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Maddie Ligos

Learning Styles Assignment


From the Learning Styles Questionnaire, I was found to have visual, applied, spatial,

social and pragmatic learning styles.


Visual learners best learn by reading or seeing images. Knowing that an ELL student is a visual

learner is beneficial because you know that you must incorporate text, pictures, or graphics into a

lesson. If they are transitioning into a new school or environment, it can be beneficial to include

visuals in personal areas, not just lessons, so that they feel more comfortable in the classroom

and school. One strategy I would use with a visual learner ELL student is by having pictures

labeling all the things in my classroom with both languages on the paper. For example, if there is

a bin of markers, I would put a paper with the English word for marker, their native language

word for marker and a picture of a marker.


Applied learners work best with real life or concrete examples or scenarios. Knowing that an

ELL student is an applied learner is beneficial because you will better be able to explain topics or

content in a way that is easily understandable for them. In a transition into a new school or

environment, students should be given the chance to connect experiences or knowledge to their

prior understanding. One strategy I would use for an ELL student who is an applied learner is by

relying on their prior experiences to explain concepts or topics. For example, if I am teaching a

math lesson, I would create a word problem that relates to an experience I know that they have


Spatial learners are able to visualize concepts or facts that occur in nature or in theory. Knowing

that an ELL student is a spatial learner is beneficial because you are able to include various

representations about a topic to help them understand fully. Especially when adjusting to a new

school or environment, it would be helpful for ELL students to know how things around the

school works. One strategy that I would use for ELL students who are spatial learners would be

to include graphics when teaching a new concept. For example, if I was teaching about a water

cycle, I would provide the student with an opportunity to draw/copy a graphic describing how it



Social learners, as the title suggests, best work in groups or teams and thrive in interpersonal

interactions. Knowing that an ELL student is a social learner is critical to make them feel

comfortable and confident in the classroom. In the case where an ELL student is adapting to a

new school or environment, it is important that the social learners are put together to support one

another. One strategy I would use for ELL students who are also social learners is to consistently

have them in groups or working with a partner. For example, using a buddy system where every

week, the ELL student will be paired with another person in the class to do work with, eat lunch

with, or teach about their own culture.


Pragmatic learners work best with problems or processes that have definite solutions or answers.

Knowing that an ELL student is a pragmatic learner is beneficial because you are able to provide

the student with the necessary resources to be successful. Especially when an ELL student is

adjusting to a new school or environment, it can help ease some of their stress by having a
definite plan to follow to solve a problem. One strategy that I think would work with ELL

students who are also pragmatic learners is to give them a step by step direction sheet when

solving problems or completing activities.

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