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IST541 Final Project Outline

Ahmed Jalloh
Project Title: Preparing for a Job Interview


1. From memory, learners will be able to describe the steps of preparing for a job interview.
Their descriptions will be consistent with the 4 Step Process of Interviewing.
2. Given access to a job posting, learners will be able to identify the most important part of
the job posting. The information must match the information identified in the 4 Step
Process of Interviewing.
3. Given a blank 4 Step Process of Interviewing, learners will be able to fill in the missing
components. Their scores should be at least 70% or higher. The information must match
the information identified in the 4 Step Process of Interviewing.

Navigation: The navigation menu will include each component in order leading up to a quiz.
See table below:

Home Analyze Research Questions/ Confidence Quiz


Home: index.html
Content Information on how the website is designed. Background information on to
navigate through the different tabs. Introduce users to the importance of
preparing for job interviews.

Media Images of parts of the website

Interaction Hyperlinks, collapsible sections

Analyze: analyze.html
Content The first step of preparing for a job interview

Media Image of a person studying for an interview

Interaction Hyperlinks

Research: research.html
Content The second step of preparing for a job interview

Media Image of person doing research

Interaction Hyperlinks

Questions/Answers: question.html
Content The third step of preparing for a job interview

Media Image of a question mark

Interaction Hyperlinks, image map / hot spot activity

Confidence: confidence.html
Content The fourth step of preparing for a job interview

Media Image of a person looking confident

Interaction Hyperlinks, iFrame (embedded YouTube video)

Quiz: quiz.html
Content Four questions regarding the four steps of preparing for a job interview

Media Images of places on the website where correct answers can be found

Interaction JavaScript/jQuery (to show and hide answers), disclaimer to visit this page

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