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Studying, taking an exam and passing the requirements are the

common things that a regular students do. They go to school with the

responsibility to learned and to pass their subjects. But students are not only

limited with those duties, they also have the obligation to handle their

personal finances as part of their venture.

Budgeting and proper allocation of the monthly allowances helps the

students to deal with unexpected expenses may it be related with their

consumption in food, transportation, academic necessities and personal

stuffs. This place to the idea of how much monthly allowances do the

students receive together with their existing expenditure in accommodating

their needs not just as a student but as an individual.

Upon gathering and analyzing the data, this research undergoes a

systematic process answering the research questions about the equivalent

amount of their monthly allowances together with the breakdowns of the

expenses. It also points out that students were also dealing with money

shortage due to the unexpected expenses and the increasing cost of living.

This research study also highlighted its significance to the readers in


connection to the monthly allowances and consumption expenditure of grade

9 students of Marcelo Spinola School.

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