage instead of a
[48,222,235,236]. The grey hydrogen is considered dirty spectral colour as illustrated in Fig. 5.
(polluting) even though this hydrogen produces zero-carbon- The new model has been designed to describe the per-
emission at the end-use point [48,235]. Whilst, blue centage of cleanness followed by a depth level number as
hydrogen defines the CCS technology inclusive in the grey shown in the right column of Fig. 5. The assessment depth
hydrogen regardless the extraction and fugitive emission of level indicates if other scopes (indirect) emission or further
the fossil feedstock [48,57,222,235,237]. On the other hand, depth of source and/or equipment lifecycle emission were
green hydrogen refers to a renewable energy for production of taken into account. Also, the contribution of production
that hydrogen [48,60,235] which is then named “renewable equipment and any sub-system like purification or
hydrogen” [10,11,13,15,16,35,50,60,65,77,175,176,190, compression were given an individual level in the depth of
192,198,223,226,241,276,334e336]. Some other colours are assessment. Hence, the proposed model can determine pre-
used at times in the literature like brown for brown coal cisely how grey is the grey hydrogen, how blue is the blue
hydrogen, yellow for solar energy powered electrolysis and hydrogen and how green is the green hydrogen. Authors
purple for nuclear-powered electrolysis or thermolysis introduced the model as a Hydrogen Cleanness Index (HCI)
[13,47,62,288,337]. followed by the depth level number e.g. (75 Green-2)
Therefore, the current colour coding model referring to the hydrogen means that renewable energy was utilised to pro-
type of input energy of the production process rather than duce hydrogen, but it is not a zero-emission process. Instead
how polluting or clean is that hydrogen is, fails to accurately 75% green due to some emissions associated with this pro-
determine how clean is the energy stored in any produced cess. The number after the colour which in this example is (2)
hydrogen [311]. Moreover, when green hydrogen is mentioned referring to the developed model in Fig. 5, tells that indirect
in the literature and in public it means (renewable hydrogen) GHG emission (CO2-e) associated with the production
which used zero-emissions energy [10,48,60,62,78,154]. How- pathway has been considered.
ever, the use of some RE resources like bioenergy emits GHG This innovative model needs much more work to deter-
such as COx, SOx and CH4 [8,252,338,339] or RE heat utilisation mine the threshold levels of start and end of the spectrum for
which can emit N2O and NOx [88,252,340]. On the other hand, each colour as well as the assessment depth levels and the
the CCS technology can produce comparably cleaner blue associated weight for each level. This will be developed,

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Fig. 5 e Innovative hydrogen cleanness index (HCI), and its depth of assessment.

modelled and simulated in a separated research paper by  This review paper has focused on the first corner of the
authors. HydS model in connection with the other corners and the
purification subsystem. The conclusion was that the
hydrogen production corner determines the cleanness of
Discussion any energy carried in the produced hydrogen. However, the
other HydS corners can add pollution during the round-trip
 Global warming is blamed on our dependence on fossil cycle of any produced hydrogen.
fuels. Growing public and government awareness as well  The literature revealed that the HPPs had been categorised
as energy security and price stability force the shift away according to the process type in the mix with input energy
from the fossil fuel economy toward a cleaner economy. type and catalyst. The current categorising model did not
 Hydrogen is an energy carrier not an energy source. The clearly distinguish the input energy type applied to the
energy used to extract hydrogen will be stored in the pro- different hydrogen-containing materials and type of cata-
duced hydrogen. Hydrogen is storable, transportable and lyst used in the process. It is a process description rather
utilisable and has gained potential as alternative energy than a pathway categorising model.
storage and distribution system which is known as  This paper proposed an innovative HPP categorising model
Hydrogen Economy. shown in Fig. 4, to divide the HPPs into three levels i.e.
 Despite hydrogen being zero-carbon-emission energy at input energy, catalyst and hydrogen-containing material.
the end-use point, it depends on the clean energy index This can describe precisely the HPP rather than the type of
(cleanness) of the production pathway and the energy used process only. Table 4 has been developed to categorise the
to produce it. HPPs according to the proposed model.
 The literature reveals many reviews, case studies and  The hydrogen purification subsystem has been recognised
roadmaps as well as research and innovations in the R&D in this paper as an additive cost for any HPP selection in
field to promote the hydrogen economy and still gaining connection with the other HydS corners. A list of allowable
momentum. However, the literature review shows that limits for critical contaminants in hydrogen fuel for fuel
most publications focused on specific parts of the cells in Table 7 shows the necessity to consider the end-use
hydrogen cycle that are not interconnecting the whole application in the fourth HydS corner during the techno-
lifecycle stages. economic assessment of any HPP in the first corner of the
 One of the main contributions of this paper is to develop an HydS model.
innovative hydrogen cycle model that has been presented  The authors concluded that the cost of the hydrogen pu-
as four corners of a square-shaped integrated whole to rification process must be added to the hydrogen cycle
demonstrate the interconnection and interdependency of feasibility assessment. The state-of-the-art hydrogen pu-
these hydrogen lifecycle stages and the associated sub- rification techniques were summarised in Table 9 to
systems. Hydrogen Square (HydS) shown in Fig. 1 com- highlight some promising emerging technologies which
prises four stages (square corners) which are production, can advantage some HPP among the classic trend of these
storage, safety and utilisation as well as purification and pathways.
compression as subsystems.  The current colour coding system fails to precisely describe
 These subsystems can exist in one or more corners of the the cleanness of any produced hydrogen rather than a
HydS and must be considered as an extra cost in any guarantee of origin. This raises the question of whether all
pathway selection decision. green hydrogen is cleaner than blue hydrogen? Or whether

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