CS LabReport 7

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Lab Report | 7

EEE-Control Systems

Lab #07

Design of a PID Controller for Flight/Pitch Control operation of VTOL

Name Muhammad Afzaal

Registration Number FA18-BEE-093

Class FA18-BSEE-E

Instructor’s Name Sir Abubakar Talha Jalil

Lab Report | 7

Lab #07: Design of a PID Controller for Flight/Pitch Control operation of


 To Design a PID Controller on VTOL Flight
 To Tell the effects of a PID controller on System


 VTOL Trainer


 Lab-View

 Steady-state error is the difference between the reference and output signals after the
system response has settled. Thus for a time 𝑡 when the system is in steady-state, the
steady-state error equals: 𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 𝑟𝑠𝑠(𝑡) − 𝑦𝑠𝑠(𝑡)
 Where 𝑟𝑠𝑠 is the value of the steady-state reference and 𝑦𝑠𝑠 is the steady-state value of
the process output.
 The block diagram of a general unity feedback system is given below

 In lab task-1 PD Steady State Analysis first of all calculate the steady state error by using
the formula given in lab manual and by given values. After that by using the VTOL
trainer and Lab-View open the QNET_VTOL_Flight_Control.vi and ensured that the
correct device is chosen then set the values in position set point section and position
control parameters section the Run the VI and examined that the VTOL trainer body is
horizontal. To use the PD control in position control parameters section set the values of
kp ,kd and ki(which is zero for PD). Also increase the values of position set point. And
observed that the VTOL is tracking up and down and generated the square wave.
Lab Report | 7

Captured the VTOL response and measured the steady state error and compare it with the
calculated value of ess.
 In lab task-2 PID steady state analysis first of calculate the steady state error of PID
controller by using the given values and formula and after that by using the VTOL trainer
and Lab-View open the QNET_VTOL_Flight_Control.vi and ensured that the correct
device is chosen then set the values in position set point section and position control
parameters section then Run the VI and examined that the VTOL trainer body is
horizontal. To use the PID control in position control parameters section set the values of
kp ,kd and ki. Also increase the values of position set point. And observed that the VTOL
is tracking up and down and generated the square wave. In position control parameters
increased the value of ki until 4.0A(rad/s). Captured the response of PID and measured
the steady state error and compared it with calculated value.
 In lab task-3 calculated the natural frequency and damping ratio for a peak time of 1sec
and percent overshoot of 20%. By using these values and formulas calculated the values
PID gains kp,ki and kv. After that open the QNET_VTOL_Flight_Control.vi and ensure
that the correct device is chosen. In position set point set values of parameters and in the
position control parameters enter PID gains calculated earlier. Run the VI and examine
that the VTOL trainer is horizontal. After that increased the values of position set point
parameters. Captured the response on the Lab View and measured the values of percent
overshoot and peak time.

After this lab I am able to design the PID controller for Flight control operation of VTOL. Also
learned the theoretical prediction and experimental observation of PD and PID steady state
analysis. Able to theoretically design and experimentally validate the PID controller.
Lab Report | 7

In-Lab Tasks

Task-1: PD Steady State Analysis

a) Theoretical Prediction
Lab Report | 7

b) Experimental Observation
Lab Report | 7

Task-2: PID Steady State Analysis

a) Theoretical Prediction
Lab Report | 7

b) Experimental Observation
Lab Report | 7

Task-3: PID Control Design

a) Theoretical Design
Lab Report | 7
Lab Report | 7

b) Experimental Validation

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