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In the pursuit of a wider and better understanding of the business world, I am applying for

masters in finance and risk management from university of East London, this I believe will
create a platform for me to explore the dynamic skills of excelling in the financial market. 
I have come to realize that in the world today, successful organizations take risks to survive and
grow, and since risk is necessary to obtain a financial return, it cannot be avoided, that is why
there is the need for competent people to manage those risks arises. In my country, Nigeria for
instance, major regulatory reforms are being introduced as we hope to move out fully from the
recent recession, which has prompted the increase in the demand for specialists, particularly
financial risk managers. I can categorically say that the future and success of any organization is
significantly dependent on the efficiency and effectiveness of their financial risk managers and
understanding risk can help create reliable financial markets which has the tendency of resulting
in a sustainable economy and in return, will increase the standard of living here in Nigeria.
I am passionate about this field and I believe my prior knowledge, experience and interest will
facilitate my study in order to achieve and reach my optimum potential

I am particular about this school for finace and risk management not only because the course
outline is laid down to meet the high standards of the chattered bankers institute (CBI) which
gives me a chance of being an associate member, but it is also located close to the heart of the
strongest financial industries. I believe my goals can be easily achieved in such practical,
conducive and competitive environment with competent supervisors.

My educational background is significant to this field of study as I have successfully completed

my bachelor’s degree in economics, having my strong points and interest in microeconomics,
macroeconomics, finance, monetary economics and the statistics aspect of economics
(econometrics); including data analysis using econometric software packages. During my years
of study I worked with Dr. Akomolafe John conducting a research on the topic "Are Export the
Engine of Growth? A Sectarian Investigation of Nigeria.” It has been published in "journal of
economics and sustainable development; vol.6, No.18, 2015. This gave me an insight on the
Nigerian industries and the challenges facing each sectors including finance. I also hold a
professional certificate as an accounting technician from the institute of chartered accountants in
Nigeria. I also did a two years voluntary work in the finance department of Fresible Company
Limited in Nigeria, there I was exposed to some interesting part of finance and decision making
which stirred up my interest in this course. My flare for math and statistics with my knowledge
in accounting and finance helped me to enjoy working in this department. I still however believe
that there’s still a lot to learn.All my acquired knowledge I believe, will serve as a good
foundation to build a career as a finance and risk manager.

Studying financial and risk management will equip me with the necessary mathematics, statistics
and financial skills necessary to tackle most of the problems facing the financial institutions. As
an aspiring financial risk manager I hope to be able to identify and analyze areas of potential risk
threatening an assets, earning capacity, project, success of a business to mention a few,and put
strategies in place to protect.I am intrigued by the dynamic complexities that exist in the
financial systems, which makes me see the study of finance and risk management as a
continuous goal and also gives me the drive for consistent intellectual achievement in this area of
As a person who isn’t scared of facing and handling difficulties, I have, in addition to my
bachelor’s degree program, functioned as the public relation officer and academic director for
my department. This gave me good leadership experience, it also furnished my interpersonal
skills and gave me a good orientation on how to work as a team to achieve productive results.

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