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Welcome to Bitcoin.

Quick disclaimer: T
​ his information is to help you get up 
to speed on the basics of Bitcoin. It is not meant to be 
investment advice - simply a bridge into the new digital 
finance world. 
The Bitcoin Rabbit Hole   
In 2018, a friend of mine who works deep in the world of 
blockchain told me to take a look at cryptocurrency. I had heard 
of Bitcoin and blockchain but sloughed it off as just another 
buzzword in the world of tech that I live in and didn’t dig in any 
My friend pushed me though, he said “​simply dig in deeper, actually understand what it is, 
and, if it made sense, buy a little bit of Bitcoin just to be safe... not enough that you'd miss it 
if it was gone. Simply buy a little bit to dip your toe in the water and understand the 
So I bought a little bit (about $100 worth) - nothing scary. Then I dug in some, and then more, 
and then even more - reading dozens of books, 100’s of articles, 1000’s of hours of videos & 
podcasts, talking to friends in the industry, etc.  
Needless to say, I finally saw a glimpse of what it could do for my family and humanity. 
Simply put, Bitcoin is a revolutionary engineering invention that, I believe, will be seen as one 
of the most important inventions we might ever see - yes, that big.  
Bitcoin is very important -- it also can be quite complex to wrap your head around. It might 
take 20-30 hours of research/discussions to really start to see how it will propel humanity, 
trust as we’ve known it, and personal freedom beyond anything we’ve seen before. I promise 
it’s worth the investment of time and brainpower. 
To help you on your journey, I'd like to provide some bridges & shortcuts into both Bitcoin 
and blockchain in hopes that it helps you get ramped up more quickly.  
Also, so we're clear, I'm not selling anything, or trying to push anything on you except a 
greater knowledge of what's going on around the world in homes just like yours, in corporate 
board meetings where CFOs have to determine how to keep their money safe, and in 
impoverished countries where citizens have no reliable place to store their wealth. It is hard 
to make any of the statements above without personally feeling like an infomercial so I only 
really share this info with those people who have expressed interest and have an open mind. 
A lot of people ignored me 2 years ago. Less are laughing every day. 

I truly believe Bitcoin is the future. Please do your own research, use me as a resource, and 
then make a decision that is right for you, your family, and your investment time horizon.  
Share what you learn with others you love. If it’s easier - send them this document, it is yours 
to use. 
I'm happy to chat with any of you, answer any questions you (or your partner/spouse might 
have), to help you on your journey.  
Now, take the orange pill. Enter the rabbit hole. 
1. What is Bitcoin?​ - super high-level Cliff’s notes version. 
2. Bitcoin Playlists​ - videos that I have found to be compelling and unpack the value 
and future of where Bitcoin can take us. 
3. Bitcoin Channels I Follow​ -​ what the experts are saying 
4. Recommended Reading​ -​ available on audiobook too, if desired 
5. Where to Buy Bitcoin​ -​ places and ways to acquire Bitcoin and other crypto. 
6. My Digits​ - holler if I can help. 

What is Bitcoin? 
As mentioned, Bitcoin is a complex beast - similar to the early days of the internet. There are 
many obvious applications for the technology, and many that we can’t even conceive right 
now. This is a super high-level (Reader’s Digest) overview with my take/notes... I've tried to 
remove all of the techno mumbo-jumbo too. 

● Bitcoin is the world’s first digital currency (or "cryptocurrency") - it is abbreviated as 
“BTC”. In addition to a currency, it is also a payment system (like a bank or PayPal), and 
a storage of value. In other words, you can think of it as both a dollar, gold, and a bank. 
● "Cryptocurrency" is a scary word that has been demonized in many ways by the press 
over the years. At its core, it is basically a combination of "cryptography" and 
"currency" -- which basically means "private, coded money". Not so scary now, right? 
● Bitcoin was created by a mysterious person (or persons) named "Satoshi Nakamoto" 
in response to the financial meltdown of 2008. 
Satoshi created it to build a more reliable/stable financial system, remove centralized 
financial organizations (like the Federal Reserve and Wall Street) and the power they 
wield, and easily facilitate the transfer of money in a trusted, secure fashion to anyone 
around the world, without the need for a middle man, and for almost free.  
Fun factoid:​ Nobody really knows who S ​ atoshi Nakamoto​ really is, which is kind of 
creepy and super awesome. It is hypothesized that Satoshi disappeared to remove 

any chance that any central government could find them and prosecute them for 
creating new global/internet money.  
● Bitcoin is code that runs on the world’s largest supercomputer - the Bitcoin 
Network.​ This supercomputer is made up of 100,000’s of computers (or “nodes”) all 
over the world. Anyone who has a computer and wants to connect it to the Bitcoin 
Network can. These computers work together in a “peer-to-peer” approach (think 
Napster) and work together to protect the Bitcoin Network.  
Because the network has no centralized owner it is considered “decentralized” - which 
means everybody owns it and no one owns it. This decentralization also means it 
cannot be shut down. There is no single choke point. The only way to shut Bitcoin 
down is to turn off the internet… forever. 
● Every transaction made on the Bitcoin Network is visible to everyone else around 
the world.​ Bitcoin has a “public ledger” that tracks every purchase/sale - the public 
ledger is stored on every computer on the Bitcoin Network. If ½ of the computers on 
the network go offline, the public ledger would still exist on the other half. Any new 
computer that joined the network would also have a mirror copy of the ledger. 
The computers on the network validate all of the transactions on the public ledger by 
solving complex computation problems. When a computer solves a problem, the 
computer/user gets BTC in return - this is called “mining”. When other computers 
validate that the answer is correct, they also get BTC in return. This is how Bitcoins are 
● Bitcoin is the most scarce asset ever created - only 21 million will ever be made​. 
Over time, this limited number will allow the currency to become/remain stable and 
remove devaluation & inflation from politics, trade wars, Trump drama, and/or other 
events that normally impact the value of a country's currency. 
Of the 21 million, only​ ​2.3 Million​ are left​ (as of Feb 2021). As the creation of Bitcoin 
(BTC) winds down, scarcity and price a ​ re​ going to increase.  
Quick math: there are currently 7.7 billion people on the if you do the quick 
math and believe we are moving to a digital currency in the future, with that amount 
of people on the planet it means that very few people will ever get to own even 1/4 of 
a Bitcoin, ​ever​. 
● The good news - you don't have to buy a whole Bitcoin! 
Each Bitcoin can be broken down into ​one hundred million units (0.00000001 BTC) 
called “satoshis”. This would be similar to a penny with USD currency - the smallest 
fraction of the currency. 
Fun factoid:​ One satoshi is currently m ​ ore valuable than some countries' national 

● Bitcoin (and other alternate cryptocurrencies) are purchased through the internet via 
mobile apps and websites known as “digital asset exchanges “ (aka “DEXs’s, “crypto 
exchanges”, “digital exchanges”). Some DEXs are also "wallets" where you can store 
Bitcoin or other coins. Think of PayPal and Venmo - exchanges and wallets are very 
similar… you can put money in, send money to people, and store money within it.  
● We've been moving towards cryptocurrency for years. All of our money currently lives 
as "1's and 0's" in banks right now. We never really see all of the money we own or hold 
in our hands, it's always just data passed back and forth by the banks. B ​ UT ​every 
avenue we have to get our money has a “centralized authority” that controls our 
access to it (e.g. banks, PayPal, credit card companies, etc.) They can lock your 
account, refuse to give you all of your money in hard cash dollars, limit the amount 
you can get at an ATM, limit what you spend each day, charge you extra fees if you 
buy something in a currency that is different from your money, etc.  
If everyone went to the bank tomorrow and said "gimme all my money" the banks 
would not be able to do it. Bitcoin is the next evolution and solves these problems. 
● The most popular current perception of BTC is one as a “storage of value”, not a 
currency. Other cryptocurrencies called “altcoins” (alternate coins) have been created 
that are faster and easier to use for more day-to-day transactions. This being said, BTC 
is now offered in Paypal and Square’s Cash App. It’s only a matter of time before Apple 
starts to offer it as well, methinks. 
● What could a BTC be worth? 
○ Short term? $150K-500K/BTC - ​Most economists who understand the 
technology believe we're currently in a “bull run” and that the price of 1 BTC in 
the next 1-3 years will be between $150K-$500K. This bull run is being driven by 
businesses across the globe (including Tesla and Square) buying BTC with 
their savings to combat the devaluation of their treasuries as new money is 
printed by central governments. This has been exacerbated recently with the 
trillions of CV19 stimulus $$. 
○ Long term? There is no limit - ​Over the course of mankind, EVERY type of ​fiat 
money (paper money backed by nothing) has eventually collapsed to be 
worthless.​ On average it takes about 40 years. We are now about 50 years out 
from when the gold standard was removed by Nixon. 
The difference between Bitcoin and fiat money is that it cannot be created out 
of thin air like dollars, pesos, euros, etc - there is a limited amount (21 Million) 
and that will be all that is ever created. Ever. 

Fun fact:​ Bitcoin has been the best performing asset of the last 10 years, 
increasing on average over 200% each year. S ​ ee how it compared to the stock 
market over that time. 
Many people think that Bitcoin will replace gold as the ultimate store of value 
and c​ ould become the global reserve currency some day. This could be 20-40 
years down the road, but if this became true 1 BTC could be worth $1M-10M 
● Lastly, and most importantly, you’re not too late. 
We are still in the first inning and you now know more about Bitcoin than 99.9% of 
the population. Take a deep breath. Dig in. Get started. 


Aaron’s Bitcoin Playlists 
I watch a lot of videos to try and fill in all of the gaps, better understand the space and the 
technology, and make sure I’m not living in an echo chamber and missing something big. 
These are the top playlists of videos that let other experts (who know a ton more than me) 
educate you the same way they did for me on my journey. These also continue to reinforce 
my BTC conviction. I’ve tried to organize them as best as possible in the order they should be 
watched to help reinforce and build upon each other.  
● Bitcoin 101 -​ The Shallow End 
● Bitcoin 201​ - A Deeper Dive 
● Bitcoin 301​ - The Future 

Crypto Channels To Follow 

How I stay on the pulse of what’s going on in the space - deep interviews with all of the 
experts in both traditional finance and crypto. 
● Anthony Pompliano 
● Real Vision Crypto 
● What Bitcoin Did 
● Stansberry Research 
● John Vallis - Bitcoin Rapid Fire 
● Stephan Livera 
● Nathaniel Whittemore 
● Swan Signal 
● Orange Pill Podcast 
● CoinDesk 
Alt Coins 
● Digital Asset News​ - snackable daily updates 
● EllioTrades 
● Bitboy Crypto 
● Chico Crypto 
● Cryptocito 

Recommended Reading 

The Bitcoin Standard​ - if you’re a book reader/listener, this book goes back to the 
beginning of time and how different things (rocks, beads, salt, gold etc) were used as 
money, why they didn’t work and how they could be impacted by outside forces. 
80% of the book is basics of money and value - the last 3-4 chapters unpack a lot of 
the biggest questions and arguments for/against Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin Billionaires​ - a book about the Winklevoss twins of Facebook fame - provides 
a great history of their life after Facebook, lays the basics of Bitcoin out in easy-to-use 
terms, and it’s very entertaining. A movie based on it is underway as well - which 
should create greater awareness and buying of bitcoin in the future. 
Digital Gold​ - a great journey through the history of Bitcoin, the players, and how it 
got to where it is today. 
The Fourth Turning​ - a book about how evolution in humanity and society comes in 
stages and how global change and innovation can only occur after destructive 
events play out on a global scale. A little deep, but underscores that there is a 
monetary paradigm shift happening right now. 

The Infinite Machine​ - the history of Ethereum. An interesting read/listen to help you 
understand what Ethereum is, who the players are that have left and created other 
competing crypto projects (like Polkadot and Cardano), and where it is going.  
Bitcoin SubReddit​ - the community 
● CoinDesk 
● CoinTelegraph 
● In Bitcoin We Trust 
● The Pomp Letter 


Where to Buy Bitcoin 
SwanBitcoin​ ​-- the best, safest way to buy BTC and minimize the ups & downs is to 
“​dollar cost average​” - basically buy a little bit daily/weekly/monthly vs going “all in”. 
SwanBitcoin is the best service for recurring buys and dollar cost averaging. It has 
the lowest fees on the market and no transaction fees. Super easy to use and meant 
to be accessible if you’re new to BTC.  
Swan also has a unique system that can auto send any acquired BTC to a different 
wallet or exchange at a certain point, if you want. For example, you can set a rule 
that for "​every .025 BTC I acquire, automatically send it to my CoinBase/Gemini/etc 
Referral link:​ h
​ ttps:// 
Gives you $10 of free BTC when you sign up. 
Trusted Crypto Exchanges​ - You can buy/trade/sell BTC and other crypto at all of 
these locations. Each of them will take a little bit of time to set up. It is good to have 
accounts at several different exchanges to not store your crypto all in one place AND 
to allow for more on/off ramps. Please note all of them have BTC, however, the 
altcoins they offer will vary widely. 
● Coinbase​ - one of the most popular US exchanges. Definitely has the best 
UI/visual experience. Coinbase also has a professional version ​Coinbase Pro 
which has lower fees. You can use the same credentials for both. 
Referral link:​ h
​ ttps:// 
Get $​10 USD in bitcoin when you buy $100. 
● Gemini​ - the most regulated & secure exchanges. Owned by the Winklevoss 
twins (of Facebook fame). If you run a company, you can set up an 
institutional account​ here. 
Referral link: h
​ ttps:// 
Get $​10 USD in bitcoin when you buy $100. 
● Voyager​ - (mobile app only for now) this is a crypto brokerage so they find the 
best prices at several of the exchanges. Voyager is very easy to use and is also 
moving to provide a great rewards & yield programs for storing your crypto 
Referral link:​ h
​ ttps:// 

Get $25 USD in bitcoin when you buy $100. 
● BitMart​ - allows for the purchasing/acquisition of some of the harder to find 
alt coins.  
Referral Link: ​ 
Not sure what you get here. :) 
iTrustCapital​ -- Want to buy crypto with your IRA? iTrust is one of the most trusted 
IRA trading platforms, allowing you to invest in BTC, Gold (and other cryptos) and 
move money around between gold/crypto without any kind of tax penalty. There are 
fees to buy and sell within the system, so please note that and don’t trade your stuff 
in here too much or the fees will add up. 
Referral Link:​ ​ 
Get one (1) month free with the link above. 

I’m here to help. 

BTC is complicated. There are no silly questions. Hit me up if I can help. 
512-554-7824 (text is usually best) 

Help me. 
I don’t know everything, so if you find a great video or resource, please share it with 
me. Then we can nerd out together.  


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