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Read the grammar box. Complete the explanations with these words and phrases.

After before don’t usually use is always true

is happening now will happen

A. Present simple
a habit/ routine or something that …………
Something that……at a particular time in the future.

B. Present Continuous
Something that …… or a temporary situation.

C. Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency come………the main verb, but …….the verb be.

D. Verbs we don’t use in continuous forms.

There are some common verbs that we …. In continuous forms. Agree, believe, hate, hear,
know, like, love, need, see, think, understand, want. These verbs are called stative verbs.
Complete the article with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
Most people in Brazil love watching football. It’s the national sport and it’s popular with all ages.
But in most schools, girls……..(not play) football. Many people …….(think) it’s a sport for boys.
Not for girls. But now, in one school, things…….(change). The girls in this school……(want) to
play football and right now they ……….(do) everything they can to make this happen. Every time
the boys………(play) football, the girls………(run) onto the pitch and start playing with them.
Now the boys……..(start) to accept that football is a game for girls too.and they……(agree) with
the girls that everyone should have the right to play. A teacher …….(help) the girls start their own
team. Their training ……(start) next week!
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences
1. I usually play/ ‘m playing tennis on Saturdays.
2. Taekwondo becomes/ is becoming more popular now.
3. Hurry up! It’s 9.30 and the train leaves/ is leaving at six!
4. No. that’s not true! I don’t believe/ ‘m not believing you!
5. Don’t worry. Stella often arrives/ is arriving late.
6. I’m really bad at science – I never do/ ‘m never doing well in tests.
7. James is really good at the guitar and he hardly ever makes/ is hardly ever making mistakes.
8. Our English teacher doesn’t usually give / isn’t usually giving us too much homework.
Complete the conversations with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.
1. A : Wow! Jack is …….(get) really good at tennis!
B : I Know. He ……(practice) every day after school.
2. A : …….(you/have) a guitar lesson every week?
B : Yes I …….(learn) a really nice song at the moment.
3. A : What time ……….(the film/ start) this evening?
B : I …….(not know). 7.30, maybe?
4. A : ………..(you/need) some help with those bags?
B : No, thanks. I …….(think) I can manage on my own.
5. A : Hi, what ……(you/do) ?
B: I……..(try) some new dance moves. …………..(you/like) them?
6. A : Hi………….(you/ enjoy) the party?
B : Yes. Millie’s parties…………..(be/always) fun!
7. A : …………(you/usually/go) to the youth club on Wednesdays?
B : Yes…………..(you/want) to come with me next week?
8. A : ………….(you/always/have) a big breakfast?
B : No. I ………..(not eat/ usually) much and I …………(try) to lose weight at the moment.

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
1. In my free time I ……..(play) hockey as I’m in the school team.
2. I ……..(train) two times a week for my football club.
3. I ……….(dance) every day.
4. At the weekend, I …….(like) to watch televisions series and films.
5. I……..(learn) to play the ukulele and I ……(teach) myself by watching YouTube videos.

Complete the questions with these words/ phrases. You don’t need two of the the words/

do you enjoy do you spend do you travel do you want

happens spends travels

1. What………….doing at the weekend?

2. Who ………..losing at games in your family?
3. What …… if you make a mistake when you’re on stage
4. Who………to school with?
5. Who……. the most time reading in your family.
6. What….to buy in the supermarket.
Read the grammar box. Complete the explanations with these words.

irregular past continuous (x3) past simple (x2)

Past Simple and Past Continuous

A. We use the ……for one completed past action after another. Some verbs are …..and don’t add
B. We use the……actions in progress in the past.
C. We use the……for an action that interrupts another action in progress in the past. For the action
was in progress, we use the…..
D. We can use while instead of when before the …..
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the girl’s story.

Selfie Fail
I was/ were traveling with my parents in the USA last year. My dad bought/was buying a new
phone with an amazing camera in New York because he wanted/ was wanting to record our trip.
He filmed us while we was/were sightseeing-everywhere! While he had/ was having breakfast
one day, I was asking/ asked to see the videos. But all I could see were pictures of his face- he
had the camera in selfie mode the whole time.

Read the story. For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.

Down the drain

A team of firefighters were surprised when they found a teenage girl stuck in a drain. Ella
Birchenouh …………talking to someone pn her smartphone in the street. After her call, she tried
to put in her pocket but missed and it ………down the drain. Ten Ella………… a silly decision.
She took off the drain cover and jumped into the hole to get her phone back. The only problem
was ………she couldn’t get out again………..Ella was sitting photos when they were …….for the
firefighters to arrive.
What Ella’s mum arrived, they both laughed about the situation. Eventually, the firefighters came.
Ella said, ‘when they ………me out. I ran straight home and jumped in the both.

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