EDUC 4 Pre Test and Assessment Mary Gleen R. Ybañez

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Don B. Benedicto Road,

Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City 6015



Module for Students

First Quarter (First Semester 2022-2023)

Submitted By:

Mary Gleen R. Ybañez

Prepared By:

Mr. Effer R. Ponce, MAEd.

Course Instructor

Name: Mary Gleen R. Ybañez Course & Year: BEEd 2B Date Submitted: October 3,2022

Class Schedule: TTH ( 9:00AM-10:30AM)

Instructions: Please read the following questions carefully and sincerely. Analyze each statement/question in order
to provide the necessary answers. Answers of these questions will determine your readiness to this new lesson.
Write your answers legibly.

1. What does the word “professional” mean as used in the instance given above? Use the space below for
your answers.

Answer: To me, the term "professional" refers to someone who is dedicated to his or her profession. It is
not always related to one's job or profession. Such a person strictly follows the ethics and legalities of the
work he does.

2. In which institution could you serve best as a future teacher?

Answer: For me I don’t mind what institution I belong as long as I’m happy and contented the things it
would be very okay. I believe that if you become a teacher your goal is to give and teach your students the
best that you can be to give them a lifelong learning so for me institution doesn’t matter for me.

3. Can you describe you primarily role in your chosen profession?

Answer: I will describe my primarily role in my chosen profession is to encourage my students to improve
their skills and a desire to learn I may read about delivering training and facilitating learning, but I actually do
much more. My role is more than just teaching a subject or preparing students for assessments. My primary
responsibility is to motivate my students to make positive changes in their personal, social, and professional
lives to the best of their abilities.

4. What other roles do you think are expected of you?

Answer: Aside from the responsibility of a teaching of educating his/her pupils entrusted to their care is what
teachers are most well-known for. I’ll also play a variety of different functions in the classroom. I will also establish
the tone in their classes, create a welcoming environment, mentor and care for children, serve as role models, and
listen and keep an eye out for warning signals of danger.


Part I

Instructions: By the use of a graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession using the space below.
2. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and continuing
professional development after that, arduous initial professional education?

Answer: This will take several years because they will encounter things they haven't encountered in earlier years.
They will gain knowledge about how to conduct themselves professionally. Additionally, you will continue your
professional development here and learn many new things, enabling you to perform and behave in accordance with
your expectations.

3. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of a profession.

P- Passionate
R- Responsible
O- Opinionated
F- Flexible always
E- Empowered
S- Smart
S- Service-oriented
I- Idealistic
O- Open minded
N- Nurturing

Part II.


1. Based on the elements of a profession given in this lesson, can the taxi driver be considered a
professional?- Analysis

No, because driving is not a college/ university degree.

B. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver.

C. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.

D. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.

2. Which are elements of a profession like teaching?- Analysis

I. Long years of professional education.

II. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA.

III. Continuing Professional Development

IV. Adherence to a Code of Ethics for the professional group



Part III.

Answer the following questions briefly. Writ your answers on the space provided in every item.

1. How will you create an enabling and effective teaching- learning environment in a multi-grade classroom.

I will create an enabling and effective teaching-learning environment in a multi-grade classroom through
knowing my students is the first step in creating an environment that is conducive to learning. Since my
pupils are diverse, I will build a good atmosphere for them once we have a better understanding of my
learners. Since they are special and distinctive, I will devise techniques that are appropriate for them so that
they can participate fully, amicably, and remarkably in my class.

2. How could teachers spend more time on a particular subject or practice work?

Why do teachers spend more time on both? Because teachers too need more and better time for learning and
preparing; they need it just as much as students do. With such limited time, teachers do so many significant tasks.
Each day, they oversee student work, design diversified lessons to meet the requirements of a diverse student body,
teach many subjects or courses, and consult with parents and professionals about how to best serve particular pupils.

3. How can a teacher maintain discipline in a multi-grade classroom?


The teacher must organize his or her class and follow a plan in order to maintain discipline in a multi-grade
classroom. The rules and guidelines for the classroom must be explained to the students in detail by the teacher. For
the benefit of their students, the teacher finds solutions early on. The teacher should get the students involved and
involved in the lesson, and they should always reward the students who perform well in class. They should also
build up and encourage the other students to do well and prepare for the next class.

4. Which teaching aids are specific for a multi-grade teaching?


Any discussion of Multi-grade Teaching must include materials for the implementation of the practice in the
classroom. On the one hand, there is a lack of financial assistance, and on the other, multi-grade teaching is
frequently connected to institutions in remote and challenging settings working with rural and other disadvantaged
people, leading to a shortage of resources given the region's poverty. As a result, multi-grade teachers are forced to
operate in a setting with very little material assistance.

5. How can a teacher be enabled to organize the subject matter in the best possible way?


With this, teachers can present their topic in an informative manner and follow the lesson plan's suggested
discussion flow. This is what we call lesson preparation.

6. How can the teacher understand the gaps in his or her teaching method, and appreciate student needs


There are strategies to connect with the students, comprehend how they feel during your talk, and develop an
activity that will interest the students in order to grasp the gaps and how to improve for the kids' learning.

7. Explain the view of UNESCO Commission on Education: “Education is above all an inner journey.”


As a result, it is clear that education plays a crucial and useful role in helping students develop as people and find
personal fulfillment in life.

8. Do you agree that humanism is the best philosophy to develop the students of the 21st century? Explain.
What other philosophy could possibly address the needs of the 21st century learners?

Yes, humanism teaches students that doing good things for others not only helps them grow as humans but also
shapes them into caring, loving people.

9. Would you say that the four pillars of education are a good formula to ensure complete or total education of
the students? Why?


Yes, since these four pillars of education enable teachers direct the development and growth of their students.

10. How do the following statements relate to the four pillars of education?
a. Learning by doing- John Dewey


The four pillars of education are closely related to learning by doing in my opinion since kids need to engage in
hands on activities in addition to simply listening in class in order to learn and understand how something functions.

b. To understand is to invent- Piaget


If people are to be created in the future who are capable of creation and creativity rather than just repetition, certain
conditions must be met. To understand is to find, or reconstruct by rediscovery.


Instructions: read the following questions/statements carefully. Write the answers on the spaces provided for each

1. What is monasticism? What were its aims?

Answer: Monasticism it is a special form of religious community life.
The ultimate aims of the monastic endeavour is to attain a state of freedom from bondage, where both
bondage and freedom are defined in theological terms.

2. How was feudalism developed in Europe?

Answer: Feudalism, in its various forms, usually emerged as a result of the decentralization of an empire:
especially in the Carolingian Empire in 9th century AD, which lacked the bureaucratic infrastructure
necessary to support cavalry without allocating land to these mounted troops.

3. Why did humanism become a strong movement in education in Europe?

Answer: Humanists sought to create a citizenry able to speak and write with eloquence and clarity, thus
capable of engaging in the civic life of their communities and persuading others to virtuous and prudent
actions. Humanist schools combined Christianity and classical texts to produce a model of education for all
of Europe.

4. What were the aims of Italian humanism?

Answer: It was the aim of the humanists to bring to light the fullest possible knowledge of classical
antiquity. It soon became clear that two basic prerequisites for this enterprise were the recovery of as many
classical writings as possible and the study of Greek.

5. Give a short description of the following:

a. Renaissance - The word Renaissance come from the Latin word “renascere” and refers to an act of being
reborn, or the revival of learning/alphabet. During the Renaissance, many European scholars and artists,
especially in Italy, studied the learning and the art of Ancient Greece and Rome.

b. Feudalism- Feudalism is the general term used to describe the political and military system of Western
Europe during the Middle Ages. At that time there was no strong central government and little security, but
feudalism fulfilled the basic need for justice and protection.

c. Scholasticism- Scholasticism is a method of learning more than a philosophy or a theology, since it
places a strong emphasis on dialectical reasoning to extend knowledge by inference and to resolve
contradictions. Scholastic thought is also known for rigorous conceptual analysis and the careful drawing of

d. Classical antiquity- Classical antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is the
period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 6th century AD centred on the Mediterranean
Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome known as the Greco-
Roman world.

e. Chivalry- The word chivalry comes from the Old French word chevalerie, meaning horse soldiery.

6. What is the significance of P.D. 1006?- PROVIDING FOR THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF


1-20 Questionnaire

1. What is the aims of Education that is it supports the doctrine of the Church by rational argument?

a.Faith of Reason b. Intellectual discipline c. Feudalism d. Scholasticism

2. What is the aims of Education that is it it attempted to give supporting authority to the intellect,

to justify faith by reason and substantiate theology by logic?

a. Feudalism b. Faith of Reason c. Intellectual discipline d. Scholasticism

3. It is the general term used to describe the political and military system of Western Europe during the Middle
a. Feudalism b. Vassal c. Chivalry d. Morality

4. What types of Education stated that the monks engaged themselves in religious contemplation, meditation,
asceticism, and religious reading and writing?

a. Moral and Religious Training b. Manual Training c. Literary Education d. Intellectual discipline

5. What types of Education stated that the religious reading involved copying of manuscript for exchange with
other monasteries, collection of manuscripts in libraries, and writing original manuscripts concerning religion,
historical events, and other matters?

a. Manual Training b. Moral and Religious Training c. Literary Education d. Vassal

6. What types of Education stated that the monks skilled artisans in wood, leather, and metal, and skilled
agriculturists. In the dignity of labor, they taught peasants how to farm well?

a. Manual Training b. Scholasticism c. Literary Education d. Aims of Education

7. What is the word comes from the Greek word “monos”?

a. Poverty b. Happiness c. Angry d. Alone

8. What do you call the special form of religious community life?

a. Monasticism b. Monachism c. Religion d. Historical Foundations

9. According to _________(1996), learning to know means training in the methods or instruments that help
individuals distinguish what is real from what is false or illusory and to have intellectual access to the knowledge of
his age.

a. Aristotle b. Basarab Nicolescu c. Confucius d. Delors

10. According to ________individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature
and are often interested in nurturing, exploring the environment, and learning about other species.

a. Gardner b. Nicholas c. Aristotle d. William

11. What do you call the class that consists of two or more different grade levels in a single grade classroom
manned by one teacher for an entire school year?

a. Single Grade Class b. Single Class c. Multi-grade Class d. Multiple Class

12. It views learners as active agent.

a. Learner-centered approach b. Student Learning approach c. Approach d. Strategy

13. What do you call the approach to teaching to teaching that focuses on the learners and their development
rather than on the transmission of content; it addresses the balance of power in teaching and learning, moves
toward learners actively constructing their own knowledge, and puts the responsibility for learning on the learners?

a. learner-centered approach b. Learner-centered Teaching c. Student-centered learning d.

Approach Centered
14. What type of approach that affirms the rich historical and cultural backgrounds and perspectives of a
cultural group?

a. Contribution Approach b. Ethnic Additive Approach c. Transformation Approach

d. Decision-Making and Social Action Approach

15. What type of approach that integrates dimensions or key concepts of all the other approaches and attaches
the prerequisite that students make choices or decisions and take actions concerning a concept, issue, or problem
being studied?

a. Ethnic Additive Approach b. Contribution Approach c. Decision-Making and Social

Action Approach d. Transformation Approach

16. . What type of approach that the arrangement of curriculum is modified to allow students to examine
concepts, issues, problems, events, and themes from different ethnic and cultural viewpoints?

a. Transformation Approach b. Decision-Making and Social Action Approach c. Ethnic

Additive Approach d. Contribution Approach

17. What type of approach that An education that effectively addresses diversity necessitates curriculum
expansion, inclusion, and empowerment. At this level, educators attach and incorporate multicultural concepts,
contents, themes, and perspectives without necessarily modifying curricular structure?

a. Ethnic Additive Approach b. Transformation Approach c. Approaches d.

Contribution Approach

18. What do you call the dimension that is concerned with the extent to which educators present multiple
perspectives on issues, concepts, and problems to their students?

a. Content Integration b. Knowledge Construction c. Prejudice Reduction d. Equity


19. What do you call the dimension that focuses on the extent to which teachers use methods and approaches
to enhance the academic success of all students from different backgrounds (ethnic, gender, race, etc.)?

a. Knowledge Construction b. Equity Pedagogy c. Empowering School Culture d.

Prejudice Reduction

20. The assimilationist ideology is sometimes called?

a. Melting pot b. Culture c. monocultural perspective d. dominant culture

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