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Estonilo, Michelangelo S.

BSN 2 - J
Activity E
Create a teaching plan to be used in a group setting for teenage girls including normal
anatomy and physiology and the process of reproduction from the point of ovulation.
Time Allotted Objectives Content Teaching Evaluation
Process and
30mins - 1hr After the The female *Lecture After the
discussion, the reproductive *PowerPoint discussion, the
teenage girls tract is all Presentation teenage girls
should be able located within *Video are able to:
to: the pelvis. It is Presentation
made up of the 1.Identify the
1.Identify the vulva, the anatomy of
anatomy of vagina, the reproductive
reproductive cervix, the system.
system. uterus, the
fallopian tubes, 2.Understand
2.Understand and the the physiology
the physiology ovaries. These of reproductive
of reproductive organs are system.
system. supported in
the pelvis by 3.Recite the
3. Recite the ligaments. The process of
process of vulva refers to reproduction.
reproduction. the external

The female
culminating in
ovulation and
fertility can be
viewed as a
consisting of
development of
ovaries and
germ cells as
the first act,
onset of
(puberty) as the
second act,
and final act of
, the ovarian
cycle and

Ovulation is the
release of an
egg from one of
a woman's
ovaries. After
the egg is
released, it
travels down
the fallopian
tube, where
fertilization by a
sperm cell may

Activity F
Visit a public health department and assess the approach the nurse uses to teach about
reproductive health care to patients who are requesting birth control measures for the
first time.
The nurse should educate the patients about reproductive health by introducing
that sexual and reproductive health knowledge can create awareness to teenagers and
adolescents on having safe sexual practices. Next is to teach the patient about
contraceptives such to use condoms as it helps prevents STDs and decreases the
chances of having pregnancy. By teaching them about reproductive health, many
people can be aware of the consequences of having unsafe sex practices.

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