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Class 9 Chemistry Test Balaji Sampath

Test on Organic chemistry

1. Which of the following is oxidised by KMnO4?

a) Methane b) Pentane
c) Isobutane d) Neopentane
2. Identify the correct order of bond dissociation enthalpy:
a)C –C = C-H b) C-C > C-H

c) C-C < C-H d) None of the above

3. The shape of methane molecule is

a) Linear b)Trigonal planar c)Square planar d) Tetrahedral

4. What is the percentage of carbon present in CH4 ?

a) 25 % b) 50% c) 75% d)80%
5. Dehydration of alcohol that is ethanol using hot concentrated sulphuric acid will
give ______ compound.
a)CH2=CH2 b)CH4 c)CHCH d) None of these
6. Identify the correct order of rate of reaction.(where R represents the alkyl group in
the following)
a) RI<RBr<RCl<RF b) RI>RBr>RCl>RF
c) RI>RBr<RCl<RF d) RI<RBr>RCl>RF
7. Paraffin wax is__
a)Ester b)Alcohol
c) Unsaturated hydrocarbon d) Saturated hydrocarbon
8. Which compound is not inflammable
a) CCl4 b) C2H5OH c)CH4 d)C6H6

9. As the number of carbon atoms in a chain increases the boiling point of alkanes
a) Increases b) decreases
c) Remains constant d) Decrease and then increase
10. The complete combustion of CH4 gives
a) CO+H2 b) CO+N2
c) CO2+H2O d) CO+N2O

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