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Independence day

Given roles Cast

Folarin/David - Nnamdi Awikwe (new president/head of state)

Rex- Buhari

Najeeb- Atiku

Kamsi- Western studying child

Kendra- Northern desk child

Diche- Eastern studying child

Samara- Southern desk child

Isabel- Miss Nigeria

Beluchi- Former head of state

Grace- Flashcard interpreter

Philip- Flag person

(Indian)Lady that gave Kanuri poisonous apples- Naomi

Empty roles cast

Children playing (2)-

Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi(second head of state)-

General Yakubu Gowon (angas/Hausa head of state )-

Olusegun Obasanjo (Yoruba head of state)-

Sani Abacha(Kanuri)-

Umaru Musa Yar'Adua(Hausa head of state returnee)-

Yoruba person+Obasanjo-

Edwin Clark(ijaw,must wear a panama hat)-

Miss Nigeria sash + beaded crown(Handed to Miss Nigeria by Nnamdi)

Beaded staff(hold over, ignite and hand to Nnamdi by british lady)

Tiara(First placement for miss Nigeria, replaced by beaded crown)

Staff(represents power)

Desks(children sharing desks, north and south)

Textbook( Children studying together, east and west)

Sword(kill Izotena)

Flags( Poem readers+ Philip)

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