Code of Conduct

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\s a |Mi |rcject Maaaaeaeat |rc|esslcaal (|M|) i aaree tc sappcrt aad adhere tc the respcaslbllltles descrlbed la the |Mi |M| 0cde c|
|rc|esslcaal 0cadact.
i. 8espcaslbllltles tc the |rc|esslca
\. 0capllaace wlth all craaalzatlcaal rales aad pcllcles
1. 8espcaslblllt tc prclde accarate aad trath|al represeatatlcas ccaceralaa all la|craatlca dlrectl cr ladlrectl related tc all
aspects c| the |Mi 0ertl|lcatlca |rcaraa. lacladlaa bat act llalted tc the |cllcwlaa exaalaatlca appllcatlcas. test ltea baaks. exaal
aatlcas. aaswer sheets. caadldate la|craatlca aad |Mi 0catlaalaa 0ertl|lcatlca 8eqalreaeats |rcaraa repcrtlaa |cras.
!. |pca a reascaable aad clear |actaal basls. respcaslblllt tc repcrt pcsslble lclatlcas c| the |M| 0cde c| |rc|esslcaal 0cadact b
ladlldaals la the |leld c| prcject aaaaaeaeat.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc cccperate wlth |Mi ccaceralaa ethlcs lclatlcas aad the ccllectlca c| related la|craatlca.
+. 8espcaslblllt tc dlsclcse tc clleats. castcaers. cwaers cr ccatractcrs. slaal|lcaat clrcaastaaces that ccald be ccastraed as a cca-
|llct c| laterest cr aa appearaace c| laprcprlet.
. 0aadldate/0ertl|lcaat |rc|esslcaal |ractlce
1. 8espcaslblllt tc prclde accarate. trath|al adertlslaa aad represeatatlcas ccaceralaa qaall|lcatlcas. experleace aad per|craaace
c| serlces.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc ccapl wlth appllcable laws. reaalatlcas aad ethlcal staadards aceralaa prc|esslcaal practlce la the state/prclace
aad/cr ccaatr whea lateractlaa wlth |Mi aad whea prcldlaa prcject aaaaaeaeat serlces.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc act la aa hcaest aad ethlcal aaaaer whea lateractlaa wlth |Mi aad whea prcldlaa prcject aaaaaeaeat serlces.
+. 8espcaslblllt tc aalatala aad respect the cca|ldeatlallt c| the ccateats c| the |M| lxaalaatlca.
0. \daaceaeat c| the |rc|esslca
1. 8espcaslblllt tc reccaalze aad respect latellectaal prcpert deelcped cr cwaed b cthers. aad tc ctherwlse act la aa accarate.
trath|al aad ccaplete aaaaer. lacladlaa all actlltles related tc prc|esslcaal wcrk aad research.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc sappcrt aad dlssealaate the |M| 0cde c| |rc|esslcaal 0cadact tc cther |Mi certl|lcaats.
ii. 8espcaslbllltles tc 0astcaers aad the |abllc
\. 0aall|lcatlcas. experleace aad per|craaace c| prc|esslcaal serlces
1. 8espcaslblllt tc prclde accarate aad trath|al represeatatlcas tc the pabllc la adertlslaa. pabllc stateaeats aad la the prepara-
tlca c| estlaates ccaceralaa ccsts. serlces aad expected resalts.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc aalatala aad satls| the sccpe aad cbjectles c| prc|esslcaal serlces. aaless ctherwlse dlrected b the castcaer.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc aalatala aad respect the cca|ldeatlallt c| seasltle la|craatlca cbtalaed la the ccarse c| prc|esslcaal actlltles
cr ctherwlse where a clear cbllaatlca exlsts.
. 0ca|llct c| laterest sltaatlcas aad cther prchlblted prc|esslcaal ccadact
1. 8espcaslblllt tc easare that a cca|llct c| laterest dces act ccaprcalse lealtlaate laterests c| a clleat cr castcaer. cr la|laeace/
later|ere wlth prc|esslcaal jadaaeats.
!. 8espcaslblllt tc re|rala |rca c||erlaa cr acceptlaa laapprcprlate paaeats. al|ts cr cther |cras c| ccapeasatlca |cr perscaal
aala. aaless la cca|cralt wlth appllcable laws cr castcas c| the ccaatr where prcject aaaaaeaeat serlces are belaa prclded.
iii. \dalalstratlca c| 0cde c| 0cadact
beccalaa a |M| certl|lcaat. ca aaree tc ablde b thls 0cde c| 0cadact. |Mi reseres the rlaht tc saspead cr recke the credeatlal c| aa
|M| certl|lcaat whc ls deteralaed tc hae ccaaltted a lclatlca c| thls 0cde cr ctherwlse |alled tc adhere tc the teaets c| thls 0cde.
1 S P K F D U . B O B H F N F O U * O T U J U V U F t X X X Q N J P S H

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