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Hey guys when someone ask you about Amphibian do you really thing of: This Are both Amphiians? let us find out @@ Are you really excited with my illustration if not let me know,A, A. Previous lesson 1. We talked about phelogenetic tree of chordata 2. And some pisces like bony and cartiligious pisces Ifyou haven't check itand write the answer please consister to, Objectives 1. Chracteristic of class amphibians 2. Order of amphibians and other more Let take this example Toad: let bring some of it features 1. Ithas bulk eyes 2. Two pairs of leg 3. Watery skin and other For observation But let see the biggest characteristics a) Amphibians are cold blooded vertebrates which can live on land and in water. b) Amphibians show four limbs with which they can swim in water and jump or walk on the land, (In apoda limbs are absent.) c) In Amphibians, exoskeleton is absent.Eg. in Apoda, However in some small cycloid scales ate present. d) In Amphibians the adult animals lungs are present. Gills ate absent. But In some adult urodelans the gills are present. e) Amphibians can respire by skin. ) The Amphibians skull is dicondylic. g) Ribs are absent in Amphibians. h) The body divisible into head and trunk Tail is present in, urodela. | ) Digestive system is well developed. A well developed liver Is present j) External ear is absent. Middle and inner ears are present in the middle ear columella auris is present. k) Heart is 3 chambered with 2 auricles and 1 ventricle The blood contains R.B.C. They are nucleated. They contain haemoglobin. |) Blood vascular system contains hepatic and renal portal systems. m) Kidneys are mesonephtic. Urinary bladder is present. It stores urine. Or they are much At+ Let continue and forget about joking around jo0000000000 no 00000 stop learning without joke is like jumping in forest with path, But thing of this Order of amphibian Kingdom Phykim Class Order + fer of amphibian Pamly (Order of amphibiar Genus Species Order of amphibia didvided into three 1. Order apoda (legless amphiians) e.g caccilians 2. Order anura (tailess amphibians) e.g toad and frog 3. Order uredela (tailed amphibian) e.g salamander and newts Example of caecilian in picture Caecilians Examples of toad and frog in picture Hey am mr Frog Hey am mr Toad Example of newt Classification of toad to species Classification Phylum: — Chordata Subphylum :Gnathostomata Superclass: Tetrapoda Class :Amphibia Order: Anura Genus: Rana Species: tigrina Let see the external feature of toad Our recap Characteristic of amphiians . Order of amphibians . Examples of order of amphibians . Classification of toad to species . External feature of toad anene Next class: Repiilians - Characteristic - Order - Example and more

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