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Notorious Robo-signers, Bryan Bly and Crystal Moore, Still “Working” for Nationwide… Page 1 of 15
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Notorious Robo-signers, Bryan Bly and Crystal Moore, Still “Working” for
Nationwide Title Clearing

Posted by 4closureFraud on July 19, 2011 · 16 Comments

Look at the above picture of Bryan Bly and Milton Waddams side by side…

Now, remember Office Space?

The resemblance is AMAZING!

Same haircut, same glasses, same mustache, same look! They are even wearing the same gray short
sleeved shirt!

HA! And I thought Robo-Lisa was the funniest thing I ever saw…… 7/19/2017
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Notorious robo-signers still working for Palm Harbor title company

By Mark Puente, Times Staff Writer

Two employees of a Palm Harbor title company embroiled in the nation’s robo-signing
controversy are still signing hundreds of mortgage documents in other states.

The signatures of Bryan Bly and Crystal Moore, who work for Nationwide Title Clearing,
showed up on 445 mortgage-related records with suspect signatures from October through June
30 in Guilford County, N.C.

The signatures appear on records from Mortgage Electronic Registration System, JPMorgan
Chase, Wells Fargo and other lenders. Bly signed 290 documents; Moore, 155. The mortgage
assignments and certificates of satisfaction transfer loans from one bank to another or certify a
loan has been paid off, according to Jeff Thigpen, the Guilford County registrar of deeds.

Nationwide Title Clearing reassigned Bly and Moore after the robo-signing controversy erupted
last year, said Pennsylvania-based spokesman Rick Grant. Nothing prevents them from signing
new paperwork, he added. Grant stressed that the duo is not signing foreclosure documents.

Um, sorry… WRONG!

“They’ve never been convicted of anything,” Grant said.

Yea, Casey Anthony wasn’t convicted either…

The Florida attorney general still is investigating the fraudulent-paperwork allegations, a

spokeswoman said.

Link to Bryan Bly deposition Courtesy of YouTube here…

Link to Crystal Moore deposition Courtesy of YouTube here…

Thigpen said Tuesday that a Nationwide official assured him that the firm has the proper
authorization for Bly and Moore to sign the records.

The industry, however, needs to establish measures to protect the integrity of documents
submitted for public records, Thigpen said in an e-mailed statement.… 7/19/2017
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“Quite frankly, as a public recorder, I don’t want to be a policeman nor an accessory to fraud,” he

After the outrage in the fall, robo-signers simply shifted to another segment of the industry, said
lawyer April Charney, a foreclosure expert with Jacksonville Area Legal Aid. She wants
company executives held criminally responsible for allowing the practice of mass-signing

Charney compared robo-signers to fire ants.

“You shoot them with Roundup in the hole, and they just pick up and set up shop somewhere
else,” she said. “This is a never-ending, unfortunate situation. It’s fraud.”

You can check out the rest from the St Pete Times here…

But, before we go, here are some final thoughts from the Huffington post on these matters that were
originally Posted on 11-13-10…

The Most Shocking Statements From Alleged Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers’

In more than two hours of video footage recently uploaded to YouTube, three alleged “robo
signers” describe how they approved thousands of mortgage documents a day without reading

Robo-signing is the latest ugly turn in the ongoing mortgage mess. Banks and loan servicers
appear to have illegally processed countless documents in the rush to foreclose. The scandal has
spawned a host a host of lawsuits, including a Federal racketeering lawsuit brought against Bank
of America and a wave of investigations by 50 state attorneys general.

The three employees of Nationwide Title Clearing — notary Crystal Moore, “signer in charge”
Bryan Bly and witness Dhurata Doko — gave depositions to lawyer Christopher Forrest, reports
the St. Petersburg Times. Their testimony presents a detailed and often shocking portrait of the
assembly-line like process for approving documents.

The employees admit they didn’t read the thousands of documents they signed daily, and they
betray ignorance of key aspects of the mortgage industry. In some cases, according to the
testimony, their signatures were affixed to documents without their knowledge.

One employee admits he doesn’t know how many companies he had signed for as a vice
president. Another suggests she doesn’t know anything at all about the mortgage industry. And
the third says she didn’t know exactly what she was authorized to do on behalf of her employer
— her job was, simply, to “sign the documents.”

1. ‘Just Sign The Documents’

“Do you know specifically what you’re authorized to do for MERS?”

“Just sign the documents.”
“Do you know specifically what you’re authorized to do for City Residential Lending?”
“Just sign the documents.”… 7/19/2017
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“Why did you sign this document indicating that your address was in California if that in
fact was not your address?”
“Because my name was on the document.”
“So it was presented to you to sign and you signed it.”

2. A Vice President At More Than 20 Companies

“In addition to notarizing assignments of mortgage, do you ever sign assignments as a vice
president of a company?”
“For which companies have you signed as vice president?”
“I couldn’t list all.”
“Could you give me some examples?”
“Chase Morgan. Wells Fargo. I’m on pretty much every corporate resolution.”
“Would it be accurate to say that there are maybe an excess of 20 companies or banks that
you sign as vice president?”
“That would be fair to say.”

3. “Just Look For My Name, And Then Sign”

“Do you have any understanding as to what that term means, ‘for good and valuable
“I don’t usually read the docs when I sign.”
“So it’s not part of your job to review the document. Your job is just to sign it.”
“Just look for my name, and then sign.”

4. No Experience Necessary

“What did you study [in the one year of college]?”

“Nothin’. It was just the basic.”
“General courses?”
“Do you have any other additional training or education in banking or finance?”
“Real estate?”

5. Signing 5,000 Documents Per Day At Less Than A Minute Each

“Can you tell me on any given day how many assignments or other documents you sign?”
“Are you looking for a ballpark average?”
“Ballpark. I certainly don’t expect you to remember exactly.”
“I’d say 5,000.”
“Would that be an average day for you?”
“That would be average.”… 7/19/2017
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“Would it be fair to say that during your tenure at NTC you’ve probably signed an excess of
50 or 60 thousand documents?”
“Could be higher than that?”
“With signing so many on any given day, can you estimate for me the amount of time you
spend on any given document?”
“Less than a minute.”
“When you’re presented with a document to sign or notarize, do you take any steps to verify
any of the information contained in the document?”
“Not in the body.”
“When you say ‘not in the body’ are there any other steps that you take?”
“I’m just looking to make sure it’s been fully signed.”
“Would it be accurate to say that you are presented with a stack of documents to sign, and
your practice is to look at the document, see if it’s been signed, affix your signature to it and
then move on to the next document?”

6. A Disturbing Lack Of Experience

“When you say ‘financial’ are you referring to matters relating to banking?”
“No. We don’t do mortgages in my country. … I don’t have any idea about mortgages when
I started here.”

7. A Strange Definition Of A Mortgage

“Did you take any steps to verify any of the information contained in this assignment before
you signed it?”
“Do you ever take any steps to verify any of the information in the documents you sign at


“What is your understanding of what exactly is a mortgage?”

“When somebody goes to buy a house, they take a loan. And then the mortgage is their
paying the banks bank.”
“Can you tell me what your understanding is of the term ‘promissory note’?”
“That’s just the note. Like it says the interest rate and stuff like that on it.”

8. Management May Have Electronically Signed Documents For One Employee

“Do you play any role in the creation of the documents to which your signature is
electronically affixed?”
“No role.”
“Do you have any idea what documents or how many documents your signature has been
electronically affixed to?”
“Do you ever review those electronic documents after your signature has been affixed?”… 7/19/2017
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“So would it be accurate to say that entire process takes place outside of your presence and
“That would be fair.”
“You play no role in the determination as to whether or not you should be signing the
document physically, or whether your electronic signature should be inserted?”
“Who makes that decision?”
“That would be someone in management.”
“So someone else in management is making a decision as to whether or not to use your
signature to affix it electronically to a document?”
“And you have no role in that process?”
9. Signing More Than 50,000 Documents
“Have you signed assignments or other documents as vice president of any other
“What companies have you signed as vice president?”
“I don’t know.”
“You can’t recall any?”
“Mm-mm [No].”
“Can you estimate for me the number of different companies that you’ve signed assignments
as vice president?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can you estimate for me how many assignments or other documents in total during your
tenure at NTC you signed as an officer or a vice president of a company?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is it more than 10?”
“More than 500?”
“More than 5,000?”
“More than 20,000?”
“More than 50,000?”
“And out of those 50,000, the only company that you can recall signing as a vice president
or an officer is City Residential Lending?”
All I can say at this point is…
Ii]… 7/19/2017
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Even if it sounds like an insane cackle…

When is the fraudclosure machine going to break?

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16 Responses to “Notorious Robo-signers, Bryan Bly and Crystal Moore, Still “Working” for
Nationwide Title Clearing”

1. n JODI ARELLANO says:

November 14, 2012 at 1:47 PM




2. Khaliph Bey says:

October 17, 2011 at 10:16 PM

1. If you check with most loan officers, they do not know the TILA (Truth in lending Act very
well. The banks have been violating this federal statue for a long time. The judges will not
adjudicate against them because it will collapse the banking industry globally , so they say.. .
You can give the titles to the consumers and let the banks start over without being sued. You
see , if they were to allow the people to sue the banks the TILA says you can sue for 3 X’s the
amount of the mortgage loan. This would definitely break the banks but its not our problem.
Make them produce the original note with a blue ink signature because if you are not the holder
in due course of the original note, you cannot by law collect on a mortgage payment.
Furthermore they, the banks should also pay the consumers their just due in interest on the
signature of the notes because they automatically place their mortgages in a investment pool
and place it in the investment market @ $100 million a pop. Those mortgages are paid in full
the first thirty days of investment from the dividends alone. So the investor received his/hers
gains before the first mortgage payment is even made which is a residual income for the
inverters. A percentage of that should go to the real investors, the consumer. Once you separate
the note from the deed , the property have been given to the corporate charter of the county
where it resides and corporations are property and property cannot own property, they can only
manage it. All of the banks are guilty and they confuse you by signing multiple names to the
note through an alonge which transfers the note between parties . Somewhere the note gets lost
and never to be found. This is supposed to be reported to the SEC but it never happens. If you
are interested in teaming up like the Occupy Wall street group you can email me at . I have a full copy of the Truth -in Lending Act on file and will gladly
share it with anyone looking for it.


3. Hell No, No More Bail-OUTS says:

July 21, 2011 at 1:18 AM… 7/19/2017
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I need more examples of Debra Lyman (a Litton signor for assignments) whose signature shows
up on documents for which LPS requests recording. I have seen at least two significant versions
of the signature but most have a crazy ‘d’ on Debra.

Anyone have examples or know of signature ‘stashes’? I checked ‘’


◦ - Barry says:
August 25, 2011 at 5:45 PM

I have a fraudulent affidavit she signed. On the face of it, contains fraudulent


4. COCO says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:00 PM



◦ n lvent says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Google it. It is more than likely owned by CHASE. Looks to me like they are the main
proxy that owns this global scheme/scam.


◦ lvent says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:24 PM

Google the words: Chase owns Nationwide Title Clearing.


◦ 4closureFraud says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:57 PM… 7/19/2017
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Scientology founder’s tenets drive Pinellas title company, under fire for rapid
document processing

What few people knew was that the Palm Harbor company had extensive ties to the
Church of Scientology. And that NTC’s owners, who have donated heavily to church
projects, ran the company on management principles of Scientology founder L. Ron

Norm Novitsky, a longtime Scientologist who founded NTC in 1992, once credited
the company’s success to Scientology.

“There are many companies like ours,” he wrote on a Scientology-related website,

“but I’m proud to say, through hard work and L. Ron Hubbard’s administrative
technology, in just a short time we rose to being one of the leading servicers in our

Hubbard’s “tech,” originally used to manage his church and later adapted to
business, stresses the use of statistics to measure and spur employee output.
Companies with flat-line statistics showing no change are in an “emergency”
condition, he said.

The use of Hubbard’s technology on Nationwide’s busy campus — which can image
up to 500,000 pages of mortgage documents a day — has sparked complaints that
the company foists Scientology principles on workers and creates a high-pressure


◾ n lvent says:
July 20, 2011 at 1:52 PM

There are alot of dirty hands in this for sure. I have found organized religion to be
near the top tier of the pyramid kind of like the Catholic Church. They use many
proxies to hide their identities, gain our trust and then use and rob the people. I
think it is all acheived by brainwashing the masses.

5. Rita Cheche says:

July 20, 2011 at 4:56 AM

I am the plaintiff suing Wachovia for lying, cheating, and stealing from me, everything is with
I have 2 fraud/predatory loans from them, Oct. 24, 2005 World Savings Bank / Wachovia and… 7/19/2017
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Nov. 21, 2006 Peoples Choice Home Loan / Specialized Loan Servicing L.L.C. / Wachovia /
Wells Fargo. In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk
LLC, Defendants. TRIAL DATE: OCT. 18, 2011.
CHANGE THIS. Or, anyone can help me, please give them my information, Rita Cheche, 757-
427-0075. I have an email, but I am getting hundreds of emails of people in
mortgage trouble, needing help, SO PLEASE CALL ME DIRECTLY. I need to get my story &
evidence in the public eye! And be in the public eye to make it harder for the court system to
continue to violate my rights. I’m not great on the computer, not having the right tools for the
job! BUT I AM THE FAXING QUEEN! If you would like to see proof of any docs.
I have evidence of every entity & actors’ violations of the law and my rights, example of just
one of hundreds of my original documents:
DATED 6 MONTHS INTO THE FUTURE (closing 11/21/05, date of package to O.T.S.
03/25/08, date on document 09/23/08). V.P. of Wachovia sent her version of my closing
package TO THE OFFICE OF THE THRIFT SUPERVISION, Dept. of Treasury, answering
my complaint to the Attorney General of TX, Greg Abbott. I have contacted approx. 15
agencies, having the correspondences, including the secret service and the F.B.I. and getting
PLEASE COME TO Virginia Beach, VA to document my plight, before they silence me. My
case is a Precedence Setting Case, and will help hundreds of thousands, with your help!
They have stolen over 2.3 million in assets alone. Losing my commercial floor contracting
business, I started in 1986, installing floors and wallpaper. Forced to liquidate and/or lost my 9
unit apartment building I provided to the Section 8 Program, a duplex on Chesapeake Bay, I
bought to help a lifetime friend who is a quadriplegic, a single family rental home, my son’s
education, and my retirement.
My attorney (working for Wachovia) is continuing to bend me over, holding me for
WACHOVIA! I have searched for the last 6 yrs. for representation, hiring mine 2 years ago,
and in that time I’ve had about 15 mins. Face to face, the first & only appt. She said, for a cost
of thousands, up front, she would do everything I asked, get my 2.3 million back, my home, my
livelihood, what I would have made with my business, real estate properties, assets,
investments, $100k, 25 yr. equity credit line from my rental, they illegally closed, & my
excellent credit (they ruined my credit within 48 hours of 1st fraud closing, Oct. 24, 2005
dropping approx. 200 points to 513). Plus, I wanted several million dollars for ruining my
family & my life! I wanted all of them to pay until it crushed them, legally doing to them what
they illegally did and are continuing to do to me!
I was retiring, when they ripped off my world. I have done nothing but fight back, every waking
moment since Oct. 24, 2005. I will fight till I win what is rightfully mine, and then, with the
money I win, I will help homeowners get their worlds back! My attorney pulled out the 3-day
Cancellation Notice I signed, faxed, mailed & confirmed received, saying “we can start with
this”, and then we can file motions and such, after looking over only a couple of pages of my
presentation, I set up at 1st & only appt.
I had 2 hrs. to wait for her, an empty conference room, & 6 files boxes of documents to show
her. She said she would be in touch to go over everything else, after I deposited the money into
her account.… 7/19/2017
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I personally, with my money & labor had taken an old 1300 sf. farm house built in 1890’s
having a “Purchase Money Mortgage” of $235K, 06/30/04 no additional loans, my boyfriend
built with my money & help, I alone paid for everything, building a 4,000 sf. 2-story Custom
home appraised 03/06, for $796,500.00, the bank, with 2 fraud mortgages stole every cent of
equity, & a year after my court case, I put against them they fraudulent foreclosure, everything
but there are no attorneys who specialize in mortgage fraud (not even the ones that advertise,
like my attorney). Up until a few months ago, they acted like I was a “crazy lady”, who was
trying to get something for nothing from the “Great Gods”, I mean, the banks, brokers, title
companies, insurance cos., credit bureaus. I’ve corresponded with at least a hundred. Locally, in
Virginia, owned and operated by Wachovia / Wells Fargo Bank, they want to bankrupt you or
do a bogus modification, not go up against the “Almighty Bank, WACHOVIA”, and the out-of-
state attorneys, Demet, etc. that have succeeded against the banks for homeowner’s tell me they
“are licensed in 34 states but not licensed in VA”. Virginia is a “Commonwealth” run by the
CBN, and Wachovia/Wells Fargo, also, a NON-JUDICIAL STATE, this bunch of “Good ol’
Boys” stick together & change the “rules” to sue themselves, just like our government.
If you know a lawyer or advocate or anyone who can help, before my lawyer and the court shut
down all my options,
PLEASE CALL ME, Rita Cheche (757) 427-0075.


◦ lvent says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:21 PM

Chase seems to own this mortgage fraud Ponzi Scheme from what I see.


6. Mario Kenny says:

July 20, 2011 at 2:35 AM

and I have seen the Power of atty made in their names so now they are officers of the various
banks nation wide


7. Readdocs says:
July 20, 2011 at 12:42 AM

There is no hot link to the downloads.

This news is heart breaking. I too wonder when is the mortgage fraud machine going
to be broken?

Reply… 7/19/2017
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n_ Jason Werner says:
July 19, 2011 at 11:54 PM

We love Bryan and Crystal. They are very good employees. We’d love to have them work for

Judges who are paid off by banks and their attorneys
Congressmen who are paid off by banks and their attorneys
The Dealer who sold to Barry Bonds
The Dealer who probably sold to Roger Clemens

PS: Bryan and Crystal are only doing their jobs.


◦ n -housemanrob says:
July 20, 2011 at 8:39 AM

Jason, They are just misguided peasants, being led asstray by 8 bucks an hour. Also they
are submissive subordinces who will mindlessly obey orders………making them more


9. Shelley A. Erickson says:

July 19, 2011 at 11:20 PM

Here are is proof of as early as April May and June I beleive of Bly and Chrystal Moore fraud
assignments in Washington state. If you can not get them off of here e-mail me at I will forward the documents to you.

BAC Home Loans …MERS signor.pdf (73.2 KB) Download | Remove

BAC Home Loans …MERS signor.pdf (39 KB) Download | Remove

BAC Home Loans …rica signor.pdf (39.6 KB) Download | Remove

BAC Home Loans …rica signor.pdf (36 KB) Download | Remove

Download all attachments as zip file

Remove all attachments

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