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European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

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Xylan – A green binder for wood adhesives

Emelie Norström a, Linda Fogelström a, Petra Nordqvist b, Farideh Khabbaz b, Eva Malmström a,⇑
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology,
Teknikringen 56-58, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
AkzoNobel, Casco Adhesives AB, P.O. Box 115 38, SE-100 61 Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Wood adhesives are mainly prepared from polymers derived from petroleum-based
Received 30 September 2014 resources. With the increasing concern for the environment, it is necessary to find alterna-
Received in revised form 13 February 2015 tives derived from bio-based resources that can replace petroleum-based polymers. To
Accepted 14 February 2015
enable this transition it is important that the adhesive properties in terms of bond strength,
Available online 23 February 2015
water resistance and heat resistance are similar, and that the alternative can compete in
terms of cost. Hemicelluloses are a byproduct from the pulp industry. From environmental
and economic perspectives it is preferable to utilize all components from wood and
Wood adhesive
decrease the amount of low-value byproducts. In this study, hemicelluloses are suggested
Hemicellulose to be used as binders in wood adhesives, why water dispersions of xylan have been pre-
Xylan pared and evaluated. However, xylan itself cannot be used as a wood adhesive due to its
Tensile shear strength limited bonding performance, especially regarding the water resistance. With the addition
Water resistance of dispersing agents, poly(vinyl alcohol) or poly(vinyl amine), and crosslinkers, such as gly-
oxal or hexa(methoxymethyl) melamine, the xylan dispersions demonstrate promising
results. Wood veneers bonded with xylan dispersions and evaluated with ABES,
Automated Bonding Evaluation System, demonstrate a good bond strength and surprising-
ly good water resistance. Several xylan dispersions fulfill the D1 and WATT 91 require-
ments for wood adhesives according to European Standards EN 204 and EN 14257,
exhibiting good bond strength and heat resistance. Xylan dispersed in a poly(vinyl amine)
solution also shows remarkable water resistance and reaches the threshold for the D2 cri-
terion according to European Standard EN 204.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction too expensive. However, petroleum resources are both lim-

ited and non-renewable, and with the increasing concern
Wood adhesives of today are mainly produced from for the environment, it is necessary to find alternatives
petroleum-based polymers. These perform very well with derived from bio-based sources. Furthermore, some of
respect to mechanical properties and are not considered the petroleum-based adhesives used today contain haz-
ardous chemicals, e.g., formaldehyde, that have a negative
impact on the environment and human health. To enable
Abbreviations: PVA, poly(vinyl alcohol); PVAm, poly(vinyl amine);
the replacement of petroleum-based adhesives with bio-
HMMM, hexa(methoxymethyl) melamine; AATMP, trimethylolpropane
triacetoacetate; CA, citric acid; BTCA, butanetetracarboxylic acid; PVAc, based alternatives the properties have to be similar, or bet-
poly(vinyl acetate); pTSA, toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate; ABES, ter, and the cost should not be increased. A typical wood
Automated Bonding Evaluation System; RH, relative humidity. adhesive binder (poly(vinyl acetate), PVAc) cost
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 8 790 72 25.
approximately 1.5–2 €/kg. Wood adhesives have to possess
E-mail address: (E. Malmström).
0014-3057/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
484 E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

sufficient bonding performance as monitored through hemicelluloses and lignin are obtained and combusted at
determination of bond strength, water resistance and heat the mill to recover energy. From an environmental and
resistance. economic perspective it would be desirable to exploit the
Bio-based polymers such as protein from milk, blood biomass more effectively by utilizing all components in
and soy beans have been used as adhesives for centuries wood. There is an increasing interest in the biorefinery
but were replaced by petroleum-based polymers due to concept, where all components in wood are used, and not
cost and durability [8]. Bio-based polymers such as pro- only the cellulosic part [34]. Hemicelluloses have a lower
teins, tannins, lignins and polysaccharides are today being energy value than lignin, it would therefore be more
explored as possible adhesives due to their relative abun- rational to separate hemicelluloses from lignin prior to
dance and promising properties [33]. It has proven difficult combustion and utilize hemicelluloses for more valuable
to produce wood adhesives consisting of solely bio-based applications [7]. It has proven difficult with today’s process
polymers, mostly due to their insufficient water resistance techniques to isolate hemicelluloses in larger quantities,
[8]. Therefore, it might be necessary to add small amounts since its withdrawal affects the overall mass-balance at
of additives derived from petroleum to obtain the neces- the mill. Recently, long-term strategies for the pulp indus-
sary properties. Another challenge when using bio-based try have shifted toward an increased awareness of the
polymers for commercial applications is their natural var- potential of the byproducts. If valuable material applica-
iations in characteristics, emanating from locus and tions will be realized, thereby increasing the economic
growth conditions, giving rise to differences between incentive to isolate hemicelluloses, alterations of the pre-
batches due to the type of tree, growth, season, extraction sent pulp process can be envisioned, such that extraction
process, etc. [40]. Proteins extracted from soy bean and of hemicelluloses would be technically and economically
wheat gluten have been studied thoroughly for their adhe- viable [14,32].
sive properties [2,4,11,15–21,27–30,39]. Protein adhesives Hemicelluloses have received significant interest during
have shown promising results, but further work is being the last decades due to their potential for packaging, such
conducted to improve the bond strength and water resis- as barrier films and coatings for food [10,24]. However, the
tance. Another group of polymers, interesting for adhesive research on using hemicelluloses as binders in wood adhe-
applications, are polysaccharides. Starch is a polysaccha- sives is minor. It has shown to be difficult to form free-
ride that is used in paper bonding, especially for packaging standing films of hemicelluloses without any modifica-
applications, but generally starch does not have sufficient tions, due to poor film-forming ability. An adhesive should
properties to be used for wood bonding [8]. Modifications be able to wet, flow and penetrate the wood surface to
of starch are therefore necessary to obtain the properties some extent in order to form a proper bond [8]. The film-
required for wood adhesives. An adhesive with promising forming ability is therefore important also for adhesives.
properties was obtained by crosslinking starch and poly Plasticizers such as sorbitol and glycerol can be used to
(vinyl alcohol), PVA, with hexa(methoxymethyl)melamine, enhance the film-forming properties [23]. However, the
HMMM [12,13,38]. The bonded veneers demonstrated addition of a plasticizer will also result in a more hydrophi-
good bond strength but a long press time (15 min), and a lic film, which could be detrimental for wood-adhesive
high press temperature (175 °C) was necessary. applications. Hemicelluloses are hydrophilic by nature,
Starch has been combined with tannins, resulting in a due to their abundance of hydroxyl groups, and thereby
wood adhesive with properties similar to commercial hygroscopic, which will limit the adhesive properties and
wood adhesives, interesting for plywood applications result in a poor water resistance. Interestingly, the numer-
[25,26]. Starch has also shown promising results to be used ous hydroxyl groups also gives the possibility for chemical
in particleboard production [41]. Furthermore, vinyl acet- functionalization. Research efforts to increase the
ate has been grafted from starch using ammonium persul- hydrophobicity of hemicellulose have focused on chemical
fate as initiator [43–45] and further blended with silica modifications such as esterification, etherification, grafting
nanoparticles [43] to improve the bond strength and the procedures and crosslinking [10]. Crosslinkers, including
water resistance. Wheat flour, containing starch and pro- citric acid [35,42], butanetetracarboxylic acid [9,46] and
teins, has also been studied as a wood adhesive [1]. glyoxal [22], have been used to crosslink hemicelluloses
Gums are another type of polysaccharide that have for applications such as films and foams.
shown potential to be used as wood adhesives. Gum dis- Among hemicelluloses, xylan is the most common, and
persions such as locust bean gum, guar gum, and tamarind it is also the main hemicellulose in hardwood. Potential
gum show remarkable results with good bond strength and sources of xylan are agricultural crops (such as straw, sor-
heat resistance without any modifications. Locust bean ghum, sugar cane, corn stalks and cobs), hulls and husks
gum also exhibits very good water resistance. The bonding from starch production as well as forest and pulping waste
performance is comparable with a commercial poly(vinyl products from softwood and hardwood [3].
acetate) D2 wood adhesive and it is possible to perform The aim of this study was to investigate the use of
the bonding with hot-pressing as well as pressing at room hemicelluloses as green binders in wood adhesives. In
temperature [31]. order to circumvent the difficulties of obtaining industri-
Hemicelluloses are, after cellulose, the most abundant al-grade hemicelluloses, beechwood xylan purchased from
polysaccharides on earth. The industrial utilization of Sigma Aldrich was used. Another reason for choosing a
hemicelluloses has so far been modest, compared with commercial source of hemicelluloses for this exploratory
other abundant polysaccharides such as cellulose and research work was to minimize natural variations between
starch. In the pulp industry, significant amounts of batches. Such variations complicate the evaluation and
E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493 485

render it difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions. component in the final dispersion, exemplified by X20-
However, it must be taken into account that the beech- PVA4 – where X20 means 20 wt% xylan and PVA4 means
wood xylan purchased from Sigma Aldrich probably has 4 wt% PVA and 76 wt% water.
different properties compared with xylans/hemicelluloses Reference dispersions were also prepared with dispers-
extracted from pulping processes. The approach in this ing agents and crosslinkers but without any addition of
study was to disperse xylan in water and evaluate the bond xylan, Table S1 in supplementary data.
strength, water resistance and heat resistance. To improve The pH of two xylan dispersions was adjusted from 4 to
the adhesion properties, poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(vinyl 2 in an attempt to increase the reactivity of the system
amine) were evaluated as dispersing agents and citric acid, with the addition of HCl (0.3 ml, 2 M), yielding the X20-
butanetetracarboxylic acid, glyoxal, hexa(methoxymethyl) G4-HCl and X20-G4-PVA4-HCl dispersions. Two xylan dis-
melamine and trimethylolpropane triacetoacetate were persions, X20-H4-pTSA and X20-H4-PVA4-pTSA, were pre-
assessed as crosslinkers. A commercial poly(vinyl acetate)- pared with 2 wt% pTSA (based on the amount of xylan) in a
based wood adhesive, PVAc, was used to benchmark the similar attempt. The pH decreased from approximately 5 to
experimental results obtained for the dispersions, even 4. More details in supplementary data.
though it is based on a latex system. A few xylan dispersions containing PVAm and glyoxal
or HMMM as crosslinker were prepared with 15 wt% xylan
content instead of 20 wt% to evaluate if the bonding per-
2. Experimental
formance could be improved by decreasing the viscosity.
The proportions of xylan, PVAm and crosslinker were the
2.1. Materials
same but more water was added to the dispersion. More
details in supplementary data.
Xylan (P90% HPLC) from beechwood; 1,2,3,4-butanete-
tracarboxylic acid, BTCA, toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohy-
2.2.2. Large-scale dispersions for bonding wood panels
drate, pTSA, and citric acid, CA, were purchased from Sigma
Xylan dispersions that were found to have promising
Aldrich. Wood veneers and beech-wood panels were kind-
results were further studied in larger scale. Xylan disper-
ly supplied by Akzo Nobel, Casco Adhesives AB. Poly(vinyl
sions (60 g total) were prepared with dispersing agents
alcohol), Poval 217, PVA, was obtained from Kuraray.
(PVA or PVAm) and crosslinkers (glyoxal, HMMM or
LupaminÒ 9095, 20 wt% solution of poly(vinyl amine),
AATMP). The dispersing agent was dissolved (PVA) or
PVAm, with a molar mass of 340,000 g/mol was supplied
diluted (PVAm) first, and xylan (12 g) was then added to
by BASF. Glyoxal, 40% w/w aq. soln. was purchased from
the solution. All dispersions contain 20 wt% xylan but have
Alfa Aesar. Hexa(methoxymethyl)melamine, HMMM, was
different total solid contents. The crosslinker was added
kindly supplied by Becker Industrial Coatings AB.
when all other components had been added. The disper-
Trimethylolpropane triacetoacetate, AATMP was pur-
sions were stirred with an overhead stirrer at 60 rpm for
chased from Lonza. Hydrochloric acid, for analysis, fuming,
15 min at room temperature. The dispersions that were
37% solution in water, ACROS Organics™ was purchased
prepared in large scale are presented in bold text in
from Fisher Scientific. CascolÒ 3304, a poly(vinyl acet-
Table S1 in supplementary data.
ate)-based (PVAc-based) wood adhesive was kindly sup-
plied by Akzo Nobel, Casco Adhesives AB and used as a
2.3. pH-measurements
reference. Cascol is a thermoplastic wood adhesive, suit-
able for indoor applications.
The pH of dispersions prepared in small scale were
measured with a pH glass electrode (JENWAY) connected
2.2. Preparation of xylan dispersions to a pH meter (3510 pH meter JENWAY). The measure-
ments were performed directly after preparation.
2.2.1. Small-scale dispersions for bonding wood veneers
Xylan from beechwood (1 g) was dispersed in water 2.4. Xylan composition
(4 ml) to obtain a dispersion with 20 wt% solid content,
X20. The dispersion was stirred with a vortex (genie 2 The content of the xylan from beechwood purchased
lab dancer) from Scientific Industries and with a spoon from Sigma Aldrich was determined by ion-exchange chro-
for approximately 2 min. Xylan dispersions (5 g total) were matography. Prior to the analysis, the samples were acid–
prepared with dispersing agents (0.8, 2.4, 4 or 5.6 wt%) hydrolyzed using a two-step technique according to SCAN–
and/or crosslinker (0.8 or 4 wt%). All dispersions contain CM 71:09 [36]. Approximately 200 mg xylan was mixed
20 wt% xylan but have different total solid contents. The with 3 ml H2SO4 (72% w/w) and kept in a vacuum desicca-
dispersing agent was dissolved (for PVA) or diluted (for tor for an hour. Deionized water (84 ml) was added and the
PVAm) in water, where after xylan (1 g) was added to the mixture was kept in an autoclave for 60 min at 125 °C. The
solution. Finally, the crosslinker was added when all other obtained solution was filtered through a glass-fiber filter,
components had been added. All xylan dispersions are pre- yielding a condensate of lignin residue (Klason lignin)
sented in Table S1 in supplementary data. The sample and monosaccharide solution filtrates. The filtrate was
names are abbreviations of the components in the disper- diluted and analyzed with high-performance anion-ex-
sions. Abbreviations in sample name: X = xylan, change chromatography (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA)
G = glyoxal, H = HMMM, C = CA, B = BTCA, A = AATMP. The equipped with pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC–
number following each abbreviation is the weight% of each PAD) using a CarboPac PA-1 column. The system was
486 E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

equilibrated for 7 min with 260 mM sodium hydroxide and performance were further tested by pressing veneers bond-
170 mM sodium acetate followed by 100% ultrapure water ed with the adhesive at lower temperatures, 70 °C or room
for 6 min. Only ultrapure water was used as eluent during temperature. A press temperature of 150 °C was also tested
the sample injection at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. A solution for the xylan dispersions containing HMMM and PVAm,
of 300 mM NaOH was added to the column effluent before more details in supplementary data.
the PAD cell at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. Five calibration The dispersions containing PVAm and glyoxal or
standards with several concentrations were prepared using HMMM were further evaluated as 2-component adhesives.
six monosaccharides: xylose, galactose, rhamnose, man- Three different types of 2-component adhesives (a–c) were
nose, arabinose, and glucose. Data was processed with prepared with the same components as in the 1-compo-
Chromeleon 7.1 software. The Klason-lignin residue was nent adhesive, Table S1 in supplementary data. The 2a-
dried at 105 °C for 12 h and gravimetrically determined. component adhesives were prepared by mixing xylan with
the crosslinker in one vial, and just prior to bonding of the
2.5. Size exclusion chromatography veneers, PVAm was added. The 2b-component adhesives
were prepared by mixing xylan with PVAm in one vial
The xylan from beechwood samples were analyzed and just prior to bonding the veneers, the crosslinker was
using size exclusion chromatography SEC, (SECcurity added. The 2c-component adhesives were prepared by
1260, Polymer Standard Services, PSS, Mainz, Germany) mixing xylan and PVAm and applying that mixture on
coupled to a refractive index detector (SECcurity 1260, one side of the veneer and applying the crosslinker on
Polymer Standard Services, Mainz, Germany) thermostated the other side, before pressing the veneers together.
at 45 °C. Separations were performed using a combined More details in supplementary data.
column set-up with a GRAM pre-column, and two GRAM A poly(vinyl acetate)-based wood adhesive (PVAc) used
1000 analytical columns in series (Polymer Standard for indoor applications was used as a benchmark.
Services, Mainz, Germany) with 0.5 ml/min of dimethyl
sulfoxide, DMSO, (LiBr 0.5% w/w) as mobile phase at 2.7.2. Application method 2: panels
60 °C. The samples (100 ll) were injected with a 65 min Wood panels (400 mm  135 mm  5 mm) were condi-
interval. Calibration of the detectors and the column set- tioned at 20 °C and 65% relative humidity for at least one
up was performed by injection of pullulan standards week before gluing. The panels were bonded approximate-
(Polymer Standard Services, Mainz, Germany). Prior to ana- ly 2 h after the dispersion preparation. On one side of each
lysis, all samples were dissolved in DMSO at 70 °C for 48 h. wood panel, adhesive (180 g/m2) was applied. The bonded
Data collection and analysis from SEC separations with wood panels were hot-pressed at 120 °C for 10 min.
light scattering detection was performed using WinGPC
software (Polymer Standard Services, Mainz, Germany).
2.8. Tensile shear strength measurements
2.6. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
2.8.1. Method 1: veneers
The tensile shear strength of the veneer pieces was
Dispersions were applied on glass substrates using an
measured using the ABES apparatus. All test pieces were
applicator (700 lm) and allowed to dry at either 120 °C
conditioned for one week at 20 °C and 65% relative humid-
for 10 min and further conditioned at 23 °C and 50% relative
ity. Five pieces were further immersed in water for 3 h at
humidity or directly at 23 °C and 50% relative humidity pri-
20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry again at 20 °C and 65% relative
or to analysis. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
humidity for a week before tensile shear strength
(FTIR) spectra were recorded on a Perkin–Elmer Spectrum
2000 FT-IR instrument (Norwalk, CT) equipped with a single
reflection (ATR: attenuate total reflection) accessory unit
having a diamond ATR crystal (Golden Gate) from Gaseby 2.8.2. Method 2: panels
Specac Ltd. (Kent, England). All spectra were normalized All bonded wood panels were conditioned at 20 °C and
against the specific ATR-crystal adsorption. 65% relative humidity for seven days and cut into test
pieces according to the European Standard EN 204 [5]
2.7. Specimen preparation and WATT 91 [6] for classification of thermoplastic wood

2.7.1. Application method 1: veneers

Table 1
Beech-wood veneers were conditioned at 20 °C and 65% Conditioning methods and the minimum tensile shear strength values to
relative humidity for at least one week before gluing. Veneer fulfill the criteria of the durability classes [5,6].
strips (0.6 mm in thickness) were punched with the dimen-
Conditioning method Tensile shear Durability
sions (117 mm  20 mm). The extremities of two veneer strength (MPa) class
strips (5 mm overlap) were bonded with a thin glue line
7 days in standard atmospherea P10 D1
(360 g adhesive/m2) approximately 2 h after dispersion 7 days in standard atmospherea, 3 h P8 D2
preparation. The bonded veneer strips were hot pressed at in water at 20 ± 5 °C, 7 days in
120 °C and 0.7 MPa, for 2.5 min in an Automated Bonding standard atmospherea
Evaluation System device, ABES II from Adhesive 7 days in standard atmospherea, 1 h P7 WATT 91
in oven at 80 °C
Evaluation Systems. Ten samples were prepared with each
adhesive. Adhesives that showed excellent bonding Standard atmosphere means 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH.
E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493 487

adhesives for non-structural applications. The test pieces efficiently. A water dispersion containing 20 wt% xylan,
were conditioned according to the conditioning method denoted X20, has a suitable viscosity and can easily be
shown in Table 1. An Alwetron tensile testing machine spread on wood surfaces, and was selected as the base dis-
(model TCT 50, Lorentzen and Wettre, Sweden) was used to persion in this study. Noteworthy, this work does not
measure the tensile shear strength. A speed of 50 mm/min entail a thorough study of the dispersion process or the
was used and the maximum force was recorded. Five test physical properties of the dispersion, even though they will
pieces were tested for each conditioning method. The also affect the adhesion properties. The bonding perfor-
minimum values of tensile shear strength that must be mance of X20 was evaluated by bonding wood veneers
reached for the classification of thermoplastic adhesives together using ABES, and after conditioning the tensile
into the durability classes D1 and D2, according to EN shear strength of the adhesive joint was measured. The
204 [5] and the strength at elevated temperature WATT bonded veneers held together under dry conditions and
91 [6], are presented in Table 1. displayed a low tensile shear strength (2.2 MPa), Fig. 1.
However, all samples delaminated when immersed in
water, demonstrating the anticipated poor water resis-
3. Results and discussion tance. The bond strength of an adhesive can be enhanced
by improving the film-forming ability and/or by crosslink-
The scope of the present study was to investigate the ing the adhesive. In an attempt to improve the bonding
possibility of using wood hemicelluloses as binders in performance of xylan, dispersing agents, PVA or PVAm,
wood adhesives. Even though pulp manufacturers have and/or one of the following crosslinkers; glyoxal, HMMM,
expressed significant interest for the use of hemicellulose AATMP, CA and BTCA were added. Keeping in mind that
in wood adhesives it has not been possible to obtain real- none of these compounds originate as side streams from
istic samples in sufficient amounts. Xylan, as a model sub- the forest industry, the ambition is to maintain the xylan
stance for hemicelluloses, has therefore been purchased as the main constituent, thus using low amounts of
from Sigma–Aldrich. additives.
The xylan was characterized with respect to sugar con- Reference dispersions containing either PVA or PVAm
tent using ion-exchange chromatography; it was found to and the crosslinkers, but without xylan, were also prepared
contain mainly xylose (P96%) [37] but traces of arabinose, to rule out that the positive effects emanated from the dis-
galactose, glucose and rhamnose were also found. The lign- persing agent and/or crosslinker as such. These reference
in content, determined by the Klason method, was dispersions were evaluated with the same method as the
approximately 1% by weight. The molar mass was xylan dispersions, but have different solid contents,
approximately 10,000 g/mol according to size exclusion Table S1. Wood veneers bonded with the reference disper-
chromatography. sions exhibited significantly lower bond strengths and
Xylan-water dispersions were prepared and evaluated poor water resistances compared with the dispersions con-
as binders in wood adhesives. A dispersion with as high taining xylan. Many samples delaminated directly after
solid content as possible is preferred in order to obtain hot-pressing. It could be concluded that xylan is a neces-
an adhesive joint with sufficient bond strength, while sary component for these adhesive systems to obtain suffi-
minimizing the total volume of the dispersion and water cient adhesion strength.
evaporation during hot pressing. However, an adhesive The addition of 4 wt% PVA to X20 resulted in a smooth
with too high solid content may be too viscous to spread dispersion that was easily spread on the wood surface. The

Fig. 1. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed in glyoxal and/or PVA, using the ABES device. The substrates were
conditioned for a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and 65% RH (redried)
prior to analysis.
488 E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

Fig. 2. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed in HMMM and/or PVA, using the ABES device. The substrates were
conditioned for a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and 65% RH (redried)
prior to analysis. ⁄ Only one sample was obtained in the press, the rest delaminated.

dry strength of the adhesive joint was slightly improved in Fig. 2. It was found that the bonding performance was
but the water resistance was still poor and all wood sub- improved; the dry strength increased and the veneers held
strates delaminated in water (X20-PVA4 in Fig. 1). together when immersed in water, demonstrating an
The effect of crosslinking xylan was also evaluated by enhanced water resistance for all X20-dispersions contain-
the addition of a typical crosslinker: glyoxal, HMMM, CA ing both HMMM and PVA. The bonding performance could
or BTCA to X20. Glyoxal is a dialdehyde that can react with be further improved by increasing the amount of PVA.
hydroxyl groups to form hemiacetal groups. By adding gly- However, an increased amount of HMMM did not give rise
oxal (denoted G in the sample name) to X20, a dispersion to improved bonding performance.
was obtained and readily applied onto wood veneers. The addition of CA or BTCA, respectively, to the xylan
However, no effect on the bonding performance was dispersions containing PVA did not result in sufficient
observed, X20-G4 in Fig. 1. To evaluate the combined effect bonding performance. The dry strength was only slightly
of dispersing agent and crosslinker, PVA as a dispersing improved and all samples delaminated when immersed
agent and glyoxal as a crosslinker were added to X20 to in water, Figs. S1 and S2 in supplementary data.
afford heterogeneous dispersions, easily applied onto Motivated by the positive effects obtained when adding
veneers. The strength of the adhesive was found to PVA, we decided to also evaluate the corresponding effect
increase substantially. The dry strength of the veneers of PVAm as a dispersing agent for X20. X20-dispersions
bonded with X20-G0.8-PVA2.4 is twice as high compared becomes gel-like, with a very high viscosity when PVAm
with those bonded with X20, (Fig. 1). However, the adhe- is added, possibly owing to attractive interactions.
sive still had poor water resistance and all veneers Consequently, it is rather difficult to apply and spread
delaminated in water. A higher concentration of glyoxal the adhesive on the wood veneer. Surprisingly, even
did not change the bonding performance, whereas a higher though the dispersions were heterogeneously applied, the
concentration of PVA had a large impact on bond strength. adhesion strength was improved significantly, Fig. 3.
The dry strength improved to 7.5 MPa for X20-G0.8- X20-dispersions containing 0.8, 2.4, 4.0 and 5.6 wt% of
PVA5.6, which is even higher than for the commercial, PVAm were studied. A small amount of PVAm, X20-
PVAc-based, wood adhesive. The water resistance was also PVAm0.8 increased the dry strength of the adhesive from
significantly improved in the xylan dispersion containing approximately 2 to 3 MPa. The bonding performance was
4 wt% glyoxal with increasing amount of PVA. A bond further improved when the amount of PVAm was
strength of 2.7 MPa was obtained after the samples bonded increased. The dispersion X20-PVAm2.4 has a dry strength
with X20-G4-PVA5.6 had been immersed in water and of approximately 4 MPa. The veneers held together when
allowed to dry again. immersed in water and demonstrated a tensile shear
Inspired by the positive effect of the glyoxal crosslinker strength of 1.5 MPa in redried state. A larger addition of
we also investigated the effect of HMMM (denoted H in the PVAm resulted in a very thick dispersion, but the bonding
sample name), which can react with hydroxyl groups performance was further improved; X20-PVAm4 showed
through methanolysis. The addition of 4 wt% HMMM to similar bonding performance as the commercial PVAc
X20 resulted in a dispersion that was easy to apply to the wood adhesive. Wood veneers bonded with X20-
veneer. However, X20-H4 did not show sufficient bonding PVAm5.6 demonstrated tensile shear strength of 8.2 MPa
performance, Fig. 2, as many samples delaminated directly in dry state and 4.5 MPa after immersion in water and sub-
after hot-pressing and only two samples adhered together. sequent redrying. The adhesive joint was stronger than the
The combined effect of PVA and HMMM is also presented wood and even resulted in wood failure. This is superior
E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493 489

Fig. 3. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed PVAm, using the ABES device. The substrates were conditioned for
a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and 65% RH (redried) prior to

bonding performance compared with the commercial PVAc The xylan dispersion containing PVAm was further
adhesive. To rule out that the positive effect was originat- evaluated with the addition of HMMM as a crosslinker.
ing from PVAm only, veneers were bonded with the 20 wt% The addition of HMMM results in highly viscous, heteroge-
solution of PVAm, without xylan. The dry strength was neous, dispersions which makes them difficult to apply to
lower than for the dispersion containing only xylan, the wood surface. The tensile shear strengths of the
whereas the bond strength of the samples that had been veneers bonded with xylan dispersions containing
immersed in water and redried, was higher. Conclusively, HMMM and PVAm are presented in Fig. 5. The addition
it is the combination of xylan and PVAm that gives rise of a small amount of HMMM had a minor effect on the
to superior adhesion properties. bonding performance of the xylan dispersion containing
The promising results using PVAm as dispersing agent 2.4 wt% PVAm. A larger addition of HMMM, results in
challenged us to investigate, from an environmental point improved water resistance with an increased bond
of view, if it was possible to reduce the press temperature. strength in the redried state, from 1.5 MPa to 2.5 MPa.
The X20-PVAm2.4 and X20-PVAm5.6 dispersions were Surprisingly, the addition of HMMM to the xylan disper-
evaluated by pressing the veneers at lower temperatures, sion containing 5.6 wt% PVAm slightly reduced the dry
70 °C and room temperature (RT). A press temperature of strength of the bonded veneers. The water resistance of
120 °C was necessary to obtain sufficient bond strength the xylan dispersion with 5.6 wt% PVAm was unchanged
and water resistance using X20-PVAm2.4. The bond with the addition of HMMM.
strength of the veneers bonded with X20-PVAm5.6 and AATMP is an acetyl acetonate trimer used for the
pressed at room temperature was reduced but was still modification of adhesives, sealants, and coatings. It can
as high as the samples bonded at 120 °C with X20- act as a crosslinker and reacts with amines such as those
PVAm2.4. When the samples were pressed at 70 °C the of PVAm to form a crosslinked material. Khosravi et al.
bond strengths of the dry veneers were similar to the com- used AATMP to crosslink wheat gluten to improve the
mercial PVAc adhesive. The bond strengths of the redried bonding performance of a wood adhesive for particleboard
samples were, however, slightly lower than those pressed application [17]. An addition of AATMP (denoted A in the
at room temperature but significantly lower than PVAc. sample name) to the xylan-PVAm dispersions gave highly
X20-PVAm was further studied with the addition of viscous heterogeneous dispersions, but they were still pos-
crosslinker: glyoxal, HMMM or AATMP. The addition of sible to spread on the veneers. The tensile shear strengths
glyoxal and PVAm to the xylan dispersion resulted in even of the wood veneers that were bonded with xylan disper-
thicker dispersions. The dispersions containing 2.4 wt% sions containing AATMP and PVAm are presented in
PVAm, were gel-like, but rather easy to spread on the wood Fig. 6. By adding AATMP to the xylan dispersion with
surface, whereas the dispersions containing 5.6 wt% PVAm 2.4 wt% PVAm, the bonding performance was considerably
contained lumps and were therefore more difficult to apply improved. The tensile shear strength of the veneers bonded
to the wood surface. The tensile shear strengths of the with X20-A0.8-PVAm2.4 was above 6 MPa, compared with
wood veneers that were bonded with xylan dispersions approximately 4 MPa for X20-PVAm2.4. The bond strength
containing glyoxal and PVAm are presented in Fig. 4. The of the veneers that were redried after water immersion
addition of glyoxal to X20-PVAm2.4 did not have a sig- increased from approximately 1.5 MPa to approximately
nificant effect. The addition of glyoxal to X20-PVAm5.6 4 MPa with the addition of 0.8 wt% AATMP. The water
deteriorated the bonding performance severely in both resistance was further improved by increasing the amount
the dry state and redried state. of AATMP to 4 wt% (X20-A4-PVAm5.6). The bonding
490 E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

Fig. 4. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed in glyoxal and/or PVAm, using the ABES device. The substrates
were conditioned for a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h in water at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and
65% RH (redried) prior to analysis.

Fig. 5. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed in HMMM and/or PVAm, using the ABES device. The substrates
were conditioned for a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and 65% RH
(redried) prior to analysis. ⁄ Only one sample was obtained in the press, the rest delaminated.

performance deteriorated when veneers were bonded with pre-curing; the reaction with the crosslinker proceeds too
X20-A0.8-PVAm5.6 and X20-A4-PVAm5.6 instead of X20- fast and reacts before the adhesive system is applied onto
PVAm5.6. the wood surface.
In conclusion, the addition of PVAm to the xylan disper- In an attempt to study the crosslinking of the xylan dis-
sion remarkably improves the tensile shear strength of the persions in more detail, dispersions were applied on glass
adhesive. The addition of glyoxal reduces the bond substrates and dried in an oven at 120 °C for 10 min and
strength and water resistance of the adhesives whereas at room temperature overnight. The dried material was
HMMM and AATMP can improve the bonding performance further analyzed with FTIR. The dispersions, however, were
for the dispersions containing 2.4 wt% PVAm. However, shown to be difficult to analyze using FTIR. The films were
HMMM and AATMP does not have any positive effect on complex and different spectra were obtained on different
the bonding performance on the dispersions with 5.6 wt% spots. The dispersions are not homogeneous and do not
PVAm. react homogeneously. One example of a FTIR spectrum is
PVAm probably forms very strong attractive inter- shown in Fig. S9 in supplementary data.
molecular interactions with xylan and the wood surface. The xylan dispersions that showed promising results in
The addition of a covalent crosslinker may interrupt or the tensile shear strength evaluation using ABES were pre-
weaken these interactions, thereby reducing the bonding pared in larger scale and used to bond wood panels togeth-
performance of the dispersion. Another possibility is er that were further evaluated according to European
E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493 491

Fig. 6. The tensile shear strength measurements of veneers, bonded with xylan dispersed in AATMP and/or PVAm, using the ABES device. The substrates
were conditioned for a week at 20 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH (dry) and further immersed in water for 3 h at 20 ± 5 °C and allowed to dry at 20 °C and 65% RH
(redried) prior to analysis.

Standards EN204 and EN14257 [5,6]. The tensile shear sensitive toward water and the bond strengths were dras-
strengths of the wood panels bonded with different X20- tically reduced compared with the dry samples. The wood
based dispersions are presented in Fig. 7. All wood panels specimens bonded with X20-PVAm5.6 demonstrated a
bonded and conditioned for a week have higher tensile remarkable water resistance and the adhesive fulfill the
shear strength than 10 MPa, thereby fulfilling the D1 crite- D2 criterion even though the dispersion was thick and dif-
rion, except X20-H0.8-PVAm2.4 and X20-PVAm5.6. The ficult to spread.
X20-PVAm5.6 dispersion was highly viscous and rather None of the adhesives were sensitive toward elevated
difficult to spread out over the wood panel which may temperatures, Fig. 7. All the adhesives pass the tensile
explain the poor result. shear strength limit of 7 MPa, which means that they fulfill
To be classified as a D2 wood adhesive the tensile shear the WATT 91 criterion. The insensitivity of xylan toward
strength has to be 8 MPa or higher. Some wood specimens elevated temperatures is hypothesized being due to its
demonstrate poor water resistance and delaminate in cyclic structure and the formation of hydrogen bonding.
water; especially those that had the lowest concentration The two techniques of bonding wood veneers (ABES)
(2.4 wt%) of dispersing agents (PVA or PVAm) as well as and bonding wood panels (EN204 and EN14257) together
all specimens bonded with X20-G0.8-PVAm5.6, Fig. 7. rely on different methodologies. The bonded areas are
Increasing the amount of dispersing agent improves the not the same; wood veneers are bonded on an area of
water resistance. However, most of the adhesives were 1 cm2 compared with wood panels that are bonded on an

Fig. 7. Tensile shear strength of wood panels bonded with different xylan-based wood adhesives. The dotted lines show the limits to pass the D1, D2 and
WATT 91 criteria. [5,6] The wood specimens bonded with X20-G0.8-PVAm5.6 were not heat treated since too few specimens were obtained after the
pressing due to delamination of the wood panel.
492 E. Norström et al. / European Polymer Journal 67 (2015) 483–493

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