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◥ natural killer cells, dendritic cells, or proliferat-

REVIEW SUMMARY ing T cells, whereas kynurenic acid promotes
monocyte extravasation and controls cytokine
release. Perturbations in the kynurenine path-
way have been linked to several diseases. High
kynurenine levels can increase the prolifera-
Kynurenines: Tryptophan’s metabolites ON OUR WEBSITE
◥ tion and migratory capac-
ity of cancer cells and help

in exercise, inflammation, and Read the full article

at http://dx.doi.
tumors escape immune
surveillance. Kynurenine
metabolites have been pro-
mental health science.aaf9794
posed as markers of type
2 diabetes and may inter-
Igor Cervenka, Leandro Z. Agudelo, Jorge L. Ruas* fere at some level with either insulin secretion
or its action on target cells. Kynurenines can
signal through different tissue-specific extra-
BACKGROUND: The essential amino acid tryp- tissues, and the diverse biological activities and intracellular receptors in a network of events
tophan is a substrate for the generation of several of its metabolites, has become of interest to that integrates nutritional and environmental
bioactive compounds with important physiolog- many areas of science. The bioavailability of cues with individual health and fitness.
ical roles. Only a small fraction of ingested tryp- tryptophan can be affected by factors that range
tophan is used in anabolic processes, whereas from gut microbiome composition to systemic OUTLOOK: The modulation of tryptophan-

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the large majority is metabolized along the kyn- inflammatory signals. Gut-resident bacteria can kynurenine metabolism using lifestyle and phar-
urenine pathway of tryptophan degradation. directly absorb tryptophan and thus limit its macological interventions could help prevent
This pathway generates a range of metabolites, availability to the host organism. The resulting and treat several diseases with underlying in-
collectively known as kynurenines, involved in metabolites can have local effects on both mi- flammatory mechanisms, including metabolic,
inflammation, immune response, and excitatory crobiome and host cells and even mediate in- oncologic, and mental health disorders. In this
neurotransmission. Kynurenines have been linked terspecies communication. In addition, the context, and considering the substantial effect
to several psychiatric and mental health disorders biochemical fate of absorbed tryptophan will that the gut microbiome can have on preabsorp-
such as depression and schizophrenia. In addi- be affected by cross-talk with other nutrients tive tryptophan metabolism, it is tempting to
tion, due to the close relationship between kyn- and even by individual fitness, because skele- envision the use of probiotic-based therapies.
urenine metabolism and inflammatory responses, tal muscle has recently been shown to contrib- The discovery that aerobic exercise training can
kynurenines are emerging as recognized play- ute to kynurenine metabolism. With exercise reduce kynurenine levels in circulation and in
ers in a variety of diseases such as diabetes and training, skeletal muscle increases the expres- the central nervous system could have important
cancer. Because the levels of enzymes of the kyn- sion of kynurenine aminotransferase enzymes implications for the development of future gen-
urenine pathway in peripheral tissues tend to be and shifts peripheral kynurenine metabolism erations of antidepressant medications. This again
much higher than in the brain, their contrib- toward the production of kynurenic acid. As a stresses the many advantages of remaining phys-
ution to the kynurenine pathway can have both consequence, alleviating the accumulation of ically active throughout life. Understanding the
local and systemic consequences. Due to their kynurenine in the central nervous system can multiple levels of control of the kynurenine path-
characteristics, kynurenine and its metabolites positively affect mental health, such as reduc- way could help predict susceptibility to disease
have the right profile to fill the role of media-
tors of interorgan communication.
ing stress-induced depressive symptoms.
The kynurenine pathway is highly regulated
linked to environmental and dietary signals.

in the immune system, where it promotes im- The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email: jorge.ruas@ki.se
ADVANCES: Understanding how the tryptophan- munosuppression in response to inflammation Cite this article as I. Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794
kynurenine pathway is regulated in different or infection. Kynurenine reduces the activity of (2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf9794

The kynurenine pathway generates tryptophan metabolites with profound. They serve as important mediators of interorgan and
diverse biological activities throughout the body. Although mainly interkingdom cross-talk, connecting seemingly diverse processes
studied in relation to the brain and mental health, the action of such as the effects of exercise training and pathologies such as
kynurenine metabolites on peripheral tissues might be even more inflammatory diseases, cancer, and depression.

Cervenka et al., Science 357, 369 (2017) 28 July 2017 1 of 1


◥ for the transcription factor aryl hydrocarbon re-

REVIEW ceptor (AhR) (similar activity has been shown for
Kyn) (14, 15). IDO, together with tryptophan 2,3-
dioxygenase (TDO) and AhR are present in some
METABOLISM tumor cells, so it has been proposed that Kyn can
have a double role in promoting cancer invasion

Kynurenines: Tryptophan’s metabolites and immune escape. On one hand, activation of

cancer cell AhR by Kyn increases the expression
of genes that promote cell migration (16, 17). On
in exercise, inflammation, and the other hand, activated immune cell AhR sup-
presses effector T cells and increases immune tol-

mental health erance by targeting dendritic and regulatory B

cells (18).
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) has an impor-
Igor Cervenka, Leandro Z. Agudelo, Jorge L. Ruas* tant role in Trp metabolism. The upper GIT is re-
sponsible for the majority of serotonin synthesis
Kynurenine metabolites are generated by tryptophan catabolism and regulate biological (19). It also absorbs and is directly influenced by
processes that include host-microbiome signaling, immune cell response, and neuronal Kyn metabolites such as Kyna that are present in
excitability. Enzymes of the kynurenine pathway are expressed in different tissues and cell food and can act locally on GPR35 (20). The lower
types throughout the body and are regulated by cues, including nutritional and inflammatory portion of the GIT is home to substantial num-
signals. As a consequence of this systemic metabolic integration, peripheral inflammation bers of microbiota, which are affected by Trp avail-
can contribute to accumulation of kynurenine in the brain, which has been associated with ability and in turn act on gut mucosal tissues and

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depression and schizophrenia. Conversely, kynurenine accumulation can be suppressed by resident immune population through the produc-
activating kynurenine clearance in exercised skeletal muscle. The effect of exercise training tion of indole compounds that bind to AhR (21).
on depression through modulation of the kynurenine pathway highlights an important Skeletal muscle has recently been added to the
mechanism of interorgan cross-talk mediated by these metabolites. Here, we discuss list of tissues that contribute to Kyn metabolism
peripheral mechanisms of tryptophan-kynurenine metabolism and their effects on (22). This happens in the setting of exercise train-
inflammatory, metabolic, oncologic, and psychiatric disorders. ing and depends on the transcriptional coactivator

peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPAR)
ryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid the CNS is divided between different cell types, gamma coactivator-1a1 (PGC-1a1), which enhances
critical for protein synthesis, but it also serves among which astrocytes and microglia play impor- KAT gene expression and Kyn to Kyna conversion.
as substrate for the generation of several bio- tant roles with antagonizing actions (6). Microglia This links peripheral and central Kyn metabolism
active compounds with important physiolog- produce quinolinic acid (Quin), an N-methyl-D- and provides a mechanism for some of the benefits
ical roles. Probably the best-known fate of Trp aspartate receptor (NMDAR) agonist, whereas as- of physical exercise for mental health.
is its conversion to serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), trocytes are equipped to generate kynurenic acid
an important neurotransmitter involved in the con- (Kyna), an NMDAR and a7 nicotinic acetylcholine The many fates of tryptophan
trol of adaptive responses in the central nervous receptor (a7nAChR) antagonist. The levels of these Humans lack the biochemical pathways to synthe-
system (CNS) and linked to alterations in mood, two Kyn metabolites have hence been associated size Trp, which must be acquired from diet with a
anxiety, or cognition (1). Serotonin can be further with neuronal excitotoxicity (Quin) or protection required daily dose of 3.5 mg per kg of weight (23).
converted to N-acetylserotonin (NAS) and mela- (Kyna) and are found to be dysregulated in major The highest concentration of Trp can be found in
tonin, adding control over circadian rhythmicity depressive disorders and schizophrenia (7). chocolate, eggs, fish, dairy products, legumes, and
to the list of biological roles for Trp metabolites Like Trp and Kyn, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) meat. Less than 1% of ingested Trp is used for
(2). However, in mammals, the majority of free crosses the BBB and contributes to Quin gener- protein synthesis because, under conditions of un-
Trp is degraded through the kynurenine pathway ation in microglia but is also able to exert more altered nitrogen balance, the demand for protein
(KP) (Fig. 1) and generates a range of metabolites direct deleterious effects linked to oxidative stress synthesis is met by protein breakdown (24). The
involved in inflammation, immune response, and and apoptosis (8, 9). Defects in Kyn signaling have majority of Trp is thus metabolized along one of
excitatory neurotransmission (3). The final prod- also been seen in mouse models of neurodegenera- four known pathways, giving rise to a variety of
uct of the KP is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tive diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s biologically active compounds (e.g., serotonin, trypt-
(NAD+), an important cofactor in cellular reactions (10, 11). The underlying feature of these different amine, indoles, kynurenines, and NAD+) (25). Trp,
linked to energy metabolism (4) that is emerging pathologies seem to converge on neuroinflamma- together with other neutral amino acids, is trans-
as an attractive therapeutic target for several dis- tion and associated events, including brain infiltra- ported by large neutral amino acid transporters
eases. Here, we focus on peripheral mechanisms tion of circulating immune cells, microglia activation, (LAT) 1 to 4. These are widely distributed through-
that contribute to Trp-KP metabolism. and high levels of proinflammatory cytokines (12). out the body, and their capacity is sufficient to
Kynurenine (Kyn) and its metabolites (all with The levels of enzymes of the KP in peripheral avoid competition, with the notable exception
defined chemical identities but often collectively tissues tend to be much higher than in the brain. of the BBB (26). The majority of Trp is imported
called “kynurenines”) are known for their effects For example, macrophages have a 20-fold higher into the gut, where only a fraction is used, whereas
on the CNS and have been linked to several psy- capacity to produce Quin than microglial cells. This the rest enters portal circulation and undergoes
chiatric and mental health disorders such as de- is particularly important in situations of macro- liver metabolism. The remaining Trp, together
pression and schizophrenia (5). The CNS receives phage infiltration across the BBB. Immune cells with its liver degradation products, is distributed
about 60% of Kyn from the periphery by transport are both important sources and targets for Kyn to peripheral circulation and transported to tissues
across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and the re- metabolites as they express high levels of several such as the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Trp
maining is produced locally. Kyn degradation in enzymes of the pathway [e.g., indoleamine 2,3- not taken up by the upper GIT is metabolized by
dioxygenase (IDO) and kynurenine aminotrans- resident microbiota to indole compounds (27), im-
ferases (KATs)] and also of receptors such as G portant interspecies signaling molecules (28).
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Molecular and
Cellular Exercise Physiology, Karolinska Institutet, SE-17177
protein–coupled receptor 35 (GPR35). The expres- Trp is the only amino acid transported bound
Stockholm, Sweden. sion of IDO and KATs allow Trp to be metabo- to albumin. However, degradation pathways can
*Corresponding author. Email: jorge.ruas@ki.se lized to Kyna, a GPR35 agonist (13) and a ligand only use Trp in its free form, which corresponds

Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794 (2017) 28 July 2017 1 of 8


to 5 to 10% of total Trp (29). The mode of Trp under the control of two IDO enzymes (IDO1 and These ratios change dramatically under different
degradation and concentration of its end products the more recently discovered IDO2), whose activity Trp loads and are also influenced by vitamin B6
is a function of free Trp concentration, which is in is negligible under basal conditions but dramat- availability (45). Our understanding of how the
turn readily influenced by nutritional, hormonal, ically inducible by several stimuli, such as inflam- proportions of different Kyn metabolites change
and pharmacological cues. For example, nones- matory signals (e.g., interferon-g). IDOs are mostly with environmental context is incomplete, and
terified fatty acids (NEFA) directly affect Trp avail- active in the immune system and mucosal tissues many contradictory results have been reported.
ability by displacing it from albumin (30). As a such as gut (38, 39). Conversely, IDO can be inhi- Interestingly, this has prompted the development
consequence, increasing NEFA levels by, for ex- bited by elevated levels of Trp, which results in of mathematical models to help us understand
ample, adrenaline or phosphodiesterase inhib- channeling the flux of Trp degradation back to metabolite flux through the KP (46).
itors, increases free Trp. Conversely, antilipolytic TDO (40). Interestingly, the TDO and IDO genes
agents such as insulin are able to decrease Trp do not share a common ancestor but are an ex- Conservation of kynurenine metabolism
concentration by the same mechanism (25). ample of functional convergence (41). throughout evolution
The gut microbiota numbers are estimated to The KP can yield metabolites with neurotoxic In bacteria, fungi, and plants, the biosynthesis of
outnumber cells in our body by a factor of 10 and and neuroprotective properties, depending on aromatic amino acids such as Trp is provided by
tend to increase distally along the intestine (31). which enzyme tips the conversion scales (5). Under the shikimate pathway. Whereas bacteria spend
Due to their sheer number, they have nonnegligible normal conditions, the majority of Kyn is excreted the majority of their metabolic energy on protein
effects on Trp metabolism. Gut microbiota can in the urine, so its bioavailability only increases synthesis, plants use this pathway to generate a
directly absorb Trp and thus limit its availability when the flux of Trp down the KP exceeds renal large variety of secondary metabolites (47). Regard-
to the host organism. This can be seen in germ- clearance (42). Kyn is usually hydroxylated to 3-HK ing the conservation of the KP, the TDO enzyme
free (GF) mice, which have high circulating Trp and then further converted to 3-hydroxyanthranilic can be found in the majority of bacterial species and
levels that normalize postcolonization. Bacterially acid (3-HAA). 3-HAA is rapidly converted to Quin in almost all metazoan species but has probably
produced indoles interact with pregnane X recep- by the nonenzymatic reaction of an intermediary been lost in fungi during the course of evolution

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tors (PXRs) and mediate a range of effects, in- product and proceeds with conversion to NAD+, (Fig. 2) (48). IDO enzymes have been discovered
cluding improved mucosal homeostasis and barrier a preferred end product of the KP (43). Under in vertebrates, and—even though its homologs have
function, and as such represent a fascinating ex- specific conditions, picolinic acid (PA) is formed been confirmed in other species, such as molluscs,
ample of interkingdom communication (32). More- instead. The other branch of the pathway, leading yeasts, or deuterostomian invertebrates—they re-
over, indoles act as hydroxyl radical scavengers, to the production of Kyna and xanthurenic acid main poorly characterized. On the other hand,
neuroprotectants, and human AhR selective ago- (XA) from Kyn is minor under normal conditions arthropods and nematodes generally lack IDO
nists attenuating inflammation (33). Conversely, but increases under Trp or Kyn loading (Fig. 1) (44). enzymes. The analysis of more downstream com-
some bacteria are susceptible to selective sero- ponents of KP shows that vertebrates, yeasts, and
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as sertra- some invertebrates can generate NAD+ through
line, fluoxetine, and paroxetine. Initially, serotonin the KP, with TDO serving as a main supplier of
was identified as a player in the peristaltic reflex of precursors and IDO having a different role. Insects
the gut and has since been shown to influence co- and invertebrates lack some of the downstream KP
lonic morphology, maintenance of enteric mucosa, enzymes, suggesting that alternate means of NAD+
pellet formation, and propulsive motility. Cur- generation have prevailed throughout evolution
rently, the role of serotonin in the brain-gut axis (Fig. 2). TDO is regarded as a “high catalytic activity”
through the activity of the microbiota is being enzyme in contrast to IDO; however, this seems
avidly explored (21). Thus, the extent of Trp use by to be different in fungi where IDO assumed the
bacteria, its dietary supply, and local turnover by lost TDO functionality. In vertebrates, IDO1 ac-
the GIT can have far-reaching implications in the quired high affinity for Trp after IDO1/IDO2 diver-
development and proper functioning of both the gence. The biological importance of “low-catalytic
enteric nervous system (ENS) and CNS. activity” IDOs remains unclear and controversial,
although they have been well conserved through-
The kynurenine pathway of tryptophan out evolution. KAT enzymes have also been some-
degradation what conserved during evolution and can be found
Decarboxylation of Trp to tryptamine, transam- in prokaryotes, insects, nematodes, and vertebrates.
ination to indol-3-yl pyruvic acid, and hydroxyl- However, some species contain multiple genes
ation to serotonin are minor Trp degradation (nematodes, 2; humans, 4), which could have arisen
pathways. Although serotonin is usually associ- during evolution by means of gene duplication.
ated with the brain, the majority of its produc- Because the individual KAT enzymes display dif-
tion is localized in the gut. As much as 90% of total ferent tissue profiles, it might be that their func-
serotonin production (stored in secretory granules) tions and localizations have become specialized
comes from enterochromaffin cells and, to a lesser with time. Plants possess the enzyme tryptophan
extent, from serotonergic neurons of the ENS (34). aminotransferase–related (TAR1) that plays a role
More than 95% of Trp is metabolized along the in the synthesis of auxin but is also able to trans-
KP to yield nicotinamide and NAD+ (24) (Fig. 1). aminate Kyn to Kyna (49).
The rate-limiting step of the KP is the conversion
of Trp to N-formylkynurenine, which is mediated Kynurenic acid
by two spatially segregated members of this path- Of all the different by-products of the KP, Kyna
way. In the liver, the first step in Trp degradation has been studied most. It was originally discov-
is mediated by TDO, which under normal condi- ered in canine urine, but higher concentrations
tions is responsible for the majority of this con- have been measured in the gut (increasing grad-
version (35). TDO is the main determinant of Trp Fig. 1. Overview of the kynurenine pathway ually along its length), bile, pancreatic juice of rats
availability to extrahepatic tissues and is induc- of tryptophan degradation. 3HAO, and pigs, and, to a lesser extent, in human saliva
ible by Trp itself, glucocorticoids, and estrogens 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid oxygenase; NAPRT1, and synovial and amniotic fluid (20). Its presence
(36, 37). The extrahepatic branch of the KP is nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase. in many food products has also been determined.

Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794 (2017) 28 July 2017 2 of 8


The highest concentrations are found in honeybee (13, 74). Of those, circulating monocytes display
products, broccoli, and some potatoes (50). Many the highest expression of GPR35, and its interac-
medicinal herbs contain high concentrations of tion with Kyna has been shown to promote mono-
Kyna, indicating therapeutic potential for the gas- cyte extravasation (75). It was later confirmed that
trointestinal system (51). In addition to the Kyna Kyna-GPR35 interaction reduces the inflamma-
ingested in food or synthesized along the KP in tory response induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
the GIT, the gut microflora possesses the enzyme stimulation in monocytes and macrophages (76)
aspartate aminotransferase, which is analogous to and controls cytokine release in human iNKT cells
mitochondrial KAT4 and produces Kyna by trans- (74). Taken together, the effects of Kyna on im-
amination of Kyn. The action of Kyna on the GIT mune cell activation might represent a direct anti-
is several fold. Early reports suggested that Kyna inflammatory mechanism that further reinforces
is able to protect the intestinal mucosa in the settings the immunosuppressant function of Trp catabo-
of obstructive jaundice and protect from ethanol- or lism. Other metabolites of the KP, such as 3-HAA
toxin-induced ulcers (52). In addition, Kyna can also and Quin, have been shown to induce apoptosis
modulate local inflammation, most likely through of type 1 T helper (TH1) cells, while promoting pro-
activation of GPR35, which is highly expressed in liferation of type 2 T helper (TH2) cells (67). This
the immune cells of the GIT. immune shift would favor cell survival against the
Fig. 2. Evolutionary conservation of enzymes deleterious effect of uncontrolled immune activation.
Liver control of tryptophan-kynurenine of the kynurenine pathway. KYNU, Inflammatory conditions are characterized by
metabolism Kynureninase. high levels of cellular stress and energy use, often
Among the many cell types that express KP enzymes, accompanied by increased rates of DNA damage.
hepatocytes contain all the machinery required Trp catabolism in the host microenvironment In macrophages, as in the liver, oxidation of Trp

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for Trp degradation toward any branch of the KP surrounding parasites, viruses, and bacteria was through the KP can replenish NAD+ levels to meet
(53). Most important, they are the sole cell type seen as a way to curb their proliferation (59). How- energy requirements (77). In addition, NAD+ is used
with high TDO activity and thus have a central ever, immune cells can also contribute to Trp deg- by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) in DNA
role in the modulation of systemic Trp levels (35). radation during nonpathogenic inflammation, repair mechanisms (78). Trp catabolism in immune
Because TDO has low affinity for Trp, it remains indicating that IDO has a broader spectrum of cells is therefore a negative feedback mechanism
active even when Trp exceeds the levels required activity on immune cell regulation (60). An un- that suppresses ongoing inflammatory response.
for serotonin and protein synthesis (54). If the re- restrained immune response would be detrimental, However, situations such as chronic low-grade in-
quirements for protein synthesis are surpassed, the so cells have developed metabolic pathways to flammation can lead to a robust elevation of cir-
liver metabolizes excess Trp to NAD+, oxidizing control immune activation (61). Thus, IDO activity is culating Kyn levels, which will also increase in the
the rest via the glutarate pathway (Fig. 3). If Trp stimulated by type 1 or proinflammatory cytokines CNS. The discovery that skeletal muscle can con-
concentration is low, the liver will clear and metab- (62) and inhibited by type 2 or anti-inflammatory tribute to the KP (22) is highlighted by the fact
olize circulating Trp to NAD+ for energy demands cytokines (63). Trp degradation by IDO has emerged that sedentary lifestyles can lead to chronic low-
(53). Interestingly, when Trp requirements are met as a rate-limiting step for metabolic immune reg- grade inflammation in this organ. This adds a new
and liver TDO activity is increased by glucocorti- ulation, according to two proposed mechanisms: regulatory node to Kyn metabolism in the periphery.
coids, saturation of the pathway will lead to leakage first, by the generation of Trp metabolites with
of some of its metabolites, such as Kyn. immune activity, such as Kyn and Kyna (64); second, Skeletal muscle
Of note, factors that are detrimental to mental by triggering an amino acid–sensing signal in cells The effect of skeletal muscle and exercise on nu-
health, such as stress, social isolation, sleep depri- undergoing Trp depletion (65). Initial observations trient metabolism has been appreciated for a long
vation, and lack of physical activity, elevate circu- showed that Kyn metabolites, in particular Kyn time. Aerobic exercise training elevates the levels
lating glucocorticoid levels in both humans and itself, suppress the activity of natural killer cells of PGC-1a1 in skeletal muscle of mice and humans.
nonhuman social mammals (55, 56). This will lead (NKT) (66) and antigen-presenting cells (APC) such PGC-1a1 is a transcriptional coactivator important
to a feed-forward loop in which liver Kyn metab- as dendritic cells (DC), monocytes, and macro- for adaptive responses in many tissues (79), most
olism increases the output of KP substrates from phages in mice (67, 68). Furthermore, Kyn blocks notably in skeletal muscle. When activated, PGC-
the periphery to the CNS. As mentioned before, T cell proliferation and induces T cell death (69), 1a1, together with PPARa/d, increases skeletal mus-
these compounds can be degraded locally to me- and IDO-mediated Kyn production in DC leads to cle expression of KAT enzymes and shifts peripheral
tabolites with deleterious effects to the CNS (7). the proliferation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) (67, 70). Kyn metabolism toward the production of Kyna.
Chronically high cortisol levels create a state of These effects are, at least in part, mediated by Kyn Under these conditions, Kyna does not cross the
glucocorticoid receptor (GR) resistance, which in activation of AhR (Fig. 3) (15, 71), a ligand-activated BBB, so reducing Kyn levels in the brain can re-
turn fails to dampen the inflammatory response. transcription factor involved in xenobiotic response duce stress-mediated effects underlying depressive
The reduction in GR activity leads to suppressed to foreign substances. It is expressed in cells of symptoms. In fact, mice with transgenic expres-
liver TDO expression and a shift to extrahepatic both innate and adaptive immune systems, and sion of PGC-1a1 in skeletal muscle (and therefore
Trp and Kyn metabolism (42). One reason for this it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory ac- higher skeletal muscle KAT levels) are resilient
shift in Trp degradation could be to promote the tivity in mice (72, 73). Given the Kyn-AhR–mediated to developing depressive-like behavior caused by
immunomodulatory roles of kynurenines and re- decrease in immune surveillance, regulating the elevated Kyn levels resulting from stress or exog-
duce inflammation. Kyn pathway has become an attractive target for enous administration (Fig. 4) (22). This pathway
cancer therapy. Interestingly, the Kyn-AhR axis has been shown to be active in both mouse and
Immune system has been postulated to constitute one of the links human muscle (22, 80). Modulating PGC-1a1-PPAR
In immune cells, as in most extrahepatic tissues, between chronic inflammation and tumor pro- activation in skeletal muscle could become a new
the KP is initiated by IDO. This enzyme is ubiq- gression (15). Similarly, Kyna was also found to therapeutic intervention to regulate Trp-Kyn me-
uitously expressed and has affinity for substrates activate AhR (14), but whether this activation leads tabolism. In particular, this would preserve the
other than Trp, including 5-hydroxytryptophan and to similar immune regulation remains unclear. immunosuppressant action of kynurenines via Kyna
serotonin. IDO is highly regulated in the im- Kyna has been recently shown to also be a ligand and decrease the neurotoxic effects associated with
mune system, where its expression is increased by for GPR35. This receptor is expressed in human Kyn during chronic inflammatory states.
interferon-g (IFN-g), tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa), CD14+ monocytes, T cells, neutrophils, DCs, eosino- Skeletal muscle KP is likely to be affected by other
and pathogenic infections (57, 58). IDO-mediated phils, basophils and invariant NKT (iNKT) cells amino acid metabolic pathways. For example,

Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794 (2017) 28 July 2017 3 of 8


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Fig. 3. Activity, uptake, and conversion of tryptophan and its metabolites in peripheral tissues during unchallenged conditions. 5-HT, 5-hydroxy
tryptamine; ROS, reactive oxygen species.

during physical exercise, skeletal muscle can oxidize production and signaling in enterochromaffin enines with AhR and their actions on the immune
branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and Trp for cells (87, 88). One of the hallmarks of the disease, system (93).
energy (81). Muscle fibers contain all the neces- visceral hypersensitivity, is thought to occur as a
sary transporters/carriers for amino acid clearance; result of the sensitization of afferent neurons and Pancreatitis
however, circulating BCAA compete with Trp and to compromised epithelial integrity, which in turn One of the less-studied diseases with connection
kynurenines for the same transporters (82). More- makes it possible for intraluminal compounds to to Trp metabolism is acute pancreatitis (AP). It
over, BCAA inhibit some of the enzymes of the cross the gut wall barrier (89). is a severe sterile inflammation of the pancreas
KP (83), especially KATs (84), which indicates By contrast, IBD is a relapsing inflammatory connected to gut dysfunction that can lead to
that fuel availability (in particular, BCAA) can condition with complex etiology that affects 1 in multiorgan failure with very high mortality rates
affect skeletal muscle Trp metabolism and Kyn 500 individuals, peaking around the age of 20. (94). Plasma Kyn of AP patients seems to originate
clearance. The etiology of IBD lies at the intersection of in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), and
dysbiosis of microbiota, host immunity, and genetic its levels correlate with magnitude of injury and
Kynurenine metabolites and disease predisposition, with anxiety and depression as systemic inflammatory burden (95). Kynurenine-
Trp metabolism is most widely known and studied common comorbidities (90). In this context, it is 3-monooxidase (KMO) is central to the patho-
in relation to disorders of the nervous system. Its not unexpected that aberrant Trp metabolism is genesis of pancreatitis, and its genetic ablation
effect on stress-related depression, schizophrenia, a common denominator of these complications. or pharmacological inhibition conveys protection
and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases have IBD patients have increased plasma levels of Kyn from deleterious effects. The pathology of AP is
been comprehensively reviewed elsewhere (85). and Kyna, probably as a result of increased IDO mediated by 3-HK transported in the mesenteric
The following sections summarize recent advances expression. IBD is also connected to microbiota lymph to other organs such as the lungs, where it
in our understanding of how Kyn metabolism homeostasis, and IBD patients also have increased causes near total cell death by oxidative stress,
is dysregulated in peripheral tissue dysfunction. risk of colorectal cancer (91). Recently, caspase apoptosis, and pathological protein cross-linking
However, it is important to remember that the recruitment domain–containing protein 9 (CARD9) (96). Decreasing 3-HK production from Kyn by
majority of defects of Trp metabolism in peripheral has been found to be an IBD susceptibility gene. diverting it to generating Kyna inhibits LPS-induced
organs can also have a strong effect on the CNS, CARD9 encodes a host adaptor protein critical TNFa secretion and leads to increased survival
resulting in complications such as anxiety and for immune responses against microorganisms. in rodent models of acute pancreatitis (96). Melatonin,
depression. Microbiota derived from CARD9 knockout (KO) another Trp metabolite, has emerged as a treat-
mice have compromised Trp to indole conversion ment option of AP by reducing oxidative stress
Irritable bowel syndrome and disease and cannot activate AhR. Furthermore, bacteria and protecting from inflammation (97).
Two main diseases of the GIT are associated with from CARD9 KO animals are sufficient to induce
Trp metabolism: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) colitis in wild-type germ-free animals. Coloniza- Cancer
and irritable bowel disease (IBD). IBS is charac- tion of CARD9 KO animals with bacteria capable Cancer cells have a multifaceted relationship with
terized by abdominal pain together with altered of catabolizing Trp alleviates the disease (92). Due altered Trp metabolism. Several tumor types show
bowel habits and affects a considerable portion to the tight regulation between microbiota and increased Trp uptake [as evidenced by a-[11C]-
of the adult population (15 to 20%) (86). Increase host responses, individual contributions will prove methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT)–positron emission
in serum-free Trp has been documented in IBS challenging to distinguish. Interestingly, plant- tomography (PET) scanning of human patients],
patients. The etiology of IBS has been connected derived indole compounds have been used in tra- which in turn correlates with poor disease prog-
to abnormal serotonergic neuronal signaling during ditional medicine to treat IBD, which lends support nosis (98). Although the reason for this is not fully
development and also to alterations in serotonin to the importance of the interactions of kynur- understood, tumor cells might need high Trp levels

Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794 (2017) 28 July 2017 4 of 8


to fuel an ever-increasing demand for protein elevates the synthesis of serotonin in the liver and Trp degradation pathways and the concentra-
synthesis. On the other hand, Trp starvation will adipose tissue in a tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (Tph1)– tion of their biologically active products has not
induce general control nonderepressible 2 (GCN2) dependent manner. Serotonin binds to mecha- been investigated.
kinase that inhibits G1 to S transition, inducing nistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), increasing During the course of many of the aforemen-
cell cycle arrest (99). To prevent this, tumors might liver lipogenesis and impairing insulin signaling tioned diseases and in the process of aging, the
increase their Trp supply by up-regulating LAT1 in adipocytes. Accordingly, inhibition of serotonin intracellular levels of Trp and NAD+ can fall if
expression. However, LAT1 has been shown to degradation by monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) the KP is stressed by inflammation or imbalance
work in a bidirectional manner, exchanging gluta- exacerbates the effects (110). Compounding the between catabolic and anabolic substrates. How-
mate for Trp. To counteract this shortcoming, it problem, serotonin has well-documented effects ever, de novo synthesis from Trp is not a very
has been shown that proliferating tumor cells, on brain-mediated control of appetite. Despite its efficient way to boost NAD+ levels, because it
but not resting T cells, up-regulate expression of anorexigenic effects, serotonin transporter (SERT) requires very high Trp to saturate other branches
the glutamate transporter by the activating tran- KO animals are obese and, conversely, Tph1 and of the catabolic pathway (4). Nevertheless, NAD+
scription factor 4 (ATF4) pathway after sensing 2 KO mice lose body weight (111). Several studies boosting strategies seem to be successful in re-
Trp unavailability (100, 101). Moreover, tumors have highlighted the role of serotonin in the regu- storing mitochondrial and stem cell function (121)
show enhanced IDO expression, with downstream lation of white and brown adipose tissue energy and in ameliorating diseases such as muscular
metabolites, such as Kyn, being able to activate storage and expenditure. Serotonin can increase dystrophy and diabetes (122, 123) or even pro-
beta-catenin signaling, leading to increased colon fat accumulation in humans and rodents, and longing life span (124). Our understanding of age-
cancer proliferation in mice (102). IDO expression the activation of its receptors in hypertrophied related effects of the KP is still largely incomplete.
in mouse models of ovarian cancer, melanoma, fat cells induces adiponectin production. Con- However, there is a general notion that altera-
and renal cell carcinoma correlates with increased versely, Tph1 KO mice have significantly lower tions of the KP can bring about oxidative stress,
angiogenesis (103). TDO, on the other hand, has weight, improved glycemic control, enhanced immune response decline, or inflammation. Lower
been predominantly connected to the escape from energy expenditure, and lower adiposity when levels of Trp and TDO activity have been reported

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the immune system surveillance and increased on high-fat diets (112). in the brain of aged rodents; however, contrary
migratory capacity. Kyn generated in tumors might In the Torii rat model of spontaneous diabetes, to expectations, the amount of downstream KP
be subsequently released into the surrounding decreases in Trp and Kyn production were iden- metabolites is increased (25). This could be in
milieu, where it can affect a variety of immune tified as biomarkers of a prediabetic state. Morbidly part due to the activity of IDO, initiated by pro-
cell populations by binding to AhR (Fig. 4). More- obese patients have lower circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, depletion
over, it can have autocrine effects and stimulate Trp and higher Kyn/Trp ratios (113). Chronic stress or inactivation of TDO in Caenorhabditis elegans
invasiveness in an AhR-dependent manner (104). and low-grade inflammation are major risk fac- or Drosophila melanogaster increases life span
Rapid Trp usage and its subsequent local deple- tors in prediabetes to diabetes transition. They (125, 126).
tion results in proliferative block of T cells (99). can skew the balance of Trp metabolism toward
Of note, certain types of macrophages can sup- Kyn, 3-HK, and Kyna, both by activating TDO/ Microbiome, mycobiome, and virome
press T cell proliferation in the same manner IDO and by reducing the availability of pyridoxal- In the GIT, there is a complex interkingdom regu-
(105). Production of NAD+ pathway intermediates 5-phosphate, a necessary cofactor for many KP latory network and cross-talk occurring between
can also induce apoptosis in a variety of immune enzymes. This diverts the system away from NAD+ the host, the microbiome, and the mycobiome.
cells (67). production and instead generates a compendium Fungal and bacterial commensals coexist in a
NAD+ is an important cofactor involved in of molecules with substantial biological effects complex milieu, and their interactions can have
genome stability, stress tolerance, and metab- (114, 115). Diabetic patients show increased levels far-reaching implications for pathogenicity (127).
olism (4). Probably for a combination of all those of XA and Kyna in urine, which have been con- To deal with fungal infection, immune responses
reasons, tumor cells have broadly altered NAD+ sequently suggested as biomarkers for type 2 dia- need to be regulated in a way that limits tissue
use and production. It has been postulated that, betes mellitus (T2DM) (116, 117). Moreover, Trp damage and preserves the commensals. Over-
in tumor cells, most NAD+ comes from salvage metabolites inhibit both proinsulin synthesis and active inflammation primes the gut for fungal
pathways. However, they also possess the ability glucose- and leucine-induced insulin release from colonization, which leads to further inflamma-
to shift to de novo production using Trp as a rat pancreatic islets, and XA in particular binds tion and propagation of this vicious cycle. Bacteria
source. This becomes relevant in the setting of to circulating insulin and prevents its action on produce indole derivatives, which have been shown
NAD+-depleting anticancer drugs, irradiation, or target cells (118). Recently, Kyn-AhR signaling to activate interleukin-22 (IL-22)–producing innate
induction of oxidative stress by alkylating agents. in mice has been suggested to play a role in the lymphoid cells (ILC3) in mice. In turn, IL-22 can
For example, it has been shown that reducing Trp etiology of obesity stimulated by transforming increase mucosal protection by driving the pro-
uptake leads to rapid NAD+ depletion by PARP, growth factor–b1 and Toll-like receptor 2/4 sig- duction of antimicrobial peptides (18, 33). IL-22
resulting in apoptotic cell death of lung cancer naling pathways (119). also seems to have an indirect effect by mediating
cells mediated by NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase Trp supplementation in rats, on the other hand, survival of mixed microbial populations, which
1 (NQO1) (106). On the other hand, tumors elevate suppresses hyperglycemia and increases energy prevents colonization by opportunistic pathogens
expression of quinolinate phosphoribosyltrans- expenditure and insulin secretion when admin- (128). Tolerogenic DCs convert Trp to Kyn, pro-
ferase (QPRT), which protects them from oxidative istered together with glucose (120). It also leads moting immune tolerance through expansion of
stress by converting Quin to NAD+. Increased to decreased glucose absorption from the intes- Treg cells in humans (Fig. 4) (129). AhR activa-
QPRT expression is generally associated with poor tine and increased glucose uptake to adipocytes tion by Trp metabolites during development is
disease prognosis in humans (107). At the time of (Fig. 4). Interestingly, oral Trp is more effective required for proper formation of innate lymph-
writing, several modulators of the KP or analogs than intraperitoneal administration. Unlike sero- oid cells. Of note, fungi possess a constitutively
of Trp metabolites are undergoing clinical trials tonin, tryptamine has been shown to increase active IDO, although its importance in gut ho-
for cancer treatment (108). insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into adipocytes. meostasis has not been sufficiently addressed.
In rats with hereditary T2DM, consumption of In addition to inhibiting the growth of parasites
Diabetes Trp-rich chow at a young age protects beta cells and bacteria, Trp depletion is also associated with
The main links between diabetes and Trp metab- from exhaustion in old animals. However, since antiviral properties. Serotonin depletion by the KP
olism are inflammation and immune suppression. Trp conversion to tryptamine is very low, a sub- plays a role in neuroinflammation in conditions
Additionally, increased production of serotonin stantial increase in dietary Trp is needed to in- associated with chronic viral infections [e.g., human
has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetes crease the biological availability of tryptamine immunodeficiency virus (HIV)] (130). HIV, for
(109). Glucocorticoid-mediated insulin resistance (120). How this influences the activity of other example, is able to alter mucosal permeability

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peripheral circulation A - Liver

Trp B - Skeletal muscle D - Adipose tissue - diabetes hepatocytes
BCAA 5-HT - fat accumulation Trp kynurenines
Trp Trp decreased Kyn production
Trp glucocorticoid resistance -
A - Liver Kyn Kyna TDO inhibition
Trp mTOR
Trp PGC-1α1 hyperglycemia D - Adipose tissue
suppression Kyna
5-HT Trp
kynurenines TDO XA
C - Blood-brain barrier IDO
E - Cancer
escape from immune surveillance Trp 5-HT
Trp kynurenines Tph1
increased proliferation and invasiveness
oxidative stress protection
Trp E - Cancer
Trp Kyn
Trp Quin NAD+
Trp Kyn QPRT
Kyna Kyna

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Cervenka et al., Science 357, eaaf9794 (2017) 28 July 2017 8 of 8

Kynurenines: Tryptophan's metabolites in exercise, inflammation, and mental health
Igor Cervenka, Leandro Z. Agudelo and Jorge L. Ruas

Science 357 (6349), eaaf9794.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf9794

From stomach ache to depression

Our gut hurts and we feel miserable. Such disparate phenomena are mechanistically connected, but how?
Cervenka et al. review the many pathways taken by dietary tryptophan as it is metabolized into kynurenines. These
metabolites distribute into homeostatic networks that integrate diverse aspects of mammalian physiology. Depending on
physiological context, kynurenines influence health and disease states ranging from intestinal conditions to inflammation
to cancer progression. Further, they can mediate the effects of exercise, mood, and neuronal excitability and, ultimately,

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communicate with the microbiota.
Science, this issue p. eaaf9794

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