1997 - 06 - 05 Fachoberschulreife Berufliche Bildung

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Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the \B1\KMK-DECISION\VEFHSR01-03-09.DOC
Ministers of Education of the Federal States in

the Federal Republic of Germany

Agreement on the acquisition of the advanced technical college entrance qualification

in vocational training courses

(Resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of June 5th, 1998 as amended on March 9th, 2001)
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I. preliminary remark

The agreement on the acquisition of the Fachhochschulreife in vocational training

courses assumes that vocational training courses depend on the

particular educational goals, content and duration can bring about the ability to study

Vocational training courses promote practical and theoretical knowledge

as well as willingness to perform, independence, ability to cooperate, responsibility

awareness and creative problem-solving behavior. The for

teaches the learning and working techniques required for studying at a university of applied sciences.

II. Prerequisites for acquiring the advanced technical college entrance qualification according to
this agreement

The advanced technical college entrance qualification according to this agreement can be acquired in connection

tion with the

- Completion of at least two years of professional training according to the law of

federal or state1) ; the minimum duration for dual qualification education

is three years

- Completion of at least a two-year vocational school diploma

training course1), with a duration of two years in connection with a relevant

six-month internship or at least two years of professional experience

- Graduation from a technical college/technical academy.

The acquisition of the Fachhochschulreife through a vocational training course starts in the

In this course of education, the intermediate qualification is required. Proof of the mean

higher educational qualification must be completed before the technical college final examination.

1) including special courses leading to a technical college entrance qualification after completion of vocational
training (e.g. Telekolleg II)
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The advanced technical college entrance qualification is pronounced when in the individual original profession

cial courses of study adhere to the framework specifications in terms of time and content
will. In addition, the fulfillment of the requirements set out in this agreement must be
substantive standards can be proven by means of an examination (cf. Section V.). This
can either be integrated into the original final examination or an additional examination

The opportunity to gain the advanced technical college entrance qualification by attending a technical college

advertise, is through the "framework agreement on the technical college" (decision

the Conference of Ministers of Education dated February 6th, 1969 in the version dated February 26th, 1982) and the "Ra h

regulations for the final examination of the Fachoberschule" (resolution of the Kultusmi
nester conference of November 26, 1971).

III. framework

The following time frame requirements must be met:

1. linguistic area 240 hours

Of these, at least 80 hours each must be

devoted to mother tongue communication/
German and a foreign language.

2. Mathematical-scientific-technical 240 hours


3. Social sciences (including economics at least 80 hours


These hours can also be fulfilled in the job-related area if

it is a matter of corresponding courses offered in the curricula
are pointed. The school supervisory authority determines for each course where the
the services required for the individual areas are to be provided.
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IV. Standards

1. Native speaker communication / German

The "Oral language use" learning area imparts and consolidates essentials

Techniques of situation-appropriate, successful communication in everyday life, study and


The students should acquire the skills

- to analyze different forms of speech and conversation, appropriate and

recognize manipulative elements of rhetoric,

- your own point of view in different oral communication situations

to represent

- Giving presentations, using presentation techniques and becoming one

subsequent discussion.

In the "Written language use" learning area, the techniques of

precise information reproduction and the conclusive argumentation - also in the Zu

in connection with professional requirements and study requirements - im


The students should acquire the ability to

- complex factual texts about political, cultural, economic, social and be

to analyze call-related topics (condensed reproduction of the content, analysis

the structure and essential linguistic means, recognizing and evaluating the

Intended effect, explanation of individual statements, opinion) and

- Comments, interpretations, opinions or discussions of problems - from

based on texts or given situations - to write (factually correct

ge and coherent argumentation, logical structure, linguistic appropriateness

senheit, addressee and situation reference) or

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to interpret literary texts with a limited task (analysis

of content-related motives and aspects of the topic, the space and time structure

ture, possibly the narrative situation, important linguistic and possibly other form


2. Foreign language

The main objective of teaching the foreign language being continued is one of comparison

improved communication skills in a foreign language for the middle school leaving certificate

for everyday life, study and work. For this it is necessary to use the general language

To consolidate and expand vocabulary, to acquire a specific technical vocabulary

to learn to use common and complex grammatical structures.

Understand (reception)

The students should acquire the ability to

- More demanding general and technical language statements and un

Different types of texts (in particular functional and factual texts) - possibly under

Use of foreign-language aids - to be understood as a whole and in

evaluate individuals.

Speaking and Writing (production)

The students should acquire the ability to

- Conversational situations in everyday life and in work-related contexts

to master the foreign language confidently and at the same time to take the initiative to talk


- to written communications of a complex nature, appropriate to the situation and appropriate

to react to his ability to express himself in the foreign language,

- complex foreign-language facts and problems under use

ment of aids in German and corresponding ones in German

paraphrase content presented in the foreign language.

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3. Mathematical-scientific-technical area

Based on subject-related prob

Learning basic technical and methodological skills in mathematics and

in natural sciences or technology.

They should

- Insight into basic working methods and ways of thinking in mathematics and at least
win at least one natural science or technology,

- recognize that the development of clear concepts is a logical way of thinking

tion and systematic, inductive and deductive, occasionally also heuristic

cal procedure Mathematical-scientific-technical characteristics

are working

- Familiarity with the mathematical and scientific-technical

Acquire jargon and symbolism and recognize that unambiguity, cons

consistency and completeness when verbalizing mathematical or

scientific and technical issues, especially in the field of application

are essential for their intellectual penetration,

- become qualified, subject-related or scientific-technical

to solve tasks with the help of suitable methods,

- be able to apply mathematical methods as well as knowledge and skills

for the selection of suitable processes and methods from at least one of the white
other areas have:

— Analysis (differential and integral calculus)

— Description and calculation of random experiment, simple true

probability, frequency distribution and simple applications from the

judging statistics,

— Linear equation systems and matrix calculation,

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- be able to model real issues (reality ? model ? solution ? reality),

- basic physical, chemical, biological or technical laws

Knowing things, transferring them to subject-specific fields of activity and
can use to solve problems

- carry out simple scientific or technical experiments independently

plan and carry out a given task,

- Justify, present, interpret and evaluate the results of their work

be able.

IN. test

1. General Principles

In order to be awarded the advanced technical college entrance qualification, a written examination is required

the three areas - mother tongue communication/German, foreign language, ma

thematic-scientific-technical area - to be filed in the in this
standards set out in the agreement must be demonstrated. For the award of
Technical college entrance qualification for graduates of at least two years
Technical schools can demonstrate the required standards in two of the three areas
can also be provided through continuous proof of performance. As far as the time
Technical and content-related framework specifications of this agreement through the timetables

and curricula of the vocational training courses mentioned and covered by the
Final examination of the respective course or an additional examination
are met, the conditions of this framework agreement are deemed to have been met.

The exam is passed if at least adequate performance in all subjects

have been reached. A grade adjustment for insufficient performance is directed
according to the regulations of the countries.

The written examination can be carried out in one area by means of a written specialist work
Subsequent presentation of the results as part of a colloquium under
be replaced in accordance with the terms and conditions.
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2. Specifications for the individual areas

a) Native speaker communication/German

In the written examination with a duration of at least 3 hours

of the following types of tasks to consider:

- (Text-supported) problem discussion,

- Analysis of non-literary texts with explanation or statement,

- Interpretation of literary texts.

b) Foreign language area

In the written exam with a duration of at least 1 1/2 hours, the

one or more texts, possibly also other materials, are used as a basis,
Questions and problems have to be answered and personal statements have to be
written. In addition, translations into the mother tongue or into the
foreign language are required.

c) Mathematical-scientific-technical area

The written exam should last at least two hours

It must be demonstrated that the students are able to
to independently structure, solve and evaluate complex tasks,
the necessary mathematical or scientific-technical

Select methods and procedures and apply them appropriately.

WE. Final Provisions

The school supervisory authority of each state in the Federal Republic of Germany is in
of obligation and responsibility, the conditions for acquiring the
To guarantee a technical college entrance qualification via vocational training paths.
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The federal states undertake to provide examination papers for various disciplines in

in the areas of mother tongue communication/German, foreign language and Ma

topic/science/technology to ensure transparency and comparison


One according to this agreement in all countries of the Federal Republic of Germany

recognized certificate contains the following information:

"According to the agreement on the acquisition of a technical college entrance qualification in

vocational training courses - Resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of

05.06.1998 in the version of 09.03.2001 - entitles this certificate in all countries

in the Federal Republic of Germany to study at universities of applied sciences."

In the case of certificates that have already been issued, this will be done upon application according to the following

Sample certified:

Mrs Mr

Born on the


has on

at school)

the final exam in the course


"According to the agreement on the acquisition of a technical college entrance qualification in

vocational training courses - Resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of

05.06.1998 in the version of 09.03.2001 - entitles this certificate in all countries

in the Federal Republic of Germany to study at universities of applied sciences."

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- 10 ÿ

Courses of education that correspond to this agreement are approved by the federal states

Secretariat and in a directory maintained by the Secretariat,


The present agreement comes into force on the day of the resolution.

The "Agreement of uniform requirements for the acquisition of the subject

university entrance qualification via special educational paths" (resolution of the KMK of September 18, 1981
as amended on July 14, 1995) will be repealed with effect from August 1, 2001.

2) For the state of Berlin, certificates of the advanced technical college entrance qualification based on the "Agreement on
uniform requirements for acquiring the advanced technical college entrance qualification via special educational paths"
will be issued and mutually recognized until August 1st, 2005.

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