Moch. Misbakhul Vikry (121231041)

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March 10th, 2022

Mr. Riang Semedi.

Head of Administration.
Smk Untung Surapati Pasuruan.
Jl. Pahlawan 21, Pekuncen, Panggungrejo, Pasuruan City, East Java 67126.

Dear, Mr. Riang.

I’m excited to be applying for the computer and network technician. I got a
recommendation for this job from my teacher at the school.

I just graduated from high school and have no work experience. But I had an
internship in the city of Malang, namely in internet or Wi-Fi services for 6
months. And I got a very satisfactory grade and a certificate that can be used
for consideration when applying for a job.

I have also participated in student competency competitions, and coding

competitions to create websites. And I made it into the top 10 in a coding
competition, and got a certificate that I can consider when applying for a job.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this job application letter. For
additional details regarding my qualifications and skills, please review my
attachment continue.

Moch. Misbakhul Vikry

Full Name : Moch. Misbakhul Vikry

Nickname : Vikry
Gender : Man
Place, Date of Birth : Lamongan, July 11th, 2002
Ages : 19 Years Old
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesian
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 68 kg
Religion : Islam
Address : Imam Bonjol No.5, Panggungrejo, Pasuruan City
Zip Code : 67122
Hobby : Assemble computer components
Phone/ Mobile : +6289699767882
Social Media :  Youtube :  Moch. Misbakhul Vikry
  Tiktok : Vikry
  Facebook : jr.vikry
Email Address :
Website :

Father’s particulars
Name : Sukisno
Surname :-
Address : Imam Bonjol No.5, Panggungrejo, Pasuruan City
Occupation : Trader
Mother’s particulars
Name : Rohamtun Nikmah
Surname : Nikmah
Address : Imam Bonjol No.5, Panggungrejo, Pasuruan City
Occupation : Housewife

Formal Educational Backgrounds

1.   Kandang Sapi 2 Primary School
2.   Junior High School Statet 1 Pasuruan City
3.   Untung Surapati Senior High School
4.   Yadika University  

Course & Informal Education

1.   Coding Class At Skilvul

Organization Experiences
1.   Student Council At Senior High School
2.   Climbing Organization

1.   Top Ten Coding Competition
2.   Student Competency Contest Participants

 I’m excited to be applying for the computer and network technician. I

got a recommendation for this job from my teacher at the school.
 I just graduated from high school and haven’t work experience. But I
had an internship in the Malang City, namely in internet or Wi-Fi service
for 6 months.
 Because I fit in that position. I have also participated in student
competency competition, and coding competition to create website.
And I made it into to 10 in a coding competition, and got a certificate
that I can consider when applying for a job.
 I graduated from computer and network engineering. So I have a basic
that matches the job you offer. I’ve also won a coding competition.
 My weakness is that I often forget, but I can work around it by taking
notes so that it doesn’t become a problem. I also have a quick nature
when taking to new people, but I quickly adapt to my surroundings.
 I have a hobby of assembling computer components and it fits perfectly
with the job you offer. So I deserve to be in that position.
 I haven’t worked anywhere. But I had an internship in the Malang City,
namely in internet or Wi-Fi service for 6 months. Why only 6 months?
Because that was an agreement by the company.
 My biggest achievement is I have also participated in student
competency competition, and coding competition to create website.
And I made it into to 10 in a coding competition.
 Difficult situations maybe such as many task and projects that must be
completed at the same time. But I find that when I have multiple
projects and deadlines at the same time, I am the most productive. I
take care to prioritize tasks and devise ways for me to proactively
manage my time and energy. I know that I must be diligent with every
activity I have in order to prepare myself for success. I create a weekly
calendar outlining the time it will take to complete each project.
 Alhamdulillah from year to year I have been able to change for the
better, become an active personality than before and I have also
become more productive.
 For years, technology has developed very rapidly, we also do not know
what new technology will emerge. So what is the prospect of this
company in the next 5 year?.

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