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History of the Ancient Churches of the Albigenses (1692),

as an article of commerce, in a state fit for carriage or

Scotichronicon, continued by Walter Bower, edited by T.

or, as is preferable, it may be left in circuit, and a cell

which were the Nootka Sound seizures of 1789. Captain James

banks of the river, and so Della Valle (i. 671).

composition on physics and physiology. The endeavour to

of great personal beauty and the heir to great wealth, which

schools. The rural schools have an annual term of five

only, but are capable of enduring and flourishing under

they presented shortly before her death, which took place

undulating plain having a general incline south-westward

rights of the coloured race. At the outset the Supreme Court

and son, and, as the years bring the bodily changes, those

sale without any special conveyance. But where, as is often

yet, from different points of view, as being himself the genus

transfer from religious to secular ownership. ``Alienation''

would without difficulty become the immutable rule of the

of the contemplative attitude, the wide range of free movement

201--1189 (Rolls Series, 2 vols., London, 1858).

ratio. In a similar way the absorption of light in the

(poor) 460 29 5 10 242 174

by the Hova. Other authorities assign less antiquity

(most of whom are found in the department of Oran), 33,153

ALB (Lat. alba, from albus, white), a liturgical vestment

1821--1826), &c. Ackermann was an enterprising man; he

valid where executed, is generally treated as valid everywhere.

samples of chicory, fourteen were adulterated with corn,

old ``Congo empire,'' of which the kingdom of Loango was an

by the aesthetic presentation, its meaning and expressiveness.

The whole subject is exhaustively treated by Father Joseph

growing on trees and rocks in East Africa, the Congo basin,

cell. The process of ``forming'' thus briefly described

of these subjects, and speedily became one of the most famous

in the higher regions; though absent from the intervening

sprang up everywhere independently, as if more than one ancient

to Jerusalem, being the first English bishop to take this

the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. His

ALLEN, ETHAN (1739--1789), American soldier, was born at

Nor is this all. Beauty refuses to be confined even to these

de Manseriche, 3 m. long, just below the mouth of the Rio

the holders being subject to re-election every five years,

alumina, and the following year he organized the Aluminium

Col du Sellar (Vallouise to the Val Gaudemar), snow. . . . . . . . . . . 10,063

ripen, and it was contended that some compensation should be

the end of each meal (Aristophanes, Equites, 106). He was

Frederikshavn and Skagen to the north, and with Aarhus and

alphabet of cursive writing--a fact which explains its later

in Scotland and Ireland. Though regarded as a native in most

son of John Quincy Adams, and grandson of John Adams, was

The Deacon process, like the Weldon process, effects its object

essentials. As regards the most suitable kinds of food--milk

of holding up the appropriation necessary for its execution,

authoritative official department for guidance and information.

conquest. The word is said to signify ``country by the

Court. But the act of the 3rd of March 1891 (Ch. 517)

was born at Nay in Bern. He studied at Sedan, Saumur and

and favourites were harshly treated by his successor John,

aspect of his character in his ruthless suppression of an

embrace such a variety of arts, that no one can undertake any

the sale of medicines. In Boston there are regulations

and dwellers in houses; and this division is apparently not

Danelius, Beitrag zur Augenheilkunde des Aetius (1889); Zernos,

died. His knowledge of ships and shipbuilding, and his nautical

all Alexandrian temples Strabo tells us that this stood in

1554, to the main entrance of the Alhambra. This is the Puerta

of magic, by means of which men may come to a knowledge of

I. to James VII. From the centre rises a shaft, 12 1/2 ft.

importants du systeme du monde (1754-1756) he perfected the

every other combustible gas, acetylene forms an explosive

but of Arab stock. He studied the Koran and its traditions

passenger as a source of revenue, and accordingly, in 1872,

potassium acetate be electrolysed the products are ethane,

of the best journals printed in the English language will

is evidently of mixed origin. But we cannot find space for this

and though more than a hundred years have passed since Gibbon

Bomone Wa-Kikuyu

British army system.

of a great number of witnesses a report was issued in

not exceeding L. 50 for the sale of injurious food and, for a

1853, p. 468); or by the action of tin and hydrochloric acid

deals in the way of both estimates and expenditure, amounting

celebrated of four brothers, John, Robert, James and William

in that country by asking that a limit of time be fixed for

resort Ladispoli, founded by Prince Odescalchi. See G.

The Creswick fund (Thomas Creswick, R.A.), which provides

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