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Why Captain’s cabin is always on

starboard side ?
Written by Capt Rajeev Jassal on February 10, 2015

There are many questions in shipping industry which seem to

be mysteries  of the ancient shipping times with as many
theories floating. And one of these question is “Why
Captain’s cabin is always on Starboard side?” Here is what I
have gathered during my sea career.

Captain’s cabin on the starboard side is a tradition that has

been since many years but there has been some exceptions
to it where captain’s cabin is on port side. Leaving aside the
exceptions, in old days, the starboard side was considered
superior to port side in every sense, be it flag etiquettes or
two watch system in old days where more experienced staff
used to keep watch on starboard side, the starboard side was
considered superior to port side. Captain being overall
incharge of the ship was considered superior to all the crew
onboard and was given superior side of the ship.
In modern days however it is not superiority that is
considered for captain cabin to starboard side. Starboard side
is give way side in ROR (Rule of the road) and captain is
expected to see the traffic on starboard side of his ship just
to be aware of the traffic situation where it is his ship’s duty
to take action. He can then also monitor if the officer on
watch has taken the required action to avoid close quarter

Do you have any other theory  or do you agree with this
explanation ?  Do you have any other such question ? Leave
a comment.

Meanwhile wishing you all fair winds and following seas.

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About Capt Rajeev Jassal

Capt. Rajeev Jassal has sailed for over 19 years mainly on crude oil,
product and chemical tankers. He holds MBA in shipping & Logistics
degree from London. He has done extensive research on quantitatively
measuring Safety culture onboard and safety climate ashore which he
believes is the most important element for safer shipping.

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Siva Chidhu 
Jun 16, 2016
hello sir, iam following all ur blogs, after sailing for so many years, i never
thought why captai cabin in stbd side. very impressive explanations, i
need more blogs from u sir. So that we can gain ur knoweldge &
experience. your blogs are so nice & very easy to understand

Rajeev Jassal 
Jun 16, 2016
Glad that you are liking it Siva. We are trying to post at least one blog a
week. We are also working on with other masters and chief engineers to
share their knowledge and you will have many more blogs in the near
future. Keep reading.

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Rajeev Jassal 
Jul 18, 2016
I will consider that topic to write on Shan..

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