Pharmacy Automation - TVH Schedule v4.3

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Pharmacy Automation - TVH

Complet Task Name Duration Start Finish ors Status Responsibility
1 Pharmacy Automation - The View Hospital 232d 03/09/22 01/31/23 In Progress

2 Initiation Phase 39d 03/09/22 05/02/22 Complete

3 Kick Off Meeting 1d 03/09/22 03/09/22 Complete
4 Prequalification Submittal 26d 03/10/22 04/14/22 3 Complete
5 Materials Submittal 38d 03/10/22 05/02/22 3 Complete
6 Planning Phase 102d 03/10/22 08/03/22 In Progress
7 Shop Drawings Submission 26d 03/17/22 04/21/22 3FS +5d Complete
8 Shop Drawings Approval 15d 05/08/22 05/26/22 7FS +10d In Progress
9 Fabrication and Production (Box Picker) 64d 05/03/22 08/03/22 5 In progress
10 Workflow Discussions with Business 60d 03/10/22 06/01/22 3 Complete
11 Workflow Submission 7d 06/02/22 06/12/22 10 Complete
12 Workflow Review 5d 06/13/22 06/19/22 11 Complete
13 Develop FSI Document MCC 4d 06/30/22 07/05/22 Delayed Elegancia
14 Develop FSI Document Swisslog 2d 07/06/22 07/07/22 13 Delayed SwissLog
15 Develop FSI Document OmniCell 2d 07/06/22 07/07/22 13 Delayed OmniCell
Review FSI Document 5d 07/13/22 07/19/22 15, 14 In Progress AlMannai
16 Elegancia
Sign-Off FSI Document 1d 07/20/22 07/20/22 16 In Progress AlMannai
17 Elegancia
18 Execution Phase 184d 05/03/22 01/18/23 In Progress

19 Phase 1 81d 05/29/22 09/21/22 In Progress

20 Box Picker Installation Timeline 81d 05/29/22 09/21/22 Not Started

21 Site Readiness Confirmation (de-snagged room handed over) 45d 05/29/22 08/02/22 8 In Progress Elegancia
22 Server Room Readiness 35d 05/29/22 07/19/22 21SS In Progress Elegancia
SwissLog Simulation Test Servers Readiness 5d 07/21/22 07/27/22 17 Not Started MedTech
23 SwissLog
24 Test & Troubleshoot FSI 2d 07/28/22 07/31/22 23 SwissLog
25 IDF Readiness 4d 07/20/22 07/25/22 22 Not Started Elegancia

26 Air Freight Ex-Work Shipment and Custom Clearance (Box 15d 08/04/22 08/24/22 21, 9 Not Started MedTech
System Installation (Box Picker) 15d 08/25/22 09/14/22 26 Not Started MedTech
27 SwissLog
Startup Support (loading the machine, setting up the software) 5d 09/15/22 09/21/22 27 Not Started MedTech
28 SwissLog

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Complet Task Name Duration Start Finish Status Responsibility
29 Migration from Simulation to production 1d 08/01/22 08/01/22 24, 98 Not Started SwissLog
Integration Testing (Test Environment) SwissLog &OmniCell 7d 08/09/22 08/17/22 52FF
30 Testing
31 Implement Interfaces 1d 08/02/22 08/02/22 29 Not Started SwissLog
32 ADCs Installation Timeline 75d 06/02/22 09/19/22

33 Delivery and Installation of Omnicel Cabinets - TVH 46d 06/02/22 08/09/22 In Progress

34 Prerequisites: 46d 06/02/22 08/09/22 In Progress

35 General 8d 06/15/22 06/26/22 In Progress

36 Issuance of LC and settlement of advance 8d 06/15/22 06/26/22 In Progress
37 Test Server and Equipment installation: 8d 06/23/22 07/04/22 Not Started
38 Delivery of Test Server Infrastructure 6d 06/27/22 07/04/22 36 Complete Elegancia
39 Delivery of test server Image 6d 06/27/22 07/04/22 36 In Progress AlMannai
40 Delivery of the Test Cabinet 1d 07/04/22 07/04/22 Not Started AlMannai
Readiness of test environment 1d 07/04/22 07/04/22 Not Started AlMannai
41 OmniCell
42 Establishment of VPN tunnel 8d 06/23/22 07/04/22 Not Started Elegancia
43 Physical Installation - Main items 46d 06/02/22 08/09/22 Not Started
44 Shipping and clearance of the goods 41d 06/02/22 08/02/22 In Progress AlMannai
45 Readiness of storage facilities on site 1d 07/25/22 07/25/22 Not Started Elegancia
46 Delivery of goods to site 5d 08/03/22 08/09/22 44, 45 Not Started AlMannai
47 Installation: 63d 06/20/22 09/19/22 Not Started

48 Test Server and Equipment installation: 31d 07/05/22 08/21/22 Not Started
Installation of test equipment at test location 1d 07/05/22 07/05/22 38, 41, 40 Not Started AlMannai
49 OmniCell
Import Production server into test environment 1d 07/05/22 07/05/22 41 Not Started AlMannai
50 OmniCell
Interface readiness 21d 07/06/22 08/08/22 50 Not Started AlMannai
51 OmniCell
Start of Interface & Test process 7d 08/09/22 08/17/22 51, 17 Not Started AlMannai
52 OmniCell
53 Migrate Interfaces OmniCell 2d 08/18/22 08/21/22 52
54 Physical Installation - Main Items 53d 06/20/22 09/05/22 Not Started

55 Level 4 43d 06/20/22 08/22/22 Not Started

56 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/20/22 06/20/22 Delayed Elegancia
Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22 Not Started AlMannai
57 OmniCell
Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/10/22 08/10/22 46, 56 Not Started AlMannai
58 OmniCell

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Complet Task Name Duration Start Finish Status Responsibility
Physical installation including accessories 7d 08/11/22 08/21/22 58 Not Started AlMannai
59 OmniCell
Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 08/22/22 08/22/22 59, 57 Not Started AlMannai
60 OmniCell
61 Level 3 - Narcotic 48d 06/20/22 08/29/22
62 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/20/22 06/20/22
63 Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22
64 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/10/22 08/10/22 46, 62
65 Physical installation including accessories 1d 08/28/22 08/28/22 60FS +3d
66 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 08/29/22 08/29/22 63, 65
67 Level 5 14d 08/11/22 08/30/22 Not Started
68 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/11/22 08/11/22 46, 56, 58 Not Started
69 Physical installation including accessories 6d 08/22/22 08/29/22 59, #REF, 68 Not Started
70 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 08/30/22 08/30/22 #REF, 69 Not Started
71 Level GF 46d 06/26/22 08/31/22 Not Started
72 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/26/22 06/26/22 Delayed
73 Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22 Not Started
74 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/14/22 08/14/22 56, 68, 46 Not Started
75 Physical installation including accessories 1d 08/30/22 08/30/22 72, 74, 69 Not Started
76 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 08/31/22 08/31/22 70, 75 Not Started
77 Level 8 47d 06/26/22 09/01/22 Not Started
78 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/26/22 06/26/22 Delayed
79 Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22 Not Started
80 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/15/22 08/15/22 72, 74 Not Started
81 Physical installation including accessories 1d 08/31/22 08/31/22 75, 80 Not Started
82 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 09/01/22 09/01/22 81, 76 Not Started
83 Level 10 48d 06/26/22 09/04/22 Not Started
84 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/26/22 06/26/22 Delayed
85 Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22 Not Started
86 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/16/22 08/16/22 80, 84 Not Started
87 Physical installation including accessories 1d 09/01/22 09/01/22 86, 81 Not Started
88 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 09/04/22 09/04/22 87, 82 Not Started
89 Level 15 46d 06/29/22 09/05/22 Not Started
90 Area readiness - clean and dust free 1d 06/29/22 06/29/22 Delayed
91 Readiness of Power/DATA active ports 1d 08/04/22 08/04/22 Not Started
92 Shifting of components to final locations 1d 08/17/22 08/17/22 90, 86 Not Started

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Complet Task Name Duration Start Finish Status Responsibility
e ors
93 Physical installation including accessories 1d 09/04/22 09/04/22 87, 92 Not Started
94 Physical Installation Test and Verification 1d 09/05/22 09/05/22 93, 88 Not Started
95 Final Configuration and Testing 10d 09/06/22 09/19/22 51, 54 Not Started
96 Master Data Readiness 5d 09/06/22 09/12/22 95SS
97 Cut-over 2d 09/13/22 09/14/22 96 Not Started
98 Readiness of Integration Engine 16d 07/03/22 07/27/22
99 Test Servers Preparation (Test Environment) 3d 06/05/22 06/07/22 11SS +1d Complete
100 Phase 2 184d 05/03/22 01/18/23 In Progress
101 Fabrication and Production (Pill Pick) 89d 05/03/22 09/07/22 5 In progress
102 Site Readiness (Pill Pick) 30d 08/03/22 09/13/22 21 In Progress
103 Ex-Work Shipment and Custom Clearance (Pill Pick ) 29d 09/08/22 10/18/22 101 Not started
104 System Installation (Pill Pick) 26d 10/19/22 11/23/22 103 Not started
105 Integration Testing 26d 11/24/22 12/29/22 104, 20 Not started
106 Startup and Commessioning 14d 01/01/23 01/18/23 105 Not started
107 Closing Phase 99d 09/15/22 01/31/23 Not started

108 Phase 1 6d 09/15/22 09/22/22 Not Started

109 Swisslog Training (Box Picker End User training) 5d 09/15/22 09/21/22 27 Not Started
110 Omnicell Training (ADCs End User training) 3d 09/20/22 09/22/22 47 Not Started
111 Omnicell Training (Key Users Training)
112 Phase 2 9d 01/19/23 01/31/23 Not Started
113 Go Live 4d 01/19/23 01/24/23 100 Not started
114 Swiss Log (Pill Pick End User training) 5d 01/25/23 01/31/23 113 Not started

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