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Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Deep eutectic solvent recycling to prepare high purity

dissolving pulp
Yuanhang Chen . Kuizhong Shen . Zhibin He . Ting Wu . Chen Huang .
Long Liang . Guigan Fang

Received: 5 May 2021 / Accepted: 12 September 2021 / Published online: 17 October 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract In this work, a novel acid-based deep subsequent kraft cooking and bleaching processes,
eutectic solvent (DES) recycling process was devel- yielding a high-purity dissolving pulp (DES-KP).
oped for the pretreatment of eucalyptus wood chips in Compared with the conventional prehydrolysis kraft
the preparation of high purity dissolving pulp. It was based dissolving pulp (PHK), the DES-KP had a
found that a large amount of lignin and xylan in the higher a-cellulose (94.02% vs. 89.81%) and a
eucalyptus wood material were extracted in the markedly higher Fock reactivity (98.94% vs.
recycling treatment with lactic acid/choline chloride. 60.97%). In addition, the DES pretreatment was also
The dissolved lignin and xylan in DES were recovered combined with oxygen-alkali cooking and ECF
by precipitation in water, and the DES solvent was bleaching process, to prepare a dissolving pulp
regenerated by removing the water through evapora- (DES-BP) with a high pulping yield (44.40%). The
tion. The residual lignin and xylan in the DES pre- DES-KP pulping process was advantageous compared
treated wood chips were more readily removed in the with the conventional PHK process in terms of the

Y. Chen  K. Shen  T. Wu  C. Huang  G. Fang

L. Liang  G. Fang e-mail:
Key Lab of Biomass Engineering and Material Jiangsu
Province, National Engineering Lab. for Biomass Z. He
Chemical Utilization, Key and Open Lab of Forest University of New Brunswick, Fredericton,
Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Industry of NB E3B 5A3, Canada
Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, SAF,
Nanjing 210042, People’s Republic of China

K. Shen  C. Huang  G. Fang

Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, People’s
Republic of China

K. Shen  G. Fang
Shandong Huatai Paper Co., Ltd, Dongying,
Shandong Province 257335, People’s Republic of China

K. Shen (&)  G. Fang (&)

Institute of Chemical Industry of Forestry Products, CAF,
Nanjing 210042, People’s Republic of China

11504 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

biorefinery concept, as the total utilization rate of the DESs (ChCl/methanol, ChCl/1,4-butanediol and
biomass of the eucalyptus wood chips reached betaine/lactic acid) to treat xylose residues at different
69.74%. Therefore, the DES pretreatment is a promis- temperatures (80, 100 and 120 °C), and the results
ing process for efficient biomass utilization in dis- showed that the removal rate of lignin increased at
solving pulp production. higher temperature (the removal rate changes were
from 54.0 to 63.5%, 30.7–54.0% and 64.5–81.6%,
Keywords Lactic acid/choline chloride  respectively) (Guo et al. 2018). And according to the
Eucalyptus  Dissolving pulp research of Pan et al., the lignin content of the solid
residues treated at 130 °C were lower than that at
110 °C; at 130 °C, with the increase of DES pretreat-
ment time, the residual amount of lignin in the solid
Introduction residue reduced, but at 110 °C, the effect of time
change on the removal of lignin was insignificant (Pan
With the increase of public awareness of environment et al. 2017). When Procentese et al. used choline
protection and economy sustainability, research on chloride/glycerol and choline chloride/ethylene glycol
sustainable utilization of wood biomass is increasing. to treat agricultural food waste, it was concluded that
Efficient separation of the cellulose, hemicellulose and the biomass recovery and lignin content of the sample
lignin components of lignocellulosic biomass is the decreased with the decrease of temperature. It was
key to success. Ionic liquid known as ‘‘green solvent’’ worth noting that solid-liquid ratio had an effect on the
is an attractive solvent for separating lignocellulosic dissolution of lignin and polysaccharides (Procentese
biomass, with non-flammability, thermal stability and et al. 2018). DES is a good organic solvent for lignin
chemical stability. But ionic liquids are complex and dissolution, and when acid-based DES is used to treat
expensive to prepare. lignocellulose, it can not only effectively dissolve
In recent years, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have lignin, but also remove hemicellulose. Tan et al.
been sought after by a large number of researchers utilized DESs, including lactic acid, maleic acid, citric
because of their physical and chemical properties acid and other acids as HBD and choline chloride as
similar to ionic liquids but being cheaper, more HBA to treat the empty fruit bunch of oil palm, and
environmentally friendly, and simpler to prepare. found that all acidic DESs pretreatments removed
DES is a mixture of hydrogen bond donors and large portions of xylan (Tan et al. 2019). Another
hydrogen bond acceptors, which could be liquidized at advantage of DESs is that it can be recycled and reused
lower temperature (Francisco et al. 2012; Tan et al. (Kumar et al. 2016; Zhang et al. 2012). After five
2020). Different types of DESs have great differences cycles of reuse of lactic acid/choline chloride (3:1), Li
in the solubility of lignin. Zhang et al. pretreated corn et al. found that the recovery rate of DES reached 88%,
cobs with different DESs and found that lactic but the delignification ability had decreased (from 64.8
acid/choline chloride (15:1) and oxalic acid/choline to 46.4%) (Li et al. 2018). Although the cost of DES is
chloride (1:1) had the best lignin extraction effect low, the process is more expensive than conventional
(93.1 and 98.5% respectively), and lactic acid/choline treatment methods (such as acid treatment), which
chloride(10:1) had the second best effect (86.1%) limits its commercialization. The DES recycling
(Zhang et al. 2016). In addition, Francisco found that process still needs to be improved.
lactic acid/choline chloride (10:1) had a good delig- DES treatments have been applied in many fields,
nification selectivity because lignin has a high solu- such as enzymatic hydrolysis and nanocellulose
bility in it (11.82 wt%), while cellulose is almost preparation. Shen et al. utilized lactic acid/choline
completely insoluble in the solvent (Francisco et al. chloride to pre-treat eucalyptus, followed by enzy-
2012). DES has high power to dissolve lignin, and its matic hydrolysis, and the enzymatically hydrolyzed
dissolving capacity is strongly dependent on the glucose yield reached 94.3%, which was a significant
process conditions. In addition to the type and molar increase of 9.8 times compared with the process
ratio of DESs mentioned above, contact time and without DES pretreatment (Shen et al. 2019). Liu et al.
temperature are also key factors affecting the solubil- used chloride and lactic acid as pretreatment agents to
ity of lignin in DESs. Gou et al. used three kinds of delignify moso bamboo for nanocellulose preparation

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11505

(Liu et al. 2019a). The results showed that lignin was incubator (ZWYR-2402, Zhicheng Analytical Instru-
largely removed (94.39%). In addition, nanofibers ment Co., Ltd, Shanhai, China).
with a width of 20–80 nm were prepared through a
simple mechanical process, and the obtained nanofi- DES pre-treatment of the DMP wood material
bers produced a strong film with high tensile strength
(strength range of 163–213 MPa). In order to optimize the process conditions of DES
Dissolving pulp is a type of chemical pulp of high extraction including temperature, time and solid–
alpha cellulose content, which is obtained by dissolv- liquid ratio, the following experiments were carried
ing both lignin and hemicellulose from the wood raw out. In the first set of experiments, 40 g DES was
materials in the pulping process. Acid-based DES can mixed with to 2 g DMP and heated at 80, 110, 140 or
serve as a solvent to dissolve lignin and at the same 160 °C for 1, 2, 4, or 6 h. In another set of
time as catalyst for hemicellulose hydrolysis. In experiments, 10, 20, 30 or 40 g DES was mixed with
addition, DES can be recycled and reused for the 2 g DMP, and heated at 110 °C for 6 h. By the end of
process to reduce chemical cost and environmental the reaction, the mixture was centrifuged at
impact, and therefore is a green pulping agent. 10,000 rpm for 10 min and filtered with a G2 glass
In present study we investigated the effect of filter. The filtrate was saved for analyses, and the solid
process conditions of lactic acid/choline chloride residue retained on the filer was washed with 50 mL of
(10:1) in treating eucalyptus wood materials to prepare ethanol, and then washed with hot water until the
high-purity cellulose pulp. First, we optimized the filtrate was colorless. The solid residue was then air
solid-liquid ratios in terms of lignin and hemicellulose dried in an oven at 40 °C.
removal rates. Next, through recycling of DES, we In the 3rd set of experiments, 300 g of DES was
established an efficient process for lignocellulosic added to 30 g of DMP and heated at 110 °C for a total
biomass fractionation. Finally, the DES treatment reaction time of 6 h, with or without solvent recycling.
process was combined with pulping and bleaching In one experiment, the reaction time was 6 h in one
processes to produce high-quality dissolving pulp. stage, without solvent recycling. The second experi-
ment was carried out in two 3-h stages. After the first
3-h stage, the mixture was centrifuged at 10,000 r/min
Materials and methods for 10 min, and the supernatant was treated to recover
the dissolved lignin and to regenerate the DES solvent
Wood raw materials and DES preparation according to the procedure described in the subsection
of Lignin recovery and DES solvent regeneration. The
Eucalyptus chips were obtained from the Hunan regenerated DES solvent was then used for the second
Province Yunong Paper Co, Ltd. (Chenzhou, China). 3-h treatment of the DMP (the solid precipitate from
For the optimization experiments of the DES pre- the centrifugation). In the third experiment, the DES
treatment, the eucalyptus chips were soaked in water extraction treatment was split into three 2-h stages,
overnight, and processed into a pulp slurry of 350 mL with DES solvent recycling for the 2nd and 3rd stages
CSF freeness with a disc refiner (BX-200-2, Beijing as described above. In completion of the total 6 h of
Chunhui Xinji paper mechanical factory). The pulp DES treatment, the mixture was centrifuged at 10,000
slurry was dried at 40 °C to obtain an air-dry r/min for 10 min, and the sediment was washed with
mechanical pulp (DMP) for subsequent treatments 300 mL of ethanol and then with hot water until the
with DES. The contents of glucan, xylan, acid- water was colorless. The spent ethanol was recovered
insoluble lignin, and acid-soluble lignin of the DMP by rotary evaporation, and the residue liquid was
sample were 39.01%, 14.3%, 25.95%, and 3.29%, combined with the supernatant of the centrifugation to
respectively. For dissolving pulp preparation experi- give a final spend liquor for lignin recovery and DES
ments, the eucalyptus wood chips were used directly solvent regeneration.
without refining treatment for the DES pretreatment.
DES was prepared by mixing lactic acid/choline
chloride with a molar ratio of 10:1 at 60 °C and 200
r/min for 2 h the constant temperature shaking

11506 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

Lignin recovery and DES solvent regeneration AIL þ ASL

Ligninpurity ¼  100%
Ten volumes of water were mixed with the final spend
Lignin Purityð%Þ  RLðgÞ
liquor from the DES extraction process, refrigerated Lig: Rec: Rate ¼  100%
Lignin in woodðgÞ  Lignin in residueðgÞ
overnight and filtered out the precipitated lignin with a
G3 glass filter. The filtrate was treated with a vacuum The pH of the black liquor from the pre-hydrolysis
rotary evaporator at 60 °C to regenerate DES solvent kraft cooking process was adjusted to 2 by adding
by boiling out the water. The regenerated DES was dilute sulfuric acid (Tian et al. 2013), and the resulting
labeld as CRL. The lignin retained on the filter was precipitate was recovered as kraft lignin (KL).
washed with deionized water to neutrality, dried in an The molecular mass distribution of lignin was
oven at 60 °C (Alvarez-Vasco et al. 2016; Kim et al. obtained by GPC (Waters 1515). Tetrahydrofuran
2018), and labeled as RL. THF) was used as a column eluent (1 mL/min flow
rate). The column temperature was maintained at
Lignin and carbohydrate analyses 45 °C. The sample was injected through 0.45 lm
filter, and the lignin in the eluent was detected by 245
The composition of the CRL were determined accord- nm variable wavelength detector.
ing to the method provided by NREL (Sluiter et al. The cellulose hemicellulose contents in the solid
2006). The liquid sample was hydrolyzed by acid, and samples were determined in accordance with the
then the components in the liquid were analyzed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory Standard
HPLC. The amount of DES recovered was calculated Procedure (NREL) (Sluiter et al. 2008). The solid
from the lactic acid content in CRL, and 1 g lactic acid sample underwent a two-step acid hydrolysis to
was equal to 1.155 g DES. The DES recovery rate was convert carbohydrates into monosaccharides, which
calculated by the following equation. were determined by HPLC (Agilent1260 series, Agi-
DES Rec: Rate ¼ 1:155 lent Technologies, USA; Bio-Rad Aminex HPX-87 H
Lactic acid content  Vol: of CRL Column, Refractive index detector). The average
 : dissolution rate of each component was calculated
Amount of DES added
by the following formula:
The total amount of acid soluble lignin (ASL) and
acid insoluble lignin (AIL) in the sold samples (DMP

Average dissolution rate

mass of component in DMP  mass of component after DES treatment
mass of DES  reation time

or RL) were determined in accordance with NREL FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD)
(Sluiter et al. 2008). The AIL was the solid residue
after acid hydrolysis that was measured by gravimetric For FT-IR analysis, the solid samples (DMP and RL)
method, and the ASL in the acid-hydrolyzed filtrate were first freeze-dried and ground into powder. The
was measured using UV–vis spectrophotometer powder sample (0.01 g) was mixed with KBr (1 g),
((UV–Vis, T6 series, Beijing spectrum analysis Gen- ground and pressed at 10 MPa into thin disc. The thin
eral Instrument Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) at 205 nm. disc was then scanned with a Fourier Transform
The calculation of the lignin purity and recovery rate infrared spectroscopy instrument (FT-IR, Nicolet
was as follows. iS10, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
USA) in the frequency range of 4000–400 cm- 1 with
a resolution of 4 cm- 1.

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11507

For XRD analysis, the dried powder samples were Characterization of the dissolving pulps
analyzed by a X-ray diffractometer (XRD) (D8-FOUS,
Bruker, Kalsruhe, Germany). The scattering angle (2h) The a-cellulose content was determined as the insoluble
ranged from 10° to 50° with 0.02 increments. The fraction of cellulose pulp in consecutive treatments with
crystallinity index (CrI) was calculated as follow: 17.5 and 9.45% NaOH solutions according to TAPPI
T203. The Fock reactivity test was conducted according
Crl ¼ ðI002  Iam Þ=I002  100%
to the method reported by Tian et al. (Tian et al. 2013).
where I002 was the intensity of the crystalline peak at Brightness was tested according to TAPPI T452 om-08,
about 2h = 22°–23°, attributed to crystalline regions, and the whiteness test was conducted with a whiteness
and Iam was the intensity at about 2h = 18°–19°, meter (WS-SD, WENZHOU INSTRUMENTS &
attributed to amorphous regions. METERS CO., LTD, Wenzhou, China). Viscosity was
measured using a capillary viscometer with CED as the
Preparation of dissolving pulps by 3 different solvent by following TAPPI T230-94.

For comparison, 3 dissolving pulps were prepared by 3 Results and discussion

different processes from the eucalyptus wood chips.
The first one was pre-hydrolyzed kraft pulp (PHK), Effect of process condition on the dissolution
which was prepared by hydrothermal pretreatment of of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in DES pre-
eucalyptus wood chips at 160 °C for 2 h with a liquid- treatment
to-wood ratio of 7:1, followed by kraft cooking with
21% alkali and 17% sulfidity, at 130 °C for 0.5 h and We first studied the effect of process conditions on the
at 160 °C for 2 h. The resultant pulp was bleached with dissolution of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose in
a DEP sequence (D: 0.9% ClO2, T = 70 °C, t = 2 h; DES solvent pretreatment, in order to maximize the
E: 0.3% NaOH, T = 70 °C, t = 1 h°°P: 0.3% H2O2, pre-treatment effect of DES on eucalyptus wood
0.05% MgSO4, 3% Na2SiO3, T = 70 °C, t = 1 h) materials. The eucalyptus DMP was treated with DES
(Chen et al. 2020). at different temperatures (80, 110, 140 or 160 °C) and
The second dissolving pulp was DES-KP. It was for various periods of time (1, 2, 4 and 6 h), and the
prepared by DES pretreatment of eucalyptus wood composition changes of the samples after the DES
chips with lactic acid/choline chloride (10/1) DES pretreatment were compared. The results were sum-
solvent, liquid–wood ratio of 10, total reaction time of marized in Fig. 1. When the reaction time was short (1
6 h at 110 °C in two 3-h stages with lignin removed or 2 h), higher temperature promoted lignin and
between the two stages. After the DES solvent hemicellulose dissolution, but when the temperature
recycling pre-treatment, the same kraft cooking and was too high (e.g. 160 °C) the loss of glucan was
bleaching processes were carried out as described significant. As reported by Song et al., cellulose was
above for the PHK dissolving pulp preparation. severely degraded at a temperature above 140 °C
The third dissolving pulp was labeled as DES-BP, (Song et al. 2016). When the temperature was fixed,
which was prepared by the same pretreatment as in increasing reaction time increased the dissolution of
DES-KP preparation, but instead of kraft cooking the lignin and the removal of xylan. It was interesting to
pretreated wood chips were delignified by two stages note that when the temperature was lower (B110 °C),
of oxygen delignification under the same conditions increasing the reaction time had negligible effect on
(O–O: 0.5 MPa O2, 3% NaOH, 0.05% MgSO4, the loss of glucan. However, when the temperature
T = 100 °C, t = 1 h). The resultant pulp was bleached was too low (e.g. 80 °C), DES pretreatment had little
by a DEpD sequence (D: 0.9% ClO2, T = 70 °C, effect on the major components (lignin, hemicellulose
t = 2 h; Ep: 2% H2O2, 4% NaOH, 0.5% DTPA, 2% and cellulose) of the DMP eucalyptus wood material.
Na2SiO3; D: 0.5% ClO2, T = 70 °C, t = 2 h). This may be attributed to the fact that the breakage of
the guaiacylglycerol-b-guaiacy ether bonds (b–O–4
model) in DES treatment occurred only at higher
temperature (Zheng et al. 2020). It was worth noting

11508 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

Fig. 1 Effect of the DES treatment process conditions on the lignin, xylan and glucan contents of the DMP wood material. The content
of each component was based on DMP mass

that when the reaction was longer than 4 h in the DES solvent in different cases, as shown in Fig. 2(2), (3),
treatment at a high temperature (160 °C), lignin (4). The average dissolution rate was calculated as the
dissolution actually started to decrease, while the loss average mass of a wood component (lignin, xylan or
of glucan was more pronounced. This observation may glucan) dissolved per gram of DES and per hour of
be explained by the dehydration condensation of reaction time. For example, at the same liquid-to-
polysaccharide at high temperature forming lignin- wood ratio and reaction time, a higher average means
like substances (Donohoe et al. 2008). more mass of a wood component was dissolved in the
process. At the same liquid-to-wood ratio of 10, the
Effect of liquid-to-wood ratio largest average dissolution rate was obtained with 3 h
of reaction time, in which 0.1145 g acid-insoluble
We also investigated the effect of the ratio of DES lignin was dissolved. When the liquid-to-wood ratio
solvent to DMP wood material (or liquid to wood was increased further to 15, the average dissolution
ratio) on the dissolution of lignin, xylan and glucan rate of acid-insoluble lignin decreased, and it
from the lignocellulosic biomass. In Fig. 2, the remained almost the same for 3 different reaction
eucalyptus DMP wood material were treated with times. This suggests that with a total pretreatment
the DES solvent at various liquid-to-wood ratios (5, reaction time of 6 h, the dissolved mass of acid-
10, 15 and 20) for various periods of time (2, 3 and insoluble lignin were similar in the 1-stage, 2-stage
6 h). As it can be seen in Fig. 2(1), the dissolution of and 3-stage processes. This also suggests that the
lignin and xylan increased with the increase of dissolution reaction of acid-insoluble lignin at a
reaction time, and the loss of glucan also increased. liquid-to-wood ratio of 15 was a first-order reaction.
When the reaction time was fixed, the dissolution of The results in Fig. 2 also show that a higher average
lignin and xylan also increased, which was consistent dissolution ratio was obtained at a lower liquid-to-
with the results reported by Alessandra Procentese wood ratio. However, at a lower DES to wood ratio
(Procentese et al. 2018). We also used the average (e.g. 5), the amounts of lignin and xylan dissolved in
dissolution rates to evaluate the efficiency of DES the pre-treatment process were significantly lower.

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11509

Fig. 2 Effect of DES

treatment time and liquid–
wood ratio on the contents of
lignin, xylan and glucan.
The content of each
component was based on the
original DMP mass

Effect of DES solvent recycling wood ratio of 5 for 3 h, for example, only 0.0967 g of
acid-insoluble lignin was dissolved (the acid-insoluble
Results in Fig. 2 show that the DES was more fully lignin content in the wood materials decreased from
utilized at a lower liquid-to-wood ratio in terms of 0.2595 to 0.1628 g Fig. 2(2) and Fig. 1.), which was
average dissolution rates. However, when the pre- compared to 0.1216 g with a liquid-to-wood ratio of
treatment with DES was carried out with a liquid-to-

11510 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

Table 1 Solid and liquid components after multiple times DES processing
Process Solid Residuei CRL
Glucan Xylan Lignin Lignin recovery Xylose Glucose Furfural HMF Levulinic DES recovery
(%) (%) (%) rate (%) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) acid (mg) rate (%)

1-stage 37.21 1.71 8.53 86.11 1771.54 –ii 0.195 9.373 28.13 77.36
2-stage 34.99 1.46 7.34 72.42 2261.73 – 2.402 9.232 18.46 92.86
3-stage 34.69 1.36 8.99 78.47 2750.99 – 0.268 12.855 231.39 86.34
i. The solid residue was obtained by centrifugation after the last stage of DES pre-treatment, and the component contents were based
on DMP; ii. ‘–‘ Not detected.

20. Although DES was more efficiency with a smaller degraded to levulinic acid; long chains of xylan in
liquid-to-wood ratio, the total mass of lignin dissolved hemicellulose was degraded into xylose, xylose was
in the process was less. Therefore, the liquid-to-wood converted into furfural, and branched chains in
ratio needs to be balanced between pre-treatment hemicellulose could be degraded into mannose,
effectiveness and solvent cost. DES solvent recycling galactose, glucose and arabinose, etc. And among
can substantially improve the cost-effectiveness. them, hexoses were converted into HMF and levulinic
Table 1 compares 3 different DES pre-treatment acid like glucose, and pentoses were converted into
processes (1-stage, 2-stage and 3-stage) in treating the furfural like xylose (Palmqvist and Hahn-Hägerdal
DMP wood material. The total treatment reaction time 2000). It can be seen in Table 1 that the saccharides
was fixed at 6 h in all cases. The 2-stage process (3 h and their degradation products (furfural, HMF and
for each stage) dissolved the most lignin (lowest lignin levulinic acid) in the spent liquor from the 1-stage
content in the solid residue), followed by the 3-stage process were significantly lower than those from the
process. The dissolution of glucan and xylan in the 2-stage and 3-stage processes, indicating that the
3-stage process was slightly higher than the 2-stage lignin recovered from the second and third stages
process. These results also indicated that the recycled could contain more pseudo-lignin produced by the
DES solvent was as active as the fresh DES. It was condensation and degradation of polysaccharides.
worth noting that the 3-stage pre-treatment process
dissolved the most lignin, but the lignin recovery rate X-ray diffraction (XRD) and FT-IR analyses
was the lowest. Similar observation was reported by
Ao-Lin Li et al.: increased severity of DES pretreat- XRD was used to analyze the changes in the
ment could lead to increased loss of lignin (Li et al. crystallinity of the eucalyptus wood material after
2018). This phenomenon may be attributed to the DES treatment.
additive effect of the severity of each stage of DES As shown in Fig. 3, after the DES treatment, the
treatment in the 2-stage process. The lignin was peak position did not change, indicating that DES did
determined as the acid insoluble substances that not cause any change to the cellulose crystal structure
cannot be dissolved in 72 and 4% sulfuric acid (Liu et al. 2019b). The calculated cellulose crys-
solutions, and the substances dissolved in the acid tallinity index of the solid residue and the raw material
solutions that have absorption at 205 nm UV wave- was shown in Fig. 3. After the DES treatment, the CrI
length. Pseudo-lignin formed through the condensa- index of cellulose increased from 49.4 to 60.6%, 60.8
tion of oligosaccharides also had strong absorption at and 62.2%, respectively. The increase of crystallinity
205 nm. After prolonged acid treatment, polysaccha- index indicated the decrease of non-cellulose compo-
rides could condense to form pseudo-lignin, which nents (hemicellulose and lignin) (Xu et al. 2016).
could not be distinguished from true lignin (Sanni- The FT-IR spectra of the eucalyptus DMP wood
grahi et al. 2011). In the process of acidic pretreatment material and the solid residue after DES treatment
of biomass, cellulose was mainly degraded to glucose, were shown in Fig. 4. The presence of a strong
glucose was converted to HMF, and HFM could be absorption peak at 1732 cm- 1 that was attributed to

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11511

Fig. 3 XRD spetra of the wood material before and after DES pre-treatment. The 1 time, 2 times and 3 times referred to the 1-stage,
2-stage and 3-stage DES treatment processes, respectively. The total reaction time was 6 h in all cases

Fig. 4 The FT-IR spectra of

the wood material before
and after the DES pre-
treatment. The 1 time, 2
times and 3 times referred to
the 1-stage, 2-stage and
3-stage DES treatment
processes, respectively. The
total reaction time was 6 h
in all cases

11512 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

Table 2 Fiber morphology analysis of the eucalyptus wood and dissolving pulps prepared by three different processes
Average length (mm) Fines content (%) Average width (lm)
Ln Lw Lww Number average Weight average

Eucalyptus 0.710 0.789 0.856 9.600 1.880 19.9

PHK 0.582 0.663 0.733 15.612 3.949 15.3
DES-KP 0.525 0.623 0.718 27.378 8.460 15.3
DES-BP 0.516 0.614 0.704 28.459 9.148 15.3
Compared with the fibers of the original eucalyptus wood raw material, dissolving pulp fibers exhibited various degrees of fiber
deformation including kink, twist and swelling, as shown in Fig. 5. The microscopic images show that the PHK fibers seemed to be
shorter than the original eucalyptus wood fibers, but longer than the DES-BP and DES-KP fibers. The fiber morphology data in
Table 2 confirmed this observation: the weight average length (Lw) of the eucalyptus wood fibers was 0.789 mm, which was
compared to 0.663 mm, 0.623 mm and 0.614 mm for the PHK, DES-BP and DES-KP fibers, respectively. The micrographs in Fig. 5
also show that many fiber fragments were ‘‘stripped out’’ from the DES-KP and the DES-BP fibers, which contributed to the higher
fines content of the two dissolving pulps, as shown in Table 2. The fiber morphology changes of the DES-KP and DES-BP fibers
were somewhat similar to the effect of mechanical refining, which increased the specific surface area and accessibility of the fibers
(Mou et al. 2013; Pönni et al. 2013). These changes in fiber morphology were probably the cause of the improved Fock reactivity of
the dissolving pulps that were prepared with DES solvent recycling pretreatment, as shown in Table 3. The Fock reactivity of the
DES-KP and DES-BP dissolving pulps were 98.9% and 96.8% respectively, which were much higher than that of the PHK (60.97%)

Table 3 Characteristics of the dissolving pulps prepared by 3 different processes from Eucalyptus wood chips
Xylan Glucan Lignin Yield a-cellulose content Fock reactivity Brightness (% Viscosity
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) ISO) (mL/g)

PHK 3.31 83.7 0.583 38.59 89.81 60.97 87.99 436.2

DES- 1.70 88.0 0.560 37.01 94.02 98.94 88.98 396.3
DES- 2.11 84.6 3.424 44.40 88.31 96.82 88.48 461.1

Fig. 5 Micrographs of the fibers of the euclaytus wood and the dissolving pulps prepared by three different processes

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11513

Fig. 6 The FT-IR spectra of

kraft lignin (KL) and
recovered lignin (RL)
recovered from DES
pretreatment spent liquor

Table.4 Molecular weight of kraft lignin (KL) and recovered lignin (RL) from the spent liquor of DES pre-treatment
Lig. Rec. Rate (%) Mn (g/mol) Mw (g/mol) Mz (g/mol) Mw/Mn

KL 67.0 1234 2648 5450 2.1450

RL 72.4 1757 4484 14,804 2.5521

the overlapping bands of the C=O groups of the ester enhanced after the DES treatments due to the removal
and the protonated carboxylic acid, indicated that a of lignin and xylan and the relative increase in glucan
large amount of hemicellulose acetyl groups was content.
retained after the lactic acid/ChCl treatment (Liu et al.
2019b; Sirviö and Visanko 2017; Tian et al. 2020). Dissolving pulp performance
The intensity of peak 1235 cm- 1 (the vibration peak
of ether bond between lignin and hemicellulose) To evaluate the effect of the 2-stage DES pretreatment
weakened, indicating that lignin was removed in the process on dissolving pulp production, 3 dissolving
process (Pan et al. 2017). The characteristic peaks of pulps were prepared by 3 different processes from the
lignin at 1600 cm- 1, 1505 cm- 1 and 1462 cm- 1 eucalyptus wood chips. The first one was conventional
were significantly weakened after the DES treatment, pre-hydrolyzed kraft pulp (PHK), which was prepared
which also indicated that DES treatment removed by hydrothermal pretreatment of eucalyptus wood
lignin from the eucalyptus DMP wood material (Guo chips followed by kraft cooking and DEP bleaching.
et al. 2018). The peaks at 2900 cm- 1 and 898 cm- 1 The second dissolving pulp was DES-KP that was
were attributed to the C–H vibration of cellulose and prepared by the 2-stage DES pretreatment of the
the C–O–C stretching vibration of the b-1,4 glycosidic eucalyptus wood chips followed by kraft cooking and
bond (Lim et al. 2019). Both peaks were significantly DEP bleaching. The DES pretreatment was carried out

11514 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

Fig. 7 Biorefinery strategies in the preparation of dissolving pulp by the DES-KP pulping process. (The purified lignin included acid-
soluble lignin and acid-insoluble lignin.)

with lactic acid/choline chloride (10/1) DES solvent at content (3.424%) and lower a-cellulose content
a liquid-to-wood ratio of 10 in two 3-h stages with (88%), which were unsuitable for the production of
lignin removed between the two stages, at 110 °C for a viscose fibers.
total reaction time of 6 h. After the DES solvent
recycling pre-treatment, the same kraft cooking and Recovery of lignin
bleaching processes were carried out as described
above for the PHK dissolving pulp preparation. The Figure 6 shows the FT-IR spectra of the kraft lignin
third dissolving pulp was labeled as DES-BP, which (KL) and DES recovered lignin (RL). The broad band
was prepared by the same pretreatment as in DES-KP at 3400 cm- 1 was attributed to aliphatic and phenolic
preparation, except that instead of kraft cooking the hydroxyl groups. 1600 cm- 1, 1513 cm- 1 and
pretreated wood chips were delignified with two stages 1457 cm- 1 were characteristic peaks of lignin (Li
of oxygen delignification and bleached by a DEpD et al. 2017). The peaks at 1324 cm- 1 and 1212 cm- 1
sequence. represented syringyl lignin and guaiacyl lignin,
Table 3 Also shows that the DES-KP that was respectively. These two peaks showed presence of
prepared with DES pre-treatment had higher glucan the benzene ring structure of the lignin. The RL lignin
content (88.0% vs. 83.7%), much better Fock reactiv- had a strong peak at 1324 cm- 1, indicating that the
ity (98.94% vs. 60.97%) substantial higher a- cellu- DES treatment dissolved more syringyl lignin. The
lose content (94.0% vs. 89.8%) and significantly lower 1732 cm- 1 peak (ester C=O tensile vibration peak)
xylan contents (1.7% vs. 3.31%), in comparison with was intensified markedly in the infrared spectra of RL,
the PHK dissolving pulp. Compared with the PHK suggesting that the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of
process, the DES-KP process had much lower loss of lignin were esterified in the acid DES pre-treatment
cellulose thanks to the DES solvent recycling pre- (Constant et al. 2016). In summary, most of the
treatment, which removed a large amount of hemicel- characteristic absorption peaks of lignin remained
lulose and lignin. The advantages of the DES-BP unchanged in the spectra of RL, indicating the lignin
process included a higher pulping yield (44.4%) and structures were largely preserved (Tian et al. 2020).
lower environmental impact thanks to its greener Table 4 compares the mean molecular weight of the
oxygen-alkali cooking and DEpD bleaching pro- KL and RL lignin. The RL lignin (Mw = 4484 g/mol)
cesses. However, the DES-BP pulp had higher lignin had a higher mean molecular weight than the KL

Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517 11515

lignin (Mw = 2648 g/mol), and the recovery rate of produced as the key product, and 7.54 g of xylan,
the RL lignin was also higher (72.4% vs. 67.0%). The 0.77 g of furfural and 1.05 g of acetic acid were
phase transition from soluble to precipitated lignin recovered from the spent liquor as byproducts. About
was found to be tightly linked to molecular weight of 803.76 g of lactic acid in the spent liquor (CRL) were
lignin. It has been shown that high molecular weight recovered and reused in the DES pre-treatment. In
lignin precipitates more easily, while stable low addition, 23.38 g crude lignin (RL) was obtained from
molecular weight lignin precipitates by attaching to the spent liquor by precipitation in water, 17.21 g of
the surface of high molecular weight lignin, thus which of was recovered as purified lignin. The overall
making high molecular weight lignin easier to recover biomass recovery rate reached 69.74% based on the
(Norgren et al. 2001). Moreover, the RL lignin was mass of the feedstock (eucalyptus wood chips), which
easier to be recovered than KL lignin, as it was was significantly higher than the number of 66.04%
precipitated out from the spent liquor simply by obtained by Chen et al. who applied an acetic acid
adding water without the need of a complex desulfu- pretreatment process for the production of kraft-based
rization process. Molecular weight of lignin can also eucalyptus dissolving pulp (Chen et al. 2020).
provide information on the fragmentation and re- The scaling up of the DES-KP process for com-
condensation reactions of lignin in the pulping mercial production of dissolving largely depends on
processes. Lignin varied in molecular weight due to the cost of the DES solvent. Lactic acid and choline
the difference in the dissolving processes and the chloride are commercially available, but their costs are
difference in the extraction methods. In the sulphate still high compared to conventional PHK process.
cooking process, lignin reacted not only with alkali, Recycling of DES in the process is a key to make the
but also with sodium sulfide. Lignin monosulfide process more cost-effectively. If the oligosaccharides
produced by the reaction with sodium sulfide could dissolved in the process can be converted into lactic
also inhibit the secondary condensation of lignin acid through a fermentation process (Jojima et al.
structural units, leading to smaller mean molecular 2010; Dien et al. 2002), the cost of DES solvent will
weight (Mw = 2648 g/mol) (Van Heiningen 2007). decrease significantly in the future.
Lactic acid/choline chloride DES solvent mainly
attacked the b–O–4 bond of lignin, breaking down
lignin macromolecules into small molecules, as illus- Conclusions
trated in the Fig. 7. The RL lignin also had a wider
molecular weight distribution compared with the KL A novel acid-based deep eutectic solvent (DES)
lignin, as indicated by the Mw/Mn ratio (2.55 vs. 2.14) recycling process was developed for the pretreatment
(Shen et al. 2020). The DES pretreatment not only of eucalyptus wood chips in the preparation of high
contributed to the breakage of the C–O and C–C bonds purity dissolving pulp. It was found that a large
of the lignin macromolecules, but also caused the amount of lignin and xylan in the eucalyptus wood
dehydration and acylation of the OH groups on the material were dissolved in the lactic acid/choline
side chains of lignin and partial condensation of lignin chloride DES solvent recycling treatment at 110 °C
(Shen et al. 2020), which led to the larger molecular for 3 h. Furthermore, the residual lignin and xylan in
weight of the RL lignin. the pre-treated wood materials was more readily
removed in the subsequent kraft cooking and bleach-
Biorefinery strategies in the preparation ing processes, yielding a high-purity dissolving pulp
of dissolving pulp by the DES-KP pulping process (DES-KP). Compared with the conventional prehy-
drolysis kraft based dissolving pulp (PHK), the DES-
According to the biorefinery concept, the mass balance KP dissolving pulp had a higher a-cellulose (94.02%
of the components of the eucalyptus wood material vs. 89.81%) and markedly higher Fock reactivity
were evaluated for the processes in the preparation of (98.94% vs. 60.97%), which was a breakthrough
dissolving pulp by the DES-KP pulping process. The improvement of the reactivity of kraft-based dissolv-
process flow chart and biomass streams were illus- ing pulp. In addition, the DES pretreatment could be
trated in Fig. 7. Starting with 100 g of dry eucalyptus combined with green oxygen-alkali cooking and ECF
wood chips, 37.01 g of DES-KP dissolving pulp was bleaching process to produce a DES-BP dissolving

11516 Cellulose (2021) 28:11503–11517

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