Charlottes Choice

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G present simple

V describing people: appearance and personality I like good

P final -s I -es books.
He doesn't
like sport.

1 VOCABULARY describing people

a 9>)) Liste n to a man describin g his gi rlfriend a nd
tick (.I ) her picture.

b Listen aga in. What two questio ns doe Luke's frie nd

ask him? How does Luke answer the second questio n?

p What does she look like? What is she like?

What does she look like?= Tell me about her appearance
(Is she tall I short? What colour hair does she have?).
What is she like?= Tell me what kind of person she is
(Is she friendly? Is she shy?). In our weekly experiment, single people who are
looking for a partner ask their mother and their best
c >- p.lSO Vocabulary Bank Describing people. friend to help.
his week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a
T 25-year-old web designer. He r father is Spanish
a nd her mother is English . She lives in Brighton and
a Who do you think knows you better, your mother she doesn't have a partner at the moment. Her mother,
Alice, chooses a man she thinks is perfect for her
(or father) o r your best friend? Why?
daughter and her best friend , Katie, chooses another.
b Read the introductio n and the first parag raph of Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which
the article.
one does she prefer?

1 What is the idea o f the experiment? I love going to the cinema, but I often feel like
staying at home w ith a good book,' says Charlotte.
2 W ho i C harl otte? 'I'm quite friendly and sociable and r get on well with
3 Who are Alice and Katie?
'most people. I th ink I have a good sense of humour.'
4 What do Alice and Katie have to do?Then what happens?
'What kind of men do I like? Well, I like interesting
c ow read what C ha rlotte says. With a partne r gue men who can make me laugh. Physically, I prefer men
the meaning of the highlighted words a nd phrase . with a really nice sm ile who are taller than me. And
I don't usually like men with beards! I like men who
d Cover the text. Can you remember? a re into literature and art, and classical music.'
1 What does Cha rlotte like doing? ' I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me.
2 What's she like? Both my mum and my best friend know me very
3 W hat kind of men does f doesn't she like? well. Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is
physically more compatible, but my mother has A
4 W ho does she think is going to choose better? Why? known me for longer! 7
3 GRAMMAR present simple 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s I -es
a From memory, try to complete the sentences a 1 16 >)) Listen and repeat.
using the present simple.
I She have a partner at the moment. ~ s nake
She like cats .
He work<; with his parents.
2 She on a date with each ma n.
He hac; brown eyes.
3 Which one she prefer? ~ Lebra
She wear<> jeans .
4 W hat kind of men I like?
She relaxe<> with boxes of chocolates.
5 usually like men w ith bea rds. hzJ H e usee; gla sses to read.
b In pa irs, a nswer the questio ns.
Which letter do you add to most verbs wi th
he, she, and it?
p Pronunciation of final -s I -es: verbs and nouns
The final -s is pronounced '<>I or lzJ. The difference is quite s mall.
2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, The final -es is pronounced hzJ after ch, c, g, sh, s, z, and x.
and it?
watch f stu dy f&o f have b 17 >)) How do you say the he I she I it form of these verbs and the
3 W hat aux iliary verbs do you use to make plura l of these no uns? Listen and check.
questions and negatives with ... ?
verbs: choose cook go live st op teach
a I f you f we f they b he/ she fi t
nouns: boy class date frie nd language parent
c )'- p.126 Grammar Bank lB. Learn more
abo ut t he present simple a nd prac t ise it .
d Can you reme mbe r the kind of men
Charlotte Likes a nd doesn't like ? a Look at the form below a nd prep are to give this info rmation
about your friend.
e Look at the photos of A lexander a nd O live r.
Find out about them . )'- Communication
Alexander and Oliver A p.lOO B p.l 06. Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner?
Help him I her to find one!

Name Personality

Relatio nship Single




A ppearance
f Which ma n do you think is better for
Charlotte? Why?
Doesn't like

a 14>)) Listen to C ha rlotte talking abo ut
what happened when she met A lexander.
What did she th ink of h im? D oes s he wa nt
to see him again? b Work in pairs. As k a nd a nswer about yo ur people. Compa re the
info rmatio n. D o you th ink the two people are compatible?
b Listen aga in and write down any adjectives
or expressio ns that C ha rlotte uses to 0 hat's his (her) name?
describe his appea ra nce a nd personality.
c >- p.lll Writing Describing a person. Write a description of a
c 15 >)) Now repeat fo r O liver. pe rson yo u know.

d What does C harlotte decide in t he end?

Do you agree w ith her? 7 118>)) SONG Ugly J'

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