Reflection Paper

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Recently I have observed that first year Technical and Vocational Livelihood students are behind with

their communication skills. They are not able to communicate and express themselves or their ideas in a
classroom discussion. Maybe they are affected with the type of learning modality that is recently
implemented due to nationwide pandemic or its because TVL teachers focuses on the output/project
and giving language a less priority.

As we had discussed on our previous reporting that the integration of language communication should
be given attention by TVL teachers and not focus only on the process or output. There are many ways to
integrate language communication and it depends on how the teacher deals with it. One example is
using English and Filipino as a means of instruction, giving written output that is aligned with the project
like for example is creation of a detailed project plan and or oral defense on a certain output.

I conclude that the learning modalities due to nationwide pandemic is one of the contributor on why the
students’ performance degraded compared to the previous observation, it may be in language or in TVL
courses Nevertheless, we acknowledge the efforts of every teacher in their un-ending dedication of
delivering quality education.

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