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Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. While some students think that
I am just being mean, there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some
irresponsible students make messes with their gum. They may leave it on the
bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on other people’s property. Another
reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When
they are allowed to chew gum, students are more worried about having it, popping
it, chewing it, and snapping it then they are in listening, writing, reading, and
learning. This is why I don’t allow students to chew gum in my class.

It seems like there has been a surge in teen pregnancies these days. Teen
pregnancies make it very difficult for young mothers to pursue their dreams and
meet the demands of an infant. Fortunately, most teen pregnancies can be easily
prevented by using birth control; however, even birth control is not 100% effective.
The most effective way to prevent teen pregnancies is abstinence, which is 100%

Scientists invented telescopes and microscopes to look at things they can't see
with their eyes. A telescope is used to look at distant objects. On the other hand, a
microscope helps people see extremely small things. Telescopes and microscopes
work in a similar way. They use curved pieces of glass to make things look larger
than they are. They allow people to see small details in the faraway or tiny objects
they are viewing.
One of the problems facing the current government is the high rate of school
failure, students take the same grade several times or drop out of school. One of
the causes of this phenomenon is the economic need of the family that forces
young people to work, leaving little or no time for study. Scholarships are a
possible solution to the problem, however their granting cannot be indiscriminate,
nor used as an electoral weapon, but with the purpose of supporting studies and
ensuring that the following generations of young people are better prepared.
Dress clothes change a lot from one region to another and from one season to
another, because regardless of fashion, the climatic situation affects the style of
clothing; for this reason it is necessary to wear linen or light clothing when it is hot
season, the shirts must be light and thin although they are still formal, on the other
hand, in winter the clothing must be thicker and warmer, which gives us more
margin of changes. The colors in general tend to be similar, but in summer light
colors are more easily accepted, both because they reflect the light and because of
the coolness of the print, on the other hand, in cold times the clothes are usually
black or gray, although currently they are accept festive colored clothing of

We put a frying pan or griddle on the fire and toast the slices of bread.
We prepare our sandwich by putting a few slices of sausage in each of the buns,
and we make the shape of the teeth with the slices of cheese.
Once we have made the teeth, we put them in the sandwich. And we start to
decorate it with some slices of cucumber and black olives to make the eyes.

According to its structure we find:
Vertebrates: are animals that have bone and backbone. These are classified as
Mammals: these differ from other animals because they have hair on their bodies
and can breastfeed their young, such as reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish.
Invertebrates: all animals that do not have a backbone, such as mollusks, annelids
and echinoderms.
According to your diet:
Herbivores: eating plants.
Carnivore: that feeds on the consumption of other animals, that is, meat.
Omnivore: they feed on all kinds of food, both of plant and animal origin.

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