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Learning Team Charter

Course OGL355, Spring B 2022 Did all team members participate in

creating this charter and agree with its
Instructor Jay Klagge, Ph.D. contents? Yes/No
Yes, via a shared Google Doc,
U.S. Department of Health and WhatsApp group chat, and Zoom Call.
Team Name
Human Services

Team Member Information

Name ADSU email State Phone

Francesca Collette Georgia 762-215-5212

Madeline Hartman New York 917-658-5093

Chloe McKendry Arizona 602-565-2137

Jessica Wangia Pennsylvania 484-612-5533

Amanda Zasio Washington 253-332-4433

Team Member Strengths

Francesca Collette: Time Management, Exceptional Communication Skills, Team Building and
Supervision, Detail Oriented, Media/Technological Literacy, Thrives in a fast-paced environment
and works well under pressure.

Madeline Hartman: Collaborative and flexible team player, honest and transparent, considerate
and empathetic, problem-solving and decision-making, time management, 6+ years of
leadership, and team-based management experience with Starbucks as a store manager.

Chloe McKendry: Skills of Chloe include completing tasks efficiently and effectively and
collaborating with others. Chloe works to utilize the skills of her colleagues while building
relationships with each individual.
With a patient and relaxed disposition, Chloe makes a pleasant addition to a team and works to
encourage the participation of others in their areas of expertise.

Jessica Wangla: Administrative, assertive, collaborative, conflict resolution, creative, detailed-

oriented (APA editor), empathetic, organized, proactive, strategic, trustworthy.
Jessica has a background in clinical research, R&D, Pharma, and biotech and has worked
closely with the FDA, and NIH, both agencies under the US Dept of HHS.

Amanda Zasio: Organized, team player, strong communication skills, cooperative, positive
attitude, good time management skills, goal-oriented, thrives well in a fast-paced/deadline-
driven environment.

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Mission/Vision Statement

Currently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ website states, The mission of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-
being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering
sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social
services. (

We believe that in order to expand the reach and inclusivity of their mission to include all people
residing in the United States, not just American citizens. In order to do this, it needs to be
refocused and a vision needs to be cast.

Mission: The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to ensure
that every person residing in the United States of America (and U.S. Territories) has uninhibited
access to equitable, state of the art health and human services.

Vision: To be a country and society that advocates for all residents' physical and mental health,
minimizing the mental and financial strain associated with healthcare.

Conflict Management
The most significant possible conflict to our team's success will be the lack of available time for
some to invest or contribute meaningfully to the assignments. We will deal with these conflicts
by “filling each other's gaps.” Some team members have an open and flexible schedule to fill in
the gaps, whereas others do not have the margin in their lives to step up.
Like any relationship, equity is not equal; it ensures that everyone has what they need to
succeed. It is a privilege to have more time available to invest, and with every privilege should
come a willingness to share with others. By creating a collaborative forum for everyone to
contribute and edit in their spare time, we can all contribute as our best selves.
Our team members reside in three different time zones, have different schedules and
workloads, and are not all available simultaneously, so finding a time that works for all is
another significant conflict for our team. To fill this gap, the team members with more time
available will attend every call, ensure the Zoom call is recorded and distributed to the team,
and volunteer to edit the final version of our team papers. The weekly team leader will submit
our working draft documents on behalf of the team. Each of us will individually submit the final
draft version for credit.
Since we are in a pandemic, there’s always a chance one of us gets sick. We have built a 5-day
contingency plan into our schedule by finalizing work five days ahead of assignment due dates,
allowing us to avoid any late submission and lost points. If we all agree to stay on top of our
individual and team tasks, submit our assigned task work on time, and maintain a steady line of
communication when help is needed or someone is unavailable, we will be in great shape!

Ground Rules
Our team will opt out of the Learning Team forum on Canvas and instead communicate through
the WhatsApp group chatting forum and weekly Zoom calls (Wednesday 5-7 pm MST). We
have agreed that we will stay in contact with each other at least every other day via WhatsApp.
Our weekly Zoom call will be when we work together to finalize the team paper for the upcoming

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weekend. Ideally, the team leader will be ready to submit our final version on Thursdays, 72
hours before the Sunday due date.

Having a specific time and day to submit our work allows us to stay mindful of our time
management and will enable us to hold our peers accountable for their portion of work.
Contributions will be considered late if they are not finished by 5 pm (MST) Wednesdays, at
which time our weekly video begins for us to finalize our Team Paper for submission. All
Papers should be submitted to Canvas by 11:59 PM (MST) on Fridays, two days before the
Team Papers are due; exceptions will be given to those who communicate to the team in

Progressive Discipline
Any team member who does not contribute their portion of the written content before the
Wednesday Team Call will lose 20-grade points for that assignment. If the team earns 50/50,
you will earn 30/50 or 60% for that assignment. Each violation will be the same reduction of 20
points. If unable to attend a call, the individual will let it be known in advance and offer other
ways to contribute to the conversation. The consequences of not communicating effectively or
making a genuine effort are listed above. Extenuating circumstances communicated in advance
will be considered and determined by the team if it warrants leniency or lost points.

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