EAP5-0922GP-2 - SummerhillEssay-NguyenaNamSon-22002711

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Name: Nguyễn Nam Sơn I.D. 22002711

Class: EAP5-0922GP-2

Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full): “Summerhill is an ideal  school”. Do you agree?
Due date: 20/09/2022 Date submitted: 19/09/2022

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Student’s Signature: SƠN Date: 19/09/2022

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Since the beginning of mankind, we have continuously researched new ways of learning to

maximize the potential of students. The Summerhill School is known for their new method that

Nguyễn Nam Sơn EAP5-0922GP-2

breaks away from the standard study method and this topic still received a lot of feedback. From my

point of view, Summerhill is not an ideal school for two reasons: the children are given too much

freedom and the atmosphere in Summerhill is different from the outside world. First, Summerhill

offers students too much freedom, so allowing them to choose their passions and hobbies from an

early age cannot be considered a wise strategy.

As a predictable consequence, children choose to study sports and games and avoid academic

subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, or other core subjects. It could be argued that the

freedom at Summerhill is a creative way for children to become more motivated to learn. However,

these students are unable to fully develop their mindset and somehow lack the necessary

fundamentals and skills and knowledge, resulting in limited career opportunities for the students.

Also, Summerhill is too different from the outside world when this school tries to create a

neverland, when this school prides itself on being the happiest and most pressureless school in the

world, while the outside world is full of strict rules, unfair feelings, cruel and complicated. 

We must find a solution, get used to it and learn to control it instead of avoiding it and doing

what we want. It is true that we must offer our children and students the best conditions, but

pressure creates diamonds. Living in an environment that is too comfortable for too long reduces

determination and resilience, and these students will find it difficult to adjust to real life after


In summary, Summerhill still has some issues making it not ideal for children and parents,

especially if they are looking for a full academic education.

Nguyễn Nam Sơn EAP5-0922GP-2
Nguyễn Nam Sơn EAP5-0922GP-2

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