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College of Sciences and Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Heat Transfer Laboratory

NRC: 2920

Steady State Conduction 2D Simulations


Kevin Morales - 00139489

Juan F. Vásquez - 00139489



For the following practice, it is necessary to analyze the simulation of heat transfer
by conduction that occurs on an aluminum plate in which a temperature differential in
the faces is considered. For this simulation it is done with different types of meshes and
from this, we proceed to analyze the temperatures at different points of the plate and
then compare them and understand the difference between them. Finally, we proceed to
analyze the graph of the temperature depending on the number of meshes granted in the
Fusion 360 software. In the same way we proceed to calculate analytically using the
mathematical software MATLAB and then compare the results obtained with Fusion 360.


General Index.........................................................................................................................3
Figure Index............................................................................................................................4
Table Index.............................................................................................................................5
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................7
1.1 General objective....................................................................................................7
1.2 Specific objectives...................................................................................................7
Theory and Analysis................................................................................................................8
2 SIMULATION.................................................................................................................9
2.1 Simulation 1 - Absolute size of the elements: 2[mm].............................................9
2.2 Simulation 2 - Absolute size of the elements: 1[mm]...........................................11
2.3 Simulation 3 - Absolute size of the elements: 0 . 5[mm].......................................14
2.4 Simulation 4 – Model based size: 9 [% ]................................................................17
2.5 Simulation 5 – Model based size: 6 [% ]................................................................20
2.6 Simulation 6 – Model based size: 3[ % ]................................................................23
3 Results y Discussion....................................................................................................27
3.1 Results...................................................................................................................27
3.2 Discussion..............................................................................................................27
4 Conclusions y recommendations................................................................................29


Figure 1. Two-dimensional conduction in a thin rectangular plate.......................................8

Figure 2. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.......................9
Figure 3. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate........................9
Figure 4. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.............................10
Figure 5. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate...........................10
Figure 6. Resolution details of the simulation 1..................................................................10
Figure 7. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 2[mm].....11
Figure 8. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 2[ mm].................11
Figure 9. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.....................12
Figure 10. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate....................12
Figure 11. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate...........................12
Figure 12. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate........................13
Figure 13. Resolution details of the simulation 2................................................................13
Figure 14. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 1[mm].. .14
Figure 15. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 1[ mm]...............14
Figure 16. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate...................15
Figure 17. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate....................15
Figure 18. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate...........................15
Figure 19. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate........................16
Figure 20. Resolution details of the simulation 3................................................................16
Figure 21. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 0.5 [mm ].
Figure 22. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 0.5 [mm ]............17
Figure 23. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate...................18
Figure 24. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate....................18
Figure 25. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate...........................18
Figure 26. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate........................19
Figure 27. Resolution details of the simulation 4................................................................19
Figure 28. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 9 [% ].20
Figure 29. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 9 [% ].................20
Figure 30. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate...................21
Figure 31. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate....................21
Figure 32. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate...........................21
Figure 33. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate........................22
Figure 34. Resolution details of the simulation 5................................................................22
Figure 35. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 6 [% ].
Figure 36. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 6[%] ..................23
Figure 37. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate...................24
Figure 38. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate....................24
Figure 39. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate...........................24
Figure 40. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate........................25
Figure 41. Resolution details of the simulation 6................................................................25

Figure 42. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 3[% ].26
Figure 43. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 3[% ].................26


Table 1. Analytical and simulation results...........................................................................27



k Thermal conductivity coefficient [W/m2K]
L Longitude of the plate [mm]
T temperature [°C]
W Wide of the plate [mm]
x x-coordinate of the point probe [mm]
y y-coordinate of the point probe [mm]

Greek Letters
θ Temperature function [°C].


The following study is about the heat transfer in an aluminum plate of known
dimensions ¿). The plate is exposed to thermal loads, which in this case are temperature
applied at its extreme faces. The steady state conduction is studied through simulations
made in Fusion 360 with different mesh sizes. The conduction in a body is the way heat
travels along the material and occurs due to a temperature difference. The influences of
the mesh size and the number of nodes and elements is going to be analyzed.

1.1 General objective

Calculate the temperature variation and then analyze and compare the results of
several simulations with different mesh sizes using Fusion 360.

1.2 Specific objectives

- Analyze the values of temperature at different point probes with different mesh
- Calculate the analytical temperature of each point probe using the solution for the
heat diffusion equation.
- Perform simulations with Fusion 360 applying the thermal loads given.
- Compare the analytical and experimental results.


It is known that the conduction within a material in two dimensions can be studied
through the heat diffusion equation (Bergman & Lavine, 2017), which is presented in the
next differential equation:
δ 2 θ δ2 θ
+ =0
δ x2 δ y2
Where is important to introduce the following transformation:
T −T 1
T 2−T 1
To solve the differential equation is important to stablish the boundary conditions
as it follows.
θ ( 0 , y )=0 and θ ( x , 0 )=0
θ ( L , y ) =0 and θ ( x , W ) =0

Figure 1. Two-dimensional conduction in a thin rectangular plate.

After applying all the corresponding mathematical processes, the solution
obtained is:

θ ( x , y )=

(−1 ) n−1
sinh( L )

sinh (
L )
π n=1 n L nπW

The solution is a convergent series where θ is calculated for any x and y

coordinates within a thin rectangular plate (figure 1).


The configuration of the thermal loads, the mesh parameters, the isometric views
of the mesh, and the temperature point probes (including the maximum and minimum)
are going to be explained for each one of the simulations that have been run. Several
simulations were made with a different mean size of the elements of the mesh.

2.1 Simulation 1 - Absolute size of the elements: 2[mm].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 2. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 3. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 4. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 5. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case an absolute size of 2[ mm] was used to define the
mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 6. Resolution details of the simulation 1.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 392 nodes and 171

- Isometric view of the mesh.


The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 7. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 2[mm].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 8. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 2[ mm]

2.2 Simulation 2 - Absolute size of the elements: 1[mm].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 9. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 10. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 11. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 12. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case an absolute size of 1[ mm] was used to define the
mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 13. Resolution details of the simulation 2.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 1843 nodes and 990

- Isometric view of the mesh.

The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 14. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 1[mm].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 15. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 1[mm]

2.3 Simulation 3 - Absolute size of the elements: 0.5 [mm ].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 16. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 17. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 18. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 19. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case an absolute size of 0.5 [mm ] was used to define
the mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 20. Resolution details of the simulation 3.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 9792 nodes and
5849 elements.

- Isometric view of the mesh.

The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 21. Isometric view of the mesh with an absolute size of the elements of 0.5 [mm ].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 22. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 0.5 [mm ]

2.4 Simulation 4 – Model based size: 9 [% ].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 23. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 24. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 25. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 26. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case a model base size of the 9 [ % ] was used to define
the mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 27. Resolution details of the simulation 4.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 2399 nodes and
1334 elements.

- Isometric view of the mesh.

The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 28. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 9 [% ].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 29. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 9 [% ].

2.5 Simulation 5 – Model based size: 6 [% ].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 30. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 31. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 32. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 33. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case a model base size of the 6 [ % ] was used to define
the mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 34. Resolution details of the simulation 5.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 6165 nodes and
3498 elements.

- Isometric view of the mesh.

The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 35. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 6 [% ].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 36. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 6[%] .

2.6 Simulation 6 – Model based size: 3[% ].

- Thermal loads: All the thermal loads were configured to be in the extreme faces
of the aluminum plate as it follows in the following images.

Figure 37. Thermal load of 1 [°C] on the superior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 38. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the inferior face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 39. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the left face of the aluminum plate.

Figure 40. Thermal load of 0 [°C] on the right face of the aluminum plate.
- Mesh parameters: For this case a model base size of the 3 [ % ] was used to define
the mean size of the elements of the mesh.

Figure 41. Resolution details of the simulation 6.

As it can be noticed on the last figure, the mesh had a total of 38183 nodes and
24706 elements.

- Isometric view of the mesh.

The view of the mesh with the mean size of the elements established is showed in
the next figure.

Figure 42. Isometric view of the mesh with a model-based size of the elements of 3[% ].
- Temperature point probes: Finally, the temperature point probes to determine
the temperature in different places of the aluminum plate are showed in the next

Figure 43. Temperature point probes for the simulation with a mesh of 3[% ].


After the whole process of simulation with different mesh sizes, the temperature
in different points of the aluminum plate were determined. In the following sections,
these results are going to be analyzed and discussed in order to determine the variations
that the different mesh sizes provoke in the temperatures obtained. Also, the simulation
results are going to be debated and compared with the theoretical values (calculated) of
the temperatures at the point probes of the aluminum plate. The analytical results for the
point probes were calculated through the solution for the heat diffusion equation using
MATLAB. The code used for this calculation can be found in the annexes section.

3.1 Results
The following table summarizes all the results, both analytical and those of the
simulations, that were obtained.

Analytical Temperature Results [°C]

Poin Results Absolute Size Model Based Size
t 0.5
x [mm] y [mm] T [°C] 2 [mm] 1 [mm] [mm] 9 [%] 6 [%] 3 [%]
1 5 5 0.25 0.2504 0.25 0.25 0.2499 0.25 0.25
2 0.25 9.75 0.4999 0.6894 0.6326 0.5068 0.5535 0.4386 0.5042
3 5 7.5 0.5405 0.5402 0.5405 0.5405 0.5405 0.5405 0.5405
4 5 9.75 0.9496 0.9473 0.9496 0.95 0.9495 0.9497 0.9497
5 1 7.5 0.2163 0.2265 0.2171 0.2162 0.2171 0.2163 0.2163
0.0679 0.0679
6 2.5 2.5 0.068 0.06828 0.06806 0.06796 9 9 0.06798
7 4 3 0.1138 0.1138 0.1136 0.1138 0.1138 0.1138 0.1138
8 8 8 0.4563 0.4573 0.4574 0.4561 0.4564 0.456 0.4563

3.2 Discussion
The mesh size plays an important role when a good approach of the temperature
of a point is required. The finer the mesh the accurate the results are. For example, let’s
consider the variations of the temperature of the point probe in the table 1, having as a
reference the analytical result calculated with MATLAB. The analytical value for the
temperature of the point probe 2 is 0.4999 [ ° C ] . When the absolute size of the mesh is
2[mm], the temperature of point
Table 1. Analytical and simulation results.

probe 2 is 0.6894 [° C ], which differs from its analytical value with a variation of
Δ T 2=0.1895 [° C], which makes a great difference. However, if the temperature of the
point probe 2 obtained with an absolute mesh size of 0.5 [mm ] is considered, the value is
0.5068 [° C], which leaves a variation of Δ T 2=0.0069 [° C] , a much smaller variation. The
same phenomena are replicated using a model-based size for the mesh. The coarser the
mesh the greater the variation of the variation of the temperature of a point probe with
respect to its analytical value.
However, there are points where the values for the temperature that were
obtained with a coarse mesh have a good approximation to its analytical value, because
the points are far enough from the heat sources, which in this case was the superior
extreme face of the aluminum plate, or close enough to the heat sources, as it is
remarkable for the behavior of the temperature of point probe 1, where the temperature
is maintained at 0.25 [ ° C ] at all the cases. At those points, the temperature distribution is
not affected severely, and the point probes are located at mesh elements (tetrahedral
elements) that have a common ubication.
Is important to mention that the material properties also play an important role,
specially the thermal conductivity of the material which in this case for the aluminum was

k =173 [ ]


- The aluminum plate was analyzed through several simulations with Fusion 360 in
which each of one of them had a different mesh size.
- The mesh sizes that were used differ from each other in the parameter of a mean
absolute size of the elements and a model-based size of the elements.
- The temperatures of the point probes for different mesh sizes were obtained.
- The analytical results for the temperatures of each point probe were determined
through the solution of the heat diffusion equation using MATLAB.
- Both, analytical and experimental (simulation) results were compared and
- At the end, a remarkable conclusion is that the size of the mesh directly affects the
results of the simulations. The finer the mesh the accurate the results.
- The material properties play an important role in the analysis of the temperature


Bergman, T. L., & Lavine, A. S. (2017). Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. Los
Angeles: John Wiley & Sons.


MATLAB code for the analytical solutions of the temperatures.

close all;

x = 8;
y = 8;
L = 10;
W = 10;
suma = 0;

for n = 1:60

suma = suma + (((-1)^(n + 1) +



suma = suma*2/pi

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