Powerful by Faith Convention 2021 Friday Afternoon

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Powerful by Faith convention 2021 Friday Afternoon

Use creation to Build your Faith

> Nehemiah 9:6, Psalm 147:4,5
>Isaiah 40:26. He knows all the stars (trillions) by name, how much so I. Our dead loved ones
are in the memory of Jehovah. He never forgets anyone of us dead or alive.
Job 14:13-15. I WILL SEE MY GRANDMA.
>Psalms 89:9. Jehovah can control the oceans. Psalms 93:4
>Jeremiah 5:24. Jehovah can control the vast vigorous waters so he can protect us using his
almightiness from the wicked enemies of ours. There will be no need to fear the ocean in the
future, for Jehovah controls it all. He will undo all the problems caused by humans and their
>Psalms 104:5.
* Forests
● Psalms 37:10, 11, 29. Jehovah has created the forest will a very effective rejuvenation
system. He can take care of the earth and preserve it despite the greedy human
activities affecting the forests.
● Revelation 11:13. He will not allow wicked men to destroy the earth. Job 42:2.
*Wind and Water
● Ezekiel 38:14. Hail demonstrates Jehovah’s power and how he defends his people
against the wicked. One hail weighs about 1kg.
● Psalms 147:17, 18. Jehovah is the source of wind, water, and hail. Jehovah uses these
elements in the past to defend Israel against Egypt and the Amorites. He will do the
same for us in the day of Armageddon.
● Job 38:22, 23, 2 Peter 3:5. Jehovah knows how to protect his people from trials and
harm. I DO NOT NEED TO BE AFRAID. Ezekiel 38:23
*Sea Creatures
● Our trials are there to test our faith. I can use creation to strengthen my faith. The blue,
which is the biggest animal ever, no doubt eats more than anything combined. Jehovah
provides for it and he will provide for me. He provides for all.
● Psalms 104:27, 28. They gathered what Jehovah gave them and they are satisfied.
Whatever Jehovah gives me I should take and be satisfied and grateful forever to him.
● Matthew 6:31, 32. Jehovah knows what we need and he will give it to us so we should
not be anxious. If he can feed a 180-ton whale, he can definitely provide for me.
● Hebrews 13:5- Jehovah will never abandon us even during hard times.
*Our bodies
● Isaiah 33:24- Jehovah alone can guarantee relief from sickness.
● Psalms 139:14- Jehovah designed my body in an awesome and awe-inspiring way. Our
bodies are able to repair themselves. Jesus healed the sick and did other amazing stuff
which is just a piece of what will happen in the future. Jehovah will help Christopher, my
brother with epilepsy as well as my mom. Romans 1:20
● I should always take time to meditate on the creation of Jehovah.

Imitate the faithful, not the faithless

*Abel, not Cain

● Jude 20- Build up myself on my most holy faith and pray with holy spirit. Abel livedin an
unfaithful and unspiritual environment.
● Heb 11:4- Abel was faithful to Jehovah despite his environment.
How did abel do it?
● Abel pondered over spiritual matters
● Abel prayed and acted on what we learned.
● He remained steadfast under trials and challenges.
● Unlike Cain, he listened to Jehovah.
*Enoch, not Lammech
When Enoch was threatened by murder, he relied on Jehovah. He walked with Jehovah.
Lamech killed a man in supposed self-defense. We must hate violence just like Enoch. Be
aware of the danger of violence. For example, movies with violence and stuations which might
culminate to violent activity. Matthew 26:52. Even if we are trying to protect our family or
something we cherish, we should do so in a non-violent way. If we display violence, Jehovah’s
holy spirit leaves us immediately. We should display kindness and compassion to all. Hebrews
11:5. We should handle tests of faith in a way that pleases God well. I should look to Jehovah
for security not a weapon.
Imitate Enoch’s action plan for violence by:
● Build faith in Jehovah now.
● Reject violent thoughts (movies or games)
● Reject the idea of having weapons.
*Noah, not his neighbours.
Genesis 6:5. In Noah’s days, people were hard and ungodly. Noah ensured he provided for his
family’s spiritual and physical needs. Noah saved his family by faith. Heb 11:7. Noah made sure
of the most important things. Parents should help their children to hate what Jehovah hates and
love what he loves just like Noah. He also taught by example and he did not allow anything in
his daily life to prevent him from doing Jehovah’s work and doing personal study as well as
congregated events.
*Moses, not Pharaoh
● Exodus 5:
● Moses had a very privileged child at first as the adopted grandson of Pharaoh. He did
not allow his upbringing to prevent him from loving and knowing Jehovah. He was
Heb 11:24, 26- He rejected the selfish wathinking of the Egyptian culture. He was faithful and
view his mission has more important. He had a spiritual vision, and I should ensure that I create
such and work towards it. By faith, Moses left Egypt. We should strengthen those around us.
*Jesus’ disciples, not the Pharisees
Jesus viewed the Pharisees as ‘serpents’. Faith an be tested by what others view us as. Acts
5:29. The disciples view Jehovah as their close friend and they viewed his views as more
important that others’ opinions. We should obey God as ruler rather than men. Matthew 23:33,
6:33. Always make the kingdom the first concern in our lives and we do so putting the preaching
work and

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