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“Child’s Developmental Milestone Checklist”

Briana Zael’s Child Developmental Milestone Checklist ages 3 months to 3 years:

Motor Skills YES NO

Sits without support 

Sits and reaches for toys without falling 

In simple play imitates others 


Explores and examines an object using both hands and mouth 

Explores and examines an object using both hands and mouth 

Focuses on objects near and far 


Imitates sounds 

Meaningfully uses “mama” or “dada” 

Responds to “no” 


Holds and drinks from a cup 

Ready to try soft-cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and finger foods (banana 
slices, cooked pasta)
Might be ready to start self feeding with utensils 

Explanation: As the checklist shows Briana Zael is a typical developer.

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