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Professional Practices

Lecture 17

Career Planning

Career Path

Job Satisfaction
Career planning

• Career planning is the continuous process of thinking about your

interests, values, skills and preferences, exploring the life, work and
learning options available to you,
• Ensuring that your work fits with your personal circumstances,
continuously fine-tuning your work and learning plans to help you
manage the changes in your life and the world of work.
How People Find Jobs

How people find jobs

Heard about opening
from someone 35%

Contacted employer
directly 30%

Answered want ads


Referred by state
emloyment agency
Referred by orivate
employment agency
Other methods (school,
union)- 8%

Took civil service test

Career planning tips

• Never stop learning

• Try to make a good listener
• Build your network
• Identify your current job
• Identify your next job
• Always prepare yourself
• Realize your dreams
Career Path

• A career path is a smaller group of jobs

within a career cluster that use similar
skills. Each career cluster contains several
career paths.
• You can start in a lower-lever job in a
career path and, with more education and
experience, move up within that path.
Career Path
Some steps for students how they decide for their career field:
• Begin by determining what you like to do.
• Identify the skills you use when you're doing the things you enjoy.
• Think of fields broadly.
• Consider cross-field work.
• Learn as much as possible about the qualifications required for
fields that interest you.
• Scope does not matter if you don’t have the interest.
• Learn how to apply your degree to specific career areas and many
Moving from one job to another

• If you cannot work with love it is better that you should leave your
work. you will experience more personal growth from changing jobs
frequently than staying in one job for extended periods of time.
• If you change jobs frequently you build an adaptable skill set and a
wide network which are the keys to being able to find a job whenever
you need to.
Job Satisfaction

• If you are unsatisfied with what you do every day, it takes a pain on
your physical and mental health. Job satisfaction is important than
which job pays the most and which is more secure. and people feel
happy at work when they are satisfied with their job.
• You choose or change careers to something that you love and are
passionate about.
• You find purpose and joy in a job that you don’t love.
Making Decisions tools
and Resources
• You have explored the occupations or study options that interest you.
• Now is the time to narrow down your choices and choose the best
option for you.
• Now look at how each of your choices fits with your skills, interests,
values and personal circumstances.
• Once you have narrowed down your choices, you can take action.
• Prepare a pros and cons list
• Compare your options

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