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Reading a poem and reading it again after years

A good example of Post Structuralism/ Deconstruction is when you read a certain poem once
again after so many years. Notice that your perception and interpretation of the contents of the
book differ a lot from how you viewed it the first time. In addition to that, when you let other
people read it, they also have a different interpretation and understanding as to how the poem
goes and what is the underlying meaning behind it. This is because, in literature, or even life in
general, there is no absolute meaning. This leads us to the idea that nothing is fixed and pre-
established. There is also a wide range of interpretations and reviews coming from the readers
thus we cannot say that the meaning behind the poem is fixed between good and bad because
some might say that it is actually good but is not to their taste. Some poems also use
metaphorical words, wordplays and other emotive words that can convey vaguely different

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