Math 102

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MAPA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Mathematics and Mechanics Mapa VISION shall be an international center of excellence in technology education

ion by: providing instructions that are current in content and state-of-the art in delivery; engaging in cutting-edge research; and responding to the big local and global technological challenges of the times

MISSION a) The mission of Mapa Institute of Technology is to disseminate, generate, preserve and apply scientific, engineering, architectural and IT knowledge. b) The Institute shall, using the most effective means, provide its students with professional and advanced scientific and engineering, architectural and information technology education through rigorous and upto-date academic programs with ample opportunities for the exercise of creativity and the experience of discovery. c) It shall implement curricula that, while being steeped in technologies, shall also be rich in the humanities, languages and social sciences that will inculcate ethics. d) The Institute shall advance and preserve knowledge by undertaking research and reporting on the results of such inquiries. e) The Institute, singly or in collaboration with others, shall bring to bear the world's vast store of knowledge in science, engineering and other realms on the problems of the industry and the community in order to make the Philippines and the world a better place.

BASIC STUDIES EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, general chemistry and engineering drawing and to apply knowledge to engineering, architecture and other related disciplines 2. To complement the technical training of the students with proficiency in oral, written and graphics communication. 3. To instill in the students human values and cultural refinement through the humanities and social sciences. 4. To inculcate high ethical standards in the students through its integration in the learning activities.

MISSION a b c d e


1. Course Code 2. Course Title 3. Pre-requisite 4. Co-requisite 5. Credit/ Class Schedule 6. Course Description

: MATH 102 : PLANE TRIGONOMETRY & SOLID MENSURATION : None : None : 3 units : This course covers topics on trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, identities, graphs and periodicity of trigonometric functions, solutions of trigonometric equations, solutions to right triangles and oblique plane triangles, plane areas and volume of common solids.

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

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1 Qtr SY2006-2007


April 2006

Committee on Trigonometry

CRV Delos Reyes

Page 1 of 5

7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Basic Studies Educational Objectives

Basic Studies Educational Objectives 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility An ability to communicate effectively The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning A knowledge of contemporary issues An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 2 3 4

Program Outcomes

8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Objectives The students should be able to: 1. To equip students with solid foundation in Plane Trigonometry, and Plane and Solid Mensuration 2. To develop students capability to solving problems in engineering, architecture, and other related disciplines whereby the concepts and principles learned in this course may be applied. 3. To develop among the students the proficiency in expressing mathematical thoughts, be it done in oral or written 4. To strengthen the students acquired human values and adopted cultural refinement from the humanities and social sciences through mathematical activities 5. To inculcate among the students high ethical standards through its integration in the Learning activities adapted in this course a b Program Outcomes c d e f g h i j k

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


1 Qtr SY2006-2007


April 2006

Committee on Trigonometry

CRV Delos Reyes

Page 2 of 5

9. Course Coverage : WEEK TOPIC Orientation: Mapuas Vision and Mission, Departments Specific Objectives, Course Policies and Guidelines, Introduction of the course, Nature and Scope of the course, Grading System, Required Project, and other matters Trigonometric Functions -Angles and their Measurements(Conversion of Degree Radian measure) -Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles -Trigonometric Functions of Special and Quadrantal Angles -Numerical Values of Trigonometric Functions Solutions of Right Triangles -Solving Right Triangle -Angles of Elevation and Depression, Bearing and Course Quiz 1 Generalized Trigonometric Functions -Trigonometric Functions of any angle, signs of trigonometric functions -Reference Angles and Angles in Standard Position, Coterminal angles -Arclength, Linear Velocity, and Angular Velocity Graphs of Trigonometric Functions -Domain and Range of Sine, Cosine, Secant, and Cosecant Functions -Basic Graphs of Sine, Cosine, Secant and Cosecant Functions -Vertical and Horizontal Shifts -Domain and Range of Tangent and Cotangent Functions -Basic Graphs of Tangent and Cotangent Functions -Vertical and Horizontal Shifts Quiz 2 Trigonometric Identities -Fundamental Identities and proving identities -Addition and Subtraction formulas and proving identities -Double-Angle and Half-angle formulas and proving identities -Product/Sum Identities Inverse Trigonometric Functions -graph of inverse trigonometric
Date Effective:

METHODOLOGY & STRATEGY Reflection and sharing ideas, negotiation, guided discovery


Guided discovery

Seat work individual



Think-Pair-Share Written examination Guided discovery

Groupwork Quiz Assignment

Guided discovery

Seat workindividual Groupwork Assignment Seat workindividual

Guided discovery Individual board work Multimedia Group presentation

Multimedia Group presentation


Written Examination Guided Discovery

Quiz Seatwork individual

Guided Discovery

Assignment Seatwork individual Groupwork

Approved by:

Course Title:

Multimedia Group presentation

Prepared by:

Date Revised:


1 Qtr SY2006-2007


April 2006

Committee on Trigonometry

CRV Delos Reyes

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functions -solving problems involving trigonometric functions Trigonometric Equations -solving trigonometric equations Quiz 3 Solutions of Oblique Triangles -Law of Sines -Solving Oblique Triangles Using Law of Sines -Law of Cosines -Solving Oblique Triangles Using Law of Cosines -Solving Word Problems involving Oblique Triangles Exponential Function Logarithmic Function -Fundamental Operations of logarithms -Problems Involving Logarithms Mensuration of Plane Figures -Rectilinear Figures -Curvilinear Figures Quiz 4 Solid Mensuration -Solids for which V=Bh -Solids for which V=Bh/3 -Solids for which V=(mean)Bh -Sphere Final

Guided discovery Written examination Gudided Discovery Individual board work

Assignment Quiz Seatwork individual

Guided discovery Individual boardwork Think-Pair-Share Problem-based Learning Problem-based learning Guided Discovery

Seatwork individual Assignmenet Seatwork individual Groupwork Seatwork individual Groupwork Assignment Quiz Seatwork individual Assignment

Multimedia Think-Pair-Share Written examination Multimedia Think-Pair-Share Multimedia Think-Pair-Share Examination



10. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/ Program Outcomes Course Outcomes A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to: 1.Evaluate the trigonometric functions of an angle with accuracy 2. Solve application problems involving right triangles with proficiency. 3. Accurately solve problems in arc length, linear velocity and angular velocity 4. Show orderly proof of trigonometric identities. 5. Demonstrate accurate graph of sine, cosine and tangent functions. 6. Interpret graphs of trigonometric functions with proficiency. 7. solve applications problems in exponential and logarithmic functions accurately 8. find exact solutions of trigonometric equations with
Course Title:

Course Objectives 1 2 3 4 5

Program Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


1 Qtr SY2006-2007


April 2006

Committee on Trigonometry

CRV Delos Reyes

Page 4 of 5

accuracy accurately solve problems involving oblique triangles 10. accurately solve problems involving plane areas and volumes 9. 11.

Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component: General Education: Engineering Topics: Basic Sciences and Mathematics: 0% 0% 100%



: Applied Algebra and Trigonometry, Linda Davis. 3rd ed., 2003


Course Evaluation

The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 60% final grade average from the following:

Long Tests Related Learning Experience Final Examination TOTAL

65 % 15 % 20 % 100 %

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are: Cheating during examinations Failure to take the final examination with no valid excuse. Failure to take the final exam Grave misconduct other than cheating


Other References a. College Algebra and Trigonometry by Louis Leithold, International Edition 2001. b. College Algebra and Trigonometry by Mark Dugopolski, 2nd ed. c. College Algebra, Enhances with Graphing Utilities by Michael Sullivan and Michael Sullivan III, 2nd ed. d. College Algebra and Trigonometry. Nax Sobel and Lemer Norbert, 5th ed., 1998


Course Materials Made Available: Course schedules for lectures and quizzes Samples of assignment/Problem sets of students Samples of written examinations of students End-of-course self-assessment

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


1 Qtr SY2006-2007


April 2006

Committee on Trigonometry

CRV Delos Reyes

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