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Sonnet 138

The key element of a healthy relationship is when you are honest and truthful
but in sonnet 138 in order to keep your relationship is to sacrifice yourself or
hid something that can sever your relationship. Shakespeare's Sonnet 138 is
one of his sonnets about the Dark Lady. Dark both in appearance, and in her
actions, she is once again the subject of the sonnet. The speaker is the lover of
the Dark Lady.

It tells me that love maybe thing to hurt but this poem tells that in order to
protect your relationship you must sacrifice or endure the lie of your lover. It is
unfair to the author’s side but he is trying to save their love. And the speakers
tone of sonnet 138 is upsetting because her lover treat him as an incomplete
man and an ignorant person. The speaker describes the sonnet love and sweet

Sonnet 138 is about her lover lies and she thinks of him as naïve man who
knows nothing. Although she lies the author sacrifice himself in order to save
their relationship.

The author’s attitude towards the subject is unjust because in the poem the
subject treats him as an untutored youth and unlearned and the author just
simply acknowledges her false accuse to him. The author didn’t much do
anything because he is concern about their love.


When my love swears that she is made of When my love swears, she is faithful

I do believe her, though I know she lies, I do believe in her but I know she lies

That she might think me some untutored That she thinks of me as a naïve youth

Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties. Uneducated of all the deceit that exists
in the world.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me Thinking of that I am still young,
Although she knows my days are past
the best, Although she knows that my best are

Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue:

I foolishly credited her false and

On both sides thus is simple truth untruthful thought
So both of use suppressed the untruth.
But wherefore says she not she is
unjust? But why does not she told me that she
is unjust
And wherefore say not I that I am old?

Oh, love’s best habit is in seeming trust, And why I did not say that I am old?

And age in love loves not to have years O, love’s best disguise of the untruth,
And older lovers do not like to have
their age pointed out:
Therefore, I lie with her and she with me,

That’s why I lie to her and she lie to me,

And in our faults by lies, we flattered be.
And the lies we tell each other help us
forget our respective faults

The dark lady and the lover are the subjects of the poem, and the object of the
poem is love and lust. The sonnet is an analogy because they are lovers and
they both lie to each other just to protect their relationship.

The poem is ironic because it has mentioned on it in the first and second lines
that “When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I
know she lies,”.

The poem does really appeal to the reader’s intellect because this has been
seen in other people’s relationships and it is mostly a common thing lovers do.
I can say that this kind of love is toxic because there are full of untruth. And in
order to preserve their love, they must not tell their lies, and if they do expect
that their love will sever.

There are no allusions in sonnet 138 it does not mention any alluded names or
historical events. The list of all verbs is believed, love, have, unlearned, do,
untutored, be, and is all have been determined to be used in this poem.

The poem is upsetting because it has been mentioned that the author is
untutored, unlearned, and thinks young that is what the subject thinks about
the author, especially since the subject is his lover. It is very disappointing to
her and thinks that you are just a child knowing nothing. Sonnet 138 is built
on an abstract poem because it is said the words that are intangible and can
only be known through our intellect. Sonnet 138 follows the rhyme scheme

Sonnet is a fourteen-line poem usually written in iambic pentameter. It has a

personification in Shakespeare personified love in the eleventh line, “Oh,
love's best habit is in seeming trust.” This poem makes giving the message of
what love is and, in every situation, we see in all the relationships and it has
said that this situation is very common but most likely they would quarrel
about the issues and it has given as a purpose to define what love is sometimes
it may be stressful and sometimes it makes us happy or smile but the thing
here is if you want to have healthy relationship you must be faithful.

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