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Education Department

University of Scranton
Lesson Plan
Name: Samantha Kramer, Amy Cotton, Jessica Paldino, Jordan Pedagna
Course: Intro to ELL
Date (Due): October 3rd 2022

Title Russia Cultural Lesson

Subject Area(s) Cultural Lesson Plan

Grade Level 12th

Summary of the Lesson Write a brief one or two sentence summary for the

- Activity: flipbook, first flip locate where Russia

is on a map. Second flip color in the flag
correctly (or place flag on top with construction
paper and have the, write the meaning of the
colors). Third flip, name one fact about the
government. Fourth flip language. Fifth culture.
Sixth education.

- Beginning of class students put a post-it on a

map as to where they think Russia belongs.
- Venn Diagram formative assessment: students
will be asked to compare Russia and the US
and will be asked to place one fact on a post it
note and then place the fact in the correct side
of the Venn Diagram.

Standards: (as Standard - 5.3.12.B

Compare and contrast policy-making in various
PA Standards contemporary world governments.

Standard - 7.3.12.A
Analyze the human characteristics of places and
regions using the following criteria:

● Population
● Culture
● Settlement
● Economic activities
● Political activities

Essential Questions ● How are Russia and the United States similar?
● What is a new fact you learned about Russian

Objectives ● Students will be able to compare facts about

Russia to the United States.
● Students will be able to analyze the
characteristics of places, culture, government,
and regions within Russian.
● Students will be able to reflect on their
knowledge of Russia in the form of a flipbook in
order to assess what they learned in this

Vocabulary: N/A

Estimated Time Approximately 25-35 minutes

Materials Required ● Powerpoint

● Flashcards
● Post- its

● BEFORE Segment:
1) Anticipatory Set: The students will each be
given a flash card where they will be asked to
activate their prior knowledge and write down
any information they know about Russia. Then
the students will discuss with their table what
they wrote. Following that the teacher will ask
students to say what they wrote.

2) Preview objectives: Objectives will be

written on the board.

● DURING Segment:

3) Present New Content with

Examples/Modeling: The teacher will then go
into the new content for the class. The teacher
will present the powerpoint going through each
slide and engaging the students.

4) Guided Student Practice: The students will

be given a worksheet to complete during class
about Culture.

5) Independent Practice: Students will be

given a flipbook with the four topics of the
lesson (education, language, culture, and
government) and will be asked to draw a
picture of each and bring it to the next class.

● AFTER Segment:

6) Formative Assessment; The students will

complete a Venn Diagram by comparing
Russia to the United States. Each student will
get a post it note and will be asked to write one
fact to put on the Venn Diagram. They will then
be asked to come up to the board and put the
fact on the correct side of the Venn Diagram.

7) Closing statement: Students will be given

their flipbook assignment to take home and
hand in the next day.

Formative Assessment Venn Diagram

Independent take home flipbook


Accommodations Reference 405 and IEPdocuments.

Cultural Handout:

Name: Date:

Ballet domes Bolshoi Ballet beet soup nesting dolls Moscow

Peter Llyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake wooden figures 1776 literature


1. is a popular notable art form coming out of Russia.

2. Founded in _________ the ____________ is a classic ballet company based at
the Bolshoi Theatre in __________.
3. 19th century Russian composer _____________________ is well renowned for
“____________” and the “1812 Overture”.
4. Russian _________ has also had a large impact, with writers such as Leon
Tolstoy writer of “War and Peace,” which is still read around the world.
5. Colorfully painted _______ first appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible,
they are common in Russian architecture and are predominant atop church
6. One of the most well-known traditional Russian foods that may seem strange
today is borshch, a _________ that is full of vegetables and meat.
7. Russian ___________ are well known symbols of the country. Also known as
Matrioshka dolls, ____________ that can be pulled apart to reveal another smaller
version of the same figure inside. Typically, the dolls are a symbol of Russian
peasant girls in traditional costume.

Flipbook instructions:
Flipbook Example:

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