ESL Curriculum For Grade 3

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Functions/Topic Unit 1 Observing courtesy and politeness

General Objectives To use polite expression in dealing with adult To introduce self


Speaking and Pronunciation


Writing/ Spelling

Vocabulary Ordinary and polite expressions Basic information: name, age, birthday, origin, nationality, address etc.

Grammar Focus Modals: can, may Direct Wh questions to formal ones Capitalization: proper and improper nouns

References http://www.eslkidsla http://www.ezschool. com/Grade1ESheets.h tml http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phoneti cs/english/frameset.h tml

Listening to Greeting peers Reading : Writing in formal/inform and adult a) words, cursive: ation phrases and a) capital conversation Introducing self sentences letters with basic using can/may for information: b) greetings special name, age, c) self names birthday, grade introduction b) small level, letters nationality/ori for gin, address ordinary name Producing c) Writing front vowel appropr sounds [i, I, eI, iate E, &, a] in the greeting initial, medial s and final positions

Unit 2 Talking about what you usually do

To share about daily activities To tell time by hour, minute and second; To use preposition of time

Listening to rhyme/ song/ conversation about daily activities

Producing central vowel sounds [3, @, V, A] in the initial, medial and final positions

Reading child care daily schedule.

Reading words with central vowel sounds; Reading sentences using simple prepositions and

Writing: a) daily activitie s b) correct preposit ion c) sentenc es in long and contract ed form

Daily activities Time signals: before, after, am/pm

daily activities, telling time, preposition of time: in/on/at preposition of place: in/on/at/beside/next to simple present tense (positive, negative, question) short and ~acadtech/phonetics/en glish/frameset.html http://www.eslprintable

English Level 3


General Objectives To express ordinary actions


Speaking and Pronunciation

Reading simple present. for example: I go to at 7 am in the morning Reading the correct time by hour, minute and second

Writing/ Spelling d) spell the s-form of the verb


Grammar Focus
long form

References asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=time http://www.detailenglis articles&op=readArticle &id=230&title=Prepositi ons-of-Place-ExercisesWith-Pictures http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=prese nt+simple#thetop http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=actio ns#thetop

Unit 3 Offering help

To use interrogative sentences to offer help To use possessive adjectives to express possession or

Listening to rhyme/ song/ conversation about animal

Giving assistance: Do you need some help?/ Would like to have my assistance? or Would you need some help?

Reading words with back vowel sounds in the initial, medial or final position: own, on, pool, pole, Paul etc. Reading words, phrases and sentences using

Writing expressions of help: Do you like a glass of water? Writing about possessions: My dog is black.

Action verbs pictionary

simple present tense (interrogative Do/Does informal; would + like--formal, possessive adjectives my, our, your, her, his, its, their subject pronouns I, we, you, He/She/It, ~acadtech/phonetics/en glish/frameset.html http://www.eslkidslab .com


English Level 3


General Objectives ownership


Speaking and Pronunciation Talking about personal belongings: This is my bag. It is my bag. He is my brother. Producing back vowel sounds [3, @, V, A] in the initial, medial and final positions

Reading possessive pronouns: my bag, it is my bag, etc. Reading sentences with subject pronouns: You offer me some help. He gives me a pen.

Writing/ Spelling Writing subject pronouns in sentences: You are my teacher.


Grammar Focus

References asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=actio ns#thetop http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=posse ssives#thetop http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=subje ct+verb#thetop

Unit 4 Doing household chores

To express need or necessity using modal have to/has to To identify important tasks at home and in the school

Listening to rhyme/ song/ conversation about chores

Talking about children chores Producing the diphthongs: aImine, aU-hour, oI-toy,

Reading about children chores: I must wake up at 6 in the morning on weekdays Reading sentences about schedule in the school

Writing about clothes children have to wear when : a) working b) going to school c) going to sleep d) etc.

Chores Home and school schedules List of action words

Must + verb have to/has to +verb ~acadtech/phonetics/en glish/frameset.html http://www.choreworks 1.html m/VOCABSHEETS/action s/actions.html m/GRAMMARSHEETS/m

Writing about what children

English Level 3


General Objectives


Speaking and Pronunciation


Writing/ Spelling


Grammar Focus

odals/modals.html?zoo m_highlight=must

Unit 5 Saving endangered animals

To express ability To produce bilabial consonants To identify singular and plural of nouns

Listening to rhyme/ song/ conversation about animals

Talking about favourite animals Producing consonants [p, b, m, w] Contrasting p and b pan-ban pin-bin etc.

must do to maintain good performance in the school and at home: I must study my lesson Reading words with p Writing List of animals sound parrot, panda sentences and their about ability: I habitats Reading words with b can feed sound bear, bird, animals. I can t etc. see dolphin. Can you bathe Reading words with m the tabby? sound mammoth, monkey, salamander, Writing likes etc. and dislikes. For example. I like Reading words with w white shirts. sound whale, walrus, etc. Writing singular and plural of nouns regular Cow-cows Goat-goats irregular Calf-calves Ox-oxen Writing words with f and v

can+ verb (positive, negative, question) live/lives (negative, positive, question) singular and plurals (-s and es forms, irregular forms) mals.htm http://www.cosleyzoo.o rg/PDFs/Homes_Habitat s_Activities.pdf http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=moda ls#thetop http://www.eslprintable asp?nivel=any&age=0&ti po=any&contents=noun s

Unit 6 Taking care of

To identify appropriate

Listening to rhyme/ song/

Talking about clothes and

Reading words with f sound in the initial

Types of clothes and

am/is/are/was/were ns/weather.html

English Level 3

Functions/Topic self

General Objectives clothes for the occasions To produce labio-dental consonants To express past and present actions To identify period of time such as winter, spring, summer and autumn

Listening conversation about weather

Speaking and Pronunciation accessories; favourite season Producing consonants [f and v] Contrasting words with [f and v] fan-van fest-vest etc.

Reading medial or final position: fall, y-front, scarf Reading words with v sound in the initial medial or final position: vest, pullover, glove Reading sentences and short paragraph about seasons, clothes and weather

Writing/ Spelling sound; Writing sentences using words with f and v sound; Wring present and past forms of the verbs: wear-wore, amwas, is-was Writing sentences using simple present: I wear school uniform everyday.

Vocabulary accessories

Grammar Focus


action words: regular and irregular Seasons of the year List of past tense of verbs (regular and irregular) List of words describing the weather: rainy, sunny etc.

http://www.learnenglish .de/vocabulary/clothes. htm http://www.eslkidslab .com

http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phonetic s/english/ ml

Unit 7 Learning from senses

To identify senses of the body To produce lingua-dental

Listening to rhyme/ song/ conversation about sense or parts of the body

Producing consonants [T and D] Contrasting words with [T

Reading words with [T] sound in the initial, medial or final position thumb, thigh, think, throat

Writing sentences using simple past: I wore my new school uniform last week. Writing words with [T and D]

five senses body parts

Adjectives (numerical, descriptive) possessive adjectives (my, your, ns/feelings.html

Writing sentences using

list of numerical,

http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phonetic s/english/

English Level 3


General Objectives consonants


Speaking and Pronunciation and D] sounds theme-them thin-then etc.


Writing/ Spelling numerical adjectives: I m drying my ten fingers. Writing sentences using possessive adjectives: You re washing your feet. Writing sentences using descriptive adjectives: My loving mother is listening to the radio.

possessive, and descriptive adjectives

Grammar Focus his, her, its, our, their) simple present: amis-are; has-have (positive, negative, question)-contracted Present progressive: is-am-are + ing (positive, negative, question) contracted ml


To use senses of body as learning styles

Reading words with [D] sound in the initial, medial or final position they, them, bathe, etc. Reading sentences and paragraph about senses and body parts Reading word descriptions for body part: I have two clean hands. I m cleaning my feet.

http://www.eslprintab car.asp?nivel=any&ag e=0&tipo=any&conten ts=adjectives#thetop http://www.eslprintab car.asp?nivel=any&ag e=0&tipo=any&conten ts=to+be#thetop http://www.eslprintab car.asp?nivel=any&ag e=0&tipo=any&conten ts=present+continuou s#thetop

Unit 8 Preparing healthy foods

To identify Listening to a healthy foods rhyme/ song/ conversation To produce about eating linguaand food alveolar consonants To use demonstrativ e pronouns

Talking about healthy foods Producing consonants [t, d, s, z, l, n, r] Contrasting t and d ten-den tear-dear

Reading words or phrase with indefinite articles: An apple A delicious fish A cheap pear Reading words or phrases with definite pronouns: The apple tree

Writing words with [t] sound in the initial, medial or final position: tuna, strawberry, carrot [d] sound: dairy, radish, salad

Fruits vocabulary Vegetables vocabulary Fast foods vocabulary

Indefinite and definite articles a, an and the No-the article partitive articles: some/any, there is/there are s/Food%20crosswords .pdf http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phonetic s/english/ ml m/grammar/article-in-

English Level 3


General Objectives


Speaking and Pronunciation Contrasting s and z base-gaze Contrasting l and r ball-boar

Reading The sweetest strawberry jam Reading phrases and sentences with some or any: We eat some bananas in the morning. Reading phrase and sentences with expressions: there is/ there are There is one kilo of sugar apple on the table.

Writing/ Spelling [s] sound: salad, pasta, cabbages [z] sound: zucchini, pizza [l] sound: lotus, octopus [n] sound: nut, pumpkin [r] sound: radish, artichoke, ginger Writing phrases, sentences and paragraph using definite and indefinite articles, some and any, and expressions: there is/there are


Grammar Focus

References english.htm http://www.eslprintab car.asp?nivel=any&ag e=0&tipo=any&conten ts=some-any#thetop isare1.html

Unit 9 Comparing

To compare person,

Listening to rhyme about

Talking about two or more

Reading words with alveo-palatal

Writing words with [S] sound

Opposite vocabulary

Comparison of regular adjectives;

English Level 3

Functions/Topic things

General Objectives things or situations using adjectives To produce alveo-palatal consonants

Listening weather or weather forecast

Speaking and Pronunciation things and saying how different they are.

Reading consonants Reading phrases, sentences and paragraph using regular adjectives: more beautiful teacher; my sister is more beautiful than my friend. Reading phrase, sentences and paragraph using irregular adjectives: better than chicken, vegetables are better than chicken

Writing/ Spelling in the initial medial or final position: shell, nourishes, fish; [Z] sound measure, azure, sound [] sound: chicken, lychee, [] sound: ginger, manage Writing words, phrases, sentences and paragraph using comparison of regular and irregular adjectives


Grammar Focus more-most, -er-est; less-lest Comparison of irregular adjectives

References EZSheets/Reading/Decode /sheet50.html
http://www.havefunteaching. com/worksheets/language/ad jective/adjectiveworksheet.pdf

Producing consonants [S, Z, . ] pdfs/adjadv_adjdegrees1.p df http://www.manythings.or g/vocabulary/lists/2/words .php?f=opposites pdfs/adjadv_comparison1. pdf http://www.englishexercis p?nivel=any&age=0&tipo= any&contents=adjectives#t hetop

Unit 10 Talking about my last holiday

To express an action happening at the same with another action in the past To produce velar

Listening to rhymes/conve rsation about holiday

Talking about holiday Producing consonants [k, g, N]

Reading phrases and sentences about leisure activities

Writing words with velar consonants in the initial, medial or final position: kite, tictac, pak; good, bag, singing, dancing

Leisure activities reading, home activities, playing etc.

Past progressive: was-were + ing verb Simple past vs past progressive ns/vacation.html http://www.englishexer ar.asp?nivel=any&age=0 &tipo=any&contents=ho lidays#thetop

http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phonetic s/english/ ml

English Level 3


General Objectives consonants


Speaking and Pronunciation


Writing/ Spelling Writing sentences and short paragraph using past progressive: I was swimming in the beach when my classmates came.


Grammar Focus


http://www.englishexer ar.asp?nivel=any&age=0 &tipo=any&contents=pa st+continuous#thetop

http://www.tolearnen ercise-english2/exercise-english83176.php Technology vocabulary: robotics, time of the machine, computer age, web, internet etc. Simple future (will + verb) (positive, negative, and questions in long and contracted form (I ll, you ll, he ll, she ll, it ll, we ll, they ll) ns/future.html

Unit 11 Talking about future

To express action in simple future To identify parts of objects; To produce glottal consonants

Listening to a rhyme/ song/ conversation about future of the world.

Talking about robotics, machine, space travel Producing consonants [j], [h]

Reading about future technology. For example: People will use robotics Reading words with g and h sounds in the initial, medial and final positions:

Writing words with j and h sounds: yes, yolk, year, house, home etc. Writing parts of computer and gadgets: printer, monitor, cell phone etc. Writing sentences and paragraph using simple future: I will buy cellphone/ I ll buy a new

http://www.uiowa.ed u/~acadtech/phonetic s/english/ ml

English Level 3


General Objectives


Speaking and Pronunciation


Writing/ Spelling cellphone.


Grammar Focus


English Level 3


General Objectives


Speaking and Pronunciation


Writing/ Spelling


Grammar Focus


English Level 3

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