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Ryan Angelo T. Abapo

Name Course & Year

Nov. 23, 2021

Section: M2 Date

Experiment No. 5

Results and Observations:

1. Physical Attributes of the Metals
Physical state: solid, liquid, gas
Appearance: if regularly shaped, put what shape; otherwise, put “irregular shape”
Metals Appearance Color
Mg Solid Strip Gray
Zn Solid Irregular Shape Gray
Cu Solid Circular Shape Reddish
Fe Solid Triangular Shape Gray

2. Metals in Water
Observations (4 metals):

Write the products (except for letter d) and balance the chemical equation. Write NR on the
products side if there is no reaction.

a. Mg(s) + H2O(l) →

b. Zn(s) + H2O(l) →

c. Cu(s) + H2O(l) →

d. Fe(s) + H2O(g) → FeO(s) + H2(g) Fe2+(aq) + OH-(aq) + e- → Fe(OH)3(aq)

Arrange the four metals in decreasing order of activity in water:

Answers :
3. − 6. Metals in Solution
Summarize all observed results in the table below. If a reaction occurred between the metal
and the solution place a positive sign (+) in the appropriate box and give the experimental
observation. If no reaction occurred write a minus sign (-).


METALS MgCl2 ZnCl2 CuSO4 FeCl3

Mg a. - e. + i. + m.+

Zn b. - f. - j. + n. +

Cu c. - g. - k. - o. -

Fe d. - h. - l. + p. -

Represent observed chemical changes with balanced chemical equations below.

Write NR on the products side if there is no reaction.

a. magnesium + magnesium chloride

b. zinc + magnesium chloride

c. copper + magnesium chloride

d. iron + magnesium chloride

e. magnesium + zinc chloride

f. zinc + zinc chloride

g. copper + zinc chloride

h. iron + zinc chloride

i. magnesium + cupric sulfate

j. zinc + cupric sulfate

k. copper + cupric sulfate

l. iron + cupric sulfate

m. magnesium + ferric chloride

n. zinc + ferric chloride

o. copper + ferric chloride

p. iron + ferric chloride

Arrange the four metals from the least reactive to the most reactive.
1. Explain the role of the agar-agar solution and phenolphthalein in procedure 7.

2. Aside from those mentioned in the lesson, give another way of preventing rusting of metals.
Give specific examples and explain how it prevents corrosion. You may also insert pictures to
support your explanation.
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