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Ramayana: Characters and Script

Main Cast:
Dasa-ratha - Tiglao
Rama - Oliva
Bharat - Bellawelo NARRATOR: Here is the Holy legend Ramayana,
brought to you by Rishi Valmiki.
Lakhsman - Jallorina
The curtain opens as the narrator speaks.
Satrughna - Imperio
Janak - Baloloy
Scene 1: The Grandeur of Kosalas and Videhas
Sita - Magana
Kaikeyi - Ebona
NARRATOR: Many long years ago, there lived two
Kausalya - Frias mighty races, the Kosalas and the Videhas. The
Kosalas was ruled by the just king named Dasa-
Sumitra - Zabala
ratha. He had four sons, Rama being the eldest,
Ravan - Tuazon Bharat, the second, Lakshman, the third, and
Satrughna, the youngest. Meanwhile, the Videhas
Raksha - Salvador was ruled by the great Janak.
Narrator - Adlawan

Scene 2: So Many Suitors... Who to Choose?

Special Characters:
Prince Hatem - Baluca Narrator: Now, the princess of the Videhas, Sita,
had beauty that reached the ears of other
Prince Dhouib - Dacuba
kingdoms' royal families. Intrigued, they would go
Announcer - Abejero to Mithila to see whether the rumors they hear are
true. When they see that it is indeed true, they
Follower of Rama - Ariate would bring gifts and ask for her hand. This earned
Servant of Keikeyi - Maravilla her many suitors. Too many in fact, that she was
not able to choose at all!
Doctor - Coreses
Audiences/Followers/the gods/others -
JANAK: The time is ripe for you to marry a
Abriol husband. You have grown to be a fine young
woman. You must pay more attention to your
De Leon suitors in order for you to be able to choose.
SITA: But, Father, there are far too many of them!
How would I ever be able to choose? JANAK: We
must find a solution to make it easier, then.
SITA: How?
JANAK: Let us see…
Beat. The audience claps.

JANAK: AHA! I know! We will organize an archery [DHOUIB] walks in, shoots, and hits outer circle.
competition! Whoever wins shall have your hand
in marriage.
The audience politely claps.
SITA: An excellent idea, my liege.

[DHOUIB] walks away disappointed.

The curtain closes.

ANNOUNCER: Prince Satrughna of Ayodia!

Scene 3: Archery Competition and Wedding

The audience claps.

[JANAK], [SITA], and the other royal people are
sitting somewhere on the stage.
[SATRUGHNA] walks in, shoots, and hits near the
[JANAK] stands.

The audience claps and cheers enthusiastically.

JANAK: Now, let us begin the competition.
Whoever shoots the nearest to the center of the
target shall win the competition and the hand of [SATRUGHNA] walks away with a grin.
my daughter.

ANNOUNCER: Prince Lakshman of Ayodia!

The audience claps.

The audience claps.

ANNOUNCER: Prince Hatem of Kamapura!

[LAKSHMAN] walks in and mutters:

The audience claps.

LAKSHMAN: Beginner’s luck…

[HATEM] walks in, shoots, but misses entirely.

[LAKSHMAN] shoots but misses.

The audience groans.

Some of the audience groan, some laugh.

[HATEM] walks away sadly.

[SATRUGHNA] laughs at the edge of the stage.

ANNOUNCER: Prince Dhouib of Dakshina!

[LAKSHMAN] leaves in a sour mood.
The audience claps while the curtain closes.
ANNOUNCER: Prince Bharat of Ayodia!

Scene 4: Rama is to be Made King

The audience claps.

[DASA-RATHA] sits on a throne with [RAMA],

[BHARAT] walks in, shoots, and hits near the
standing before him.

DASA-RATHA: I have called the four of you because

The audience claps enthusiastically.
we need to discuss a very important matter. I am
now old, and my days are almost done. When I am
dead and gone, one of you must take my place as
ANNOUNCER: Prince Rama of Ayodia! king. And for this I have chosen... Rama. For he is
the oldest. He has the most knowledge and
experience that will surely be helpful when he
The audience claps. becomes king.

[RAMA] walks in, shoots and... hits the center! [SATRUGHNA] takes Rama’s arm and raises it.

The audience claps very enthusiastically, some SATRUGHNA: Well done brother!
even whooping.
RAMA: I thank you, dear father, for this great
honor. I swear to you that I shall be a good and just
king, like you.
[RAMA] bows to the audience, to [SITA] and to


JANAK: We have a champion! Rama of Ayodia shall
be wedded to my daughter Sita.
The audience claps even more enthusiastically. The curtain closes.

[SITA] stands, approaches [RAMA], and puts a Scene 5: Kaikeyi’s Scheme

garland on him.

A [SERVANT] enters and bows before [DASA-

[RAMA] also puts a garland on [SITA]. RATHA], who sits on his throne.

[RAMA] and [SITA] hold hands, smiling while facing SERVANT: Queen Kaikeyi requests for an audience
the audience. with you, my lord.

DASA-RATHA: Send her in.
[DASA-RATHA] collapses on his throne, dazed.
The [SERVANT] bows again.
NARRATOR: Dasa-ratha was torn. How could he
choose between Kaikeyi and Rama?
SERVANT: Yes, sire. The [SERVANT] leaves.
[KAIKEYI] enters and bows.
KAIKEYI: My king. [DASA-RATHA] motions for The curtain closes.
[KAIKEYI] to rise.

Scene 6: Rama’s Exile

[KAIKEYI] rises.

NARRATOR: Dasa-ratha decided to give Kaikeyi

KAIKEYI: There is something that I would like to tell what she wanted as he, after all did promise her.
you. The faithful wife, Sita, and the loving brother,
Lakshman came with him.
DASA-RATHA: What is it, Kaikeyi, my dear?
KAIKEYI: I implore you to make Bharat regent king,
and that Rama be banished to the Dandak forest. [DASA-RATHA], [KAIKEYI], [KAUSALYA], [BHARAT],
[SATRUGHNA], and [JANAK] exchange farewells
with [RAMA], [SITA], and [LAKSHMAN].

BHARAT: Take care, my brothers, Sita.

The stage is filled with shocked silence. RAMA: And you, Bharat.

DASA-RATHA: ... I-I beg your pardon?! [SATRUGHNA] is silent.

KAIKEYI: Do you not remember your promise to
me? When you were ill and there was no one to
care for you, only I was there. You promised that He suddenly grabs [RAMA’s] arm.
you would give me any boon that I wanted.
DASA-RATHA: Bu-but---!
SATRUGHNA: Take me with you!

[KAIKEYI] walks around [DASA-RATHA], like a snake

encircling its prey. [RAMA] shakes his head.

KAIKEYI: You could refuse. You are the king, after RAMA: You must stay here and help Father and
all. But what would that do to your honor, I Bharat in ruling Ayodia.
wonder? SATRUGHNA: But--.
RAMA: No, Satrughna.
[KAIKEYI] leaves without another word.
[SATRUGHNA] falls silent.
[SITA] and [LAKSHMAN] wake up.
[KAUSALYA] is in tears.
RAMA: We must go now.
KAUSALYA: Take care of yourselves now. LAKSHMAN: What?!
RAMA: We shall, dear mother. SITA: Why?!
JANAK: Oh, Sita. I will miss you, my daughter. RAMA: There are far too many of them to feed and
care for. Let us go and leave them now while they
SITA: And I, you, Father. are still asleep.
RAMA: We must go now.

NARRATOR: Rama, his wife, and his brother,

A crowd has gathered to witness the sad occasion. Lakshman stole away at night to escape the
One of them steps up. citizens who wanted to follow them. They crossed
the Ganges River penetrating deeper into the
wilderness of the forest until they came to the
hermitage of Valmiki.
FOLLOWER: Let us come with you, Prince Rama.
We shall be of help to you during your exile.

The curtain closes.

[RAMA] sighs before yielding.

Scene 7: Dasaratha’s Death

RAMA: Very well...

MUSIC: Vale - Murray Gold

[RAMA], [SITA], [LAKSHMAN], and the rest of the
followers walk around the stage as the narrator
talks. NARRATOR: Dasa-ratha was so stricken with grief
at the loss of his son. He suffered from a terrible
illness that none of the kingdom's doctors could
NARRATOR: The loyal people of Ayodia followed
their exiled prince as far as the banks of the
Tamasa River where they halted on the first night.
[DASA-RATHA] is lying down on a bed, very weak
and dying.
While the [FOLLOWERS] are sleeping, [RAMA], who
is lying down, suddenly sits up and wakes up
[LAKSHMAN] and [SITA]. A [DOCTOR] goes out of tent and approaches the
royal family.

His whispers are sharp and strained.

[LAKSHMAN] look up expectantly.
RAMA: Lakshman! Sita! Wake up!
The [DOCTOR] shakes their head. heavens, where I shall be reunited with our
ancestors. Whenever you are having doubts, just
look to the skies, and remember that I will always
[KAUSALYA] and [KAIKEYI] cry on each other. be there, guiding you.

[BHARAT] gets up and goes inside the tent. [BHARAT] nods solemnly.

[DASA-RATHA] whimpers with a weak, raspy voice. DASA-RATHS: Good bye now, my son... Let me be
at peace...

DASA-RATHA: Rama... Rama...

[BHARAT’s] tears are falling freely now.

[BHARAT’s] voice is urgent.

BHARAT: Good bye... Father...

BHARAT: Father,
[BHARAT] kisses DASA-RATHA’s forehead and
leaves as soon as his last breath is drawn.
[BHARAT] quickly comes closer and grabs [DASA-
RATHA's] hand.
The curtain closes and the music fades.

BHARAT: It is I, Bharat, your son.

Scene 8: Come Home!
DASA-RATHA: Bharat... Oh, Bharat... I am dying, my
dear son.
NARRATOR: Bharat had made up his mind. Even his
father's comforting words were not able to
[BHARAT’s] voice cracks and tears start to appear convince him otherwise. He would go to the forest
in the corners of his eyes. of Dandak to seek his elder brother and convince
him to claim the throne.

BHARAT: Father, please do not say that.

BHARAT: Rama! Rama! Rama!
DASA-RATHA: It pains me to know that I will be
leaving you without being able to see Rama. But
know that I love all of my sons equally. And I am
sure that you will become a magnificent king when [RAMA], who is sitting, looks up.
I am dead and gone.
BHARAT: But I do not know if I am ready to be king. RAMA: Is that my name I hear?
I do not know if I have enough experience and
knowledge. BHARAT: RAMA! [RAMA] gets up.
DASA-RATHA: True. You may not have as much RAMA: I must see who it is.
knowledge and experience as Rama, but do not
worry, for I shall be watching over you from the

[BHARAT] and [RAMA] go round and round the RAMA: I am very sorry. I was not there at the time
stage, looking for each other, then get surprised of his passing. But, there is one ray of sunshine
when they do find each other. that may be seen here. You are about to be king!
For that, I must congratulate you.
BHARAT: Do not. For I have no desire to be king.
BHARAT: Rama! This is also why I have come to you, brother. I
RAMA: Bharat! implore you to come back to Ayodia and claim the
throne that is rightfully yours. Come home. Surely,
Father’s death would release you from your oath?
[BHARAT] hugs [RAMA]. RAMA: But I may not seek Ayodia’s ancient throne,
for righteous father’s mandate dutiful son may not
disown. And I may not, gentle brother, break the
BHARAT: Oh, how good it is to see you again... word of promise given, to a king and to a father
who is now a saint in heaven.
RAMA: And you, my dear brother. But, might I
inquire as to why you are here? BHARAT: Very well. Then I would like to ask for one
last request.
RAMA: Anything, my dear brother. Anything! Of
[BHARAT’s] smile slides off his face and gets course, with the exception of returning to Ayodia.
replaced with a sad expression.
BHARAT: My request is for you to give me your
sandals. I would like to place them on the throne
BHARAT: I bring grave news. as testimony to the people that I am ruling in your

[RAMA] frowns.
[RAMA] smiles and takes off his sandals.

RAMA: What news?

RAMA: That, I can give you.
BHARAT: Father is...

[BHARAT] also smiles and takes the sandals.

[BHARAT] pauses, finding it hard to finish his
BHARAT: Thank you, Rama.

BHARAT: Father is dead.

[BHARAT] turns to leave.

BHARAT: Give my best to the others, will you?

RAMA: ...What?! How can this be? RAMA: I shall. Farewell!

BHARAT: When you left, he became miserable and BHARAT: Farewell!

an illness that none of our doctors could heal took
him. Before he passed, father mentioned you a lot
of times. [BHARAT] finally leaves.
RAKSHA: His name is Rama. He was once a prince
of Kosalas but was exiled.
The curtain closes.

[RAKSHA] strokes edge of basin with longing.

Scene 9: From North to South (FINISHED)

RAKSHA: I want him, Ravan. He has heart, and is

NARRATOR: Rama wandered from Northern India very handsome too.
and reached Southern India. He built his forest
hermitage in the wilderness, there he live with Sita
and Lakshman, in peace and serenity... until…
[RAKSHA] scowls. Her next sentence is spat out like
The curtain opens.
RAKSHA: The only problem would be his wife, Sita.
Scene 10: Enter Raksha and Ravan
[RAKSHA’s] expression softens.
NARRATOR: In the country of Ceylon, there lived
two siblings. One of which was named Raksha, who
was a princess and the other was Ravan, the ruler RAKSHA: But I would be willing to share his love
of all monsters. with another woman.

[RAKSHA] gazes upon a basin. [RAVAN] smiles and puts his hand on [RAKSHA’s]

[RAVAN] appears with a puff of smoke at the edge

of the stage. RAVAN: Then go, my dear sister. Go to him. I do
not think that he will be able to resist you with
your beauty, even if he already has a wife.
RAVAN: Pray tell, what are you doing, Raksha? RAKSHA: Do you think so?
RAKSHA: Ah! Brother! Come and see! RAVAN: I know so.

[RAKSHA] beckons [RAVAN] with a hand. [RAKSHA] grins, goes to edge of stage and
disappears in another puff of smoke.

[RAVAN] approaches and gazes at basin too.

The curtain closes.

RAVAN: And who is this man?

Scene 11: Surpanakha

[RAKSHA] sighs.

Incident MUSIC: Habanera - originally by Georges
Bizet (traditional part only)
Scene 12: The Siblings’ Plot

[RAMA] and [SITA] sit in a corner while

[LAKSHMAN] stands elsewhere with a bow in hand. [RAVAN] gazes at the same basin as before.
[RAVAN] is startled as [RAKSHA] appears in a puff
of smoke, very visibly angry.
[RAKSHA] appears at the edge of the stage with a
puff of smoke, face hidden, and starts to dance
sexually in front of [RAMA] when music starts. RAKSHA: Those reprobates! Those filthy, filthy...
DOGS! I gave them my love, but they refused it!

[RAMA] is mildly amused but he shakes his head

and points to his brother [LAKSHMAN]. [RAVAN] gingerly approaches and hugs [RAKSHA].

[RAKSHA], eyes [LAKSHMAN], inspecting him from RAVAN: There, there, my love. Those miscreants
afar. She looks pleased, so she dances her way to did not deserve you anyway. Do not worry. We will
him. take your revenge and I assure you, it will be oh...
so... sweet...

[LAKSHMAN] is a little more timid. But he also

shakes his head and points back to [RAMA]. [RAVAN’s] eyes are filled with lust and malice.

[RAKSHA] tries to dance back to [RAMA], but The curtain closes.

[RAMA] is still pointing to [LAKSHMAN].

Scene 13: The Golden Deer

She stops, in the middle of the two now. She looks
back to [LAKSHMAN], also pointing back to
[RAMA]. NARRATOR: Ravan sent a beautiful golden deer to
tempt Rama and Lakshman away from the
[RAKSHA] looks back and forth multiple times,
[LAKSHMAN] half crouches and points somewhere
The music suddenly stops. And so does [RAKSHA’s]
LAKSHMAN: Do you see that?

She is frustrated and angry. This is visible as she

disappears in a puff of smoke. [RAMA] looks to [LAKSHMAN’s] finger’s direction.

The curtain closes. RAMA: See what?

LAKSHMAN: There! It is a deer! A golden one! [RAKSHA] blows on [SITA's] face with sleeping

RAMA: Yes! I see it! My word! Isn’t it just

magnificent! [SITA] struggles a little, then goes limp.

LAKSHMAN: Shall we catch it? [RAVAN] goes to edge of stage with [SITA] and
[RAKSHA], then flaps his cloak to hide themselves.

RAMA: Let us catch it! Dear Sita will surely be

impressed. They disappear.

[RAMA] and [LAKSHMAN] sneak around until they [RAKSHA’s] cackling is still heard as the curtains
reach the edge of the stage and are covered by the close.

Scene 14: The Rescue

The curtain closes.

MUSIC: The Master - Murray Gold

Scene 14: Sita is Taken!

NARRATOR: After a year, Rama was finally able to

[SITA] hums idly as she cooks for the two men. find the siblings’ lair.

[RAVAN] and [RAKSHA] suddenly appear in a puff The music starts as [RAMA] sneaks into [RAVAN’s]
of smoke. chambers.

[RAVAN] grabs [SITA]. [RAVAN] is caught off guard but immediately


[SITA] screams and tries to fight him off.

[RAVAN] looks to be winning as he has the home

All seems lost for [RAMA].

[RAKSHA] approaches slowly and cackles
But [RAMA] eventually outsmarts [RAVAN] and
stabs him in the heart.
RAKSHA: No matter how loud your screams are,
they won't be able to hear you. Now sleeeeep...
[RAVAN’s] death is horrible, filled with screams as [SITA] steps back in disdain
he writhes in agony on the floor.

SITA: You do not have faith in me.

He eventually goes still, dead.

[RAMA] leaves without looking back and the
curtain closes.
SITA: Very well.

Scene 15: Rama's Doubts

[SITA] turns to [LAKSHMAN].

[SITA] sits in a corner.

SITA: I bid you to make an enormous fire. We shall
settle this with a trial by fire.
She gets nervous when she hears footsteps.

Scene 16: Sita's Trial

[RAMA] enters and [SITA's] fright turns to
happiness as she rushes to hug her husband.
SITA: This trial of fire is being performed in order to
prove my purity. I am pure. I shall walk on this fire
SITA: Rama! Oh, Rama... You came for me! and if ever I am lying, then may the flames
consume me. But if I am not, then I will step out
But [RAMA] regards her coldly.

[SITA] steps into the flames and comes out

[RAMA] breaks [SITA’s] hug. unharmed.

RAMA: Now that Ravan is slain, you are now free [RAMA] and [SITA] hug.
to choose your path in life. You may stay in Ceylon,
or you could accompany Lakshman. You could also
go to Bharat if you so desire. RAMA: Oh Sita... Forgive me for doubting you.

[SITA] frowns. The curtain closes.

SITA: What is wrong, my love? Scene 17: Coming Home

RAMA: Sita, you were held captive by Ravan for a
whole year. How would I be assured that you are
still pure? NARRATOR: In finding Sita, the gods had given
Rama an aerial car which they, then used to travel
back to North India. This story was passed from
Indian fathers to Indian sons, from generation to Settings:
generation, and now, to you. We hope that you
will always remember this story and its virtues and
to use it as a guide in your everyday lives. Thank Props needed:
you for watching!

Ramayana: Props and Settings

Scene 1
Scene 5

Props needed:
Props needed:


Scene 2
Scene 6

Props needed:
Props needed:


Scene 3
Scene 7

Props needed:
Props needed:


Scene 4
Scene 8
Settings: Settings:

Props needed: Props needed:

Characters: Characters:

Scene 9 Scene 13
Settings: Settings:

Props needed: Props needed:

Characters: Characters:

Scene 10 Scene 14
Settings: Settings:

Props needed: Props needed:

Characters: Characters:

Scene 11 Scene 15
Settings: Settings:

Props needed: Props needed:

Characters: Characters:

Scene 12 Scene 16
Props needed:

Characters: Character: Rama (Oliva)

Scene 17
Settings: Attitude:

Props needed: Facial Expressions:

Characters: Behavior:

Character: Bharat (Bellawelo)



Facial Expressions:

Ramayana: Character description Behavior:

Character: Dasa-ratha (Tiglao)

Character: Lakhsman (Jallorina)


Facial Expressions:
Attitude: Character: Kaikeyi (Ebona)

Facial Expressions: Clothing:

Behavior: Attitude:

Facial Expressions:

Character: Satrughna (Imperio) Behavior:


Attitude: Character: Kausalya (Frias)

Facial Expressions: Clothing:

Behavior: Attitude:

Facial Expressions:

Character: Sita (Magana) Behavior:


Attitude: Character: Ravan (Tuazon)

Facial Expressions: Clothing:

Behavior: Attitude:

Facial Expressions:


Character: Raksha - Salvador



Facial Expressions:



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