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ASME BPVCY-2021, ARTICLE 7 Table 1-721 Particle Examination Procedure Requirements of a Magnet Hagnetng tecilgue valid tape rts resent isl, lo patie si, wet) Mat of es aa ena Eatrg conn rr hn te hikes demand Ferirmare denesttin wien oqred ramfution part surface tecperahre outside othe tcnperatore range recommenced bythe manufacturer ofthe patties or ae previously lied Equipment ofthe same pe “Temperature (within those spied by manulacturer or as previously qualified) Demagnesiing technique Personnel quliestionrequlemen's ‘Nonessential 7-740 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS T-741_ SURFACE CONDITIONING T-741.1 _Prepara (a) Satisfactory results are usually obtained when the surfaces are in the as-welded, as-rolled, as-cast, of as forged conditions, However, surface preparation by ¢grinding or machining may be necessary where surface i- regularities could mask indications due to discontinuities, (b) Prior to magnetic particle examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least Lin. (25 mm) shall be dry and free ofall dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oi, or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination, (c) Cleaning may be accomplished using detergents, or ganic solvents, descaling solutions, paint removers, vapor degreasing, sand or grit blasting, or ultrasonic cleaning ‘methods. (d) If nonmagnetic coatings are left on the part in the area being examined, it shall be demonstrated that indica- tions can be detected through the existing maximum coat- ing thickness applied. When AC yoke technique is used, ‘the demonstration shall be in accordance with Mandatory Appendix I of this Article. 1-741.2 _Nonmagnetic Surface Contrast Enhance- ment. Nonmagnetic surface contrasts may be applied by the examiner to uncoated surfaces, only in amounts suffi- cient to enhance particle contrast. When nonmagnetic surface contrast enhancement is used, it shall be demon- strated that indications can be detected through the 235 enhancement. Thickness measurement of this nonmag- netic surface contrast enhancement is not required NOTE: Refer to 1-150(2) for guidance forthe demonstration re aquired in T-741.1(@) and 7-741.2. 1-750 TECHNIQUE T-751 TECHNIQUES One or more of the following five magnetization tech: niques shall be used: (a) prod technique (b) longitudinal magnetization technique (6) civcular magnetization technique (d) yoke technique (¢) multidirectional magnetization technique T-752_ PROD TECHNIQUE 7-752. Magnetizing Procedure. For the prod tech- nique, magnetization is accomplished by portable prod type electrical contacts pressed against the surface in the area to be examined, To avoid arcing, a remote control switch, which may be built into the prod handles, shall be provided to permit the current to be applied after the prods have been properly positioned. 7-752.2 Magnetizing Current. Direct or rectified magnetizing current shall be used, The current shall be 100 (minimum) amp/in. (4 amp/mm) to 125 (maximum) amp/in. (5 amp/mm) of prod spacing for sections % in. (19 mm) thick or greater. For sections

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